Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/397

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T E M that lady had two other dane., and an only son, his successor in i633, III. SIR RICHARD, I. in 1634. This gentleman, who was s. Augnsta-Grenvillc, it. 22 J sine, 1790. a leading member of the Hence of Commons in the reign of Is. Elscaheth-Assgnsta,ea. 10 Sept. 1029, to GoneralEdward CHARLEs If., us. Miss Knap, an heiress; by whom he had, with other issue, who si. young, Rtrnxan, his successor. Hester, vs. in 1713, to Richard Grenville, Req. of Wootton, of the late Sir Thomas Rumbeld, Bach; but by her who it. co. Bucks; and of this marriage the present links of in 1012) had no jessie. lIe it. in 1819, and woos, by his son, Buckingham is the descendant and ropresentalire. Christian, us to Sir Tnosnas Lyttleten, Bar. Mary, so. ist, to Dr. West, prebendary s’f Winchester;t 1799 ; so. 5 Slay, 1859, Mary, don, of George Baring, Eoq. and Sndly, to Sir John Langham, Dart. Penelope, El. to Moses Borenger, Rsq. Sir Richard it. 11 May, 1697, and was s. by his son, IV. Ssn Recnsnn, who acquired considemble renown as GeorgeEmestAbdoliah, I. at Naples, 4 Jan. 1852; and it. a military commander nuder the great Duke of Marlborough Algar-Bowdoin,oapt. Bengal staff corps, lute adj. Kumoon in Flanders, and having risen to the rank of battalion, 1.. at Slaleo, 99 Slay, 1831, to. at Simlab, 7 Oct. lieutenant-general, was elevated to the peerage, as Baron 1890, 111 nnie, youngest thin, of the late Capt. Frederick Cob/usia, of Cob/woo, es. Keat, 19 Oct. 1714; an,t created ViscouNT and BARON CoonAat, 23 May, 1718, with special Napolec,n-torenville-D’Everenx, Is. 2 July, solo; it. in remainder, in default of male jesus, to his sister, itoster, wife of Richard Grenvills, Req., and her male descendants. Ge’irge-Fnlleney, 8. 1050, it. 29 Oct. 1866. His lordship so, Anne, dan. of Edmund halsey, Rsq.; bnt dying without issue, in 1749, the lot barony expired, Eleanor, Ia. 11 Sept. 1860, to John-Pioton Warlew, Esq. while the 2nd and the viecounty devolved, according to the limitation, npon the deceased lord’s sister, Mrs. Grenville, Sir Grenville it. 1847, and was s. by his oldest son, who then became Viscountess Cohbam, and was created, Xl. SIR GRENVILLE Leornit’, who was 8 Florence, 5 19 Oct. in the same year, Couoless Temple (see DuKe oc 1db. 1050; so. 51 July, 1856, Marie-Aeon Von Ilistren, 2nd BucKneoscAse), and the baronetcy reverted to his lordship’s dan. of the late Minister of Fiseance for Traneylvonia, and, next male heir, V. SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE (refer to Sir Jehn Temple, Knt., fhschy of Dances, left by her (who ii. at Constance, 15 Juno, 2nd son of the let baronet), who sa. let, Rlisabeth, dan. end 1881) a don. Iva, and a son, GRENvILLE-LOUIO-J0HN, the sole heiress of Toter Paxten, M.D., and had an only surviving present baronet. child, HENRIETTA, us. to William Dicken, Req. and bad ieeue, Arise—Quarterly: let and 4th, or, an eagle, displayed, so., John Dicken, who assumed the enrname and arms of being the arms of the Hoptareh kisegdem of Mercio, whech TEMPLE, in 1796. Sir William us. Sndly, Elizabeth, dan. of hugh Ethorsy, Esq. earle of that country; 2nd and 3rd, org., two bars, so., each and had ane’tbor dau., Anna Sopbia, who iii. Sir Richard Temple, the 7th barenet Jlelfo—Templa qnam dilecta. He it. 10Apr11, 1760, and was o. by his brother, VI. SIR PETER, to whom o. in 1761, his son, VII. Sso RICHARD. This gentleman us. his eouein, AnneSephia-Temple, dun. of the 5th baronet; bet dying s. p. in 1706, the subsequent right of succession to the baronetcy dees not appear very clear: the title was, however, assumed by his kinsman (no doubt his relative in the femals line), VllI. Sea JoHN, 0. in 1720 (son of a Robert Temple, Esq. of Boston, America, and his wife, llehitobel Nelson, and descended through, It was asserted, Ednennd Temple, of Sniby, from Sir Tbonsas Tensple, the 1st baronet, see aide). ITo so. 29 Jsn. 1767, Elizabeth, dais, of James Boudoin, Esq. governor of the state of Massachusetts, and bad issue, GRENvILLE, his snceessor. James, 0. 