Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/342

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STA JERNEGAN, or JERNINOHAN, who was settled at HorhamJernegan, III. Sic FEeNoio, who xi. Anne, dan. of Sir George co Sufihik, in the reigns of King STEPHEN and Bloont, Bart. of Sedhigteo, cc. Worcenter, hy whom he King lEmony 11., and dying 1152, wase. by his son, Sin Hoeeav FJTZJERNEO.sN, Knt. of Horbam-Jernegon, eldest s,n, who 4. in 1203, and seas a. by his eon, Sic Hunony JeaNcoax, Knt., who bad been involved in }iedingfeld hot dying o. p. 14 Jose, 1737, n-ass, by his brother, the insurrection of the barons against King JOHN, lint ‘as V. Six Gcoxoe, b. in 1680. This gentleumsasi. in 1333, Jlary, the accession of Ifnaay III., in 1216, he submitted, and eldest dun, and eventual heiress of F’raneis Plowdeu, Esg., by obtained his pardon. lie was s. by isis eldest surviving son, Jlary, dat,. of lice Hon. John Stafford-llowaod, younger son of Sia WILLIA5i JeansoaN, who was s. by his brother, Sin lEmon JenaqenaN. This gentleman lsving, in 1243, sisler acid heiress of Julia-Pinch Shuoff,ied-iIoward, 4th arid last made an exchange with, his n,othrr. transferred to that Earl of Slafforil, who 4. In 1702, n-lien the earldem created in lady the iuooonage of liorham .iernegan. and ren,oved the 1000 esipireul), by avhum he had surviving issue, residence of his own family to Stonham-Jemegan. lie was Wmoniasi, his successor. s. by his son, Sin WAITeR JenaroaN. of St,o,bnm Jemegon, who si. Charles, a eeneral smfleer in Ihe Feenehm service, and knight of Isabella, dsu. of Sir Peter I’itnevhert, of Sosne’-le Town, in Suffolk, and sister and co-heiress of her brother, Sir Roger Sir George ‘1.21 Jan. 1774, and sac s by his eldest surviving son, (who wss summoned, with about sixty other persons, tth VI. Sia WILLIAM, t. 7 March, 1736; io. hm l7f7, Ihe Hoo Juno, 1294 (.‘J Enwans 1.), to otlend the king, wherever Franret lotion, eldest dan. of henry, 11th Viscount Dillon, amid he might be, to advise on the ,stlhirs iii the realm ; but it left by that lady (n-ho ,b. in 1525), at his decease, 14 Ang. 1009, is doubtful whether that summons can he (loomed 0 regnlar I. lieueue-wittcaof, his successor, and late Boron Stafford, sent of summons to parlioniout c’institnting a hareny This lady was tIme svidow of Sir Henry de Walpole, of Walpois and Iloughton. eo. Norfolk. Sir Walter 4. about Die 3let year of Eswaos I., and sm-as a. by his son, Sims PETEIm JseNenaN, of Soioerley Tosvn, who, at the decease of his mother, succeeded as eu-heir to her portion of the extensive pooseesiens of the F’itesshert fannly. yr,,m this Sir Peter oe nass ,,ver a long lh,e of gallant and distinguished personages to his descendant, Sin ]ls;auv Jxcxmxonaai, of llnutingfiei,l and Wingfield, in Sutt,,lk, and of Cosicosey, in Norfolk, srho was the first among the Suffolk and Norfolk knights that derlsred openly for Queen Many on the denise of Enweon VI., in the year 1552, for which important service be was constituted by her sooj eaty, imusediately after hoe secession, vice-chamberlaiu, capt. of the guard, master of the horse and of the household, and one of the privy roonril. Sir Jienry also obtained grants f,ssu the queen of ooro’ral large manors in Norfolk, Suffolk, Hereferdshire, and ttl,,ueeoterohire, pai’tieolariy those of Costeooev, in Norfolk, a,,d W’ingfield Castle, in Suffolk ‘the forroer he made