Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/296

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SET Tools, Pares., and of the SETON5 of Alerrroree, Parts.; Sully, I. WILLIAM, Isle Iseir. Etizahoth, dan. of the Lord Crirhten, leigle—rhanrellor of Scot— cm. Geerge, of S]oeenie, ro, Aberdeen, an. I ci, Anne, dan. ef Sir heed, by cob’ xi lee leret, critic ofher children, George. 2nd Ear; of Iltuetir, who was the anerotoe’ of else Riders of Gonlon, the Sfarqnrso’o of lineelly, anti other rustingreisleed faneilies of the name oft; ‘nIece. It. Vcc.m.ex,rf ‘teem preaontly. e. Ehizalertle, cries ui .Alrxaecelor, Eat] of Root and Lard ef tlee Isirs. The 2nd son, d’ILLeAcc SETON, see. Elinabetle. does, end heiress of William de Sleldrnne, of that ills, erich eclectic lee got lice barony of leteldrnne aced olleor rotates, lie was killed, Ogleticeg nseder lets brolleer, the Earl of ilncelly, at tlee battle of Breelein, in May 1452. Ills only eon, ALExaxnne SLroa, was see’red leeir to his mslleer, Ehizabetle ds Meldrrnee, ice I 458. lie see. a taco of Alexander Sestleerland, of Daunt, ancestor of the I.’ ‘rels Dnltae, and erae fatleer of St’ILmAot SoToes, of Meleir nice, cries was pat in leneseselon of lice estates rteriteg she lifehioso of his fattier. lie eec. liii— nahetic, dose. of Alexander Leslie, of Wanls, receiver-general to King JAMES lv. lIe d. befere his father, and his widow nt John C’shioon, of Aberdeen. Ills son, ALexaxnan SEWN, of Meldruns, eras served heir to his grandfather iii 1512. lie see. 1st, Agnes, dan. of Patrick III. Aloxeeneler, lID., physician to the farces ender tice Recite Gordon, of Methlie aced Haddo, anrostar of the Earls of Aberdeen; and lndly, Janet, dan. and co-heiress of George cv. Jaenec, 8.3.5. Leith, nf Barrels, who, after his decease, Os. the lion. Sir v. Thsseetas, 11.1). Alexaseder Gorden of Siidncar, ancestor ef ths Goanoxa of e. Elizabeth, is. to Sir Alexander Weddee’bnrn, Pars. Aheegeldie, and 2nd sole, by the 3rd marriage, of Alexateder cc. Margaret, m. to Sir John Lander, hart, of Fonntainhall. Seton, 1st Earl of Huntly. Ho evas murdered about the tee. Anne, ss. te Wtlhiamca Dick, Esq. ef Grange. year 1526, by the Slaster of Forbes. TIle eldest son by the 1st snarriago, WILLIAM SeveN, of lleldnam. eel lot, Janet, dan. of James Sir Alexnndor dying in 1718, was s. by his eldest son, Gordon, of Lesmoir, by whone he had, e. Alexander, of Sleldrnen, m, I ci, Eliteheth, don. of Alexander rnnemiseieners appointed to treat about the onion betwesn Irvine, of 11mm; and 2ndty, Jean, dan. of Alexander, England and Ses,tland. Thin gentleman m. Catherine, dan. 6th Lord Abernetlcy ef Sesltoeeee. cc. John, of Lnnepheerd, Ilr,eeneleill, aced llotenie, 51cc 1cm sons and four dames., fee-ncr of which awls were roeefie’need Is Inen by elearter AsenxAxnna, leis leeir. cinder else greal ieal, ice 1570. an’l tlsece of Slonnie, in 1597, W’mLLtAoc, lets smeeeesmesr. lie as.. llarjorv, nate, of Pantoec af Pitceeesldece, antI lead a mccc, Theneas, Sits., vita m. a dan. of Sir Jahn Palersnn, S s.p. W’hllie,ete Octets, of Sloseseir. see. Williacee of Slatlie. He ea. 2n5’y, Margarel, dan. of hines, of Lenehars, by Margaret, cc. to Sir Jaloec h’mmtercsmc, hart. whom he had, c. Geerge, elcaneellor af the ealhedral elenrele of Alcerdern, Meery. C1. .Lie. cc. JAmes, of lienrttr, of evhoes precenihi. Jxaces Snores, ef Banrtie, acquired the lands nf Pitmeddon, Ill, Sen AeoxAmenrn, an officer in the guards; at whose in Aberdeeeeslnre, and cc. 51 srgaret, gnsnddate. of decease, without issue, the title devolved upon his next William Hetland, master of the ncint lee Abardeen, in the brotleer, IV, Sen Wcec,cxac; who S. witbocet issue, and was s. by time of James V., icy whone he had an only sin, Acexnxnrn SEWN, nf Pitecmedeien, wien cc. lieatrix, daic, his brother, of Sir Walter Ogilvy, Eeet. of Dnnlecgan, and sister of V. Sen Anccccaxtn, R.N.; at whoee decease, n’ithontiesue, George, let Lord PanE, by whose lee had, with seven dane., ths title devolved upon (the non of his deceased brethor, a san, JOHN Srroes, of Pitnoedden, who vs. ice 1622, Elizabeth, VI, Sen WILLIAM, whs, sec. Maa’garet, eldest dan. nf the dan. of Sir Samuel Johrests,,,ee, Part. cf Elpbinttene, whirh late James Ligoetwoed, Esq. of ThlInmy, and had iseno, lady afterwards eec. James, Earl of llartfell, ancestor