Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/294

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S E M Henry Candler, Eoq. SCO BURKE’S Lossseleil Gentry). is. Grorgo, on officer in misc arsrsy, no. let, fills, Borden, of Her ladyship e. her brother in May, 1.835. [The Queen was pleased Ce grant 28 Aug. 1833, tier royal iii. hugh, d. u.js. licence, that Bareness Soinpill arid her h,isl,and, E,l,oard iv. Ralph, ii. s.p. Candler, Esq., should take the name and arnie of SEaIPiLL i. Saner, or. in 1310, to Patrick Urao-ford, Esq, of Dnnmeoy only.] 3Liitritr. The first member of lIsl, family upon corord, ROBERT on SEssriLL, was ehaml,erlarn ef Ilenfroer, lrccjr. ALEXANDER lii.; and franc lime sleorendeit, Tsseaias SneipitL, leorcihitary ,lsrriff ref Bcnfrcw, wire eat lie v. alorion, S parliament, 25 Felt. 1163-4, l’eing designed “monies Simple, vi. lhobecea, j bolh 7. ectnto. Viceceines de Benfrew.” ltc c. Elieabetir, dare, or sister of Lout Sonsepill acted as brigedioi’-gen. at use icaitho of Cnhleden, John, Lord Ross; and falling at Banneebicrirn, on the side of 16 April, 1746, enol c’ormenrasrded else heft eying of line royal arisry. JAMES Iii., II June, 1430, eras a. by his only son, Sia dens Snsrsi.L, who eves elevated to lice peerage of Scotland, lie 1. in lire Nevemh’er feilowing, ann seas o. icy Ins eldest seer, Ity 11cr title of Loon SniariLo. by JAMES IV., in 1433. Ills ,l,cna, 1211e hoed, eohso ci. icr 1733, Janet, only ,haie. and hreis’eso lordship .0. Margaret, dan. ef Sir Robert Coirillo, of flelnltree, of hugh Isurelep, Bsq. of Bielroiatenrs, co. Renfroec, by v’hsonr iso by whose lie bad l,ro sons, WiLLs AM, his heir, acid tiol,riol, hoff issero, ancoslor of lice SesirrLLs of CoiScort. lIe foIl at Floddeo, in i. Sarah, sct. in 1768, 10 Sir Wilhiam FosboE Bert. of Craigicvan, 1313, and eras s. tey isis eldor son, WiLLiAss. 2nd lont, echo c. 1,1, Lady Margaret Slonlgoneory, oldest dan. of Itongie, 1sf Earl of Egbistono, tact Isrol Iwo sorts II. Janet, ii. aged SO, 6 June, 1835. in. Joanna, doe. unit teco driers. lIe sri. fndly, Elieabolli, dart. of Arseol of Arniet I Ills lordship 1. in 1762, and er’ns a. icy his only son, and 3r’hly. Harlan. dao. of Ilogb Slontgonrory, of Ilanelboarl. if ccii, I Sue lord, it. 1 July, 1736, esho cc. in 1787, Macin, duos. ef His loolobip 5. in 1548, acid was s. Icy his airier sees, IloisnsiT, 3rd lord, lenown in history as “the great l.ord Clearlos Sleflhsie, Beg. of Ilognal, ccc. fiotlingliarn, by eohom (echo Soseidil.’’ This nolilessian to. 1st, Babel, duo, of Sir William d. in Sept. 1106) ire lied issue, SnLnesnn, Iris heir Francis, ii. in lIarsulton. of Sanqnlsar, by eohons iso hail moo eons and four Inthe, 2 Jan. 1823; OIAR5A-JAnOET, present baroness; and Sarals, clan,. lie cc. 2ndly, Elinabeth Carlyic, a class, of lire lacose of d. 18 Nov. 1866. ills lordship ii. 23 Jam. 1838, and Mao a by Torehorwold, ant had another sets, siLk three other dane. Ills In scsi, lordship eves o. icy his grandson, RoeraT, 4th lord, son of Boberl, Master of Semphihi, lsy Barbara, in 1139, use tifio ,ierelvcd on Ins sislor, tire present bareness. dare, of Sir Ilohre’f Preston, Rot. of Vnlieyfioid. This nobloman C,’c,,tiou—14I1. A