Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/424

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T ‘W Y of JAMEs II. This gentleman or. Frances, dan. and heiress of Josiah Cross, by whom he had nine sons and three dana. of those that roarlisd maturity wero, Roger, who 4. sos. rGsi 1osieio. Tuonas, surressor to Ins fatlror. ViLr.iaat, who .‘, Isis lirothrr. Charles, 1. ciii,’. I lmeage,asatplain sf iotmtry in Sir Tisrhard Teorplr s rein— osrot, soil ii lr—ile—roorp to liii list,’ of Orgy!1. l’aptoa 11 err.sgr ‘lii ysili’s was ssasrlally tooas,itril al lire baths’ of Slalploqssrl, Ic I 769. Jsitin, ‘00,0 li,’tst,’siaot in lisa royal navy, lost with Sir Closolesiry SIs’,ael. iii 1707. Jooiaa, a rat lain of istliosiry, a,ortally waonslr,l in t”larsders, in 1700. lIe it. iou. Assrr, it. iou. isah,rlia. e.. Ia F,irhard Lybtia, Esq. of ltarslwicke. eo. Oxford. a. Elbr.s-ba’alsella, to. 31 Stay, 1941, to William Tnffnell, Sir William 1. in ieST. ansi was a. I iy lna oldest surviving ann, IV. Sin Tumruo. silos ‘a. iii 1710, Catherine, icily dau. and heiress if Sir F’ransria Withens, Fist, one if the j sadgos at. Slary, as. in Aug. 1645, to Sir Clande-C. do Crespbgny, of the Court f Ring’s lien cli, liy (who ai. Onsuy, Iirigadier—General Jereivo) far had two dan.’., viz., Frances, a,. to (irirge (1gb, Faq., nephssv to Sir George illartlaaos, hart. Carharine, s’s. to George Cooke, Faq. lIe ‘1. 10 Oct. 171 ii, and tease by ins brother, V. Sin Wit s.iass, who cii. Jane, pranddser. of Sir Thomas division of Essex. Twiodro, tlart sf llra,lbisssrn, one if the j nilgra of tlse Court of King’a lietseh, and hat, with three dana., who it. iwo, WiLLnaar, his sarressar. Thomas, heat—rot. tat ‘eat, of ltfe—gnarsls sl. 19 Only, l7e1. Cssnqoeat, v,’hemr Philip, in holy orders, bishop sf Haphssr i as. lot, in 1741, Sm WALTEr. YrneLs,, a Norman knight, came into Miss Iilary l’orrell, lsy whiiio çwtso ii. Ia 17171 lie hail a 1ass., Essglassd, attn 500t5 aftssr became totaatst of the manor of who 1. voting. ills I orilslal,oi. Snitiy, Franrrt, itao. of tire iassglsam, cc. Essex, which he Imeid sit the general aorvey Right Itosa Tiostaas Carter aol ,i. 2 Fur. 1757, Iraving a sussler ibhotarrrl do Torrhrigg. Of this Sir Waiter, Slorant, poaihosaoaa stars., l”raisees, a,. 4 March, 1770, to George, 4th to his ffislory of Essex, observes : “Whether he was the Earl of Jersey. Sir William was a., 20 .ug. 1751, by his eldest oon, Vt. SIR VtLa,i oat. This gentleman s’s. Mary. dan, of stoaelnt. thrastgb the poroitaaiou of a fssns,tie monk. aa it is George Jerets, Faq., isy whose (who sl. ‘1 June, IllS) he left, assorted lsy Ala,, do issoytlis, we are tact at.da to determine.’’ a. is, Iris ossrcrssar. is. llesaeagr. t. 2$ Sold. 17(71; iii. 17 .Joly, 1902, 5tane, sian. tanaiby Ia deaeeimdesl front tt,e Waiter Tyrell who obese threes, ef Sir ,fihn—l’siaan taytr, Dart. arid I. a. p. Ia I 026. tlis srssd as far is it frost lseitsg certaist th,at tue dccci sinai done wisl ow it. 30 lbareh, 1091. itt. Thsooas. rapt. RN, 0. 