Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/369

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STR Tar RIGHT lIoa. Ssa GEORGE-HENRY ROSE, G.C.F1., clerk TnE RET. James Sraoaoe, F. in 5750, who was created a of the Parliaments, lord of the manor ef Sandhills, Rants, J.P., Baronet, 22 Jour, lffS. Itn ,s,. in 1751, Jtelen, dan. and coheir PD., and SIP, for Southampton, and afterwards for Christ- church. This gentleman became, in 1965, one of the tymaster-generals Margaret Maxwell, grandniece to Jobsa, let Lord Faroham, of the army; in 1814, he went as envoy extraordinary by who m (who m. Indly, William Ilelmes, Esq.,5 late trea505Cr to Munich, and subseqnentty to Berlin. lIe ns. Frances, dan. of T. Duncouste, Req. of Dunconshe Park, no. I. Jo.uts-Ma’rvuEsv, 2nd baronet. York. and by her (who ,l. 12 Oct. 1861) left issue, j. Hnan-Hnaav, created Loan SvaAvnNAuss. is. William (Sir), ROll., now of Lntston Old Abbey, Suffolk, Sir Jomes sl. in if 0-1, and wao s. by his only surviving son, who m. it Starch, 1556, the Hon. Sophia Thellussan, 2nd 11. Sia JAMae-3tATTnrw, 11.0.1.., r).L. rn Are,ascls, 15.1.. dan. of John, 2nd Lord Itendirsham. iii. Arthur-Robert. s. Frsnees-Theodora, a. S Jaly, If 17, to George-Slsollo, Earl 6 April, 17b6 ; and sa. I Sept. 1510, tsahrllo, rl,lcst dan. of of Sterton, who fi. 31 Marrh, 18Sf. Sir George-Itanry ttoae sl. tS Jane, ISIS. t’realwa—Sl Jnly, If Gd. Arms; Crcst .Ssspperlers ; east Jlotts— These are not yet t’rry, by whons (srho fi. 12 April, if 62) he bad ian”, registered. .Rcahtcecc—Royal ileapifal, Kilmainlsam. STRATHNAVER, BARON, 3ff SUTHERLAND, DUKE OF. STRICKLAND, RAnT., see CHOLMLEY, BART. STRUNG E. STRONGE, Ssa JASiiif-MATTHEW, Bart. of Tynan Abbey, no. Itaxwell-Dn-Prl, F. 4 Dee. 1 f2d, late rapt. 52nd light infants’y, Armagh, M.P. for that no., is. 25 and now rapt, and asi)ntant Sligo rifles; n’. 13 Dee. IfS], Nov. 1811, late a hoot, in the Joseph-Fads Hoff, Esq. of ataheendnff, eo. Weaford, and 5th dragoon - goards, new boo. eni. Royal Tyrooe fooiliers; s. his father 2 Den. 1864, aa 3rd hart., Pranree-Itelen, so. in 1535, Thomas-Vesey Negent, Es,;., at. 17 June, 1836, Sehioa.Elizabeth Passhor-Carohino, ,,‘. 3 Nov. 1512, to Captain Willian, Buntory ,, eldest dan. of Andrew Nugent, Esq. of Portaferry, and Cattsartno-Itrownlow, is. us April, 1510, to Ltcnl.—Col. George ssieee of John, 3rd Vieeooot do Veani. 3tiitcagr. The family of STRANG or STEONGE, of .Beeaokie, ro. Fife, Creation—IS June, 3663 was one of considerable antiqsOty, and true seated at Ealoasttc, Aross—Arg., a chevron, wavy, se., between three lozenges, AD. 1363. SteTTenw SmoNar, Rsq. of Strabanc, in tf 70, and Clonleigh, SfANaoN, Trw, and Mexwrs,,.. in 16ff, a srion of STRANG of Balrashir, was warden of Lifford, UseRs—lot, an eagle with two beads, displayed, ea. beaked co. Donegal, in 1713. This gentleman acquired a eonsidoratle and legged, as. langsed, go.; 2nd, a cheater of wine-grapes, tract of land hi the co. Perry, by lease from the corporation of ppr. Jlertees—” Tentanda via set ;“ and ‘Duke qood utile.” golstsmiths of I-onion, and in consideration of services done ,Seele—Tynan Abbey and Fellowa Hail, co, Armagh; and and losaes sustained at the memorable defence of Perry, and in Ifulnavac, ro. Tyrene. 