Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/404

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T II 0 only elan, of Thomas llarringtiin, Eoq. of Boothhy, hut dying a. p. the title devolved spoil tile brother, IV. Sia Ji inN, M. P for the co. of Tdaiosln, who ii. Margaret, relict of tho lIon. Fi aiaeio Ci’ventry, and alas at. is itlaout issue, in 1:16, when the title passed to isis eeiistn, V. Sir. IV,i,i.i eas (refer to john, 3rd son of 1st baronet), wliii a,. 31 los ii ‘ovni,’ti ‘ii, nod Was a by his iiul3’ con, ‘I I S’’a .5 sienna a’, who 1. in in’uiorit in 17_I, when the title re ye rte’i t’ hi’ uncle, flI Sin Jona, high sheriff of i.ieeolnehire in till. TIns gentleman as. 1st, Alice, only duo. ani I heiress of With mi Sainpoin, Fsq. of balosliori nigh, anil had two eons, Jono and Willi:im , and a itin. , f,lie.atieth. lIe so. lndly, hiss Langley, lan. of 81 illiun, Langley, Faq., tiy whom ho hail another eon, t’harles. lie was e. in 1748, by his elites I son, VIII. Sin J0mIN, who me. Eliz’dieth, elan. muid co-heiress of THRFIPLAND, Soot PATROCK-ML’RRAY, of Fingask Samuel Ayti in, Esq. of West llorrington, eo. Dnrharn, and Castle, Co. Perth, ii. 26 May, 1800; a. his father, 11 liii” iosiae, ,. Jsimme, his e000esser. U. tioiiege, if. a am. iii. Samouel, wh,i as hiss Goodaere, and d. 18 Jan. 1825, I. Pension TnasicenNn, Faq. af T’ingaak Castle, en. 1eis’isg three si’os. I Isoheilo, iii. to Mtildlot’’n Trellope, Fsq., eldest eon of Perth, was u,nde a knight-bachelor by King CisasLee It., Sir Thi mm Trohispe, Itart. ii. EIind’et.h, em. to Wiltiiu”hhy Wood, Faq. of Thoresby, by Kimig Jaamns II., 10 Nov. 1687, with remabader to his ge otleni in I f the 1iri sy ehanihor. Sir John ityisig in 17Th, was e. by lno cutest son, IX Sm Jon si, S. in 1 714, 31,1’. for Limieshmishim’o. This polities of his country ihirieg the nsnrpatisn of t’eoalsvcLL, genttenrmn so. in 1171, J inc only Inn, suit Ii eireoo of Nil— anml for many years succossivety discharged, with imafinite lingtoti Iiayf’’rd, Do,1. if Onto,, halt, en. Nottingham, and creilit, several important public duties, wbieb as’ere coin- hlillingtsia. in t hi slurs, Dy wisins lie left iosne, Jonse1tovroo’i, t,iosneeio,or. Witliana. 8.10 1714 5. in 1504, usa’. George, in holy oroors, Jt..t., Sin 1776: w. in 1864, Eliaabeth, II. Sit0 Dsvmn, who iii. 1st, in 1668, Elizabeth, dan. of only d,s. cm Benj.onin B.ingta, Ksq. if Bi’istsl, and Sir Janaea Ramsey, Burt. of Band, by whom he had seven it. in tOll, leIivinA six sons, tue eldest ,.f whom, the Rev. eons and three daa,s. and indly, in 1787. Dame Catherine 11.—It. Ttinrotd , sect, it of ltangti’iiaenm—3I arston, eo. Smnytbe, of Barnbitt, by whsna tie lund two sons amid fenr 1.inei’lu, ii. I Jnly, I 821i, ,Timti 5, s’omiiigeat don. sC Jatni— dunn, Sir David Threiplind haviog imbibed all the Tory Thsmss t’,llis, t’sq., tate of W3 doedl ItatI, ttertfsrdshire, prinei1deo of his father, held a secret correspendenee with and has is’oe. Fotw’ird, in tasty orders, It .8.. rector of th’ugtmam with the eon of Jasirs II. and Ida adherents, and, in 1715, he htarst’oa, S. in 1781 ii. in I 880, Mary, only than, of wan amsng the first, with lila eons and a party af fetlswers, Tt,aaias W’itssn, af Grantlmarn, 31 .t) , ant heiress of to aid the Earl of 31st in settiaig up the standard of the Th,smss ttaetboloniew, Req. if B’ardnay, and it. 22 April, t’haeyalier de St. George, and in prscl’aimnliig that prince 36 6, li’avHig two anus and five dana. t the eliter san, king under the title af Jaaies VIII. of Scotland and III. EHis-Frederiak Thsrstd. 31.1).. is. 21 July, 1868, Clara, of Engtammd; in eanseqnenee of which. Sir David’s title only snort sing child of Viee-Adm. Sir Jihn Kingesme, Kohl. and the younger ssn, the Rev. Antliany-W. sass attainted by act of parliament, in the lit yeat of King Thoratd, 31.A.. late eeetsr nfSt. Gites-in-the Fields, nsw Gronon I., and his estates amid effects were annexed to the minister of Curzsn Cha1 el, Jlayfate, ii. 16 Sept. 1063, rrawa. lIe ml. in 1746, and was..5. by his yanagesl and only I’:mil3, eldest dan. sf the late John Lahooehere, Faq. ef motiving eon, Jtn’oir.e lull Surrey, and has a son, 5. 