Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/399

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TEN s. WTLLIAM•WJLLIaSI, DL., en. Yernsanagh, 1.15 Stay, 1835. e. Eleanor. ii. Edith-Sarah, d. uam. Sir James, whose patronymic is EMERsoN, has a. Elizabells, so. to John SIatsell, Esq. of Great Yarmouth, assumed, by royal licence, the additional surname The 2nd son, and arms of TENNENT. He was MY. for Belfast C,,aas.ns ABBoTT, t. 7 Oct. 1762, of Corpus Chrisli College, and Lisborn. lie held, under the Givern,nent of Gaford, was called to tise bar by tise hon. society of the Inner Sir Robert Peel, the oflice of secretary to the India Teasplo, anst Isaving atlaissed tlsc lsiglscst rrlssstatien as a lasoycr, Board, and was appointed by bitt] colonial secretary ,vas conslitsslcd one of tlse pssssto judges of the cs,ssrt ,sf Css,ss— and lieut.-govcrnor of Ceylon, on which occasion he ssss,n Pleas in 1815, and rensovcd in the course of ttse year to received from 11cr Majesty tim honour of knight. tlse sante otation in tlse court of ICing’s lle,sels. isa lye, bond. Under the Gover,snieut of the Earl of Derby Sir. Justice Abbett received the hetsour of knighthood, and in he was secretary to the Poor Law Department, two years afterwards (2 Nov. 1810), was appoinled lord-chiefjustioe which he resigned to become permanent secretary to the Board of Trade, from which be retired in 70 April, 1827. lIe os. 13 July, 1785, Story, eldest dan. of Jsl,nLagicr 1807. He ovas created a Baronet 11 Feb. 1807. He is a J.P. for the coo. Down, Antri,r, and Fernsanagh, whoiss (else ‘1. 20 Dee. 1832) he hasl issue, and knight commander of the Greek Order of the I. Joua-Ileaey, present peer. Sasiour, and was a D.L. of Fermanagh and Sligo. st. Charles, 0.8 Aseg. 1603; es. S Jan. 1034, Ensily-Fr.aeces, Sir James Etneroon-Tennent is author (amongst others) of the following works :—Tsaerels us Greece us 1825, Letters frees I/se Egestts Ess,sy on f/ic C’opyciy/et of Designs; Belgi ass itt 184(1; History of I. Mary, ii. 9 Aug. 1838. ilfocfersr Greece ; Jlielory of C/iri.sticts Pg no Cc p/on; is. Catherieo-.tlice, at. II Slay, 1e39, to Major-Den. Sir JohnItc,urland Wise, /fs Use cs]nl Tcszeelisn ;tnd Geplon, An Accoant of I/se Is/trod. JLIitragc. The fnnnly ef Emerson is slated to have come originally his lordship si ‘1 Nov. 1032. from Foaton, es. Durham. Geoses Esoessox, of Ardmore, do. Arnssgh, n-ass, by his sos, Ceeelh.e—30 April, 1827. WILLiAM Eossssoa, Esq., a nserchant at Eelfast, 0. at Ardmore o’ater-bo,sgcls its base, or; on a cassten, arg., a crosicr, erect, so. in 1759, who Os. 20 Oct. 1791, Sarah, youngest don. of Cs’eol—A fox, passsisnt, per pale, or, and org., charged on Die William Arbuthuot, Esq. of Rsekville, en. Down, and d. at shoulsier with a svator—bos,gel, so. Belfast in 102!, having by her (she 0. in 1851) had issue, Ss’pjseesers—Dexter, a dragea. wissgs elevated, vert, gorged George, 0. 24 Jaly, 1792, deceased; Arbothnst, 1,. 