Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/391

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T A L To his 2nd son, John, he lsft his Louth ostaloo; and this us. Co]hsos’inr, so. sss I,iosst —lirsss’s’ol Sir fls’orr’o Ais’s’s , CCI I., Sir John afterwards m. Bridget, dan. of Sir John Talbot, of ret]. stilts’ 79th erg]., his’ ss-lssssss twists 4. I Ps’]s. I o:(:y site 1usd Grafton, and 4. 7 Nov. 1613. Sir William Talbot 4. 4 Feb s;. htlizo, so. lot l’s tirorge ,llrllif, es, bog. ; osssi Ssisll e, 1595, leaving his grandson, Rscaoan TALBOT, hio heir, then agod eleven ysara and Ii Nor. ii144, lit lohlis—Cssssliei’ I,iols’s’.hsos’, htss1. sf5loisssissg— these months; after succeeding to his ostatss, ho, in lsosn iloll oissi Fas’Sc’lsi I loll, rss. York, who S. its l°53. Site common with the other ancient and dignifiod families of so. Clsarhosise, so. Is], is .bolsn—Shs’rvoss Csst]ifs’, of Sls’rso,aot ths country, inossrrod the tyrannous jealousy of Lord lull, larson, lis’sst.—rol. 22nd slea’o,oss’s, asssl itssdis’, is, 5 staId Straffbrd, then lord-lieutenant of Ireland, wh.’ sought to Las]3’ Totbsst s]. 27 Sept. 1874, and woe s. isv Stir rld”ol cii, wrest from him the admiralty of the port r,f Molahido, and Rsrssonn-Wtsoxy, hid lersi, who so. lot, 1789, liii’s ruts, other his valuable rights; hsst on pleading the aorirnt dais, and heir of John 9talisos, Eat1, of Itseltoslown, asol charters under which his family had so lang inherited, the Ito.], ranrt gave judgment against ths crown, sod thus Strafford’s designs wars dsfeated. Sir Richard d. 29 July, 1610, Jstlsn-Slol1ia,o’list S. osm. in 1824. having previously executed a settlement of his lordohipa Colitonisso—h’eossse’s, so. 9 Slav, I oOS, I loot—Con. Ste William of Stalahide, Garristown, and the Lonth estates, (which had lately reverted to him,) lsaving by his wits, Fliza, dan. Lord Tathot so. Sndty, Margaret, dan. of Andrew Sssyers, of Sir German Kemps, of Sussex, a son and heir, Jones TALBnT, who during the Commonwealth government, Ris lorrtsisip wan erratod, in IS:l9, a Peer of the Uoitcd had the mortification ta see his rattle occupied by Kingdom, as Boron .Por’oiesi, lssst that title oxisired with the celebrated Slylos Cerbat and othsr rsgicides ; and hint. At his decease, 29 Oct. 1849, the Irish digutly dscolved though, on the restoration of Csoasturs 11., hs re-obtained JAstre, 3rd lord ; who so. in 1504, Anne-Sarah, lad dan. posssasiou of the chief portion of his paternal estates, yet ossd ce-heir of Samuel Rodt’arsi, Ear1, rf Evererrrrh iltoa.oo, a valuable propsrty wao then usurped from the family by the crown, and still so eantinnos, notwithstanding that es, Somerset, and by her (who 5. 