Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/4

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LON ford, 27 Jan. 1794. lie to. 23 Jan. toil, Goorgtsn.i-IsmmaCharlotte, the flake of Norfolk so visit the fair pttsouer. Sir Richard daa. of William, lot Earl of Beauchaitip, and had, d. 27 Jan. 1007, leaving, with other children, F,nss’Aar’-lItt’nar.L, lots ciii. IVILL1 tatisi’’ ON. ltrooit peer. Thotita’ - Aba md r, capt. uN., b. 3 March, ISOOt 21 Sv ‘tiso’, oo. Isis Fran es, dan. of Sir litton Sykes, Mart., awl l,aa It iso ,rd-Tatt n. 5. 12 Sept. I s39 ; Wiilr,t,t, b. to July. I —iii; fhotoa —Cecil.5, to S,pl. loGS ; Genrgnttia— Mary - 5dm i and K.,’ hi rin,’—l., itt-s. (‘harlot hr_maul. 5, 21 5, pt. b2t ; ii. I Marrh, ThaT. I cmv ht”l’orl, tnlo,i ,oders, I. 2ttSe1’t. 1022; d.Apr.1500. Pro’ I rich-Ic ooeh.atitp, in jor lviii Isacoar,—, b. 20 Sept. 1023. Fr mob-.1’ ‘liii,o’crrta”y latch t ‘tO. 31. hogati, at sit ll’teitrs A,- coo, aol to I 2’’ log ti, at Iti’ ‘do .1,, ociro, an I noss to (lie Ic zal ii ,ts at St. • ‘kit’‘liiit. Ii Feb. iSP. Ntd horiti, Solicit, . t1 let 1531, to Licot. Cal. the lion. Font ‘n-Jitt, Es’,na.l”rehe. Go ‘r_it.tnaS. qhia, s, 17 oct. 1048, to Wihltiatn-Ailcyitc, 3rd father of saventi chC,h’cn. The 0th son, WiLotass Loarrusa, Ii se.pti ot oF Fatter. Louis m-1’.h-aheth, 1 7 J,tttr, 1561. ‘Sheearl -7. 24 May, 1031, oil was e. by his side—i ‘ott,Cow at,i’ II etta ci, 2ti 1 carl, whit was 5. 2 I Oct. 1517, heir of the late George Losvsher, Esq. of h(tlruo, eo. Sheath. an 1 w’,s .1 Os tjor and capt. ttt the 2t,.i 1,ifc Oit,tr,lv ; ito 7. lie a. Julia Huntiisgford, tdecr-of the Bishop of hereford, i,””, 27 March, It-i, attd wa. s. by his itcat br’,ther, and has issue, Possonby; St. George Bertolord; Brabazon; W,tt,taat i.vo,,s, iho 1trcsont carl. t’cto’i so—itaro,,, 7 May, 1720. Earl, 5 Jttiy, 1785—in SIP, for the co. of Westtoerland in the reigns of Jassas I. Irelat,tI. Iiar”n, l7Juiy, 1521—itt the United Kitigd’tm. 4,’ ‘o—Q’tarterly : lot. ‘piarterly,‘‘rand gtt., in the first and CnanLea I. Ho. at his death, 1607, loft issue Sin qnat’ter. an e ,gle, iirjdayod, yore, fir PAomsstAai ; 2nd, arg. on a tool, in’Icntsd. sa., cotised, to., three flottrs-deHs, of u’hoselitirisoxtiuet ; susdoin WILLi,tti, Kut.,of Swillington, the felt, oath c ‘Poecharged whIt three lieoauto, for Cs cr; stsesst,,r of the prrooni Earl of Lousdate. The eldest son, 3rd, cr10., a grtfii,t, sogreant, ac. for Auautea; 4th, per bend crouch”, ai’g. alt,1 go., t’tsr DOYLE. Cc’ ct—Out ot’ a moral er’’svn, or, a tiomi-eagle, displayed, of Westmorlaud, avas oreated a .Barsnct of Eora Seslia with tw,’ Iies’bs, quarterly, org. and ao. iS’ ip1t’tcti it—Dexter, a lion, ac., charged cit tlto shotilder liars, of Sb ‘wJlordt,tph, eo. Norfolk, and relict of WaIler with an eocarbone’e, or; sinister, a griihn, az., beak, forelogo, Leigh, Esq., sun of Sir Francis Leigh of Addiagton, and wings, or. ,t]otlo—Gi,,ri t a irhsiis nrnhr,i. Sco’—Pakct,hqui hail, ro. Weotmeath. Tows B’saoe—24, Brs,ton Strect, Berkeley Square. L 0 N S D A L E. —122 LO’OSDALE, EARL OF (Sir W’illistni Tjoavther, F.R.S.), pathiament, and was elevated to the peerage, 24 Stay, co. Wectinorlatid Vise ittut l,ust’thor and Earott 1724, by the titles of Baron Lowlier, of Lowlier, Baro,m Lon’ths’r, of W’hitchavcn, eo. Cttmberlaud; and a Ket,’l’,l, Bacon D’’r;tls, Vi,cs ‘tilLsaa. /isle, Viorssal Leietter, Baronet b. 21 July, 1757 o. itt dud eon, on tho dau. of John, Earl of Bute; but having no issue, ho obtained rlecstlt of his father, 19 3laroh, 1a41. His lordohi1i Viscsasl Lou-tier, with remainder to the heirs male of his hail been summoned to the H’cuoo of Peoro, itt his cottain, the Roy. Sir William Lewiher, Dart, of Sasdlhngtous; father’s barony, ii Sept. 1s41. Ho has filled a’ariut,o and dying 24 May, IsiS, all his honoare expired, except high olficial 51 ‘l’ointtueutslie was lotal nt’esi,lont these of the latter creation, which devolved, according to of the Privy Cotineil iu I s-Id. ITo has bcett chairman the limitation, with thr deceased earl’s est,,tes in Weetmorland sif the Mott’opohie liceols C,ttotuisoion since ito formation in 15db’, !Ltllcaflc. The lamily of Lsw’ther is of groat antiquity in the coo. dau. of John, 0th and lato