Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/402

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THOMPSON, THE REV, Sn’, HENRY, Eart., of Virhees, co. Sossox, Probendary of Chichostor, Rural Dean, and Vicar of Frant, Stesoex, b. 5 Nov. 1793; a his brother, as 3rd bart., 1 July, 1826; Ill. 1st., 28 Feb. 1828, Flannab-Joan, 4th dau. of the late Hun. Sir George Grey, Dart., K.C’.B., and niece to Earl Grey, by whom (who ci. 5 June, 1829) he load, T ii 0 T II 0 to Peter flirt, Fsq., maternal great-grandfather of the pre- II. Sin WiLlIAM, sheriff for Sussex in 1781, to. Margaret, seat owner, H-F. Jenner, Req. ; S. in 1767, and was a. ),y dan. and heirsso of Walter Sydserifo, Eoq. of Dean-street, his eldest oon, Soho, and had, IV. Sin Ennoten, to whom, who d. nato. in 1789, a. his Geoaor, his onereasor. only brother, Anne, a, to Stephen Fepham, Fog. of Madras. - V. Sia Jniis, who a. in 17S2, Mary, dan. of John Parker, Eheaboth, a. to Andrew Lyon, Fog. of Edinburgh. Ho,1, of Haofield Court, co. Gloucester, and had, i. ,Jona- Ilarta-Popham. - Got’rocy, fib baronet; ii. Frelcriok-Jntningo, capt. RN.; Staaah araretqa.I?7li to Thlham Roe dl o. in 1611,, Snsanna, only dan, of Arthur Athorloy, Eoq. basin’, had, with other issue, Sir Frodorick Adair Roe’ of Scoth.impton, and had 1 J’,hn ; 0 Barclay; 1 Mary hart, ‘who ifs. p. 20 April, 1066, when his baronoto o Snoanna; and i. Mary. Sir John ci. 14 Dee, 1826, and was became extinct. a. by hio elder son, lydia, 01. to Alexander Adair, Faq. of Fhixton Hall, ro. Vt, Tnst Roe. Sic Jnno-Gnnear.v, virar of Wartling and Sultolk. Bedlam, Snosex, S. 1 Sept. 1794; si. lot, I April, 106, Frances, or to J. Williams, Esq. ofhichootor; and 3. 1829, Frances, dan. of Ste1,hrn 11am, Eoq. of Ilamo Fort, on. Wex- Sir William dying in 1777, was s-by his eldeot son, ford, by whoas (who if. Jan. 1816) ho had issue, Sm Geoooe, H.P., who to. lot, Mademoiselle Sales, I Eootoap-Serrneo, 7th bar,,n, . of Progny-I i-Tonr, by whom ho had an only son, WiLLiAMi Fr ineos-S’ ‘1)1110, ‘1. 7 Fob. loG?. Lowio le000oo. late baronet; and Ondly, Sophia, dan. of ii. Mary, twin with Frances, it. 7 March, 1808. Admiral Monlagn, by whom ho loft no bone. Sir Gtorge ni. O.oniea-L’lirahetlt, 1. 3 Jour, 1o63. 3. 6 May, 1811, and was o. by his son, Sir J,.hn or fndly, 10 March, 1817, Elizabotb-Anns, oldoot IV. Sin Wirriaai-Lrwis-Geonoo, who ri. Ehzahieth, dan. dan. oftho Roe. J,,hn Vignolos, of Cornaltir, Co. Weatmoath, of H. Welsh, Esq. and by her (who d. 21 Jan. 1048) had, and widow of Lient. -Col. Grey, and by her had issue, WILLiAn-Sinwey, 7th baronet. Goiiroey-Jona, 6th baronet. 9tontogn, rapt. tIN. ni. SI Jnly, 7845, loaholla, J,din, 5. 29 Feb. 1926; ‘a. 92 April, 1647, Kothorine-Eiiea- youngest dan. oftlie late Rev. John htowie, of Salisbury. beth, yonngest don. of C.optain F,,lis,ai,d-C. Bacon, H ,-., Sophia, ci, 29 F oh. 11,41. Shea, no1ihew of the late Sir E. Bacon, Hart., and U. at Pan, Helen, to. a May, 1030, to Jamsa Drymer, Eo,1. 19 March, 1r61. Sir Viliia,n 1. in 1690, and was o. by his older son, Charles, 5. 16 Ang 1058 so. 16 July, 1890, Mary-Olive, only V. Ha lViLriaai-Sioriey. rapt. RN., who was 8. 1867’ he dma. of tots lice. henry Welch, nf Itailoham, Sussex, by a. lol, 1543, Tliooiaotne, dan. of the late Capt. henry Haynes wh (liewa do ir ci I, to hot on H etitiot in 1St ) aol 13 Ii I (1 Ito S 5 11 orch 1861) hail issue Elizo-Jnlia, is. 6 Doe. 1039, to lice. Gilbert Ihoathcote, of i. Groovo-Sonrioe-llrana, present baronet. Calerne, Wilts. I , Faeooeica-Lot’io, 8. 