Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/350

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S T A P-catia,cs—Barony of Alderley, 9 May, toad Barony of iseiress of Tisonsas Tcss-nley, Esq. eo. Cacao, by circus lie hasi Eddieboey, 12 May 1048; ltarouetey, 25 done 1860. .dems—Arg.. on a bend, az. three stags’ heads, eabossed, or, ass essly sun, a crescent for diftbrenee. Crest—On a elsapeass, go., torned up, ermine, an eagle, wings Alicia, dan. of Ihe Per. Thomas Staples, of Lissane, by wisam expanded, or, preying open ans infant, l’ir., swaddled, of the Ire iran e,ne clan. Saeah, s,-lsu ccc - Sasssnsel Jacob, Esq. of Slow— first, handed, arg. Soopcsetcc-.s—Dexler, a stag, or, gorged a-ills a doeal crown, ef Sir Viiliasss llssrker, hart., anti relict scf Clsansbre—Brabazoo anst line reflexed over the baels and charged on lise sinontcier I’ccesenimy, Esq. of Ashgrcsvc, cc- Rillscuny, by seheno he hael, with a mallet, az. ; sinistee, a lion, eegardanl, ppr., gorged seith a plain collar, arg., thereon three esr’allcclcs, ga. JJsito—Sans changer. .Secsl—Alderle Park, Clseshire. Town Ha ese—40, Desee Street, Piccadilly. STANLEY, Lonu, ate Dnnny, FAith OF, A 00 Cotsnlty; 5. 1111; formerly in the ST A I T E S. STAI’LES, Siit NATHANIEL-ALEXANDER, Caliserine, cc. in 1010, Is the 16cr. Philip Barry, and d. in of Dunenore, Queen’s Bengal artillery 0. his tsnelo, as Sir llubeet cI. in 1516, and was a. lcy his only son, 8th bust., 14 May, 18li5;’ncn. Elizabeth-Lindsay, VI. Sra ltcneav, Ic. 13 Feb. 1772: sshe ci. ccss,cc. in lesS, ahon only dan. of Capt. tire title reverted tcc his encrisirs, Tn,sssAs, the san ci tire Right James Head, older brother of Iloss. ,tcshsns Staples (refer tss isssne of Sir Robert, Inn icat’enet), Sir F-B. head, Burt., and hue VII. One Tsrosaus, 5. 31 July, 1775, attn or. 27 Oct. 1513, ieeue, I. Jossv-Meueewoevss, ii. 1848. in. ,Tuanes-il cad. inn. Rohert-Ponaonby. i. Cecilia. en. Anne-Elizabeth. 3LtllCitgC. I. Tuosnas STueLes, Rsq. of the Middle Temple, 5th son at Cecuticccc—4 Jrme, lose. A,’c.c,—On afesse, en-mines, bela-ceo Alexandee Staples, Esq. of Tate Cusset, fileueeslershire, was sregrc, aifruntJ, tide.. lrccldirsg a lccclt-slaple, ace. JInIts—Tenee. created a Bueovev or lac.LuaD, 4 dane, 1625. Sir Thomas a. dccc I—Lissane, co. Tyrone. Tsce,c lAnai-c—i I, Sterc’ion Sr1uaro Miss lanes, dao. of Sir Itaplist Jc,nes, awl war 5. by Iris only son, Rust, Dublin. 