Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/331

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S 0 M 1850, Virginia, dau. of the late James Pattle, Eeq. of the Bengal civil service, and has had, t. Isabella-Caroline. is. Adeliuc-Maria. iii. Virginia, ci. 5 Jan. 1559. Lincagc. The family of Cock-c wae seated in Kent ee early cc the beginning of EnwAsu l’s reign, and wee af importance in that county until its resssaval into Glencestershire, in the tiese ef HENRY VIII. Tssosro, Cocxa, Leg. of Bishop’s Cleeve, ca. Gloucester, sec. vii,. Richard, 8. in 1740; barrister-at-lao’; d. in Jan. 1821. Elizabeth Holland, a Lancasisire lady, by whosss he had ten sane ix. Rccbrrt, 0. in 1741 ; rf. 0000. in 1765. and thrcc dans., and was .s. at his decease, in 1001, by his 2nd x. Tiusolhy, 8. in 1748; d. in 1717. but eldest surviving son, RsdoAan Cecas, Esg., wlso purchased Ca.stleditch, cc. Item- ii. Elizaboils, d. in 1808. ford, and settled there. He s,s. Judith, deco. and co-heir of John Mr. Cooks d. 24 June, 1771, and o-as a. by his eldest son, Eliot, Esg. of tiso city of London, and had, Tnoasss, his heir. Richard, of tsno;blotoss, co. Gloucester, created a Baronet in Itt I. (See BuexE’s Ertissct Borossctogc.) Mr. Cocks waa c. at his dcceaac by his elder san, Tnnsms Cecas, Ksg. of Castloditch, who m. Anne, dan. of sister of Edward, 1st Lord Eliot, icy srlsom (svho oh 1 Jan. 1771) Ambrose Ellon, Leg. of Lcdl,nrv, co. ttcrcford, by whom he had he lsad issue, Jonse-So,ssoas, isis lsetr; Edward-Charles, drosrned five sans and three daus., and sras s. by Isis eldest son, John Cooks, Leg. of Castleditch at wlsose decease, ssosss., the aid Harriet. Ito os. 2ndly, 20 Stay, 1772, Anne, dau. of lie— property devolved upon the 2nd son. The Rev. Thoossas Cocks, of Castleditch, who ,t. in 1724, leaving 1833), an only dass. and heir, MARY, of whom presently, as wife i. Phihip-Jansos, hioat.-col. grsn.-guards, 8. 2 Dec. 1774; ccc. of her cousin, John Cocks. The fifth son, CuARLE5 Cooas, Ksg., who represented the city of Worcester in 1692, and the borough of hlroitwich in seven parliaments, as. Mary, dau. of John Somers, Rsg. of Clifton-upon-Severn, co. Worcester, and sister aud co-heir of John, lord Sensors, so illustrtauo as Lrau-ldsau-CuAvcELtea cc GREAT REsrAsN, whose houours expired at his lordship’s decease, a. p. in 1717, but sohose repostation is tsnmartal, (see BURKE’s Rxltecc ascot .Porosant Peerage,) Of this marriage there wore two sons and three daus. The youngest dan., Istargaret, Os, Philip Yorke, afterwards lord-elsaueetlor, and created Karl of lIardwicke. It. Reginald, 8. 