Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/345

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S TA. Margaret - Penny, as. 27 April, 1859, te Allan - AlexanderMseonoehie vss. Elicabetls, as, in 1040, to William Msmglces, Rag. of Johns. Welsvood, Esq, LL.D., of Sleadawbank and tiarvock, eldest son of Else late Alexnnder-31, W’cteoed, Sir William is. 14 Jan. 1838, and was a. by his elder sos,, Esq. of Otoadowsiank, and Garvark, a jodge of Else ComE of 11. Scsi LovnLAcsz, who was 6. 29 April, 1757, ass’d was a Seessass, in Scotland, with the title of Lard Sleadossbank. lIe Ia. 2ndly, 1831, Martha-Willett, dais. oftlie late Cal. George captain 4th dragm ‘on Emsards he a. 20 Se ml. 1826, Caroline, Dalrymple, and had by tier a son, George-Grey, an officer Seats fes.-gds., 6. 22 Slay, 1832; 10 Nov. 1cM, Ellesor-Aliee, 5th dasi. of William-John. 0th s. LovonAeo-Toass.srcoore, present harem-I.. Lord Napier, and has had George-Naith, t. 14 Feb. laid Waiter-Francis, t. 27 Joly, 1s37; llesr-Neresan, t. 27 April, 1804; 4. tO March, 1965; and a dau., Mary-AdelaideWilhelmina—Eliaabelh. The gallant Daromset, before eutes’icsg the cavalry-, was is, tIme I-Its lardshtp ii. 9 Nor. 1864, and was e. byhia eldest tan, Jonn, asm,l wan wossodert at the Imattle of Lies;,, for nlmieh, and the the 10th and present EARL ne STAIR. Cre,sliesu—ttaranet, 1664. Baron and Viscount, 21 April, ii. 3 March, 1880. 1600, ta Gao 1st visroant and the heirs sante of Ins hiody. Earl, Be., 8April, 1703. Baron of the Untied Kingdom, 11 Ang. 1841. A m’oma—Qmsarlerly’. gn. and moo., a cress, erm., charged with Aa-rns—Qcsarterly: 1st and 4th, or, on a saltier, aa., seine use city- sword in the scabbard, in pmshe, r. ; iss thee lot acid lacenges, of the field, for DArevueun ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a 411; gssorlers, en a fesse, donerulsie, org., a lion, pnssanl, gms.; in c,hevron eheqny, sn and aeg., between three water baageta, of the 2nd and 3rd, tIme eaim ofjnstire, or, between three castles, org. the second, for Rosa. Sappsefers—’l’sro lions, ppr, Crest—A roeh, ppr, Melte—QOiescacll. Aisettrr jstle—Finn. dresls—Camem Ilense, Wigtensliire; Oxenfaord Castle ca. Srsi—Beaam’loasnp, Bray, ro. Dahlio. Edinburgh; and Cleland,ea. Lanark. j5ILE I STAMEE, Sin LOVELACE TOMLItSSON, of Beanehamp, Co. Dublin; in holy ordere, rural dean, rector of Stolee.tspon-Trent; 6. 18 Oct. 1829; a. his father as 3rd baronet, 5 March, 1860; en. 16 April, 1857, Ellen-Isabel, only elsu, of Joeeph Dent, Esq. of Riboton Hall, on, York, and han issue, I. J.ovnLAre, 5. 1819. is. Frederick-Charles, 5. 28 Ang. 1860. ill. William.Edsrard, b. 25 Jan. 1864, cv. Reginald-Dent, 6. 2 Sept, 1899. c. Ellen-Caroline. ii. Mabel.Frederiea. ILtlTragr. Tstossa.s STAMEn, Eeq. of Ennis, eo. Clare, oa. Catherine, Delamere, of Dusshnm-Massey, on. Cheeter; 6. 7 Jan. dan. of Paul Lnvelaee, Esq. of Mallybride, en. Roseosnmon, 1827; a. his grandfather 20 April, 1845; an. lot, 23 collaterally descended from the family of Lord Levelace, ol Dec. 1848, Elizabeth (who ci. 22 Oct. 1854), daq. of Hurley, en. Barks; which title became extinct, by fnil,sre Mr. Billige, of Wineantou ; and 2ssdly, 29 Aug. 1855, of male issue in the right line, in 0736 (see .E.ettact Peerage), Katherine, 2nd dan, of the late Henry Cooks, Eeq. and sO. in 1783, learing two sons, viz., Hnwav, who was murdered at Prosperous, ro. Tttldare, daring the rebellion of 1798 lie had married the dan. and heiress of Bnxnn on Gem- nbtaioed from King Eernnn I. the manor of John Vincent, Esg. of Carryhills, in that county; and Wsotsam STAMEn, Faq., S. in 1769, who, having served the Turs’oe icc Essex, and had time same eenflreoed by King Jens, office of sheriff of Dublin, and being subsequently elected with the privilege of hunt ing time fox and hare in any lands alderman and lord-mayor of that city, was created a Baronet belonging to the crown