11. Sna Reneav, who ccc. Mary, eldrst dan. of FIts Grace John Vesei, archbishop of Toam, by whom he had three sons, H. ALEXANDER, } successive harenets. inn. Thenras, in holy orders, rector of Ilerrylecran, v-tao m. Miss ti race Houston, an treiress. and had wilh other issue, a son, the Right tten. John Staples, P.C., at_P. for the c,. Antries, who succeeded his father at Lissane. He ccc, I al Itarriet, dan- of the Itight Hon. Vtllians Conolly, uf Castletea-n, eo. Ktldare, speaker of the House of Coninsons, to Ireland, in 1715; and by her had issue, William Conolly Staples (v-ho as. 1797, Aaoe, duo. of Sir Juases Stewart, of Fort Stewart, and dying 1798, left one son, William, v-ho staged 15, and tao daos., of whoos the younger. Henrietta- n. Paoaess-Greauo, ferseerly eaicl. gren.-gds.,b.19 March, 1531. Margaret, s. tire Sod Earl ef Classearly, and the elder, mm. Richard. Talbot - Piaotagenel, capt. 19th hnssarr, t. 21 Louisa-Anne Staples, sc. Adus. the lien. Sir Thensaa Pakenham, G.C,ll., assd host, ,s’ttls oliser issise, a scsi, E,lsearsl. Michael Pakenham, v-ho e. to the estates of his nnalennal nm. Riiet-llensry, in holy ordcro, rector of Bsncklnaru Weston, grandfather, and assumed the nasee and as’ms of CoN,,LLv. and seas tlse tale Colonel Ceoelly, 51.1’., of Castlelesrn) The Itight lion. Joists Staples c,. IncIIy, henrietta, duss, of hliel,ar,l, 3rd Viscennt Moles,rertis, ansl by her lsa,l isssse, I Tnsosnas, 7th lsart. 2 Jelsn-Sls,lessaurtls, in Isely erders, reeler of Lissan and Iv. Gcorge-Atrey-Tuthol, to Hal. India Office, S. 26 Feb. Upper Meville, t. I Sept. inc s.-;. ISIS, Annie, eldest doss of Ihe Nest Rev. Nathaniel Alexander, liD., bishop sf n. Catlrerioe-Ehizalseth, cc. 19 Jan. l59, to Lietst.-Cel. Charles- Mealh (eec ante CuLetcea, E. cc), and ‘1. 4 April. 1850, having Isad issue 1 Jelsu, I,, isle, calcium 7th tlescgal liglsl eaealry. sehe cs-as killed by Ihe nsutieeers in bIb, near In. Florence-Maria, tsoirs witls Irer sister Cat Inerinse, cc 27 Jams. Cawnpore. on the elh Josse, 1857 2 NaTsraaneL-ALexaxona, 1sresent hart, t ‘l’lsonsas-Staples, nsajee Bensgal staff corps, S. 1824: 4 Franeis-i’onsOnby, lieut. RN., S. un. Margaret-Mary, sc. 18 Aug. 1860, to Hubert, Comic de 1831; 1 I1arriett 2 Anne-Louisa: 3 Mary-Janet 4 Grace- Catherine, es. to Jahn-Mitehell lieClehlan, Rbq.; 0 Charloile4llelesina. so. to John SlePheesan, Rsq., SEn.; 6 Sir Fraaeie a. hie father, as 7th baronet, Sir Thomas Culherine-Mat,ella, 3 Itsetcarsl, ss. Barbara, dao- of Jolsn Slentgonmery, Esq. ef Stapleton, Lord Le Deapenoor, 3 Oct. 1531. He tI Bena’arden, and it. e. p. 1819. 4 Robert, as. Eliza, duo, of — Itsssselb, Rsg., and ed. Slay, rector of Meroworth, Kesst. IRiS, a. is. 1 Grace. late Dovagee Siarehianess of Gemeod. 2 Frances, as. 1sf 2, to isee cousin, thc lien, and Riglst 11ev. Sna dents STAPLETON, Ret., resCed to Ireland, heap. RENET II., Rielsard Penseulcy. icishop of Berry. 3 Charlotte, st. to Wdlism-Lenox Cenynghase, Esq. of ansi fronsr isinns we pass to his hmnseat clestcoclunrt, Sprhsg Hill, and it. 1847. 4 Elizabeth. s,. to the Rev. Hugh Itamilten, reeler of louismaesainb RcnzAaovnn, an excecbchificaliun of a grant fruos Icing Jun-c to diocese of Clegher. 