1659 obtained a renewal thereof. Ste purchased land, in the counties of Tyrone and Donegal, and in 1655 he was altainted STUART, VtSCOUNT, see CASTLE-STUART, EARL, by JAMES 11s parliament, lIe ci. in t7if, leavtng, by Anne his wife, a oon, GarTais Jaares Sreoaoa, of Croghae, Co Donagal, and of Clonleigh, who served as sheriff of Derry in 1682-3, and was attainted by Jnocee Il’s parliament in 16ff. He se. in 3671, Margaret, dan. of John Douglas, Rsq. of Waterside, and left (with a dan. so. to — Dabinglon) a son, Tna Rrv. JOHN fTrsoNoa, rector of Tynae, co. Arnsagh ns. in 1714, Ellinor, dan. and re-heiress of Captain James hanson, of Tynan, by Elizabeth hia srife, dan. and heir of Mngh Echlin, Esq. of Tynan, and had issne, 1. James, nD., st. nuns. ii. MATTHEw. is,. John, ci. nam. iv. William, a capt. in the army, see. Miss Warre, and 5t. leaving an only dan. Margaret, s,s, to James O’Drien, Esq. af Casfie Fergas, co. Clare. s. Mary, ns. to Arthnr Renson, P.O., rector of Monaghae, The 2nd son, StA’rrnEw Sa-aeoseE, Esq. of Liverpool, mayor of that 3 June, 1803 ; an. according to the rites of the town in 17ff-f, si, Elizabeth, duo, of Samuel Powell. Esq. Catholic, and sobaeqne,stly to those of the Protestant of Stannage, and granddanghter of Samuel Powell, Esq. of Siannage, by the lIon. Elizabeth Petlioti, his wife, sister and ce-heiress of Heury, last Lord Poffiott (see BUnEE’s Leaslesi Gentry), and had isone, JAMES, his oorcesaor. Elmer, widow of John Dlackbnree, Eeq. of Wavertree 5. 1827, who as. 3 Aug. 1865, Mary, 2nd dan. of the Rail, Lancaahtre; and ci. in July, Sf42. Me was s. by his soo, 1071 STU of John Tew, Esq. of thn city of Dublin, by his wife of the Ordnance) be left an only surviving son, is, Jobu-Eer, F. 1757; sI. 1793. t. Elizabeth, ci. 1507. co. Tyronc, a grntloman of the prisy rhanster, who Isas F. Nicholson Calvert, Esq. ef llnnsdon ttcuve, ro. ItoH,, 51.1’. for that county, by thr lIen. Frances Pory, dan. and co-hairrsv (witls the Countess of Itanfearly) of Edsnossd Soxton, Viscount JAMEs ItaTvnrw, present baroneL John-Culvert, barrister-at-law, F. 21 Feb. lftS; sss. in Sept. if-if, Lady Ilargaret Cantfeild, only dao. of fIts lion. Ilenry Caulleild, and sister of the tresrnt Fart of Charlrsssosst, El’., ard has issue, Jasnes Itenrv, F. S tIer. 1515. Francis, F. f Ncv, 1516, Ehissnr-Itargaret. Frances-Anne. Alice-tsabctla. Charles-Walter, in the Treasnry, F. 29 June, If 56. Edmond-Robert-Francis, F. 17 July, 1622 as. If Fob. 1815, Clsarlotte-Newman, 2nd dan. of John-Pierry tlenderson, Esq. of Sonsmertord, Stirlingshire, and has issne, WalterLockhart, F. I Sept. if 66, and Chartes-Rdnaond-fioohair, F. Feb. 1062. Jane-Cotriongla Goff, orly dan. and heiress ef use tab niece of Ramilton-iC.-Gregan Morgan, of Johnstowa Casrie. nephew of John, 3rd Viseoa,st ste Vesri 31’Clinlork, u.N., of Lisnavagis, co. Carlow, late H.P. for that co (vhs d. Juno, 1566). JiClintoek, late rapt. ‘Gust liglst infantry. Sir Jameo sI 20cc. 1864, and was s. by his eldest son, Sm Javsns-Mnvnrw ETnoaur, the 3rd and preoent baronet. ao. ; the centre chief point, an eettile, gn. ; quartering STUART OF DEnIES, BARON (Henry Vilhicrs-Stoart), of Dromana within the Denies, no. Wnterford ; is. church, Madame de Olt (who d. at WiesLaden, 7 Aug. 1867), of which marriage the offspring stated are a eon, Henry - Vihhiets, in holy orders, vicar of Napton-en-the-Hill, Warwiokehire, By her ,crcnd husband, Lady SPonge had a sen, ThomasEnnu Holmes. WE s:’ STUART DE DECIES.