14 Jan. 1777; us. 21 Dec. 1802, Anne, 2nd Mr. Cocks svas o. by isis oldest son, JANYO Cocxs, Esg. of Bruckmans, co Hertfnrd, M.P. far Reigate, who cs. 1st, in 1718, Lady Elioalsetls Newport, eldest dan. of Richard, Karl of gradford, but by that lady had no issue. He see. 2odly, Anne, youngest dan. of Willians, 4th lard Berkeley ef Stratton, and was o. at Isis decease by his only child, JAssEs Cccxi, Bag. Tiots gentleman was slain at St. Caa, on the French coast, in 1798, and dying usoccs., his extensive estates reverted to his uncle, Joins Cucas, Lag. of Castleditch, wisich he had acgssired by marriage witis his cousin, Story Cocks, dau. of the Rev. Thomat i. Anna-Maria, oc. 4 Dec. 1797, to the Rev, Philip Torke, probendary Cocks. Of tlsis snarriage there score twelve children, viz., i. Cnaasas, his snccessor. is, Thomaa, 0. in 1727; d. in 1779. ssi. John, HA., rector of Stscklcighs, co. Worcester, and proisendory His lordship sI. 30 Jan. 1805, and was a. by his eon, of Bristol. iv. Joseph, coo. Margaret dau. of Jolsn Thomiloe, Esg.; and Place cost Eosbccsr and KARL Soasoas, 17 July, 1821. Rio lord- dying in t779, left tsro dana., vie., 1 lslary, sa. to William Russell, Ksg. 2 Margaret, so. to Joseph Smith, Bag. y. James, 8. in 1734; m. in 1772, Martha, don. of Vice-Admiral D.B., by whom (who d 19 Feb. 1831) he had issue, Watson, and had Issue, 1 James, H.P. for Reigale in 1828. 1 Cattserine, so. in 1800, to Joseph ‘Parke, Esg.; and d. in is. Joueo-Soascsss, 2nd earl. isle. 2 Anne, ccc. in 1802, to hor cousin, tho Hon. Reginald Cocks, so,. James- Somers, 8. 9 Jan. 1790; prebcndary of Fterefard, and ci. in 1810. 3 Elizabeth-Catherine, is,. in Dec. 7810, to Thomas Brad- s. ltargarct-3taria, d. 10 hay, 1849. shaw, Esg. 4 Jano, as. 1st, to t(se Rev. George Waddington; and 2ndly, Cocks, Log., and relict of the Rev. George Waddtngton, srbtch iso 1834, to her cousin, the late Karl Somem: shed. 23 1lady d. 23 Nov. 1858. He rl, in 1841, and was s. by his oon, Nov. 18t8. - vi. Philip, 31.A., rector of Acton; d. 17 Sept. 1797, od5055i vss. TlsamasSomers, 8. in 1777; banker at Chariug Cross; so. colonel of tise Herefordshtro militia; 8. 19 Starch, 1788; no. 4 in 1788, Ann, dau. of Alexander Tisisieiiwayte, Esg., and Feb. 1815, Caroline-Harriet, youngest dau. of Philip, 3rd Earl of had issue, I Thomas-Somers, m. 24 Feb. 1813, Aguetla, 9th dan. of the Cnaas.Es-SoamRs, present peer. Right lion. Reginald Pale-Carow, of Anthony House, in Caroline-Margaret, no. 20 Jane, 11d9, to the Hon. and Rev. Cornwolj, and has issue, Thonsaa-Somers, 8. 5 Fob. 1815; so. 24 May, 1042, Sarah- harriet-Catherine, sos, 22 April, 1810, to Francis-Rietsard Wegg— Louisa, dau. ef Charlos-Griffitha Wynno, Esg. of FentreVoolas, co. Beubigh (soc AvLrsroao), and has, Themas-Sousors-Vosmou. Alfrtd-Henoage. Alicc-Agneta. Reginald-Tlstsiethwayte, 6.6 Oct. 1816; oc. d Sept. 1845 The earl d. SOot. 1852. Henrietta-Pole, dan. ef William Stuart, Esg. of Alden- ham Abbey, Herts, and has issue, Agneta-Jleurietta, Amabel-llargarotla. Stary-Stuart. 1033 S 0 M Ctcacles-Lygnn, It-cal. coldst.-gds., 8. 9 June, 9821. Walter-Carow, 8. 10 Starch, 1824. Ootavtus-Yorke, in tiso army, 8. 15 Fob, 1829. Jc,ntosa-Aune. Charlolte-Agnota. Henrtotta-Slaria. I Catherino, ccc. to Tlsomas Gladoll Vcmon, Ksg., and d. 4 Foh, 1544. 