Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/387

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TAA iii. Charlotte, rn. to the late Sir John-Maxwell Tylden, Sligo. Ills lordohip to. Anne, dan. of Thssbald, lot Viscount lieut.-col. 52nd regt., of tlilstod, Kent, and 4. 8 March, Dillon, by whom he bad (with othcr issue), 1858. iv. 3d argaret, dereased. V. Mary-Anne, deceased. vs. Anne-Sophia, Ia. in 1829, to James Greenwood, Esq., end 4. 1857. lIe B. in 1884. II. Sie Enwaan, 8. 6 April, 1786; rn. 19 Jan. 1800, Mary- Francis, a colonel ia the roboilioo of 1611 ; icon Italian lady, Helena, eldest dau. of Robert Welsh, Req. of the Irish bar, Edward, ,l. oats. and niece of Noah IJill-Noale, Eoq. of Gloucester, and had Wiericat, who sit. Margaret, sian. of Connor O’Kcnnedy Boo, by hor (who 4. 28 Sept. 1817), EnwAan, present baronet. NoAn-HILL-NEALr, 8. 9 Fob. 1911; married. Robert, 9. 8 July, 1812; comm. RN.; Os. lot, Jessie, dau. of — Rabyns, Req., which lady S. leaviog a dan., Joeeio; horn. lndly, in 1846, and has further issue. }‘ranois-llotchinoon, 9.1 July, 1820, io isiarriod. - Milliugton-Honry, 8. 1 Dec. 1813; It-aol. royal engineers; Tuconnen, 2nd vioe’onnt, who wt,s advanced to tim rn. 21 Aug. 1855, Jane, dan. of the late Thonsas Bannerman, Earldosss of L’as-liopfonf, 26 Juno, 1661. This noblernais Req. of Hazelbead, and nioco of Sir Alexander Ban- eapssneod zeah’sushy tlse royal cause during tho civil wars, norman, GOV. of the B shama lolando, and has bad one and had his ostatos seqnostered by the Usurper. After the dan., Jane-EJolon-ilargaret, who ‘1. 2 Nov. 1858. Holon, m. 80 Dec. 1848, to J.-W. Wa.rre Tyndals, Esq. of lteotoration, he obtaissod, however. ss pouoion of £800 a-year, Lincoln’s Inn, barrister-at-law, and has a dan. Sir Edward 4.12 July, 1843. Cs’eolion—12 Aug. 1801. A ross—Quarterly: lot and 4th, ac., three millstones, ppr., reprisals, mid out of forfoicosi jssintnroa, nssrtgagos, &o. 2nd and 3rd, arg., an eagle, displayed, with two heads, sa., The earl a. 1st, Mary, dan. of Sir Nicholas Whito, of Loixlip, beaked and logged, gn. Creel—Out of a dacal coronet, or, an eagle’s claw, ppr. Jlotlo—Cwleatia ranimus. Seals — Lisloe Court, co. Cork; and Clifton Hence, Nienocas, his successor. Monkstown, co. Dubhn. T A A F F E. The Taaffos are of great antiquity in the counties of cs,ntais,ed should extcnd to, attoint, or es,nvict of high treaott,, Louth and Sligo, and have produced in ancient times many distinguished and eminent persona, amongst whom was Sir The earl oh. las Aug. 1704, and leaving no issue, the hononrs Richard Taaffe, who flourished I coin. King Enwaan I., and devolved upon his nephew, 4. 1287: contemporary with Sir Rithard was the Loon Nicnomea TAA FOE, who S. in 1288, leaving two eons, eec assjsra). This nobleman iso. Amelia, yenngeet dan. s,f John Taaffe archbishop of Armagh, who S. in 1306; and Luke, 3rd Earl of Fingall ; but sJ. without issue in 3738, RTCEARn-FrrZ-NI000LAO TAAEFr., whoso eldest son, RrcnAan Tc.orrr, Esq., was seated at Ballybraggan and county of Taaffe and the barony of Ballymote passed to his Castlslumpnagh. This gentleman served the office of shoriff lordship’s next heir male, of the co. Louth hi 1315, and to his custody was commitccd Nmrnon.os, Count Taaffe of the Germanic empire, and tho person of Hugh do Laoio, the younger, Earl of Ulster, field-was-shah in the Imperial service, as 6th viscount after his condomnatior, for high treason, hi limiting the invasion (refer to WILLIAM, son of the lot viscount). Tins nobleman of Ireland by Edward Bruce, until the execution of obtained the golden key, as chamberlain, from the Rmprror that unfortunato nobleman at Drogheda. Prow this Richard CnAnLmcs VI., as he did from his Imperial majoety’s successor, lineally descended Sin Wirciam Tnrrs, Knt. of Hasdeston, who distinguished ills lordship, as Count Taaffe, aeqnirod groat swsiown during himself by his services to the crown during Tyrono’s the war with the Turks in 173$, and attained the acme of rcbolllon in 1107; and subsequently