eecs—Arg., a chevron, eheqny, go., sad of ices aerrodiled aoshaso.sdor front King Jasins VI., in I tOe, to the Geld, h,ctsveen tics-ce buglo—lscsi’ns,oa.. garnieleod and shriseged, the cousi of Sioiiis. Ills lorcisisip ‘0. let, Anne, dan. of ihrrgis, of tire sevoercl. .Soiciecoieo—Tero greyhemnbs, aeg., eelles’od, ges. Earl of Eulinlosen, by ech,tne ho isad a ion anti fonr dasis. Ito ‘a. Or nio--—Semnphiili Ihouso, Beofr’eeoshnre; amid Den Rdin, Mid— 2ndiy, I ‘jose doharsrsa ‘to Erieland, a lady of the 1.0w Coositrics, Lolinirnn - and hat another son, Sir daisies Srnepill, of Lelecrlernn , in Ireland, represented i’y Lord Soniisweli. ito eras o. by his eider son, liron, Out lord, who its. let, Arnie, ilaoi, of dames, 1sf Earl of SETON, SIR C5IABLIt&t-HAV, of Aborec,rmm, cc. Lisolithguw, Aberoorn, iy oliosn i,c had a due., Marion, oc. in 1634, to Sir George I’roel, n Purl, of VolloySeid. Mo to. 2odiy, Ehetsi,eth, dau. of Franrie. lieu Pan of Enroll, by whom lie lied four seers clragoon.guarrle; e. his brother as 7th haconot, 21 and 10-0 d,ios., vie.. I’ aaxcis and lionenT, enoroesire barons; July, 1868; ice. 19 May, 829, Carolirmo, deer, of Ai’elni ,,ci,i, of Iiylechoad ; James, cone onlorod a rehgione order Walter-Parry H odgee, Eeq., fornomes’ly receivocgoneral abroad lOlinabetis, o. Ic William, 2nd Lord Slordingeoon ; rinit Joan, sum. William SloucH,, of rilfoddles. Ills lordship ci. in 17 Nov. 1868) has a Rio, 1631, ant was o. by his rideot son, b’nArerie. Gels lor’l ; at soicose itcccaso, without issue, in 1644, RaucE-3IAxeonLL, lv 31 Jan. 1836. the barony dovoiro,t semerse Ins Ps-oilier, TeosreT, TIle bid, wire at ..kmro, dcii. of Janree (iloogins), 1st Lord Sloedinglosen, 3M cone s,f William, lOin Eec-I of Argus, The preseni Sire CHARLes-hAY SnTnN, Burt., is remaehahly by Aseno Inc wife, only child of Lawrence, bib Lord Ohpbtsol, descended, being clircet lneir-mnsale ccf Sir Alexander Seiorr, tot anti had toonsc, RoBrnT. RosIer of Sompisilil, echo it. bcfero his faeher, i’siia. and iltnslly, Co cohosc ancierrt leaeccssy, crealocl before Oct. 7, Freascss, successor lo his faltior. ANNE, who o, her brother in tire hn,-onof Joan, oi. Ic Alexander Sinclair, of i;oslia. itie iorsloinp’J. in 1763, asrcl eras o. by his oisiy srn’viring son, FnAsess, Gels bid. Tins srohhenmaom having oonfcnaort In Icest of a yossngor bramreh, the lasoftel umale prisisogenilesee being tire oslahhsised rlsesrrli, eras tire first of Ike family eoho sal noes in,nontrorerhibly in Sin Ctnrnies-iboy Solon. (Me Swoos in parliaseersmt ofeco the ileforisialion, Ito vi. urissel, rico. or I’svassnnnni.) lbs remnote anrcsior, Sir Alexandor ScIons, of Sir Arrhibald I’riemrose, of Carrington: bat dying erlihont cideet sen of Alexander, let Eaoi of llnmnliy, and InS Lord Gor— issue in 1645, Cue Scarcity devolved ripen his sister-, AsNE. as Banesnso SnasriLL. 