Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/419

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Til U 2 Oct. 1667, and was e. by his eklsot surviving eon, Sin THOMA5-HORBS.55T-COCURANE TIaOUDEIOOE, the 4th and present baronet, TRURO, BARON (Charlee-Robert-Claude Wilde, of Bowee, in the co. of Middlesex ; b. 1 Nov. 1816; his father, ae 2nd baron, 11 Nov. 1855; us. 12 June, 1338, Lucy, dau. of Robert Ray, Esq. IL Iitcaçjc, TuosoAs WILOE, Esq., attorney, by his wife, MaryAnne Knight, had three eons, viz. 1. Jone (Sir), LL.D. of llopeville, Cape Town, Chief Justice Sss Rienanu un Tone, Hot., accompanied tbs Earl of of the Cape of Good Hope from 1827 Ic 1954, who so. and who Pembroke into Iroland, in 1172, and 8., ioacing two sons, ci. 18 Dec. 1859, leaving five sans, of whom llenry-Sedgwiclc, Ssn Rscnann an Tnsro, Knt., surnamed Tiso lilac/a; and late registrar of Tlnolcrs,pts, at Leeds, is so. and has issae, Maontca Tusva, ancestor of the family before us. and Albert-Scdgsrick, in holy orders, is vicar of Loath, I. Oi.svon Tnsvn, Esq. of Sonagh, 6. about 1568, who was Lincolissisire. is. T,,es,as, created Lord Tram. in. Edward-Arolsom, who vs. 1800, Marianne, eldest dan. of as. Mabel, dan. of Sir Gerald Aylmer, Bart., of Douadoa; William Norris, M.D., by isis wife, Jeassnstto French, and and dying in 1642, was a. by his grandson, has sarvivingissac 5 1 Charles-Norris, is. 1912, who s. 19 Oct. it. Ssn OLsvrn, oldest eon of Thomas Tnite, Faq. (by 1837, his coosin Claudiao-Thommine, ossly dan. of Thonsas, Martha, dan. of Thomas Luttrsll, Esq. of Lnttrcliatowo), lot Lord Troro, and hsso two sosss and three dans.; their who was s. by his son, oldest dan., Ensily-Joannctle, was us. 20 Oct. 1863, to IlL Sin JAMEs; at whoss decease, nasa., in 1664, tho Charles-Frederick Bayley, Esq. of Lee Lyston, N. Devon; 2 JAMes PLasoven (Ill, lIon. Sir), P.C., appointed 10 April, titlo reverted to his ssncio, 1860, a Baron of the Excheqoer, and in 1663, Jadge of list IV. Ssn Hounv. This gentleman us. Diana Mabbott,nieoa Coart of Probate, aadndge Ordinary of the Divorce Conrr. of Edward, Earl of Clarrndon; by whom be had, with 6. 12 July, 1816, and sss. 20 Fob. 1960, Stary, Srd dan. of several sons, an only dan., William, 3rd and present Earl of Radnor; 3 Alfoed-Tisomas, Jane, us. to Thomas Candior, Eaq. of Cailan Castle, co. 6. 1819; 4 Edsrard-Arohcr, 6.1829, sss. and has issoo. The oocond son, Tnoas.s.s, 6. 7 July, 1782, having adopted the profession Esq. of Mc.rtoss Pinckney, so. the Baroness Sompill. of the law was caflod to the bar in 1817, obtained Sir Henry d. in 1677, and woes. by his oldest son, the cotf in 1824, and became King’s sorjoant in 3827. In V. Sin Joanrn, who cv. in 1706, Mary, dan. of Robert 1539, ho was appointed solicitor-general, and in 1841, Pcreoval, Esq. of Eniglstbrook, and was o. is, 1727, by his son, attorney-general. In 1846, ha succeeded Sir Nicholas Tindal VI. Sin llannv. This gentleman us. let, in 1728, Mary, as lord cbiof-justiao of the common pleas; and in 3680, dan. of Goorgo Roahford, Esq., and sister of the Earl of having boon created a peer, as Boson Tntsao, eras conasituted Belvedere, by whom he had one son, Gonnon, his successor; lord high obanoollor, which office ho hold until Fob. 1852. and Sadly, in 1741, Mary, dass. of Marcus-Anthony Mcrgan, Ho as. lot, 18 April, 1810, Mary, dan. of IV. Wilonsan, Esq. of Cottlostown, as. Shgo, by whom ho had, Gent., and widow of W. Dsvaynos, Esq., and by her (who a. Honnv, whoa. hia brothorin the baronetcy. 