Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/310

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S H B 2 Charles, lient.-eol.foot guards; d. oem. in 1504. 3 William-Henry, capt. dragoons; d. cam. in 1782. 4 George, in holy orders ; is. Anne, dan. of Lord henry Beauclerk; and d. ‘ • Iii. George, Dli., ia. in 1761, Anne, eldest dan. of Jacob, l’isoonnt Folkestone; and if. 19 Nov. 1782, having had, 1 George, cf Temple Gutting, co. Gloucester, 6.20 .slarcli, 1763 ci. 4 Jan. 1789, Charlotte.Elieabeth, dan. and en-heir of the late Rev. Thomas Dnike, 11.1.1., and by tier who if. 29 Nov. 1017) he left at his decease, 7Apr11, 1036, four dane., Nary-Anne, as. 18 hay, 1810, to Sir Francis Lawley, Ilart. of hliddleten Hill, cc. Warwick; who at. in 1831. Charlotte, n. 27 Jnne. 1518, to William SIonnt, Req. of Wasing Place, Decks, late M.P. Isabella. Jane-Elizabeth. 2 Charles, D. U., in holy aar,lers. Beam of Salisbury; 8. iv. JebnCbetwynd, Q.C., attorney-general to ItEM, the 26 Oct. 1760; a. 27 Jnne, 1726, Elizal ,eth, dan. ofl{rnry, 0th Doles of Beanfert; and 4. 28 Feb. 1023, having had issue by her (who 4. 0 May, 1626) five sOtas and six dane., vie., Henry-George, A.31. in holy orders, rector of OutdidTroye. on. llonani.ntb; 8. 28 June, 1798 ; so. 1 Aug. 3839. Mary-Elizabeth, 3rd dan. of the laato Hon. Sir William Paaeonhy, 18CM., and by her (whoa. 14 Sept. 1S18 has isene, Henry-Charles, rapt. 43rd foot, 8. 20 Jnne, 1830; Elleabeth-Goargiana. Charles (Sir), admiral lt.N., Kc.l;., 8. 3 Nov. .1801; v. Georgo.Gnstavns-Chetwynd, in holy orders, MA,, en. 11 tire. 1538, Charlotte-Georgians, widow afLt. -Col. Stapleton, dan. of Slajor-Geai. the lion. Sir Wilitam 25 June, 1842, Emily-Sarah, 2nd dan. of henry Elwea, Poassonhy, K.C.B., aua,l sister a,f William 3rd Lord Pons’’nby (a’ e goal, l’r.onAurs Exvavev iN 1888). and has inane, Charles-William, Itent. 1l.N., 8. 20 May, 1843, aos’amcd, by royal licence, 1a66, the additional surname and arnas of PoNsoNov, s. 11 Jon. 1868, Constance-Louisa, yaoingrot dan. of F.-P.-Delme Ratrhifi’o, Esq ; Francis-Arthur-llouveris, 8. 27 Sept. Vt. Williana-Wldtworth-Chetwynd, in baaly orders, H. A., 1851 ; George-Ponsonhy, 8. 28 April, 1813 ; and four faarnaorly vicar if Onabersley, cc. Worcester, amid rector dane. vie., Grorgy-Melnsina-Siary-Elieabcth; FannyChat-lotte-Emma, of Ga-afton, na’w rector of tlotfield corn Toltoridgo, 8. 17 its. 6 Jutie, 1081, to Capt. Duncan SlcNell Sests grrys, 3rd son of the late (‘apt Alexander Jan. 1014; as. 4 July, 1843, Eleouom-Julia, eldest dau. .lleNeill, f Uslinsoy; Edith and Rose(twins). George. cal. late 43rd regt.. 8. 19 Aug. 1008; no. lot, IMe, Frances, eldest dan. of Lt.-Col. F -Ralph West, 33rd regt., and byhaer (who 1. July 1861), had a sa,n, FitzRoy-Somerset, It. R.A., 8. 3837. Col. Talbot as. 2nd.y. 1863, Aaagelina. widow of Ilenry Daniel, Req. vu. Gilbert-Cbctwynd, P.O., a canon, in holy orders of Edward-Fitellny, banister, 8. 8 March, 1812. Arthur, 8. 18 Aug.1916. Anne. Eheabeth. l”raocee-Ceeil, rn 31 Dec. 1828, to the Hon. Philip Atdxst, and if. his widow, 7 Nov. 1855. Naria-Charlstte, ci. 16 May, 1826, to Henry Every,Eaq. liemat. 