Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/417

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TRE I. Jonee, 5th baronet. en Walter, vicar of Henbury and rector of Nettlecombe Ge, Charlotte, 3rd dau. of the lace John Hudson, Req. of Besingby, co. York, and by her (who as. 2ndly, 1836, Robert, 1t Lord Carrington), left leone at hie decease, 3 Nov. 1633. I John, m. 25 Oct. 1838, Jane-Caroline, yonngestdan. of Ars,e—’-Gn., a demi horse, arg., hoofed and maned, or, the late Rev. J.-W. Astloy, rector of Qoonningtsn, Co. issuing ont of water in base, ppr.; thengh it appears Icy old Gloucester: and 0. July, 3852, leaving two eons and two dane- His widosv as. Sndly, 23 Oct. 1860, Thoneas-Cuffc Adams, k’aq., of h’harlconibc, and Sydney Place, Bath. 2 Walter, col. Coldstreara-gds; a. atVarna, 21 dog. 3854. 3 George, in holy orders; rector of llaldon, Surrey, so. overwhelmed a great tract of land, and to have severed those Anne, dan. of Henry Goes, Esq ; and 0. in 1851, having rocks from Conswall. by her (who 0. 23 March, 1861) had leone; iheir eldest Creel—Two anne, conntcr-ombowed, ppr., habited, as., dan., Charlette-Aone, was is. 14 Sept. 1858, to Andrew, elclost son of Andrew Johnston, Req. of Holton Hall, Halesworth, Suffolk. 4 Willonghby, E.I.S., as. Miss Aotley, sister of his .Jfolle—Tyme tryetlc Troth. eldest brother’s wife, and has a son, Harington, an and Wallington, near Morpeth, Northumherland, the ancient officer On the 11th hnssars. 5 Janieo-Harrington,lt -col.inthoarmy;ae. 3 Nov. 1853, seat of the Fenwiek family. Ilelona,dan. of Raleigh Trevelyan, Req. ofNetberwitton. 1 Louisa, ss. 23 Sept. 1813, horace Mann, Eoq. of Linton Place, co. Kent. 2 Jnlia, as. 2 April, 3884, G. Lowthor, Req. ofAohley,in the Now Forest. S Charlotte-Frances, as. 23 Jnne, 1841, the Rev. James Gieborno, 3rd son of the Rev. Thomas Gisborne, of Yoiall. 4 Harriet, 0. 1 Oct. 1858. 5 Anne, as. 36 Jnly, 1825, Bickham. eldest eon of the Rev. Thomas Eeoott, of Hartrow Honse, en. Somerset. in. George, archdeacon of Tannton, canon of Wells, and rector of Nettlocombe; as, 1784, Harriet, dan. of Sir Richard Neave, Bart. ; snd d. in 1827, leaving, 1 George, in holy ordem, 8. 1185; as. 2 April, 1833, Frances-Anne, only dan. of Licnt.-Col. Lnmsden. 2 John, R.N., al’tcrwards in holy orders, and vicar of Milverton. Somerset, 8. 1759; 0. oaas. 1844. 3 HenryWillonghby, C.B., nsajor gen. Royal (late Bombay) artfliery, 8. 1803; as. Nov. 1837, Emily, yonngest dan. of the late 5.-H. Greig, Eoq., and has sorviviog TE5 Ilr.nsTr’wN, 11.’ l;nh ‘Icon os—b it’l nice ha rise’ issue, Henry-Willoughby, heat. lsndrcgt.,8. 4 Ja,s. 3147 wall), of Triinleotoevn, co. Meath, iii lice ]e’sragc’ of Rrnest-John, 8 7 Dee. 1850; Emily-Frances, oc. Jnly, 1864, to Capt. R.-D.-H. Vibart, Bengal slaffeerlce; and Ireland; ic. 14 April, 1796 ; as, 3 Nos - I S3G, Margaret-Ilaudalina, Julia- Agnes. 4 Charles-Edward (Sir(, K. C. B., latoassietant - secretary Eeq. of Donors, Co. Kildare, sister of Lady Louth, to the Treaanry, and np to May, 1560, governor of Madras, appointed in Nor. 3802, a member of t;onncil and niece to Lord Dunsany, anti has had iasne, for India, 8. 1807; as. 1834, Hannah, sister of Lord x. A son, 8. 22, and 0. 27 Ang. 1837. Macanlay, and has issue, a eon, George-Otto, alP, for Tynemonth, 8. 1838; and two dane. ; his elder dan., Margaret-Jean, was a. 28 Nov. 1858, to H.-T. Holland, i. Anna-Maria-Louisa, ccc. 4 June, 1865, to Robert-Ilenry Req., eldest son of Sir Henry Holland, Dart. 5 Edward Otto, in holy onlcrs, 8. 1810; as. Emma, dan. His lordship s. as 16th baron, at the decease of his of Charles-Horsfall Bill, Req , and has a eon and throe dm55. 6 William-Pitt, in holy orders, vicar of Wolverton, father, 7th Oct. 1339. Bncks, 8. 31 March, 1812; as. I Jnne, 1852, Slaria, I’d dan. of the Hon. Philip-h’leydell Bonverie, and has William-Bonverie, 8. 55 Jnne, 1853; John-Charles, 8. This Ia a branch of the ancient knightly hones of BATSNEwato 1 Jan. 1857; and George-Philip, 8. 