maintained his roputation his fame by winning the victory of Belgrade. He solO Oct. against the Spanish force which landed at Kiissalo in 1729, Mary-Anne, dan, and heiress of Count Sphidhes-, of 1601. Sir William S. hi 1630, and was s. by his only eon Lintz, in Upper Austria, a lady of time bedclsamher to her (by his 2nd wife Ismay, dan. of Sir Christopher Bellow), Imperial and i-fnngarian majeely, and had isouq STso Jomo Ta.asra, Knt., who was advanced to tbe peerags s. Jonw-Pniemr, conucillor imperial aoliclc of che empire, of [roland, 1 Aug. 1628, in tho dignities of .Barsa s.f v’bo 8. in England, 1 Feb. 1333; sit. 1 Feb. 1759, Maria, .Bellprnsle, and ViscouNT TAAFFE, s.f Careen, both iii the co. 1089 TAA Taeosxa.n (Sir), who satceoded to the hononrs. Lucas, a major-genes-al in tho army, apaonted governor of Floss in 1649, to dcfe,nl that plaoe aoanisr Caooswart. lIe was enissoqoontly obliged to ealairiato bin;self, and aervod as a oolonol in ltaly and Spate. lie rcltsraod, bowevor, and d. ia Irrland, e.g. ,o. and left a ass, Cbarlos, osLo si. o. p. by whom he bad, with three slain. Faccete, who s,s. Asns, sian. of JoLts Cross, Es,1. of Olreass C,,stlc, in Sligo, cod had issne, Nionoecs, who inbcritcd as 6th viscount; Anne, s. to Js,lsn Brett, Esq. of ilohlnlooey, co. Slig’s ; Mary, t’s. to Tboo— doro Vordon, Esq. of Clnnigosholl; ansi ,I. a. is. Ilis lordship ,i. hi 1642, acid n’os s. by his eldeot son, and upon being advanced to the pecrago, received a grant of £-lo;tO a-year, ssf tbe roots pssyable to the crown s’ut of the rotrenchod lands of adventurers and soisliere slnrbsg snob time as the 00100 ronoainod is’ the common stock of and by her bad (with three other sons, who ,i. young Otis,.), Fanoess, successor to his broILer. JOHN, a major in tho army, sobs fell, in 1689, before Londondecry in the service of King JAnre II. lie as. Lesly itese Lambest, sian. of Charles, 1st Earl of Cavao, and bad (wilh a yonnger son, who ii. stan.) a son, THEODALO, who 5. as 4th earl. Theobald, 1st Earl of Carlingfos-d, sit. lndiy, Anne, d,ns. (by his wife, Prances, dan. of Walter, Lord Aaton, of Tixal) of Sir William Ferohail, Rot, of Snggenhill atid Canwehl. co. Stafford, bitt by her (who was s,;. 2ndly its lhsmdal, 11th Lssrd Dsmeany) had no isene. Ms 5. 31 Dec. 1677, and was s. hsy his eldest ss.srviving son, NICHOLAS, 2nd earl asid 3rd viscount, who fell at the battle of the Bssysio, in 1631, in the e,,mnsand of a regiment of foot, under the banner of King JAn00, and baying no issue, the honours devolved upon his brssthor, Fn.aascsa, 3rd earl, the celebrated Count Taaffe of the Germanic Empire. This esnhsent persossage, who was sent hit his youth to the city of Olenots to prosecute his studies, became first one of the sages sf honour to the Empesvr Fenntw.ercn, and corn after r,htained a eopt;du’e commieslot, from CmsAneeo, Fib Duke of Lorraine, hi his owoi regiment. lie was euhseqoes,tly chamberlain to the empet-er, TAAFFE, VISCOUNT (Charloo-Rudolph-Joseph-Fran a marshal of the empire, and comidllior of the state and cabinet. His lordship was so highly esteemed by most mote, en. Sligo, in the poerege of Ireland, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, lm. 26 Apri], 1823, a of the crsswned bessds ssf Europe, that svhon he snceoodesl general, and lient.-eol. 12th lancers in the sei’vico of to his hereditary homsours, he wao exempted from forfeiture tho Emperor of Austria; s. his father, as 10th viscount, by a speolal clause in the English act of parliament, let 1VILLTAM and 3lAemv; and in the acts passed in Ireland, 9th of the same reign, to hdsder the reversal of divers outIssu’rien and attaindere, it was provided, that nothing therein Nicholas, Earl of Carlingfrrd. or his brother, ke. &e. THEOBALH, 4th earl (son of the Hon. Major Johii Tnaffo, when the Eai’lds,m of Carlhtgfssrsl expired, while tbe vie- which mark of diathietioss both bis eons enjoyed. Cotmteae t’hotelc, a eonssleaa of Ilie empire, dan. of the 4 A cia-Clement ‘l’aaffe), of Corren, and IBiron of Rally- 21 Dee. 1855.