Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/393

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TAN I Richard, whose dan., Jane, ass, the Has. James Seudamere, eldest son of Lord, lrsl earl, who so, in 1742, Alieisa, 3rd slass. ass Sendamore, of the kingdom of Ireland. 2 Thomas, of Ilarberham, in Cambridgeshire, who was by whasn (who a?. iss I 774) ha lift ieaue, ala., created a Baronet in 1660, which title expired in 1701, at the decease of Ssx Hseaaan llsvaeET; but the estates eventually devoleed on Resort Alexander, Esq., cohn assumed the snnsame of DeNver, and had a son, and a Cosssslla—Eliaabells, en. lvi, 2 oel5. I7siiç to Csssnr Dsssslsnff, af dan., Levtna, an. to John Luther, Esq. ef Ilyles’s, liP. for Essex. Polansl, wise ci. oss else llsls sf sise aassse ssss,sssh ; sssst ledly, 1 Rebecca, an. to Sir Bnlstrode Whitloek, Kut., oreated Frasseea.Aliria, as. lot to W’illiasss Aolosg, 5 iesst. ; 2ssslly, to Loan Wnsnoex by Coaaswaa. The 2nd son, Six Joux BENNET, Knt,, LL.D., of Dawley, en, Middlesex, Tha earl if. 27 Oct. 1767, and was s. by his dIceS son, was a distinguished member of parliament, teasy. ELszAneTss, CoAnLrs, 4th earl, 5. 12 Nov. 1742 ‘sss7 Oct. 1771, Hssma, and was pnt into commission in the 4ioel year of that yasangeat dais, and co-heiress ‘f Sir Jasnes Celsbrooks, Dart., reign, with the Lard-Keeper Egos-tan and the Lord-Treansu-er by whosn (who ci. 20 Nov. 1616) he had issue, Boekhorst, for the anppreaaian of heresy. He waa stabseqaaently s. CHAELEo.Arorarus, 5th earl. canotitnted chancellor to Awwc., Qneen-Conoert Is. llc-nry-lirey, 6,2 15cr. 1777; as. 12 Slay, 1816, Gerls’asde— of King JxaaEs I., judge of the Prerogative Cosart of (‘anterhury, and chancellor to the Archbishop of Yark. in Frances, elsicat dass. of t.ersl Willians lIssasell; ossd 1. 20 May, 1611, Sir John Beasnet was sesat aa’nhasoadar to liruaaele to interrogate the AucHnuax in behalf of his naaoter, the king of Great Britain, cancerning a lihel written and inhliehed, as it was snppased, by Eryrius Puteanus, ins his ssi. Jebs-AvIlcy, rapt. tiN.; 6.21 Dec. 1776; an.27 Assg. 101!, imperial highneea’a dominiouo. He es. Juase, dais, of Jolla, Cuss. af Jolan Couyera, F’s;. of Copsisoll, Rocex; sod & Chriatopher Weeks, Eaq. of Salisbury, ca. Wilts, and bad, with other issue, I. Jona (Sir), his socreasor. ss. Thomas (Sir), LL.D., and master in Chancery, who left by his 2nd wife, Themasiase, dan. and co-heir of 0. Dethiek, lisq., bar-at-law, san of Sir W. Deshiek, Garter king-of-arms,a son, as. Anna, an. 19 July, 1004, to use hose, sad Rev. W’illiam Taeaase BxscaexT, Faq. si Sallhorp, Wills. He d. in 1627, and was 5. by his eldest eon, Sap. JOHN BENNET, Nnt. of Dawley, who as. Dorothy, ass. Slargasvi, ci. in 1013. dan. of Sir John Crofts, Knt. of Saxham, en. SnNolk, and iv. Asagssia, ci. in 1009. had, with other issue, Jouw, of whom presently. Henry, who was raised to the peerage, 04 Olarch, 1663, by His lordship ci. 10 Dcc. 1822; and was a. by his eldest son, the titles of Viornaasl Thelferet sod Fart s.f .,-lrtiaglna, and CHAaLE0-,tucuoTue, 5th earl, 6. 20 .tpril, 1776; an. 28 installed a knight of the Garter. His lardahip as. isabella, Jaaly, 1500, .Mademaiaelle Arnsaodine-Sophia-Ldonie-Corisandra, dau. of Lewis de Nassau, Lord of Heverwaert, and Count ef Nassau, by wlsam he had ass only dao., IOAEELLA, who (who a?. 22 Jane. 1965) had inane, inherited the henonrs according to the provisiana of the i. Cnaaxs, presesat earl. patent. Her ladyship an. Henry Fitzrey, let Duke of a. Esnnsa-Carioandra, ass. 11 April, 1830, to the Earl of Grafton, natural aoo ef Kisg CnARLEa II.; and her son, Chas’les, 2sd Duke of Grafton, inherited from her the is. MacsCat-Olivia, a?. Il Jan. 1824. Farldem of Arliagton, Bc. Sir John was s. at his derease by his eldeat non Stat Jonv IlesaNeT, Knt. of the Bath, who was escateo a Ca’ecatioaee—Dnrnn, 