lime chief place of reotdenre c,f the faintly, basing rebmlt time enansiun. amid it has si oon— tin,,ed down to the present tin,e. Sir tienry entert,,ined Queen ELizseersm there liii her progress to Norfolk; but his adbnsi,ui to the anoie,,t faith seems to hare bsen a bar to any favour at court during that queen’s reign, lie s,. Frances, don, of Sir George Baynbam, of tiowern all. eo. Glei,oester, an,l heiress to her maternal uncle, Sir Anthony Kingston, a,,d dying in 1372, svas a. by his eldost no,,, lIr.xns’ Jeavixonast, Esq. of Csotesoey hail, who-,s, tot, Eleanor, dan. of William, Lord flacre, of Gilleshmd, and granddn’i. , imiatornolly, of George, 4th Earl of Shrewobury, by whom be had five seus and mm dau. lie cm. dndly, Franoeo, dan. and es-heiress of his cousin, Sir Job,, J ernegan, of Somerley Town, and wid,mw of Sir Thomas liedingfeld, by whom he bad one son and a date. Hail. in 101 ‘, and seas a. by his eldest son, I. llnxnv Jo,,aiann,osm, Eaq. of Cestessey, svbo was created a barenet if Oct. 1021. Sir henry ci. Eleanor, tlau, of Tbomnas Tbrnrkmerton, Esq. of Throokmortsn, co. Woreeoter,° and had issue, i. Jonsm, whom, in 1612, 3lary, da,m, of Sir Franris 3ioore, tart. of Fawley, iterks, and dying in the lifetime of isis father, left, 1 HENRY, sneee550r to his grandfather, I Frances, so. to I’hilip Crambleto,m, Ksq. it Dorothy, ma. to Tbomae Pegge, Erq. i;. William, os. Mary, eldest dan. of Fn,oeis Bani,ard, Req., and relict of I-lug-b bee, Enq., and of Job,, Yonge, Fteq. an. Th,.oiao (Sir), knighted for his gallantry at the Isle of RbyO, in 1627. i. Cathouse, mo. in 1621, to Francis Saunders, Esq. This gentleman s,,ffore,l severely rluring the neil ears. In the Usssrpation, the iomrk at Cm,oteooey woo let down, acid the in. Edward, hnrrteter-st.lnie, of Puluowink, Glsucretershire, deer destroyed, the mansion, with the d,,n,ain, let toa farmer, 8. 14 July, 1774; ii. 15 Get, ISOI, Enmily, eh,lest oervivtng mad a considerable port of the tomildingo svas suffered to fall into decay. Sir tlenry 1. in 1646, and woos s- by his grioidsosm, don. -of the lab Nab-hanioi Shiddlnton, Req. of ‘i’oa’nhtll, no. II. Sin Itnaimy, svbo iii. 3lary, don, of Benedict hall, Esq. of iligb 3leodew, ro Gloucester, and dying in ltSO, was s, li’ ouly esscwioing son, ST had seven asns and two dane.; and dying in l7H, was a. by his IV. Sic Joox, t. 10791 m, -1704, Margaret, doom. of Sir henry rise uuforlnnate Sir Willinam Hss-ard, Viscount Slafford (and E,husard, a man of letmers and dislingoislmod in literature. Malta and St. Loaism 4. 25 Nov. 1-514. unbid, digimily lie i,,hmeriied through las great-grandnmother, Mary hloss-ar,i, wife of Francis Ploss’den, Emq., graaiddau. of tte es-unjustly anointed Visrommst Staffon,l, and mother of Shiny, cite of Sir George Jeroinrham. tIme Sib baronet. This bamny n-as created by paleni. datril 1211m Sept. 1640 (ave ‘isle), ,,,,ul ronferrod open Jlorv Slafforul (joiatli’ moist, line hm,,shan,i, Sir William Ilos’ard, NEd, sisler and sole heiress of Nena Slafford, 131h Baron Slaliord, a tiarsoy em-ented in 1219, hot foi-feihed by Ednard de Stafford, flute of hlurtinghans, lord high e”nslahte, and E.G., aoho was boheoded iu 1521. Henry Stm,fford, the tube’s son and heir, seas reeloeed in blood by as art ef parhiawent passed in time let year of Enwoan VI., xlmerehy h seas macled, “ That the said Henry, Lord Stafford, and Ihe heirs male of his body, Im’ay be laken amid relsited os Lord Stafford, sod that ihe said henry be restoeed iiim blood.’’ Ills lsrdslmi;’ iou, su,50momsed 10 psnhtameat froni 1040 10 1559. lIe am. tlrmula, ‘hen, of Sir Itiehard Polo, E.G., by Jlargaeet Plaelagenet, f’ouelres of Salisbury, niece of Eowaoem 1 V., and ens gm’eot-geandfather of the Slary Staitord seho mm Sir Willianm hlo,vard, Viscount Stafford, (The lire— sent Liurd ,Siaffu,rd clainis time origimial baesny of 1299.) (‘See tlrsxe’o E.eui,,cf Fser,iar.) ii. ‘J’illiam-Chai-les, t, 13 Get. 1772; an officer of rank in the Austrian seevirr; om. let, S Gel, 1503. Anne, eldest dau, of ‘ftoamas Wrtghi. Esq. of Filemm-aliers, Essex, nbtehm lady 4. 26 Aug. 1914; and 2ndly, Auoe, dau. of Edward Moore, Req. i sad 5. in 1020, leasing issue by the fommer, I Edimmund-William, 8.5 SopI. 1SOS; ii,. 1029, Matilda, dan. of Chmrislopber Waiertoa, Esq. of Woodlands, Danmeler, and ,f 2 Nsv. 1800, having by hire ln’tmo 4. 14 July, 1065) bud isaac, Charlstme, is. -11 Aug. tss;l, to A. Deaoe, Esq. of Turbetmiss-n; Ida. i,i. 3 Aug. 1959, Is Slyles-Williasa fl’iteilly, Esq. ofKaorh Abbey, no, l.suih, SIP. O’mimees; Cleamenhieu, ma. 6 June, -1001, Is William, 7th son of the lale Sir Edward Sloslyn. Bart,; SIadel’me: and Clam. 2 Aettue-G’ihhtam, t. 22 Feb. ISO?, rear-admiral, RN. so. Apm’il, 1036, Soplns, do’,, of Itirhord OFarrell-Caddell, lfoq. of llarbsuostoan, 3lealb, by hole seife, Paulina, 2nd ,lnn,of Tli,mamas-Arihi,r, hid Vinesi,at Soimlbn’oi I, and has, Pauline, a mmmi, at Ness-tall, Essex, ‘1. 4 Fob. 15691 AgnesSlary, ii. 3 (El. hsOS, lo Slanley-G.—E. Carey, Esq. of Folloran house, Do-von (sea Brace’s L”mbd Cs,uhrg) and Ceeihta-Jlory, ii. 3 Apm’il, 15e2, to hlhid-’l’hsaias - Slaneel Ninlmoll, nsommnondor EN., 2nd son of the late Eight Boa, -John Nieholl, DCL. of Morlhiyr Sla,or, ttlomoi’ganmlmfre, 3 Fredorinlm-Wdltamn, 1013, Isle 29th regt.; cm, I Sept. lfJ7, Geormntana-llosm’e, only child of ihe lab Ben, George Shaagles, and has hesuo, I Adolptnm- Fiodroick — James, t. 24 June, h042 a. 7 April, 1006. SIalilda-Georgiana, 2nd dan. of ll,o late Willliani’ Felix Eiley, Req. of Forrest 11111, Windsor, and boos son, t, If, Nov. 18671 1 Frances. Agneo-Slary-Ann, oi. SO Joue. 1866, to Edseard Sbosral. Esui., yoangest nsa of J.-F. 3loorat, Emq. of t4usl, 11111 Parlm, Edomommiss 2 Csnetosiiiu-himerehia, us. 21 July, 1503, at Ilr,issele, to 11cm)’ Corl’alhe, Esq. of Batnoib Sban,ur, no. Sleaihm and S hmabella, I kmmeeotia, ma. 19 July, 1036, to Edwarih, Viscount Gormanstun, omit hue lassie, 2 Losiiea-Mai’y, , Frsaci,can non, at The Lodge, Tannton, S Geetrs,he-Franroi, i,,. It Nov. 103-i, Is Chmarlos.Eds-ard Ehoont, Faq., sud has tine sons aimd three daus. Baahe; amid ul. 20 3lay, 1522, heaving by her (who 4.24 Juno 1022) issue, I Clmarles-Wibbiaai—Edseaed, bar.-ot-law 1 h. 27 Nov. 10051 iou. 0 Sold. 1041, Eina,a, dais, of ehe late Evaai Roberts Fog. of (inuve blouse, Surrey; and 4. 2e Pet, 1054, 1eavin issee, ilnhert.Edsoard.hleary, an attaché 10.31. diplomaoe service; 5. 1042; Pibahsghi-Ii’Eeie, lienu. EN., i, 1043’ 4 at Slashes l-Iartonr, Faltiand Isles. 19 Jan. 1065; Charles: Edward-Wynn, t. 26 Slarnh, 1054; Edith’Mam-y; and Emtiy_ Beatrice. o By RacusceT. dxi. and co-heir of William Whioru’oud, msttorney-gen. to Heanv VIII, Aoun Wnocwnon, her abutem’, the other ou,Ameir, seaa the fleet svife of Ambrose Dadley, Earl of Warivink. hnt died taammelesa. 10-IA