Eat-i of Wrstmorlaud, by whom of ‘,Vostn,oriaudand Cumheriaud, having boon seated at (avhe ii. to March, 1829) he had issue, Lotvther hall, in the former, It’om a period too remote to be steeioel. Sto lttrnann Lowyteert, Kttt. was high-sheriff sf Cornl’rratt5 in the 0th itt_i 10th if Qnorn ELizoerra, its e. the poerago, was eldest son of(SirWOliant Lowthers, Rust., of his ei’uoin, Henry, L,,rd Scroop, as lord-w,,rdeu of the wost Ssvlillinoti n great grandscatl the Rev. William Lowther, of tuarel,es, ansi was thrice eotttn,iooi,,ner in the great albairs Little i’reston, prebeudary of York and rector of Swiliingtou, t’oewoen England ao,l Sc”tland, I. to. Q’toet, Eota.osttrn and in the sante reign, when STORY Qaeen ,‘f Stiffs fled whi’, at the decease of Isis ronsis, Sir WilBam Learther, into England, and arrived at Workitigt’i, in Cuntherland, 2tsl Mart. cf Savilbngton twhetu that Baronetcy ceased), in lIsy, 1005, Ecizacevu sent orders to Sir Richard, dnnng h’s sh riffalty, that he should convoy the Scottish queen to C ,rhiaie C etie ; hot avhilo tlso pritteess was in custody, the tail Aog. 1753, Anne, eldostdau. of the Rev. Charles Eouch, ehertif incurred the displeasure of his queen by admitting yloar eb S.,ndsd, ro York, by sahem hehad, besides the bate 7716 LON Cnasovoruea (Sir’, of svhsm presently. Gerard (Sir), ot St. Miohar’s, Dublin, chief-justice of the e,,urt of Common Pleas itt Irelatid; and subsequently, in 1604, lord-high -ohanecilor of that kingdom. his lordship so. tot, Anne Weihnry, widosv, daa. and co-heir of Sir ilol1ih Ilulmer; 2ndiy, Anne. dan. of Sir Laurence Parsons, to whosograndoan, LoweherParsons,hebequeatnen his manor of Saint John’s, eo. Wexford; and irdly, Margaret. din. ‘ifSir J ohts Rhtg; but d without issue. Lsotnoolot (Sir, ci’. Rildare, one of the barons of the Exohs.qttor, and a privy eonnciiiior in iseband. William, of Ingletou, co. York, wht,se dan. and solo heir, Ann,,, is. T. ilober. Esq. of Jiarton and Stainton. cc. York. Sic Cnrasrorneit Lowvneu, the eldest surviving son, was avas ancestor of tho Lowvnesto of Isgkloa, Lowt/,orsiswn, osd Fibres, nosy represented in the male line by Gos,nes Lowanra, Esq. of Hampton hall, eo. Sosuerset, son and M’oeus; and four surviving daus. (See Bones’s Landed Geotrss.) Ste Jonas Lowanre, Sir Christopher’s eldest son, was Jetix his heir; Sir Chrislo1,her, created a baronet in 1641, Sits JOHN Lawrnea, of Lowther, 0I.P, for the county in 1640. hOot s. Ehiz tbth, dau. and es-heir of Sir John by ssi’irh iasly (who d, I duty, 1702) Sir John had three susan_i one ian. Ho ii. 10 Noy, 1670, and was t. by his grands’ at, Ste Jonas Lowynsa, who was the list knight of the fainila in alumost direct succession. Upon Ihe accaesion of Ring WiLLiAM, Sir John was sworn of the privy council. In 1655, he was uor’uniuated lerd-Uout. of Weatmorland and Cutnberiand ; in 1600, appointed first commissiouer of the Troassity; and elevated to the peensge, 28 Stay, 1656, by the titles ol Viseseot Lostodole and Boron Lowlier, His lordship d. 15 July, lIes, and was e. by his eldcst son, ltuenacn, 2nd vioeonnt; who d. in 1713, and was a. by his brother, Iioxi.v, 3rd viscount; at whose decease without issue, 12 lharch, 1700, the viseonnty ceased; bat the baronetcy and rotates devolved upon his grand-nephew, Sun Jaatrs b,owvtissn, eldest sets of htobert Lowther, Esq., governor ,f Rarbadees, and Catherine, dati. of Sir Joseph l’onniuglon, Mart. (which Catherine Penningten’e mother was the Ben. ihargatot Lowther, dan. of the 1st Viscount Lonsdale.) This gentlemos represeutted the coo, of Cnmbenhmnd and Westmoriaud for sereral years in ats’i Foot, or Loxsna.t,e, He ot. 7 Sept. 1761, lltangaret, a ,iew patent, 10 Oct. 1797, creating hhu Baron and and Cunsbcrland, upon Sit, WiLLiAM LoarvuoR, Mart.,° as Baron and Viscount L.cother. His lordship, t. 25 Dec. 1737, was crested Earl of Lo,ud,mle, 7 April, loot. He so. 19 July, 17o1, Augusta, s. WiLLuAat, Vieesoel Lsuetter, prevent earl. * Sic Witaou LowvnEa, Hart., who then succeeded to sneceedod to the est,ite of Swtllington; and being created a Baronet 22 Aitg. 1704, became the Rev. Sir William Low’ther, of Swilhrigton as dosignated in the renewed latent). He karl of b,ansdaIe, John, created a Baronet in 1824.