13 Starch, 1057) had three several monarchs subsequently admitted the fact, issue, that spoliation had bern committed. By his wife, the s. Jasrro, prrsrot leer. Lady Catherine Plnnket, dan. of Luke, Earl of Pingail, he n Sosnoss’l—Ns’ii, ,L. 6_tog. I OIlS. left a son and heir, Ricisoon TALsov, who was appointed auditor-general of Irslsnd immediately hofere thsrsvolutien. Re to. Frances, thu. and heir of Sir Robert Talbot, Bart., of Cartown, or. sv..Teltts—Sis’rvyss, ICR., S. 05550. Kildare, and nicer of Richard, Doks of Tyrronnel, a lady of so. Ocss’gr (Si ensignisro), Ia holy’ orders, one of site rissoutsor— strong and maooulins spirit, by whosr.i (who S. in 1716) he vs. hlsisvord-Piosslogeact—Airey, lair eapl.S4fh erg]., stow in left issos at his dorsass, in 1703, s. Riricoon. it. Robert, S. o. p. in. John, so Franris, dan. and heir of Cal. Nicholas Wogas, out. W’i]lias,s—Lospsshsi—Porseosuo, hietsi.—rssl. its the ouss’ l 5.5. of P.athosffy, who was heir male and direct dcsrrndonl of Sir John Wogan, chief governor of Ireland is 1295 sod 1310, s.Siargarrs-Nssgonl, so. 1545, Thssaos ,Js,nos, Log. ef Sloida— and had a son, Rscnaan. i. Valentine. Ths two older sons dying issneleso, the eatatos and reprssontatien iii. Hon’is’li-Sloey-Rverat’d, Os. in 1429, to her rossoin, J,iroit of the family devolved eventually upon the eon of Ttis’hss rd-.] sub, hoot. Slrsl regi., (1.38014 1844 nod John, the 3rd son, Rsnaaan TA000T, Esq. of Malahide Castle, who to. Margaret, is’. Sloniaassr—b’iora—Ltrssria. so. 18 Sqsi. 1445, Ia ilse Rev. C.— sidost dan. of James O’Reilly, Roq. of Ballinlongh, co. Wsstmeath, of the Mtlcsian princely house of Mrrffnoy, which lady was created, by letters patent, dated 26 Slay, s’. Chorlolic—Ettusris, so. 7 April, 1053, to lteory’ hlsslslsessso, 1831, Bososooss TA5.oov or MALABIDE, and Lady Molatidc, of .llfalalsiale, cc. Dahlia, in remainder to the heirs male of Fog. ssf lTashpesu ilossoc, 00. Sontocort, ossst 5. 16 ,tprll, 185.5, bar body by her husband, Richard Talbot, by whom he left Rio lordship 5. 20 Dec. 1S40. issue at his deceaos, 24 Oct. 1780, s. RseaAao’Wenoo, Ins heir. It. Jos, late peer. us. John (Sir), O.C.R., odmiral U.N.; so. is 1015, the Pies. t’stitesl Kisugdssn, 1840. lb reshios’y t.orsl—Admtrol of Stolohiste, Joliona As’undell, 3rd doss, of James-F.verard, 9th I.ord by rIsotto0, doted 5 itloreh, 15 rnwooto IS. Arundell of Wardcar, and by her );oho 4.18 tIre. 1003) hail, 1st sad dlh, gsslro, a lists, r:ssoliottl, or, soillsits a i,ordnre, on— 1 Jolts -Reginald- Froorio-Ooergo, of Rhode Rill, aror grailrsl, rrtninssis ; Zssd ond 3s’il, ssrgs’sul, a hiss, s’ostshosoi, gales, Lymo Rogis, 9. 25 Starch, 1526; so. 24 Jmse, 1050, SandsElica, os’tsuesl and hotsgtsrd, score 2usd grassut gssos’tes’, lrsssh’ si Ion, doss, of the late Re;’. David boos, rertor of Pain- as’gcnt, ansI gubes ; Irsi grand gssanlrr, orgont, a lisa, rosuspasat, league and Tredoonack, Slenmentlsshire, and hot one son gales, srms’d siod loagssrd, azure ; a rreocs’ttt oath’ fits’ niiffors’ore. oad five dana. 2 Nogont-.Jomos-Nioll (Very Rev.), in holy orders of ilso isa000ssl, sst’asissois ; Sssd, sin o aaa’oo]is of use colours, a loltot Clsarrh sf Rome, soda ranon; 9. 2 Feb. 1030. I Slory-Jaliana-Charlotto, as. 10 Oct. 1849, Orergo-Thomas slog, orgoist, hostgstrd, gtslt’s. W9sirgrrave, F.sq. of Sloocley Court, Stafford, and S. s. p. ,cudsporforotaoxser. a tolbot, or; oinielor, a lien, gsn Oct. 1854; he d. 18 Feb. 1003. 