22 June, wills tise collar ef Iord-ehisf—jrsstiee, ass,l clsorgesl on the whsg 1002, deceased; Josirs, created a llaronet as above; Fuss, so. beaked, volsscd, and gorged nub a collar of roses, go. to Wifliate Saffern, Esq. of Belfast; and Anne, deceased. The family of Tesnent, originally Danassd or Tcnard, comes Ssss;—Slendots l’loee, Hendan, Slisldleaex. frs,n Scotland, where sise principal branch resides at Glasgow. WILLIAM Tsssssa Esq. of Tempo Stones’, a baster at Belfast, sl. 23 July, 1832, leaving, by Eleanor hi] wife, dan. of Slagh Jacksen, ci Cremorne, es. Slonaghan, an only dan. and heiress, Lentia, who was as. 24 June, 1831, to Sir James EmersonTennenl, Ban. Crc,slioa—l 1 Feb. 1867. A s’,sss—Qnarterly, 1st and 4th, arg., a boar’s head, erased, go., between tsro crescents in pale, so., a canton of the last, Tsisoro’r; 2nd and 3rd, per fesse indented, vert and az. a bend, engrailesl, org., charged with ltsree lions possanl, vert, bezante, in the sinister chief an elephant’s head erased, os, Eases sos. Ccesso—Teaastcrs a boar’s head, erased, gss., charged wish tsse crescents, in fesse, or. EslresoN: a dc,ni-lion ranspani, vert, beaante, gorged with an eastern crown, or, grasping a battle-axe, staff gu., aae arg. .illells—Dens protector nester. Seaf—Teaspo Slanor, ‘tempo, eo. Fermanagh. TENTEBBEN, Renoir (John. Henry Abbott), of ;vILLIA55 llusAnn, of Slises’den, cit. Gloucester, who assumed liendon, en. Middlesex, is. 6 Aug. 1796; a. his father, witS’ his wife, Elnith, dat’. and heiress of Theoasss .tpple’ as 2nd baron, 4 Nov. 1832. 3Luiscitc. Jones ABBOTT, of Canterbury, ns. Alice, only dan. and heiress tlrwwv ltS. tlla son, of Daniel Dunce, of the same city, and ii. 14 Fet’ t791, leaving AnAos Rouse, woo oeatcd at SwacliL in Kent; tress, bins isarse, ,. Jews, of London, 0. 0 Jaly, 1750; who so. SI Stay, 1785, Enwsss Roero (with whem PII5LP0T, its lsiolles’aldic F’isitolien his first-consin, Susan, dan. of James Abboti, of Canterbury; and sI 26 April, 1828, leaving, 1101 I Tnotsaa. 2 John. 1 Alice-Ennee. 2 Mary-Frances. I,. Cnansss. nserclsant. of isis csosrt. Sir Clsarles Abboit c-as rssised to the peerage as 1;aaos Teanansa, of II,ss,lso, is] the rs. ef JIi,l’lleces, 1,a,ssott,’, Esq. of the Drott,s Iloase, Ilasilden, Beck] ; hy 3rd daa. of Lord l;eorge Sitsart, and et. 17 Dec. 1830, leaving a sen CnasLrs-Sveonr-Arssrv, 0.2613cc. 1834; a. 2 Aug. 1859. Isis cousiss, Penclope-Slary-Gertradc, dan. of StajorGee. Sir J.-ht. Stsyth,, and has issue. Smyth, IC Cit., eel. Cs Is drogoosss, brolher of tlse I’rinccss of Cayna, and of tiestnjde, I.a’ly I tinarboa, ansl 0. 31 Dec. 10CC, having hail a dau., s’esuclape-Slary-Gertrsolo Smyth, c. 2 Assg. I cOO, to Iser castain, Cbanles—Staart—Aubrcy Abbott, Esq. A ,‘a.’—Purp., a pile, wavy, vote, nrg., and gu., between two uvula a water-bc,rsgcl, or; sinister, a pelican. ‘sings elecated, or, ,lfolie—Lah,,rc. TEYNHAM. TF.YNHAM, BARON (Georgo-Honry Roper-Cnrzon), of Teynham, co. Kent. His lordship a. as 16th baron, en the deaths of his brother, 23 Sept. 1842 c’s. 10 Feb. 1822, Mica Euro Joynos, ansi isas issue, Hssenv-Gnowos, 0. 27 [lee. 3522; ‘a. 39 April, lOGO, HarrietAmoe-Lovell, fifth dan. of the late ldev. Thos. Heath- rote, J.P., ssf Show ttihl House, Wilts, and has, I A son, 1.27 Slay, 1867. 2 .1 son, 8. 12 Nov. lOGS. I Elnisls—laokel de tleooctsasnp. 2 JJarrtet-Anne-Lovell. 3 AooGser dan. 3.LLIIcagc. The original surnatne of this fansily, Stenaan, woo first elsaosged fs,r Enbra Spotha, and that to Rospeare, Rostspce, Beeper, Ropero, and finally Doper. llAseorrnna Mnsxnn, Lord ssf Staveley, co. Derby, was grandfather of the snnsame ef Bc spessr, or Lie Rsshnss S1eatha, and done, of Dean Court, in Applctlere, Kent, was a great benefactor to the priory of St. Slarthe’s, in Dover, fesap. we pass to of Keesl, iss 3616, censteessoco tise pedigree), and frem bin’s lisaeally dcocessded - TENTERDEN.