9 Aug. iSfti. The III. (Sis) Sruaer, who being also strongly clinched to the 16ev. £ tavarmi TIiiiiai id’s lam,., Jane, oi, 29 Aug. t037, the cease of the honse of Stmaart, htmmkrd his fata wtlh that of lbs Rev. G,’:umville—Wtieli r 31 enteth,, veiinagest son of S:r tlhart,’a-Oninville Stuart Itenteth, Burt. henry, S. t7’T : ii, 1884. Oh wise, 6. ITs’’’, ml. 1887. Jane, i. in 1612, ti Ch,artssThorold Wand, Faq. of were doomed to undergo. After the result of the baltIc of TIi’,reotiy, Lineolnsbire, capt. in the hsroo-gnards, and Cotloden, so fsmlal to the hours of lime Jaeatntes, Sir Stuart it. his wiilow, aged 77, 26 Feb. 1861. Sir John it Ii Feb. 1815, ageet 01, and was s. by his eldest patemat in 1716, was forfeiaed and a toward having been 5, in, X. SiR Jimiss-Tt.evronn, 5. 58 ltareh, 1773. This gentleman where lie remained at the eamast of this Staiarhs, mull the set of so 1st, in Oct. lstt, Mary, eldest dan. of the late Sir initonanity pernntled hh return to Scotland in mecurity when, Charles Kent, Dart, of Fsrnbam St. Genevieve, es. Saffath, at e sale of forfeited tends, in I Sal, tie repnrehaoed the fansity sail hail an only son, Jsosm-Cnanaeo, 11th baronet, Sir John sm. lndly, 12 July, 15118, ltary-Anne, dais, of tess t and batty, in 1761, Miss Jannet-Rudge Murray, of Pennyand, Goarge Cary, Faq. if Tar Abbey, es. I uevon, and relict of John ht,slti,n, Jon., Faq. elf ‘I’n,’nhsuas hall, eo. Lancaster. (11cr laityshtp asas ii,. tudlv, Is .‘ipril, 1834, ta Sir Charles Ogle, Dirt.) Sir Jahn-Uayfard Thsrold 5. 7 Jnl, lost, Stmiarl-lhoaenieF, emlvocale-graerat at Ttonahay, mu. Elizabeth, anit aaas s. tiy Ins sass, XI. Sin Jonia-Cn.aau.ns, who was 5. 26 June, 2816, and Danidl, siho ml. ia tudia. si. 17 hlareh, tall, Rhiz:ibetts Frances, din, of the tate Cal. tlitityerd, of Fliatham, es. Notto, and had issue, ,. J,i,is-htr,sev, present hart. ii. htssrsare tieseas, t. 13 Ang. 1841. ii,. (‘coil, a lioni. I at tifr—gits., t. 5 1St. 1047, iv. CI,artea—l’i’i’il—l havfird, 5. ‘JO tuee. tall. i. Cssatmoe—3I anon, itse’e’aaed. 1,. Filith-htary. Sir John 1. lii April, 186;, and we0 a lay Ins eldest en,, April, lslG, to the iutrsmtnetiass of a hilt into parhiaosent, wheu-eby Sin Jnnv.Its:vnv Taoeiien, the 11th and present baronet. the aitniuder of Sir David Thteipland was reversed. Sit Pairiek Ci’.’eiiso—ld Asg. 1641. Ae,o.’—Three gomit.., salient, org. Oem i—A rrietsmek, passust, arg., attired, or. Molts—” eorss iii ,n em rvns ,‘8imi—Syst,i,i t’ark, tiraim thum, Lineetm,stnre. 3 ic’s llii,’a’ —54, itntlam,iI t,ate. 1106 THR T H RET PLAN D. iii ttas year 1674, and afterwards a Bei’saif of Fore Seehimi, heirs niule. Sir i’atriek was a stanch supporter of the funauly then on the throne, lie took an active lead in the nutted to his care, lie si, II hlareh, t663, Euphemia, den. of John Cenqnsnir, Faq. of Friertsn, by whom ho had sue son and six dane., and dying in 16S9, waco. by his ann, aafort’imaate in 1715, and participated in eU tIme diffienlties and misery a’tnela thai prince and his fatlawers Th,rei1dand’m maternal property, as had been the case with his offered for his apprehension, lie contrived to emeape into France, estates. which are now’ in lime possession of his descendants. Be Os. lit, is tt13, Jnnmsrt, eldest dan. of David Sinclair, Esq. of Sauthmtmimi, by selsem hue laaal a son end dau., who both rI. issue— by whom he taad foar sons and a dan. viz., PaTeiee-Mrenav, late baronet. Richard. wtao ml. in Indie. dau. of Walter Campbell, Esq. of Shawfleld, and sO. in 18381 his asidow if. 14 Nov. 1565. Sir St,mot ml. 2 Feb. 1808, and was a. by tmis san, 1 5’, Sin Paynmoms-hIrenay, S. in Nov. I Tel, who petitioned Ornnoe IV., ashen his majesty seas in Scotland, in 1811, for the oeststalimun of time tasoours of liii luanse, aeldct, lund been forfeited or, areomst of hh grandfather’s accession to the rising of 1711, ansI ttae laimog was graciously lmteased to signi’ his assent, 25 sit. .Iessy hhum’s’ay, dan. of W’iltiaas Scott Kerr, Fsq. of Chatto, en. RoaJmnrgh, amid by her (who d. II Jan. 1855) had issue, Paremce, present baronet. Jessy. Elton. Cntharine. Sir Patriehe ml. 11 Jan. 1837, and was a. liy tib son, the present Jan. 1831. k(llcaflc.