5 Catlsesine, sate use 06ev, Robert Alexander, eldest sort Ireland. lIe -a. Eleanor Boiler, of the home of Doasboyno, and of the Slost Rev. Dr. N- Alexander, bishop of Reach, and aas .s. by his son, et. less. Sir lichen v-as z. at his decease by his eldest son, Ill. Ssa Jessa ; at whose decease, wilhonl issese, tlse title hteEgan, and a-as a. by his eldest son, devolved upon his Isrother, IV. SIR ALExANS5ER. This geotlensan Ia. Abigail, dan. and Req. of Devey, and had four coos; of whom the eldest died 1052 S T A V. SIR RosEn. This gentlensao, 5. 1 Aug. 1740, so. in 1761, bamass, cu. Tipperary. Sic Rot’ert ccc. lssdly, Mary, eldest dan. ttOeEav, his successor. Ansna-Maria, ,,c. in 1790, to Ralph Ssnyth, Rsq. of Caybrook, cc. lVesloseath. Sir Rcsisert ccc. Srcily, in 1778, tire lIons. ,Tasse Vesey, 3rd dart, of .lsclsss-Demsy, Lan-cl Etsatciess, anti sister to Viseeoast de Vesei, anti lcy her (a-iso ‘I. irs loll) had issssc, Isaiscila, a,. in 1794, to herald Fitzgerald, Esq. of ltilminehy, Qncecss’s Cessssly ; ‘1. ins 1003. Ehaubehls—Selina, cc. in I sty, to P,iehcsrd-Rssxton Fitzhenberl, Esq. of IllacIs ta-lie, cc- Sleatis. Asssse, ccc. ins ses, cc Iser eacissin, the tilgist lien. George btssex, DCL. (ccc llaaen-aLEv) arid cl. ins 1511. April, 1 a3S. a-iso arcs Casiscrisse, duo. ol tire Iter. John hlasrkins, eldest soo of the Itt. Ilev. lie. Janses hiaa’kies, blishop of lluphee. Sir Thccrrraa, a-Iso var ann aisle and urcozrp3shed lawyer, seas a Queen’s counsel, and Queen’s adrecahe in Iceland, lie st. 14 Slay, 1565, and was ,r. by his nephew, Ssa NATHANIELALr.xANoza STAPLEs, the Sits and lcrescnt baronet. lisree limits, lao gccats’ Ircacis, erased, arg f’c-cet—A demi— STAyLETON, THE HON. AND REV. Sill FISANCIS-JARVIS, of the Leeward lelunids, is, 6 Ang. 1807; ste. 17 Slay, 1830, Margaret, duo. of Lietst.-Geo. Sir Geon-ge Aire3’, K.C.H., and grssnddau. of the lute Baroness Talbot do Malsihido, and has loesne, April, 1534. Dorset, b-IS Nov. ISSOt cc. 29 15cc. ieee, Fransees-Slary, eldest dun. of Sir WaIler Slirlizg. Ilart., and his aPe Caroline, dan. of Jehn, 1st Earl ef Slrafferd, and has inane, hugh Le Despencer, and Eleanor-Stacy. 15:15. George Tatleohansr, Sccds. fus.-gds., NP., oldest sets of Chain-her Totleohanss, Esq. of Ilallyeus-ry, cc. llickleso. 10ff, to his Exeelleoey Frederick Seynooer, governor of Vanseeueer’s Island and British Colunshia. Slaepole, sen of tire late Rake do Slaepole. iiiiicagc. RnenAan STAPLLTON, a-ho obtained, in 1566, freor Queen hise saul Sir John Slalde lesi, Esri., of sasrse conrhscaled Iansdn in donna STAPLETON, selsu s’s. Margaret Beorke, annd his grandson, Jeea STaPLEToN, ii Thnma-lesScgg, cc. Tipperary, as. Sarah Renanean STAPLETON, who mci, a duo. ef Cemehinn TogaHy, STAPLETON.