Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/337

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so u army; 8. 12 Dee. 1773; so. 1st, 20 May, 1799, Catherine, sister of Sir Simen-Haughton Clarke, Bart., by whom (who d. 16 May, 1000) he had issno, 1 William-Simon-lIasighton, a military officer; 8. 7 Dec. 1802; os. 21 July, ISIS, Anne, dau. of Thoa. Bagge, Esq. of Stmdsett Hall, Norfolk (see Baooe, DART.), and by her (who 4. 1060) haa had, William, major 63rd regt., 8. 29 Nov. 1830; os. I Sept. 1864, Gertrode-Mary, dao. of Capt. Woutwerth, RE., and has a dau.; GeorgeDartmoulh, commander RN., 6. 22 May, 1012; os. II Jan. 1866, Caroline - Catherine, eldest dan. of Cinny Macpheraon, Esq. of Cluny Castle, Co. inverness, and baa a eon, 8. 11 Feb. 1860; Ferdinand, capt R A., 8. II June, 1813, os. and hao issue; Philip, capt. 5th regt., 8. 8 March, 1017 ; Frederiek-Keppel, 81st regt., 8. 16 Aug. 1830, 4.1863 ; Edward-Albert. liout. WA., 6.7 Feb. 1840; Annie, and Catherine. 2 George-William-Howe, 8. 17 Dec. 1803; licut., RN., who fell at Navarino, in 1827. 3 Arthnr-William-Daget, cay., 8. 7 Nov. 1865. 4 Charles-William-llenry-Gagc, lient. RN., 8. 7 Jan. 1807; os. 1817, Caroline-Emily, Ird dan. of the late R. S0UTnESK, EARL OF (Sir James Carnogio), Baron Phayre, Esq. of Shrewobnry, and has issue to survive Carnegie, of Kinnaird and Lsuchars, in the peerage youth. Gage-Charles, an officer 6th dragoon guards, of Scotland, and a Baronot of Nova Scotia; b. 16 ov. 8. 18 April, 1845, and Lucy-Harriet. S Frederiek-Thosnas-Wiliiam-Coke, in holy orders, rector 1827 ; 8. his father, as 6th baronet, 30 Jan. 1849, of Great Ringatead, Norfolk; 8. 10 Jan. 18O8;so. and was restored to the peerage, with the original 31 May, 1814, Emilia Lc Strange, eldest don. of the late precedence, by the reversal of the Act of Attainder, Henry Styloman, Eoq. of Snettiaham hail, Norfolk, in 1855; vs. 19 Juno, 1849, Lady Catherine-Hamilton and 0. 20 Feb. 1862, havhsg had issue, Frederiek-Southamptan-Le Strange, capt. 15th foot, 8. Gainsborongh; by her, who d. 9 March, 1855, he 7 July, 1816. Henry-William, H.N., ft. 27 June, 1838. Cecil-Augustus, ft II Jan. 1844. Emily-Katharine-L’Eotrange, sss. 21 June, 1859, to i. Cnaas-Noot, Lord Cas’aegie, 8. 38 March, 1814. Frederick Hogge, Esq. Maria-Louisa, 4.11 March, 1861. Adela. Hen. Fiteroy ,ss. Indly, 4 July, 1811, Lady Elizabeth Fits- The earl no. 2ndly, 29 Nov. 1860, Snsan-CatherinoMary, roy, dan. of Augustus-Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton, and flunmoro, and has issue, 0. 19 Slay, 1837. His widow d. in 1819. viii. Fdwasd, }both deceased. i. Susaunah-Mariah, 58. uosss. ci. Charlotte, so. to Viseosint Dungannon; d. 22 Nov 1828. iii. Emily, as. to William, Lord llagot, and sf. 8 June, 1800. vii. Katharine-Agnes-Dlanehe. iv. Louisa (deceased), sa. to the late James Allen, Esq. of Bromsgrove, Worcootorshire. v. Georgians, sit, to the lion. Major-Gen. Sir William Pensonby, who fell at Waterloo. Her ladyship d. 6 Feb. In the reign of DAvIn II., in 1138,a grasst of the lands and 1815. lie d. in 1787, and waa s. by his eldest son, Goor.oE-FsusniaANn, 2nd baron, t. 7 Aug. 1761; so. 1st, de Manic to Jonas ye DALINI5ArO, who afterwards took the 21 Aug. 1784, Laura, dan. of the Hon. and Eight Rev. nanae of CARNEOJE. The charter runs thsis :—“ Quam Frederick Reppel, Lord Bishop of Exeter, by whom (who qssondasn VT. de Manic fecit et ecneessit Joanni fib et d. 1788) he had an only dan., Georgiana-Slaria, sss. 1814. to heredi quondam Jnannis flu Chriotini, flu Joannis do Ba. J.-T.