2 Slargsrita-Victcriosa. so. 26 April, 1041, to WilliamEdmosd, Soosersetthis’g. Sod toss of tlso lose Sir W’illiosn-Tomplar Pole, hart. of Shuts House, Devon. S Slary-Loora, so. 13 Ang. 1057, to Lewtn-Ilentham Resering, TAJIIWO 11TH, VISCOUNT, 0(0 FRItRERS, EARL. Rag., Reogal Civil Service, son of Sir Joho Bosorirg, and sb 17 April, 3966. 4 Christiooa-Jalla, so. 3 Fob. 1052, to tho Rev. Rdsvard Walfsrd. 5l.A. 8 Stary-Ratherino, so. 10 Sept, 1850, L.-1I. Fitogerald, Req. Sir John 4.7 Joly, 1051. so. Thomas, forsoerly a colonel in lIsa situp, sod roemhor ol the Logtsistivs Assembly of Upper Canada, 4. there 5 Fob. 1953. V. Rebert, barrister-at—low; 9. in 17701 so. in 1028, Arabsollo, Sod don, of the late Admiral Sir Choloaor Ogle, Bart., ossd widow of the Ron. Edw. Boovario; sodS. 17 Mardi, 1043. vs. Neil, lieot,-col. of the 14th light drog000s; killed at Ctadod tiodrige, to 1810. vu. William, 4.22 Dec. 1845, s. Barbara, so. the lots Sir William Young, Ron., SEP., i. TnostAs-SOLEV, 9. 1 Oct. 1845 ; a,. 19 Stay, 18615, Many governor of Tobago; ond 4. 8. p. is. Feanoos-Oabriclla, Countess of the Austrian Enspiro, and Chanaiuessc of the royal order of St. Anne of Ravaeio; 4. ss. Slenry’Asslaton, dreeaocd. 28 April, 1850. 1093 TAN six oosss otis] lItter doss. Site d. 14 Slav, 1944. S. hit July, 1054. Fitzgerald, Fag. of use Qssocss’o Cosms, tutu sI, 9 Nov. I—till. Csrnsvolhis Eusioco, CII., iC.C.Il., osid 4. 10 lleo. 1—10. Req., ScsI isy hoc (wits’ it 20 Nov. 100]) had no oilier issue. on his breihsr, sit. Rk.lsarsl—Giilss’ni. at. 12 (lct,I 047, Anne—Costliffe—Lioler, slots. of Flha-Cnssliilo l.istrr-Roys, Fog. of Slassnioghons halt, 00. york, sod sos Ririsord-(4i]h,oct, 8. 4 Assg. 1450, Edword-l,isteeRove, 8. 10 Feb. bitS, ssnsi 3]ory—Asisuc-Flino. loins lo Pos’o l’sro IX, list];’ orsls’es, vicar of Es-os’s’rerrts —ossso— (‘isoois’s’isiosis’, s’s. Somerset; so. 16 Cr1. 1840, Rhssor—ltathrrissr, slots, of 11w late It’. ltsss’v, g59, sf tsaagsssistoss’n (‘ostlo, rs. W’ieklow. .Jssne, 1453, SI asp- Losstss, doss, of A oilsssssv l.rfs’isy, Fog., 51.1’ Iso, Is] soisem (sobs 5. 1518) she has issue. is. Ansi’, d. osot. C onorol Sir Riri.ord Airs’s’, tIC. Il., and has lsosl iossso, Itoll:orssse’Siorg.oIo’l, s’s. 11 Scpl. 1085, to Sir II rnr (lottcroll, iCon, Sl’ollrr—Alt,in No1tirr, reel ar of ikiston, es. Sot sex, and hunt isssss,. loovisig iossse. c’’a7iess—Originaliy, Rices Toilsot, isp lennre, ansi after, lip pr.’os’ni] ‘lists; revived isp IC lrsst, 26 Slav, 1035 hiorony “0 this A rms—Quor]t’s’ly : lot osud ‘Silt grossd goos’irs’o, gssoetorl’, Cre.sts—1 st, on a rlsopeass, gislrs, doistird, ernaine, a lion, Jiolta—Forlo rt fidhte. g0at5—Sbolalttdo Castle, 00. Dohito 1 Evoreroech lhonsr, TANCRED, TANCgFD, SIR THOMAS, of Jsrotsgblritlge,on. York; It. 113 Aug. 1808; o. his father no (39h host. in 1544 ; ott. 16 Apni), 1830, done, 3rd clan. 1sf Fnitl,osnx-,Tohss Sol toy, Eoq. of Twir,oll Ilousa, on. Noethusnbei’lanrl, and hao han Ilornict, Sod dau. of Ciaongo-W’illenghhy Ucsusns, Req.