1st life guards, eldest son of Sb’ Henry Every, 1860, Emsoa-i ‘harlsite, ‘anly dais, of Edward-Geaaffi’ey, llart. and a. in 1827. Georgian-Eliraheth, ci. 4. Sept. 1828, to the Rev. Angnstns Clayton, son of Sir William Clayton. Catherine. 3 Coed, w. to John-Edmund Chamherlayue, Faq. of Ix. Geraslal-Clictavynd, director-genii-al if the military store 3iangerabnry, en. Gloucester; if. 24 Feb. 1832. 1 Louisa, si. 13 June, 1787, to William Agar, Esq. Lord Talbot if. 34 Feb. 1736—7, and was a. by his eldest eon, Henry, 8. 25 Sept. 1843; Cocil-3lary, m. 23 geb. hold, to Wittiest, 2nd haren, wlae was appointed lord-stcw-nrd of the honseheld and slvsrn of the privy council in 1781, wad advanced to en earldi,mn, as Earn., 10 Slarch, garot-Ceraldine. in the eame 3-ear. his lordship ci. in 1733—4, Mary, only ma. Cecil, as. 19 Jomly, 1833, George, latc Marqnessof Lotbian. din, and heiress of Adam do Cardonnol, Eoa1. of lledhamptnn I’arle, on Southampton, and hiving bitt an only surviving His lordship was eoaaatitutcd Viceroy of Ireland on the dau., Ceemn, who 1736, Geoiaor Thee, Esq. of Newton, retirement of Lord Wbitsvorth, and held that important co. Carmartben, his lordship was created, 17 Oct. 1780, with government until 1821. Mo was also lord-lieutenant of special remainder to that lady and her wale descendants, Staffordshire, and a knIght of the garter. Mc if. 13 Jan. Boron Dyeeesr, of .Dyoes’sa’, cc. t’aa-meimmrltess. lIe if 27 April. 1849, anal was s. by his oldest anrviring son, 3782, when the earl’lom expired, the Barony of Dynevor descended as limited, and the Bareny of Talbot of Henool reverted to his nephew, Jona-Curvwv’,n Tacaov, Esq. a,s 3rd baron. This noble hardship, as Iris nearest kinsman, elainacd to be his sneceesor, mao, 8, in 1750, ci. 7 Slay, 1776, Lady Charlotte Hill, date. being refemred by the Crown to the Honse of Lords, gave of Wills, 1st 3larquess of Downshirc, hy whom (who d. 17 rise to one of the most memorable legal contests on Jan. 1801) he left two sono, ChARLEs, late earl. John, in holy orders; 8. 4 April, 1779; a. 8 Feb.1925. His lordship was advanced to a vi500unty and eat-Mom, declared that Ileccv-JonN Cns:vwvasn, EARL TALOOT, had 3 July, 1784, by the titlee of Vtorssst iiigaofre and EAas. made omit his cl:sim to the Earldoin of Shrewebury, and TALnov. He ml. 39 May, 17;ih, and was a. by his oldest eon, the llouse of Lords having reported accordingly, a writ Cn.tenea-CnoTxv’rren, as 2nal earl and 4th baron ; 8. of summons was issued, atad his lordebip took the oaths 25 April, 1777; m. 28 Aug. 1800, Franees.Tbomasine, oldeet amid his seat, as loan EARL tF ScRowsenRY, 10 Jnne, 1858. dan. of Charles Lambart, Faq. of Beau l’arc, co. hLcatb, by whom (who if. 10 Dec. 1519) he had issue, m. Charles-Thomas, 6’1srsai;l Iog’al-m, 8. 11 July, 1801’ a. 1890. it. hlcNev-J0RN-Cncvwygn 3rd Earl Talhst, and 18th Earl i. Cnaateo-Jons, present earl. of “hrrsvslaury. cii. Arthur Chetn’yu’l, in holy orders, rector of Church asssasard hay royal If cemice, dated 1 Jono, 1668, the sairnanae Eaton and Ingeatre, do. Stafford 8. 12 Nov. 1 tOS’ ma. 1012 SHE let, 37 Jady, 3632, Harriet, dan. of the late Henry-C. Hervcy.Aston, Req. of Aston Hall, and by htr (who if. 6 Feb. 1845) has I Charles-Artbur, rifle brigade, 8. 