Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/34

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li A L with the fallen monarch, as Alfgar, Earl of Marcia, whose The alder son, dan., Githa, or Edith, was the wire of harold, had married William Mallet’s sister or aunt. In 1069 he was g aerusr having filled sevemi high official and diplomatic employ. of York, when taken by the Danos; and his own life, and ments under the East India Compassy, was created a Marod thees of his family, were spared at the intercession of the eldest dan. of James Wales, Esq. by whom be had, earls Edwin and Meroar, his near relations, who were in the Danish camp. Roecav, Lawn illALLs.a-, his eldeot son, snecesded, and inherited vast possessions, amounting to 2s3 lordshsps. His birenial residence appears to have been at Eye, in Sulfelk. whore he founded a monastery, lIe was jt,,jofer, or high-steward to IleostY I., hut on his taking the part of Robert Coorthose, hio cotaes were oon:iscated, and given to Stephen, Earl of thois lie retired to Normandy, and from him descend the lIKens of Craeillc, and other branches in France, one of whets, taken prisoner at Crecy, was deemed of sufficient rack to sit at the same table with his captive sovereign, whco waited upon by the Black i’rince. The family of Be Gravilie are repeatedly mentioned by the French historiasa. from ancient dales down to modern times, and exists to this day in its last male represeutatire, the present Marquess Slalet de Graville, residing near Caste. There is also an ancient branch in Jersey (which derives its descent from Robert llolet, scigneor dela Mallelibre, in the parish of tlrouville, in that islani, which formed a portion of the duchyef Normandy,) living in 1120, whose ancestors svsrs settled there front time tatter part of the reign of the Conqueror, and is so still represented by the family of the late Rev. John Mallst, rector of Grouvillo, which baa reverted to the earlier a,’rnasos of IbId. Robert lord Mslet’s brothers temporarily assumed the name of Ftvonea’v, after his and their attainder, but we find the third in order of descent having resumed the name, sod as Wmets.eam Loon ittetev, of Can-p nod Shptsa Maid, He ci. in 1815. signing Stagna Chas-ta with tha ether barons confederated against Jono. From this period the names of several uotabls members tiger’s bead, erm. Jfefto—Ma force d’en bant. Seat—Wit- of the family occur in our old ltistorians; many of thom bury House, Wilts. were Crusaders, two of whose moniunents still exiot in the church of Shepton Mallet and ons was a knight of the Garter shortly after the instittition of the order. The elder branches, however, twice rams to an end by heh-sssss: William, Lord Ylalet, who signed Migus Charta, left by his wife, a dots, of Thosnas, Lord Basset, co heiresses, et. ts Robert IlucegrOs, and tlugh de Vivonia; and at a later period, the heiress of l’l,ssiore (mentioned by Be Grammont so ‘‘La triste biritiere,” hut of whose stes-liog character a better notion is formed from the pages of Burnett), m. the well-knoo’n Earl of Iloehester. From these heiresses descend the families of PEYTON, ViviAN, Va.cnesa.o, Gnsvss,es, &e. Sic TisoasAs MoLd, Rut, ef St. Audrios, ro. Somerset, and Peintiugtou. Dorset, was great-grandson of Sir Baldwin, who had been aalioilor-general to HENsY VIII. Sir Thomas was omie of the jndges of tbe King’s Bsnrh, in the 11th year of CHARLEs L, and memetien is made in CLoasNuome’s Illslsry s/Ike Ilufitlilso, of his steadfast loyalty, and the aniferiags l,Tiocossut F’itz-llarris, of Horssn Court, en. Southamsepton, in which it involved hits, lie was arrested and isoprisoned by the parliamentary party, his property soquostrated, Wilto, P.C., Ccli., lbC.L.; 8. 55 Harris, 1807; a. his and sue of his sons slain in the battle of Roundway fathor, as 3rd earl 10 Sept. 1841; to. [3 April, 1830, Down. At the restoration he ressnned his office, and was Emma, omiiy dams, of Chas-loo-Amsgumstus, 5th Earl of one of the judges who tried the regioides. Like many other Tonkertillo. His lordship held the office of Socretory loyalists, his services wss’e inadequately rewarded by a pension of £1001 per annum and a patent of Baronetage (the fiat bears dots 1002); btst dyiug before the warraut lice. 7882, and was re-appointed in Mas’rh, 1858, had passed the great seat, the patent became void. DALnwtN llorrv, great-grandson of Sir Thomas, was amid resigmsori isa April, 1819 ; nmsel ivas appoin ted ssissd of St An-dries, os. Somerset; he so. Florentia, don. Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal in 1866 ; he agtein of Sir William Wyiidbant, ancestor of Ike Earls of Egrescent. retired in 1868, He was receiver-general for the Co. of Semerset; and one of his collectors, named Veal, having absconded with a large sum of money to America. the only remaining secretary amid comptroller to Qneen Cnantorrt, consort of patrimonial estate ef the fasuily was sold under a government Ocosna hIT., by Elizabeth, don, of John Clarke, Rsq. of extent. Its had issno, Tmest Rcv. ALEx.saooa lIot,su, rector of Comb Flory, in Soadford, en. Semerset, SIP., aod heiress cf her brother), Somersetsbire. ‘fMaiden Newton, in Liorsetohire, a jireh’ndary having hocn employed as a diplsmatist of the first rank, was of Gloucester and Wells. 0. in 57c14 so. Anne, dan. invested with the order of tbe Batb in 1779; and created a of the Rev. Laurence St. Lo, rector of Putham, of an ancient leer of the realm, II Sepi. 1780, by the title of .Barsss family of the cc. of Dorset, astd bad issue, CHARLes, his heir Alexander, 0. in 1750 ma. in 1710, Alice, don, of Nathaniel Mary, ysangest doss, of Sir Grorge Amyand, Dart., and Lucas, Eaq. of Bridgetewn; and d. s. p. Margaret, d. soat. Catherine, to. to William Dansey, Esq. of Ertnsep Court, Csoaae.o’rrc, was eldeot 0011 sf James tiarris, Esq. sf The hierefordahire. Eliraboth, 01. to Tbsmas Charter, Esq. o Bishep t,ideard. Chess, Sahiohum-y, by Ellzabeth his wife, sister of Anthony, Anne, d. esos. 7 May, 1010. 716 ill A L I. Cn.ees,cs-Woene MACEr, Esq., F.R.S. and F.S.A., It Feb. lilt. Sir Charles os. 17 Sept. 1799, Susanna, 5. Am.rxorensn, preoent baronet. is. CbarIes-St. Lo, retired llent.-col., ma. It Feb. 1117, his cousin. Jans-St. Lo, only child of ths lats J. Clarke, Esq. of tiurbage, Leieestem’shire, and heiress of use family of St. Lo; and has issue, three eons and fonr dana. its. Willlam-Wyndham, tote in the B. 1. Co.’s service, now in holy srdei-s, vicar of Ardeley, tlumsttssgford, Iterts so. 0 March, 1037, Eliea-Drokc, dan. of E.-J. Esdaile, Esq. of Ce;holslone Mousse, Somerset, and by her (who ci. 21 Jan. 1102) has had four sons. iv. Ceorgo-Gronvills, lient.-ool. commanding 3rd light cay. H.E.I.C.S., 01. 31 March, 1151, blary-Flsming, dan. of Csl. John faylor, and bit issus, .tlbar,-Artbur-Granville, Ii. 21 Feb. 1110; Agnee-Sosostna ; Morgaret-.lselia; and lilioabotb-.leaeie. Col. Malet was killed in acion at Bnshirs, I hleo. 1010. y. ,Orth,mr, late meembor of council Bombay, m. let, t Sept. lIdS, SlarySopbia. lrddau. eflirJ.-P. Willoughby. Dart., by wbem (who 5. in 10011 lie has ens son and one dan. hIs so. tndly, Dcc. 1014, Annie-Louisa, dan. of tI. Thompson, Esq., E.1.C.C.S. vi. liugb-Poyntz. K. I, Co.’s civil service, vs. Rosa, dan. of Charles Incas, Esq vms. Octavius-Warre, E. I. Co.’s civil seraice, m. Alice, dan. of Tissisos IIawkse. Esq. of Ilonloy House, Stattorsiehirs, for snotty Yeats M.P. is,r lladlloy, and has l’raneis-lllundellWoors, 0. 24 March, tOil ; John-Was-re, 1. 6 May, 1050 tlcrbrrt-Warro, I. 8 April, 1250 ; llabel-lVarrs; and EthelWarre. viii. Alfred-Augustus, so. Ellen, dan. of Herr yen Papem, of a i’roosian family, and has issue a son. Creabteo—32 Feb. 1791. Arsoe—Aa., tbres oseallops, two and on,’, or. Crsst—Ont of a ducal coronet, or, an heraldic M AL M E S B U BY. 1IALBE0HU stY, E.tsts OF (Sir James-Howard Harris), and Baron Malroeshum’y, of Malmesbmmry, so. of Stats for Foreign Afihira front Marrh to IL mncaflr. JAMEs Horswme, Esq. (eldest eon of James Has’s-is, Esq.,5 Maimcstot’uj, sf Mrslo,eelaury, cs. bViifa. His lordebip was advanced, Il) Dec. 1060, to the dignities of Pisreast PitaJIm-s-is and EARL 05’ Sleessrsnrov, Mesa. in 1777, Harriet- * Janiss Harris. secretary and comptroller to Queen 3rd Earl of Sbaftesbnry, the celebrated author sf tbe Chararleriafirs.