20 Get. 1760; io. Isabella, fast, of dcdgrredly. Gralerleus Vitalis, in his Htsbeey of A’a’naaady, henry tionran, tisq. 1 and it. ‘1 tIn. 1001. leaving by hee rebahea, that Sir Walter TyrcIl, on his deatim-bed, declared fsvhss 1. in 101st, I Iteary—Ostaran. rapt. lt.N. ; 551. lOIS, his r005in, Mary. slats. item’s, was laible’l. F’rsina Sir Waiter Tyrell descended of Sir William-J ervis Tseysslea, assil has had Isaac, theoryhissnean, Sin Tmoossaa Tvnev, Fiat, of Rssnsseys TyreG, eo. Essex, II encage—thomas. tilled at I atera ass, and Frances— svlsas,s. Star6arrt, data. of John FiUol, Eaq of Old usd1, Mary, ,,s. 10 March, 1 sIll, to W’al Irs—h ielr Stoiessrs,rtir, Faq. atad haasl katie twsi smma, i. Joists (Sir), of hles’on, wboae son, 2 Ttissssias, in holy oi’sters, reri,,r iii Cirsirletan. cc. Fies’,sn, Jean TyReLL, Faq. of Springfield, in Essex, seas created 0. 21 itssg. 1901 ; is,. 19 Get. 1027, Flizalirhis, slsrss. of tIre late a I tsrss;met iii 1672 (red p fo BunKo’s Retied Be.s’oatctape) Ednsasosi—Nathanirl-Wihliaos Fortrirssr, tlsq. of Essilalol, is. Tossstsos. Tbr yaunger Son,’l lois ls:sd lassie, ,taosea—Slevroosn, 0. 11 Assg. Tmroamaa ‘tvrans.L, Essi. of hbattiesbarry, eo. Eosex, as. Elizabeth, 1920 Eslsssatsl-Farirsene, Cal 4. 95th, red., t. 6 ,tog. 1017, 1. on isis way fnira I sotia, II F01’. 1061 ; I satella—lllieahrsis, sill lire. 1050, to l’harles—l I sight, Sril sort of tire late avas a. Isy his asisu, George Siattlreo’ hloaee, hsq. of Msss’den Lostge, Surrey Jrsssw ‘l’vmu,ee, Faq. of hlilieriesay, cc. Essex, who rim. Slary, Eslitts—I’ierreposst. s. Frances, ‘a. 1st, to ,trrhibald, I lthr Earl of Eglinlisn, hy ubsiu. s,f (libra Alley,,, Faq..isf hlaoelay hissib, eo. Essex; and wisr,ns also Isosi tsr,, stasis. ; ansi Ssssllv, after iris lortlaluts’s ‘1. 20 Selst. t7h2, leaving a sin acid heir, stessease, t’eaaeia Sbus’,’, Itosi., son nt tire lair tie. Moore, soul Junta Tvsmrem,, Faq. of hittlericay, who ass. Mary, datr. of lsralli,’r ssf bus’ lasaenlrsl theeeral Sir ,lsshnss Mos,re, asciI .,tslasirssl William islsrrlow, Eaq., by wbs,ua ho bad, svith another aoa, Sir Gs’alsana Jlusu is’, G.f’.h. .SIse was srssuhhsrr of’sstensnt— whss st. us’sss,., Genet’aI Sir William 11o,sre, K.C.i5., ss’ho 1. 23 Ort. 1902. Sir Wiilians it. in 1767, and was a. Isy his rldest son, VII. Sin Wss.t,taas-Je.nvss, 0. 12 Stay, 17110; is. 7 Slay, last, and esu-heiresa sf Johns Ihhglmam, Req. of Rssrcbam, by 1795i, Frances, slats. (if tlexarrrter Wyisela, Faq., governor of schemer ire had no ioemse; aird ladly, stnne, eldest dan. of the Madras, and hail leone, Wts.ttaat, she 1a’earnt l,arotirt. l”raneis.,Iaares, 0. 14 jane, laOS or. 1629, Miss tloobm, and I. JoIsts, ers’atrd a Earsinet. 