1811. Julia, 01. lot, to the tlov. Flenry-Berono Fratt ; and Indly, ‘ i. l.ney-Elizabotlo. H. ioahella-ltontagn_Jane, to Wihlmoi Keroteinan, toq, . Sir W’hiliain vi. Isdly, 11 Ang. 1696, Fancy—LouIsa. yonngost tlssret 194 llaro1l 1346 Oo.innspiddnlih ‘1 ton of ttii I I John Cenloon Leq of Clifton Wood ant I of Windmill Hill, and Peaomamh, Sussex, late Ml’. 17 April, 1587. ,rhen he was o. by hr older son, Ha Geonce. Sinsoy-Jlarane Tnoaosa, the 6th anti present hart. Sir John ‘I. , May, loll, and was o. by his eldest son, VII. Sin Enno’cwSyoone-v, 8. 6 Feb. 1810, major in the (‘n’aho,,—f Sept. 1766. Aron—Arg., three donoi - lions, army, d. case,. 6 Feb. 1031, and was s. by his half-brother rampant, go. ; a chief, as. Cr,eI—A domi-lion, rampant, go. Vltt. Sin Gc,ornoy-Jonn, who teas 5. 16 Jane, 1394; and Mails—Honesty to the boot policy. i. 13 Oct. 1893. Emily, oldost da,i. of Willian, (‘honibriro, —— Esq. of Bicknor, Itant, aiat tlaf,,,t, cv. Cardigan, and had, THOJIONI), MARQUESS OF, ccc oote, INCHIQUIN, B. i. (loois’cev-ViOanreo, preoent baronet, I. 27 March, 1826. THOMPSON OF V.LRIIEES s. Emily-Pauline. to. Georgiisa-Sophia. I — Sir Godfroy <1. i’d holy. 18i3I. Ceeolioo—24 Lice. 1694. , I and nngnlod, Jlohis—Virtns inriota gloriosa. n i Ssai—Windmifl Hill, Surrey. THOMAS OF YAFTON. S .o THOMAS, Sin GE0HCE-StnIfEy- _________ llannah-Jane, to, Id Get. 1647, to the Rev. 11-2.-H. Itieby, clear of Hayfield, Snssex, ftc sit. 2nilly, 29 Oct. 1838, Emily-Franoea.Anno, MEAnE, Dart, of la3itOR I’tsco, co. Snssox, 5. 1847 s. his father yonngest dan. of Ralph Leoke, Eat1, of Longforol hall, Salop, and by her had leone, i. ltcnry-Charleo, 8. 7 Bay. 1843; d. 11 Jan. 1863. i. Fna,,res-Annc, it 17Apr11, 1062. ii. Camline.Elranor, - ILilItBfir. 6r lloni’y ci. 1 Jnly, 1868, w’hon thu baronotcy I. Gaucon THoMas, Faq. (grandson of Colonol John lorame extinct. Thomas, who 000imanded the Barbadoes re line t a I ‘5 greatly distiogniohed himself at the taking of St Chriato- L Cnanreo Twoosr,ooii, Etq. of Southampton, lIP., virolihor’s in 3690), havi,,g Soon al,ointod Ca tab - I d odi,oi,’al ,of the lilac, woo created a baronet, 23 Jtmo, 1797, fcr goeornor-in-ohief of alt his loajesty’s Leeward Caribbee ‘ lii’ or, tIcot in Jervi,’, action off Cape 81. Vincent, where he Islaods, was croatod a hharonet 6 Sept lf6 Sir G t,a, sei’ond to eoe,n,aod Sir Chao’lei is. in 1783, Jane, only Ly,lia, dan. of Jobu King, Faq. and had issue ‘lan. and l,eireos of Itoliert Stlliy, Eoq. of Bonntngtoo, N.M., by WILLIAM, his successor , o lioai lie had iotie, Aoasooao, Si, onree550r; Charles, R.N., ,l. Elizabeth, I. - ‘doling; lhEaoy, 3rd baronet; Elizabeth, ,o, uo,i,; and Jane, Margaret, ol. to Arthur Froo,nan of _tntigna; anti ,, ‘ “n’ Sir CharIo, it. 17 Itarel,, 1798, and oras e. by hi, elder h,s widow, 1,17, leaving ial,r otis,, soon, tnig. i’Frooeia - Thon,as, Esq. of Yapton, who so. twice, and had bosne ‘ II. Sic Noseoe,ie, 5.91 llarrh, l705 at whose doreate, ucla, Lydta, ,,i. to John B hito, Esq. of Chiche.tter’ and U. his [ 1 Jsly, 1636. the title devolred upon hits beether Sin Hnaay o’ ow, in 37 4, heaeleg a 060, George White, Eoq. 91.1’ the Ihird and loot baronet. oshin asscmed the surname of TiIOSOA5. His dan a S heiross, Frances, so, Lient.-Gee, John-G,cotavus Cro.sbic, f’,’€otis,,l3 -hone, 1797. Sir Geo gel lthlee 1 1 atihs,ass hvhqel lest, n tool s’,n wavy gsa in base a scalio,,e in 11(14 ., ‘ III a flag, az,; on a chief, of the last, a (ExTINCT). as 6th bart. 27 April, 1867.