24 Nov. 1602. Earl, 19 Oct. 1714. peer of the realm, by the title of Baron Osssslaisa, sy flsssslsinas, Arans—Go., a bezaut, beiss’eeu tlsree deaai-lioaas, rampant, es. itlietatteeex, 24 Nov. 1662. His lordship so. sat, reafa Of Gsrv a double sealing-ladder, or; of ltraaav, naat Elisabeth, widow of Edmund Sheffield, 2nd Earl of Has- grave, and dais. of Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex, but of a nsssral roronel, or, a lion’s head, gas., charged as the neck by her had no issue. He so. 2udly, Bridget, dan. of John with a beaani. Howe, Eeq. of Langar, co. Nottingham; and dying in less, ,Sszp1asrlera—Two lioaa, org., dacally erosrsaed, or, each was a. by his only san, CHAaLES, 2nd baron, 6. in 1674. His lordship an. in 1605, Melts—Dc ban vouletr aeswir Ic ray. Lady Mary Grey, only don. and heir of Farde, Lard Grey ton-on-Thamea, Suavey. of Werk, Yiaeonsst Grey of Glendale, and Earl of Tasnkerville Towsa House—iS, Carson Street. (at whose demise, in 0701, that viocounty and condom expired, eat Boaxe’s Fxiincl Paes-aga), by whom he had issue, CnAaa.Eo, his successor. Bridget, an. to John, 1st Earl of Portsmouth. Asanabella, an. is 1721, to Lord William Paniet, 2nd son of TARBAT, VISCOUNT, ore CROMARTIE, COUNTESS OF. Charles. lat Bake of Boltos. Mary, as to W. Willaner, Faq. of Sywel, Noits, and ci. 1722. His lordship was adaanced to an earldom by the title of his deceased, EARL OP TANaxavsLr.x, 19 Oct. 1714. He ci. 21 May, 1722, and was s. by his only surviving son, CHARLES, 2nd earl. This nobleman filled several high aitasatious about the court between the years 1726 and 1740, and was made a Knt. of the Thistle. His lordship sss. Camilia, dan. of Edward Colville, Eoq. of Whitehonae, ea. Durham (one of the ladies of the bedchamber to Queen CAROL5NE), and had issue, CaAELEO, Lord Onsaolacess. George, 6. in 1727; sL.iu 1799 Camilla,5 an. 1st, to Gilbert-Pane FlemIng, Faq.; and 2ndly, in 1779, to — Wake, Eaq. The earl ri suddenly, 14 March, 1752, and was a. by his elder son, TAll co-heiress of Sir ,lobss Aetley, lias-t. a’f I’atesliesll, cc. Stafford, Cssaaarrn, l,io aueresosr. Jolsss-tirey, at. yossag. Ilesry-Assley, a gesserol officer; 1. isa 1812. an 1770, to ttelsert habiaeoss, has1. SIss, ci. 2 Seps. I sifl. the 11ev. lllelsarsl Sasaslys, eldest son ssf Ilirlsard Sassdys, Easj. of Nssrslsbssrsse Cassrl, Kent; ossd Ordly, to tise lIce. Edward— llerkinglssssss llessaess, reeler of Deal. 1026, leavissg by Isar (selss 4 27 lass. 1041) lava dons., 1 Charlotte-F.asnsa, sa. 20 Nov. 1039, to Cot. Fitastephcn Fresseb, H.P., brother si Loral ale Use2 sse. 2 Gerirssde-sraocco, en. iss Jan. 1029, io liasnilton Garges, Faq. of Kilbrew, ro. Sleuth. 14 Sept. 1012. lila widow re—man-iedJolan, Lord Wrotlesloy, and 4. 25 Sept. 1060. 5. Caroline ,an. 23 June, 1795, Ia Sir Jaha Wrostosley, liars., and ci. 7 liorrb, 1010. Sir Jadsn (asfiersvarsts Lord Wrat— lesley) an. lasally, us above, is 1010, lIar soidow of lets brother— is-bce, Capt. Ileunes, aad ci. in 1041. Berenfard, 3rd sos of H illiom, I at llsrso Deeiev, archbivhsp of Toasn, asad ci. in Sept. 1036. v. Slasy-Ehaabeth, an. 20 Jssly, 1931, to the late Sir CharlesMites-l,anabert Slssek, Bars.: she 4.27 Feb. 1861. dan. of Antoine, Doe de tiransoot, aaaal by her Sislaneabaary. ills lordship a?. 25 June, 1039. chargesi an tlar shoulder with as bateau. .Saraia—Claillinghnan Castle, Weoler, Northumberland; Wsl TAFPS5 BART., are OgRYis, DART. T A U N T 0 N. Dy leer 1,6 husband, Lady Camillo befr two daun., Camilla Annabella, an. to Edward Cary, Faq. of Folbaton, TAUNTON, BARON (Henry Labovarleere, P.C., MA.) its. Devon, and was mother of GEO5eGE-STANLET Csy, of Tatauton, en. Somerset; 0. 15 Aug. 1793; at. 1st Faq. of Fnlbatoo Park. (See Sunwx’s Lnan?ed Gentry.) Caroline-Alicia, an. to Sir John Brieco, Earl. 1095 10 Apr115 1S40, Frances, youngest dan. of Sir Thomaa