of the c. Chcarles, 1. yenng. Marqnennes of Annccndaln. By her he bad, JAmEs. AnoxAxnEa (Sir, cneeeoser In Isis brotlerr. He woe a devoted royalist, and had the eemenand of a detaebneent at the battle of the bridge of flee, in Jnns, 1625, where he was shot thrsesgh the heart by a cannonball, c. Jans’, cc. Ia Alexacedoe Leslie, Esq. nccrehant sfGlasgew. whon carrying the king’s staeeeiard ice his heend, in roneeqnonre of whirh his descendants have ever since Sir Whlliacn if. in ISIS, and was a. by his grandson, the borne a heart eeitb drops of blood issniteg from it, in the lemesent bae’ecset. centre ref their ‘teat of arnie. TIme oIler son, Jancos SCION, of Pitnoedelen, was a gesllant naval officer, Ceenlien—l 5 Jan. 1684. and died of w,,nnde received in the attark of tlse Dnteh Arac,—Qaarterlym let sod 4tle, or, lhroe erescenis, and in en the Engliols gent at Cisatham, in 1667, and woes, by his lIce centre a nmamc’c Imoart distilling blend, tIme wheels wilicin heather, I. Sen Ac.rxawnr,n SeT0N, of Pitneedden, who having 3rd, arg., a dotni-otlet, sa., erecmned, ge. iseceing ens of a bar ebteined great eneinenee as a lawyer, wan appeinied one of cra’, of 11cc soroced, for MnLearac. the esnalee’s of the College of Justice, and a lord of Jne ci Seetlaced, critIc tlec ncetts ccc an cereal alcome, “Sastenta tieiary in 1677, witle tlse tille ol Lard Pitneeddese, Ito was mangcmccte Cigna.” knighted by King CuAnLea II. in lIEd, an’i created a Scejepsrbees—Dexiet’, a deerlmennd, arg., collared, gn., charged .Earsn,l of Vera Seslia, 15 Jan. 1684, and was elected witic em’eerecm Is, em; sinister, acm otter, en. knight of the shire of Aberdeen, to serve in sevec’al par. Motlono—Ahnvo tIme erect, Scmstenia sangnlne signs.” below lianeente. After the Revolntien, he was offered the station the arcees, “ Slerees tcme rena laherncn.” of lord of Session by King WiLLIAM, but declined the office, Seal—Pitcnedden, Aherdeenelcire. deeneing it inconsistent eviib fhn entice ho harl olreecdy takete ; he retired, therefore, into private life, Sir Alexander ma. Margaret, daic, and heireee of William Lander, Esq., and issue, MIS SET Alexander tiibsen, hart. of Peallamed, ha’ ss’leaecc lee lead a daec., Ilelen, wife of Alexander Leslie, Esq. of Wsrttci]l 2edly, Anne, dan. of John Leslie, EeL ef Tschae’, by ec’ham lee lead, eeitlm ollmer isone, I Williane, who c. Itis falleer 1763, lint 8. esanc. 1 Margaret, evlso a. leer brother, 2 Isabella, in. ts the Rev, Shene Ogilvy, t).D., lineal deseendnect and repe’esentative of tlee Hon. Francis Ogilvy, of Neevgrange, ea. Forfae’, 61h sole ef James 5th Lord Ogilvy, of Airlie, by bit erife Jean, dan. of tlce Lard Forbes. ‘flee elder dan,, Slnegaret Seten, of Sleenie, cc. James Andersen, Esq., Lt..ti., All., of Cobensleaev, ea. Edicehnrgis (wise asonnerd thee scirnanme of Setoce), need lead, collIe olher icmne, a son, Alexander ScIon, ef Siasmie, J. P. and D. L., who in. his consin, Janet Skene, date. of Ihe aboveeeamed Slime Ogilvy, ti.D., and dying is 1850, was s. by Icis son, Alexander Seton, of Slannie, lient.-col, 74c1c Iciglclandere, s,’lcs, teeing in eamncand of the troops on board H. 51. S. bie’lsemctceaslcvhen llcat veesel ,c’ae lost, 26 Feb. 1852, leernhed ice tlee erreek, bat not mcneil, icy leis self-devoted firmness and proemepitccdo, Ice had secured the safe remee’al of all tlce v’onsen and eleildren in Ihe heals. Cal. Setan, ct nnes., seas a. hey his broilcee’, David Scion, EM., now of Sinenme. (See limana’s Loaded GeaR-y.) of Slae’lherotcglc. cv. Isabel. v. Jean. Il. 5cc WILLiAM, SIP. for en. Aberdeen, and ens of the of Sir Themas Beemet, Poet, of Leys, by whona he had five Aaentnarn, dtle tenromset. Cleac’les, cmleece cede W’eLc,eAac, s. as OtIm baronet. Katherine, is. to the slot. SIc. Forbes. Ttamheel. Sir Wilhiatn ci. in 1770, and was a. by his oldest son, Charles Seioeo, Esq.) his nephew, cc. Jacnes, cneejer Ilnnl Istghlaecdere, killed ccc tIme Pecemnsnlsr seam, 1814, leaving by Frances, dan, of Ihe late Caplain George Cseelo, noidcew of Sir Eyre Code, one can and two daas.,vin., 1 WeeLcAce-Coeva, levesent baronet. 1 Fe’enceo-llargaret. 2 Joneses, Willianc, 1. ice iceehia. cc. Anna-islamic. a danhle-Iressicre, finry-ronmclerfiary, go., mr Snoex; 2nd snd Creel—A denei-ntan, in cnilitary habit, leolding tlee banner SEYMOUR, LohD, ace SOMERSET, DUKE OF.