11cr irotyship or. Francis fiabie Irasreaclion erehi vonehr’i. S’hce halo Duchess and Countess Abercresses,r, of Fclirnsier, who sorts oreeie,i in consoqncisco, 3 doly, lbs. Loan PLA0,roan 6cr life, and hail issue ft,nr sons aadel again of tho jissrictr leighmrs-enmssninlcd otock ; eohmiie lire Earl and one lao. Lady Serispili oblainod a ncer cisrsrier, decte,t 16 Slay, of Eghimnlon, as heir—reecho of tire amreienrt asiti ihlustn’honss irusese of 1655, soillissg ehe l,aieeiy npon her ladyship’s issue fossoelo in Setose and Wintena, to ee’hrose laonntters bee is enrtitheul, owing to default of nialo (the ol,leef female sierrooding eritboeit divisiscie), their being saved by ts specialty fcoue tiso forfeilsere in 1111, is by lies then or ersy- fsrlnre lieieband ; in dofarsit su-iseroof, dillon rhnief of cii thio 1crecedisrg. airy- peroori sremirsntesl l’e- hooscif anti LoriS I iiaosford jointly. Soc ALnaastnnn SrTom, (eldest eccn of Alexantler Solon, Rash of lies iaciyslsip 5. in ici;ta, rind esas o. icy hoc elslesh sois, i’nasois, 0th 1’ ‘r’t. Tins noi’Icninn ronoteimeed tlsc cafisohic ,bo. This Sir Alexander, being a person of great indnsenee, cots fru;h, in whirls he lied iron cihsieaicd, awl Cook his seas in I ocrila— appointocl heritable aoreoeer-i’orim’ri’, tired ocireire of lime body’ to mont, 11 Slay-, 1703. lie ci. sits ti., aol eons e. by ins 1 coohiror, Jnnsv, I Ciii lord, solso ci. one,,,, in 1716, riced eras o. by hh only King JAssni thu. lie ccc. Elierti’olhs, ciau, of Tl,omnas, Inch Earl of itseviring i,rohlicr, Ils-on, hills lor,i ; a niiihlosy officer. lhs iordohmip icc. Sarah, I. Sims WsLLsAcm SETcee, of ,bi,orer’rn, cc. I.iulithgow, csoaled a ,Iao. and co—lichens (rrith her elslor. Rebecca, evifr of lhricarcl Ba roe ci of .fI’oeo ScsI he in 1664, crisIs rornrainder Co hns heirs Clivo, Fog., fatiner of lire 1st Lord Chive) of Siallsaniol tiasleoil, Bog. of 0I,unoisoofur’. by- ecboimr lee hart issue, i. dons, his sssccceser. 99i.i SET Wardhouset 2nsdiy, t Dee. I Ted, his cousin, Shies Cure, of Seycite; antI ardly, lb dime, 1773, Mrs. Joddr’ell, of Ycardoloy. and Anrclesnamnost eiecl ii. in 1731, leaving one dan., Sarah evho d. in I 191, Outit. ii. doom, si. mitt vi. err. Rhieabohls. it, enacts. iv. Anne. etc - in 3731, lo Adnsm .&ootin, 81.1)., of Edinburgh, enti hiatt, collie eighi leers., onto sers, Rrrgis Annie, joidge at ilses’derars. di’eeenod in 1784, hearing no issoic. I. Iluosm, his soecccs500. arid ii. ice 1799. Thoir grttndson, Sire W’im.s,sAsi koreans, BART,, is heir prcoanepooe to lIne barony of Sonrpilh. SnLgmno, 14th herd, h. 12 Feb. 1788: at evheso doeooso, cities., S E ‘1’ 0 N. b. 14 Nov. 1797, lato oajctain in the 5th fir time cc. of Doe’eot, and by hoc’ (evho d. 3L in cage. Lord (london, lime tsoobancl of hzhnabelli Oordcsr, heiress of Gordon 1437, as con ho initm’ceotod by irgal ovidcni’o rocenehy recovered, ho lees to clainr. Time stllser anti sui,sec1nomai cleric of Gordon anrml 11 mmnilhy, elocaled 00 myrrh hughes inn time peerage, aro Soteses toe in lice true hsre (a snrnsame Ihoy canine to exoiraagc for Gordon), un, evac exelsudoct from the earldosem arid eslates, by an rnsjemsth— Sulhoriand es’ae lihesoise l’y niaic descent a Scion, anti no Idsonthy, hey his 2nd esifc), inshscnilc,h lice hntnchsi ,cf’f,cuoh, S’ilhtcody, Slur, anti n’as 5. by iris sosr, Sio ALEXANDER SrToa, of Toaohs, fm-em wlremo sprasrg, nnalc whatsoever, Sir W’ilBemrm ,., - Chreiselais, doer. of 0. Ttrmocias, of Deities, noerci eerie o. icy isie eldesi son, Il. Sin WALTEr, ant advocate before thee court of Session, and