31 May, 4834; m. and has ioeue a son, 8. 13 March, 1863; a son, 8. 24 July, 191141 sad a daa., 8. 21 Dec. 1067. 2 Hervey-Artlaur, 8. 3 Oct. 3838. 1 Blanche, mis. 10 Aug. 1804, to William-Henry Chetwynd, Esq. of Longden Mall, on. Stafford, and divorced from him on her petilion, 2 May, 18115. 2 Frances Jessy, Ta. 39 Jnne, 1867, to Walter do Winton, Esq. of 3iaosllwcls Castle, Radnorohiae, late capt. lot life-guards. The Hrns. and Rev. Arthur Talbst, sit. 2ndly, 3652, MaryElieabctb, only dan. of John liastea’man, Esq. of Hull, and his lay her a ion, Artbur-Ilonry, 8. Oct. 1805. Prince of Wales, and recorder of Windsor; 8. 31 May, 1.906; ci. 10 Aug. 1933, Caroline-Jane, dan. of Janice- Archibald, let Lord Wharncliffe, and if. 26 Nay, 1832, leaving, I John-Gilbert, 8. 24 Feb. 1930; is. lOJuhy, 1960, llerielSarah, eldest dot, of Lard Lyltolton, and has GeorgeJohn, 8. 19 Jumae, 18611 hlertram, 8. 27 April, 1865; Nary; i’araahia,e-Agore ; and Jloriel-Lney. 2 Edward-Stuart, 8. 19 Feb. 1844. rector of Withington, co Gloucester, 8. 19 March, 1810; ni. Esq. of Colcsbonrno hlomase, en. Gleasceeter, aaad has bad, 1 Geaaa’ge-Caeaning, Ia. 18 March, 1845. 2 (lnstavus.Artlanr, 8. 24 Doe. 1848, I Eanily-Maargarot. iii. 15 Dec. 18r4, to Jobn-liarnsby Lotloy, Esq. of lia-oekhaampton, es. hereford. 2 Caroline-Sarah, if. U Jan. 1858. 3 Enmnaa-Framaees. 4 Adelas-Henriotta, of the Hon. Williana-J. Ca’vontry, amad has, 1 Adathert-Cectl, 8. 3 June, 1845, to whom U.N. Queen Adol9idc stood shaeuser in person. 2 Wtlliana-Janaes, 8. 29 Sept. 1847. 3 Gerald-Francis, 8. 23 Nov. 1848. the church of ttonae, 8. 28 April, 1816. van. Welliugton-Fatriek-3lauvore-Chotwynd, of Oak-log— ton Farm, Sndban-v, and 2, t’rommnvell Raaad, ltenei,mgtsn late eaapt itt the army, said now Itosat. .coloaaol Staflordshire nailitia 8. 11 Dee. 1817; serjuant-at-arma to the liaise of Loads, so appointed in Dec. 18581 as. 11 Oct. 14th Eoa’l if Derby, and has Charcs-Stanley, 8. 31 Jan. 3862 ; a ssn, 8. 1 May, 1868; Cecil-Emma; and EdithConotance-Lanisa. dep.artanemst of the Jioliaoffice, 8. 3 Oct,.1819; ci. in 1840, Margaret, dan. of Lieut. A. Llaekay, Ceylon rifle regt., said has issne, Charles-Alexander, 8.3 Jan 1841 ; Gerald— Edn’ard Nares I’hihlips, F.sq., yoiuagest son of SidneyJames Phillips, Esq. of Llanelly, Carmarthsnshire; Mar— I. graneos-Claarlsttc, tam, to William, Earl of Dartmouth; and if. 4 Oct. 1525, leavingaaane. Hcsaasv-JonN CnnTwvsn, 3n1 Earl and 5th Baron Talbot. On the dcnatse of Bertram, 17th Earl of Sbrowsbury, Ins bait lus claim met with strong oppositi en, and record, n-hich eonsnaenced on the 13th July, i857, and continurd until the 15t June, 1958, when it terminated in his lordshi1a’s favonr. The Committee for Privileges Time earl was 8. 9 Nov. 1803, and is. 8 Nov. 1828, Lady Sarahltlieahrth Beresforal, only anrviving dan. of henry, 2nd lIarqoess ol Waherford, atarI had issue, ii. Walli’r-Creil, ra;if. U.N., late 31.P., t. 27 3lsrch, 1834; and ai-ois of Carecavefl, in lien of these of Tam.soT, in accordance mdlii Ihe Icatnanootary injunction of Sarah, Conn;esa