1094, lsarissg Isi,sl tss,s stasis. Jesta, 0.20 Nov. bOss ui. 1st. 6 Jan. 1620. Cerfiia, dan. of Raetlssad and Midbsy, in Kent sad 0. ma 1009, leaving iasae. Lewis Oaeelgeltss, Esq. (if Fastanirls lark, co. Ssrrrer, ansI SIr. Tyrell d It Nov. 3766, and was.a. by his son, isad 1,arvsa, 0. loll. H,’ si. andly, 26 Slay, 1.42, Gesrgins, 0. Ssss Jonys, 6. 20 July, 1762. This gentleman was created oldest dais, of the late i,i,’ssl. lien, George Itisrafisrd. Frances, a,. 29 Jssty. 1041, to tire ltr’e. i.ssnsbert-h’laekwell a Barssret 20 Sept. 1809. He so, 29 Nov. 1791, Sarah, only tusrthng. vicar of bios’lsass atrd Ityaralr, ra. Itent, Flora, sles’. Mary, as. isa 1619, to Capt. tlenry-T)aneaa Twysden. EN. Itliea, ssi. 23 J rrly. 1027, lo lire Imsie Caut. Ctarlrs—llenry Scale, Joats-Tvssnti, his successor. lt.N. lsal,ella-Camilla. on 20 llareir. 1021, to use Rev. hiobert-Orgil assul Iselore threae (if Tys’ett, by royal bicoiree, 3 May, ISLe: Ire Lesisasm ; assst ‘I, 1 Jlsrels, 1690. Sir William d. 3 Feb. 1021. Crrsstiuin—20 .lsttse, 1611. Ara.s—Gyronny of fossr, arg. ansi gn., a taTtler, betss’een four Mary. as. lii, to John Wright. Faq. of tlatfield Priory, eo. croas—crosalet,, all ssosmhorels,snged. Gmat—A eoeholriee, az., isinged, ,tse., or. Seal Roydssrr I hill, Itent. 1)26 9’ V ‘[1. TY’RELL, Ta’SELL, Sin JORN-TYSSEN, of llorohatn house, co. Essex, S. 21 Pee. 1795; itt. 19 May, 1819, Ellen, eldest dart. ond co-heir of the late Sir Thomas Pilkington, Dart., and by that lady (from whom he is divorced) he has three dana., Es,1., son ssf Ihe late John Joliffe Toltmrsll, Esq. of Lsnrgleys, F!saex (see Russxe’o Lrsarute,l Gr,sl rp). Itart. iii. Sandm, ass. 4 Jumse, 1949, to John-Ralph Cemaby Gore, FJaq.,M.I’. sif Ferkingteo, Salep. Sir John s. his father, as 2nd baronet, 3 Aug. 1832, aianl ions, foe aeveral years, SIP, for the northern Luitcac. Thia fansily baa been of knightly degrey ever since the oaace lsenaoss whis sh,it WrLL5AM hem’s in the New Fereet, ,‘r wtsetlser be cOld it at the iootigatiots suf Archbishop It ha far issdeed from lseitsg an aseertahtsed prshsat that thin that lie was art so march as in the field when Wiea.iasi dan. si Thomas Steward, Eaq. euf Cbeinasford ; and huts TvnnLL. Eaq. of Hatfield Peverell, cc. Esoex, high- sheriff if that shire mm 1779; who ai. let, Sarah, yauegeat lisa’. Willhana Slaster, rector of East tlaaaaingfield, eo. Essex, Icy whom be lied, ttlary-Assne, a. to the itev. ,bolan, P.M., reetar of slaim. anmel heir of William Tyosen, Eoq. of Waltham Fhouee, cc. fIesta, and lay her (who ub, 19 Pee. 1029) ho bad isasac, Clmas’bes-Tyssen, 0. 22 Jsoa.-I 1(94, in holy orderr. This geatlemasr sussssmssesl lIme naasc oust arusas of Jensmr, in addition to it. 1990. Amatma—Msss’ir,sr, . IS lame, 1611, to Jsdsn—Rebrrt Spencer Philips, Faq. of hteMsasss’a I.issig’e, esu. Esaea. and sb 6 Slay, 1662. Essex; ansd 2nsully, 16 Feb. 1643, to tha Rev. 6.-lI. Leigh. Sl’e 0.29 Jan. 1990. Sir John 0. 9 Aug. 1912.