14 Sept. 1858. - 2 Harriet-Lonisa, 0. aaas. 2 Frances-Agnes. as. 15 Sept. 1842, to the lion, and Rev. which wili be found nnder the head of DA0NRwALL, Dart. Charles-George Ferceval, brother of the Earl of Rgmont. SIR Cnnssvovnsa BARNESvaLL, Knt. of Cnckstown, chiefjnsticc 1 Caroline-Christians., a. seas?. iv. Willonghhy, 0. 101784. s. Jnlia, deceased. ii. Louisa, 0. in 1811. Sir Jchn Trevclysn, ai.., 0. 1828, and was s. by his son, pcemge of Ireland 1sy King KnerAan IV., 4 lllarch, 1461, as V. Sin Jona, who as. Aug. 1791, Haria, dan. of Sic Thomas BARON Tmatnesvowa ef Trisahstsccs, ce. .JIcalls. His lord’ Spencer Wilson, Bert, by whom (who 0. 1852) he had iesne, chip ea. let, Lady Anne Brims, or Brown, by whom he WALTEa-CALvRRIEY, prsesnt baronet. ARTHuR, 8. in 1802; cc. 1855, Elizabeth Mackay, of Aberdeen. Cascisrovnea (Sir(, his heir. Edward-Spencer, 8.1105; as. l855.Catherine-Anne, dan. of Thomas, of Irishtnwcs, whese only dan. Elizabeth, so. Sir John Forster, Req. and had a dan. Florence. He d. 1854. I He as. 2ndly, Anne, dan. of Sir Thomas Plnnket, hut had Alfred-Wilson, 8. in 1807; as. in 1850, Matilda-Margaret, dan. of John Boyce, Req. of Limerick; and dying the no other issue. His lordship was e. at his decease by hie year of his marriage, left a posthnmone son, Alfred- Wilson, 8. in 1851 ; ca. 15 Feb. 1865, Fanny, dan. of the Right Hon. James aionahan, lord chief jostles of the Common Pleas in Irelsnd, and has issne. participation in the treason of Lambcrt SimueL Ills lordship 11 aria-Jane, so. to the Rev. Noel-TleomaeRllison,rectorof NctGecombe, and of Hnntspill, Somersetshire, and 0. his more, and was e. by his eldest son, widow, 20 Dec. 1860. J nlia. Emma, as. in 1830, Alexandcr-Wadlsam Wyndbam. Req. justice of the court of King’s Bench in Ireland. His lordship lormerlycaptain in the Scotch Greys, secondeon of William Wyndham, Esq. of Dinton (see Buasec’s Landed Gealry(, high-ti’easnrer in two yearsafterwards. So 1552, lie received and d. 13 May, 1887. Beatrice, as. 13 May, 1850, lllrneet-Angnstns Perceval, a grant of 126 acres of arahlc land in Bnnlcer, to voinigest son of the late Right Iton. Spencer Perceval. lord.blgh-ebanceflor of Ireland. ISis lordship as. no isse I,anra-Agnes, as. 15 March, 1836, she Rev, John Wood- tlsan four times, and was e. at Isle dscease, in 1516, by the house, rector of Hnish Champilower. co. Somerset, Jleleoa-Camline, as. 1st, 4 Oct. 1837, the Rev. Bryan Fanseott, only son of his 1st wife, Jane, dan. of John Bchlcw, Req. of MA., eldest eon of Dr. Fanssett, the Slargaret professor Bellewetown, of divinity; and Sndly, Walter-Blacket Trevslyan, P,STRSCR, 4th barsn. Tbie nobleman so. Catherine, dan. of 1119 Till Esq, son of the late Ralsgh Trevelys.n, Req. of Nether’ witton. Sir John 0. 25 Slay 1846. Csvoiisa—54 Jan. 1661—I. scale that the arias were ancici,tly, a lion, ra,n1ccnst, holding a baton. According to tradition, the present bearing is a memorial of one of the fancily haviog ewaso on horseback from the rocks called Seven Stones to ths Land’s End, Cornwall. at the time of an inundation, which is said to have holding in the hands, a hezant. Suppes’lere—Two dolphins. Seste—Nettlecombe Court, near Tannton, Somersetehiro: TRIM T E ST 0 W N. aL.:’ IV- ¶t3 Ri1s elder dan. of tho Into Philip Roche, Rlliott, Req., Snd son of Robert-Kerr Rlhot, Req. of Harwood and Clilton Park, en. Rsxbnrgh. if. ;lIrzIffC. of Crict-slotea C,aelle, Ce. Meeslh, the early descent of of the court of King’s Bench in Ireland, as. Maude, widow of Sir — Drake, of Drakerath, and had two eons: Nicholas, the elder, e. at Crickatown ; while the younger, Sea Roecav BARSSrwALL, Hot., was elevated to the acquired a considerable estate, and had two eons, Bartholomew Dill, of Rivemtown. elder sen, CIIRT5T0PHER, Sod baron ; who obtained a pardon for his so. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Thomas Plnnket, of Bath. JohN, 3rd baron; who had hems appointsd, in 1509, second was appointed vice-treasurer of Ireland in 1522, and hold as the manor of Trim; and in 1524, he was conetitnted