except tloe king’s own desnesnes. In 15 Dee. 1809. Sir Wllhiam Stamer was a most active tho reign of llzsav III., he had a grant of the manor of and intrepid magistrate during the Irish rebellion, arid Grtinstoo, co. Nottisigham, from Tieherf Bardelph, whose niece commanded one of the regimeccte of Dnbltn yeomanry and co-heiress, Isolda, he cuarried, and eventually shared in the during that stormy pesiod, and until the disbanding of the inheritance of all the said Robert’s lands. From lois 2nd eon corps in 1831. In 1819, he served the office of chief-magistrate by this lady, - a second time, gratuitonaly, on account of tho pecuniary ,tonx no Gear, descended the lords Grey de Rnthin, eee embarrassments of the city treasus-y. He sa. 15 Sept, Bsones:’s Extinct Peereig’) the extinct Earls and Dukes of Kent, 1791, Martha, dan. of John Rawlins, Esq. of Finglass, en. the extinct Dishes of Snifolk, the Em-is efwilton, and Else honso Dublin (who sO, 12 Oct. 1837), and had issue, s. LovsLAee, 2nd baronet. is. OVllhiam, in holy ordere, M.D., rector and patron of St. Sin Enwaxo en Cam-, so. Ehioal,eth, dnu. sod heiress of Savionr’s, Bath; 5.3 Aug. 1803; so. 1st, 11 Nov. 1826, Anneblargaret, Itessry, son and heir appnrent of Wllhiain, 5th Lord Ferrers, of 2nd doss, of the late Jeremy Lack, Bag., snaior 2nd Groby, and in ceirseguescec assumed that tithe. Hio lordship is. regt. Bombay service, by whom (who tO. 13 Aprll, 1833) he in the 36th year of Item-v VI., and wave, by his eldest son, hod, Charlotte-Matilda, sss. 12 Jaly, 1851, to B-lI. Appleyac’d, Ehiaobeth, eldest dais. afllichsrd Widvile, Earl of Rivers, bywicem Esq. Lnsdsa.5tenrtetia, tO. 3 Aug. 1841, aged 11. Dr. Stamer as. lastly, 8 July, 1841, Rheanor-Lenisa, don, of prince’s reign, and his widow beennoo subsogmsently gneenconsort 14. Honlditch, Rag, of Edenham Olosise, llanopslead, and a. 20 NoT. 1866 5. Staria. se. Lneieda, as. Nov. 1818, to Sir William Smith, Kot., enpi. created, in the 11th year of Enwxso IV., Eon ef Hsmftimgmloso, royal horse artillery, who 4. 7 April, 1831, leaving William, ned in four years afterscards advanced to lime .Jfor0ei,ote s.f (who 4. 13 Slay, 1836); Isabella, as. 1844, to John-A. Ilroisnc-, Esq-’ and SIalilda, as. to Frederic Sotlon, Esq. 505. Louisa, sa. John Jackson, Rag., of the co. Armagh, and Item-v VII. to the throne. ste ci. hO April, 1501, and was a. by has issne. iv. Caroline. as. 12 Nov. 1810, to }torauo-Fredene Stslpin, Rag. his eldest snrviving son (by Isis 2nd wife, Cicely, don. and heiress of the E.l.Co.’s service, who 4. in 1840, leaving issue. v. Josophisoe, 4. in Jnly, 1849. vs. Charlotte-Lennox. 1047 STA town blouse, cc. Month. only dan. of John Tomlinsosm, Req. of Cliff Villc, co. Stafford, mosI had, ss. William-Joho-Aleaooder, 5. 19 Joly, 1833. smary for five yeora. tEe sec’vod nuder Sir Wilhiaus ITeste, taking of Grann, he received a omedol and tws, dr_spa. He f’eeeline—l5 Dee. 1100. C,eel—A stag’s Isead, erased, gorged wills a snsmral news, or. Moines—Over Ihe crest, Jubilee;” nuder tiso shield, Virsntr ci valore.” Jhcaimleore—tteetory, Stoke-n1en Trenl. STAMFORD AND WARRINGTON. S1’AMFonn, EARL OF (George-Harry Groy), Earl of Warringtou ; Baroso Grey, of Groimy ; assd Baron IL eitragr. of which we are now treating. The lnd son et tieginald, 3rd Lord Grey de Ruthyn, Sce Joan en Gaev, as 7tls Lord Ferrers of Groby, who ,e. he had two tons. Sir John fell at the battle of St. Albans, fightleg nuder tlse bao,oer of Tim-nv VI., in the 39th year of float of EnwAan IV. Sir John Givy’s eldest son and heir, Sm THoMAs Ganv, thro,,gh Else foflaecmce of his mother, was Dms’sef. After Ring Room-so’s death, lmewever, his hormlshsip woo attainted of hugh treasee, but restored sspoe the elevation of ol Williacn Booville, Loc’ml Eanville and 1-lorringioci), Tnoosas, 2nd Margeess of Dorset, KG. This nobleman corNed the sword of stste st the celebrated meeting between