7 June, 1776. who assumed the surname of BowDOIN, pursuant to the desire of his maternal uncle. He us. in 1810, Mary, dais, of Thomas Dickosen, Esq. of Fulwell Lodge, Co. Middlesex, and it. in 1142, having had issue by her (who it. in 1821), a son, James Temple, capt. TEBpLNSIOBE, BARON (Henz’y-Speneer Chieheotor), 4thdragoon-gseords, ye 26 June, 1047, Elizabeth, 3rd dan. of Tesnplemnre. eo. T)onogal, in the peerage of the of Str William Clay, Bart, ; and three dane. Elizabeth Bowdoin, cc. in 1706, the Hoes. Thomao-Lindoil United Kingdom; 5.14 June, 1821; a. as 2nd boron, Winthrop, governor of Massachusetts, and had issue. Augusta, ra. to Ldeut.-Col, Palmer, of the 0th hn.ssare. Sir John Templet was consul-general to the United States lordship ae. 3 Aug. 1842, Laura-Caroline-Jane, elciost of America; and dying there in 1790, was s. by his son, IX. SiR GRENvILLE, t. 10 Oct. 1768; so. 1st, 20 March, 1’°aget, G.C.B., brother to tho late Marquees of 1797, Elizabeth, dan. of Colonel George Watson, of lloston, Aeeglosey, and has issue, by whom (who it. 4 Nov. 1809) be hod issno, I. GRENVItLE, 10th baronet. is. Jonv, of Potter’s Park, Surrey, lient.-col. late 6Mb Loon SPENCER-STANLEY Cnrenveren (2nd surviving eon rifles; b. 14 June, 1801 ; us. lot, 29 July, 1028, JaneDerethea, of Arthur, lot Marquess of Donegol), so. 8 Aug. 1795, Harriet, dan. of John llorshall, Esq. late M.P, for ‘Yorkshire; and Sndly, 4 Aug. 1857, Celia-Anne, 2nd dan. of don. of John, Earl of Galloway, and by her (wbo it. 10 Jan. Peter Horrocks, Esq. of Beooaond, Cbertsey. By his let 1010, aged 80) had issue, wife (who it. 21 Dee. 1051) be bee bad issue, I Grenville’Sharshall, 1. 10 Oct. 1011, lient. R.N., it. in s. AereNun, his heir. China, 9 May, 1863. 2 Edwyn-Fredericle, 8. 21 April, 1035, capt.51th regt., Ii. Elizobetb,us.16 Aug. 1022,to William Hanbnry, Eeq. of so. April, 1861, Caroline-Maria, don, of General Dodgon, R.E. 1 Matilda-Derotbea, so. to M. Beurcier, of Slarseillee. His lordship it. 22 Feb. 1819, and was s. by his elder son, 9? E 1W 2 Laura-Cecilia, us. 12 Nov. 1885, to Herbert-Mareball, Eoq. of Poultrn, CriCklode, Wilts. 1 Gertrude. Byam, of the 11th hussoro. its. Matilda-Margaret, it. seem. 4 Jan. 1824. Sir Grcnville vs. 2ndly, 9 June, 1815, Mario-Augusta, 2nd dan. X. SIR GRCNvILLE, a iieut.-eesl. in the army; 8. 50 July, brother of Lord Ashhurtsn, and by her (who it. 10 May, 1865(, bad issue, GREceTILLE-LE0PRCC, 11th baronet. young. Knowles, HIt. 3rd dragoons, and has had a son, Grenviile Edwyn. infancy. Blanche-A decloli. Resalie-Slihicent. slying S Starch, ]860, at Thulgorten, Constance, Grand Creafhsn—59 June, 1611 have been borne by the family since their ancestors were charged with three marticts, or, for TeMPLE. Crest—On a dneol coronet, or, a naoa-tlot, gold. dcal—Merlands, Hants. 9? E 1W P L E 1W 0 R . at the decease of his fotlses’, 26 Sept. 1837. His onrviving don. of the late Right Hots. Sir Arthur AEeTRDR.HONRY, 0. 56 Sept. 1854. Flora-Angnsto. Itiucitgt. se. George, it. 8 June, 1020. I. Anne. Shobden, co Hereford, created in 1957, Baron Bateman. Aovnuee CRICRE5TEO, Esq. t. 8 Jon. 1798; o lient. -eel. in the army, and SIP. for the co. of Wexford; who woo raised to the peerage of the United Kingdom, by pstent, doted 10 Sept. 1531, as BARON TENPLENORe, of Templemore, co. Donegal. He se. 27 July, 1820, Lady Augusta Pogot, 4th dan. ef Henry-Wffliam, lot Marquees of Anglseey, and hod See Bussxx’s Lressitcit lienlry. Sir John Temple, the 0th baronet, had an elder brothes, Robert, who it. without mole icons. Of his dons, and coheire, Mehetabel-Hester, us. in 1704, Hans Bbackwood, Eeq., ofterworde 2nd Lord Dnlfsrin and Clanebeye. 1099