5. 15 June, 1810) he bad surviving iaauo, Cua.aLEs-Ronasov-CLAUOE, Sod lord. Tnoa,aa-M0NTA0uE-CAaR5NO ron, registrar of the Couot of in Ireland, by whom ho had, Bankruptcy, at Bristol; 6. 17 Oct. 3815; ass. 3 Fob. 1653, Emily, 2nd dan. of Charles Chapman, Faq. of Balham Hill, Surrey, and has issue Tnosoas-lloasxannoMoaRssnN. 6. 11 Hard,, 1656. Fmily-Thosnasioe-Clandino, us. 10 Oct. 1857, to her cousin, Charles-Norris Wilds, Eaq., and has iassse. His lordship sa. 2ndiy, in 0845, Augusta-Emma D’Esta (who it. H May, 1666), dan. of H.R.H. Augustos-Frederiek, Duke ass. Hugh, of Sonna, 6. in July, 1747, who was twenty-six of Sussex, and. 5. 11 Nor. 3855. Creofisn—1S July, 1856. Arssso—Erm., on a cross, as., a plate; on a chief, of the S. onus. 1811, Hnou-Monaau, nowof Sonna, J.P. and D.L., sooond, tbres martlets, arg. Croof—A hart lodged, with a rose in its mouth. Ssppsrfora—Two ermines, ppr. Moiro—Alquabiliter et diilgentor. ,Sesi—Bowoa,noar Southgate. Tswsa Hsssoo—25 Dover Street, Piccadilly. 1121 T UI Tuyropt, SIR RIduAnu, Dart. of Apploby Castle, oo. Wostmorlaud; Skipton Castlo, oo. York; and Hothfiold Placo, on. Kent; Is. 1813; so oroatod in 1851; at. 22 Aug. 1843, Adelaide-Amelia La. dour, and has iaauo, s. Hcsatnv-Jaosuoa, is. 4 June, 1844. ss. Alfred-Charles, 6. ia May, 1652. sss. George-Richard, 6. 16 Fob. 1816. t. Tbsrsao.Eiicabetls. 4rsao—Sa., an eagle, displayed, erm., within a borduro, wavy, arg. Crest—A sos-lion, sojant, arg., duly difforoneed. Hails—Alas volat prspriis. &ots—tIothfoid Plato, Aahfor’l, Kent ; Applcby Castle Wsatmorsland; and Ski1 ton Castle, Yorksltho. ___ TUITE. TCITR, SIR MARK-ANTHONYhENRY, Bart. of Sonagis, do. Westmoath, Is. 24 March, 1808; no. 18 Nov. 1854, Charlotto, dnu. of R. H. Loviugo, Esq. of Lavington Park, do. Wostmanth IL ill cagc. created a BAnONET or Ioctaasn, It Juns, 1622. Sir Oliver Riikonssy, whose groat-grsat-grandaon, Edward Candler, ii. Stark-Anthony, 6. in Dee. 1748; capt. in tba army ss;. 10 Boa. 1774, Patience, 2nd dau. of Marlborough Stirling, Faq., protbsusstery of the court of Common Pleas I Gaonoa, tho 9th baronet. I Lsseinda, as. to the Rev. James-W. Stirling, rector of Atislans, 00. Wootmeath. 2 Maria, as. lot, to Richard-Anderson Ross, Faq. of Fox Hall, Tipperary; 2ndly, to Wilhans White, Faq., oapt. flat rogt.; and Irdly, to Henry Meivilla, Req., M.D. and U. his widow, 18. Jan. 16t0, aged 70. years in his majesty’s military sorvics; he sss. in 1792, Sarah-Elizabeth, dau. of Cnl. Chevonix, and had Ifonry, (see Bonsen’a Loaded Ces,irod, Goorgo-Gnstsvnv, lout-cal. d.c. p., and Ponoiopo-Moleaina. as. 1820, to John Charlos Lyons, Faq. of Ledootown, cc. Weotmeath. Sir henry d. in 1765, and was z. by his oldest eon, VII. Sin Grs,noa. This gentleman sv,ss barbaraualy murdered at Sonna, by some man who rushed into the room; and 40 Crostiass—SO Nov. 1799. A s’,sso—Or, on a bridge, embattled, of three arches, through whiols water is flowin5 towards the base, Jspr., a tower, of the second, theroon boasted a broad pendsnt flying towards the sinister; on a canton, so., two keys, in saltier, tho wards upwards, or. Creoi—A doxter arm, ombowed, babited, ac. holding a flag-staff, thoroon a flag, ac., charged with twa keys, in saltier, or. Town Hoaoo—8, Queen’s Gato, Kensington Gore. TRURO. & TUFTON.