2 llargaret-Sarah, so. in 1802, to Admiral Sir John Nioholl Storris, E.C.B.:° became a widow in 1830; ‘tin Jan. 1842. 3 Maria, ccc. to Adnsi,nl Sir Villiam Hargnocl, K.C.B. 4 Eliaa-Jano, ccc. in 1824, to Thomas Raymond Barker, Esg. s. Siary. CHARLEs Cocas, Las1. of Castlcdttck, lIP. for Rebate, 8. 29 June, 1729, soho woo created a llaronet 19 Sept. 1773, and elevated to the peerage, 17 Stay, 1784, as Lard Sscacm, dl,crsa of Evochccsco, ccc. Woo;’rcotcr, lie cc. 1st, 2 Aug. 1759, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Eliot, Esg. of Fort Eliot, co. Carno’ahl, and ss’hcn at Westnsinstor sclsool, in 1781 ; Itary-Judills, dcceascd ginald Polo-Caress’, Lag. of Stoke, and Isad by her (who d. in 29 Nov. 1012, Proneos, dau. of Artb,ssr Herbert, Esg., and d. 1 April, 1817; he had issue, 1 Charles-Richard-Somers, 8. in 1814; 3I.A., vicar of s3iol— verley, co. Worcester. 2 Phihip-ttoginald, It-cot. R.A., 8. Aug. 1819; so. 14 Bce. 1099, Camilla, only dan. of the late Rev. W. Newton. 3 Arthor-Iterbort, 8. in April, 1819; E.I.C.C.S.; so. II April, 1047, Anne-Mac-han-Jessie, dan. of Lteot.-Col. Jasnes Eck ford, E.1.C.S., GB., and has issue. 4 Jcshn-Jamos-Tlsocuas-Somors, 8. in Aug. 1820; in holy outera; ccc. 18 April, 1898, Ann, dan. of 11ev. J. Simpson. I Fanny, co. 7 Oct. 1817, to Plsilip Allen, Esg. ef Liscou Hill, co. Cork. dau. of his undo, James Cocks, Esg., aad 5. 19 Nov. 1809, Icavisog by tier (who cf. 19 2tarch, 1810) an only child, Henry-Saucers, in holy orders; 8. It Dec. 1803; sic. 1 Jan. 1829, Fsnnces-Stercy, dan. of henry hbromloy, Esg. of Abbertey Lodge, co. Worcester, and baa, hlenry-Bronslcy, 8. 1831; so. 21 July, 1851, Harriett-Eliaalceth, youngest dau. of the late Col. Ptsilip Wodelco,sse ; Jolsn-Sccsners, 8. 1835, d. 1896; James, t. 1839; Eliaabeils-ttarriet, oc. 10 Slay, 1813, to Capt. Idtll-Toosktnaon, hA., a-ho ci. 1839; she 0cc. lndly, 8 April, 18th, John hlago’ell, Esg. of Harlhill, Tipperary; Margaret-Anne, who 0. 9 July, 1860. of Ely, who d. 29 May, 1817. Strs.Yorkod. 27 Judy, 1539. Jouce SoatEas, 2nd baron, 8. 5 Stay, 1780, who was created hi p was lord-lieutenant of Ilerefordotaire, recorder of Gloucester, and high-steward of Hereford. He as. hat, 19 3taroh, 1785, Slargarot, only dan. of the Rev. Treadoray-Bonsell Nash. s. Edesond-Charles, major in the army; 8. in 1786; killed at the assault of Burgoa; and d. scans. 8 Oct. 1812. and canon of lVorcescr; d. 5 July, 1895, The earl coo. 2ndly, 3 June, 1834, his cousin, Jane, dan. of James Jona Soasras, 2nd earl, lord-licntenant ef Ilerefurdshire, and Mardwioks, E.G., and bad issue, Charles-Leslie Courtenay, canon of Windsor, chaplain to the Queen. t’cnaser, Eag. of Belmont, eo. Beroford, late hIP, for that ahire. Isabella-Jemima, d. 8 Slarcb, 1838. Emily-htaria. * Admiral Morris was only child of the brave Captain John Slorris, l1.N., wlsu was killed while in concmand of H. 11. 5, “Bristol,” at the attack on Sullivan’s Island, in dune, 1775.