-F. Stapleton, Esq., sod sl. 8 Aug. 1840. His lordship linhard,” &c. This last-named John waa ho who died o. 1272. as. Sndly, 2 Dec. 1802, Frances-Isabella, 2nd dan. of Lord Of the origin of the Do Balinharda we have no record, all Robert Seymour, by whom (who ci. S Juno, 1838) he had, the early lhnsily charters having perished when the house CuAacos, present peer. Henry (Et. Hon.), 8. 2 Slay, 1807, H.P., P.C.; a,. in 1838, Hannah-Mayer, sister of Baron Eotlssehtld, and sf. 17 Dee. (undated, but, by collateral evidence, drawn out between 1828, having by her (who 4. 2 lice. 186.8), had, ArthurFrederick, 1284 and 1235), in the Arbroath and St. Andrew’s ft. 12 Dec. 1842; sO. 8 Nov. 1818; and CarolineBlanehe-Riscaboth, chartulariea ; of his relationship, however, there to no proof. as. 30 June, 1864, to Sir Coutts Lindsay, Jonas no JiAuNnonn, to whom the grant of the lands of Dart. .Anns-Camline, sic, in Oct 1838 to the Rev. Humphry Carnegie was nsado, and who afterwards took the name of Allen, SI. A., incumbent of Trin. Chapel, Clifton, and d. Csnaonss, was great-grandson of Jona oe DALINnaRn, who 3 Aug. 1857. Laura-Isabella, deceased. Lord Southampton was a ltesst.-gon. in the army, and eol. of Albany, governor of Scotland, a chaster, dated 21 Feb. of the 34th foot. Ho d. 14 June, 1810. Noel, 2nd dan. of Charles-Noel, lot Earl of has, s.Arabolla-Charlotte. is. Constance-Mary. in. Beatrice-Cecilia-Diana. eldest dan. of Alexandor-Edward, 6th Earl of ii. Lancelot-Douglas, fs. 26 Deo. 1861. iv, Dora-Susan. V. Elizabeth-Erica. vi. Helena-Msnota. Itiizcagc. barony of Carnegie, in Forfarshiro, was made hy Walterns of Kinssaird was bssrnt, in 1413. Goeravans nr DAs.innoon witnesses several charters, ko. died e. 1175. lie sL in 1376, and was s. hy hia son, D5’rnACUSDE CARNEGIE, who acquired from Robert, Duke 1469, confirming “Dnthaoo do Carnegy, omnes et singulas terras vilise do Kynnard, so sssperioritatem hraainas ejusdem, on the aignation of Donuts do Kynnard.” Duthaens do Carnegis fell at the battle of Hsrlaw, in 1411, leaving an infant son, Acme—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Francs and England; 2nd, WaLrois no CARNeGie, of Kinnaird, who took part Scotland; 3rd, Ireland; overall, a sinister baton, compony, against the Earl of Crawford, at the battle of Drechin, Croal—On a chapeass, g-’.s., turned ssp, ems., alien, statstsstgnardant, 18 May, 1112, whets his adlasrenta were defeated by the or, crowsssd with ss dnoal coronet, an., assd gorged royal troops under the oonsmand of the Earl of Huntly and Walter do Carnegie’s house of Kinnaird was burnt by Fssppsrlerc—Pexter, a lion, guardant, or, crowned with a Crawford in retaliation. Walter Carnegie, of Carnegie, ducal coronet, as., and gorged with a collar, cossnter-compony, and John, his son, ore mentioned in a perautbsslction of srm., and of the 2nd; sinister, a greyhsnnd, org., the muir of Dalnssmoon, 37 July, 1416. He sf. in 1479, leaving a son, JonN na CARNEGIE, of Kinnaird, who, 4 Nov. 1480, bad a Seol—Whittlebury Lodge, near Towoester, Northasoptonshire. grant from his cousin, David, Earl of Crawford, of a life- rent osst of the lands of Glenenk ; and dying in 1588, loft a son, by his wife, a lady of the name of Vans, Jonas no CARNEOIE, of Kiunaird, who fell at Iho batt’e of Flodden, 8 Sept. 1513, leaving by his wife, Euphamo Straohan, a dan. Janet, as. to William ManIc, of Boath, and a son, Sm ROBERT Caassooit, of Kissnaird, who had various 5 0 U S 0 U T H E S K. C’reafies—17 Oct. 1780. arg. and ac. ; a crescent for difference. with a collar, onunter-compony, arg., and of the 4th. gorged as the dexter. JJsIls—Et deous st pretfnm recti. 1039