Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/426

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V A ía V A L E N T I A. IL(ncztgc. This family derives its oui’rr trite front the lordship of Annealet, eo. N’ ci higham, where its patriarch, Ricer titti DC Aassarrr, was seated at the titus of thu general a irvey. litter nu _t Ni. isLET, Faq., eldest an of George Annealey, Eaq. if Newport Prr_çnell, Bucks, and the ‘teacerr’lant of the marriage of Sir .1 ‘thu Aura sky, M I’. far N”tts, ‘a ilk baud, sister amrrl es-lair of Sir’ John ‘hand’s, It B., was a naval officer in the reign of Queen Eiac.snreri, and also a captain iii her rnaj esty’s array raised it airlq’rsss the Earl of Deamond’a r’ehellh,ia after is inch he becamnr,, an undertaker in tire plaintacir ‘n t’f Mirnater. lie iii. Ileatriee, lan. of J situ Cornwall, Eoq. aif Moor Park, ca. Tlerefoni, and was S. liy his eldest son, Sin Fnrs-ecro ANNESIET, lint, who filled for forty years aeveral of the highest ,rffierrnl aitriati’eia in irulanrl. ha hut, he was app’ante’t eomnptrollse trace the clerk of the works; in teaT, niatle j’’int clerk of the cosmeil, and keeper of the signet in the pr’’vnree of dhrrnster Ira lila, 1 e wao eonstitnted esnatalde of the castle r’f Mourmtnorris in tIre next yoai- Sir Francis ma-presented his cit. If Arnar’rgh in pam’liamnent ; and in tO hi, he wao ci mistitniel tome of the prirmcipal eeeretariea of state for leolan,l, arid sworn of the privy eorrrreil bitt the tHee 1 icing grarntetl without fee, he had a reveraiarrary patent, dated a -Juno, I ci a, of the seoretaryahip arid errstady of the privv-eigraet, o’r the avai,lanee or death of Sir lrrstlcy North, whereirpoir lie resigned the revoroir’nai’y grant of the iarmster roaster- generalship, which he had previously ol’lairnod. Uprrmm the institrrtion of the order of Baronets of lrslarr,l, Sir Fraineis Anneoley was the second persona grit nm whirun tin it rligrrity His lordship S. inn 1680, and was 3. by his eldest son, was eonfen’ed, Iry patent rlaterl 7 Aug, lear, runrd in the Anrucu, 2nd baron; who woo enrolled anarsngst the peers fr’llr’rvirrg year Sir Fr,ureia ol ,trrirre,b a reversionary grant, of Enaglamnd, 20 April, 1661, an Baron elnncstry, sf 1a’cnpsrf by patent, dated II March, 1011, of the Irish l’mars’ravv Pnpocll and Earl of .itagieecy. This mroblemaan waa tm’eaeurer OF Vacravno, at the rlceease if the then visOornnl, Sir Honey of the iravy in 1687, and hrrd-pnivy-oeah tn 1672. his lordship P,rwor. tie reao 1rrit, h,’sves’er, into tire rat’ ire ima,ae, hale pooseoaioir if a peerage, by the title ‘if Be ‘ac JBne,,lrnsrere, Oxcy, co. Hcrts, one of the barons of the Exchequer, by ag Jloesl,roreie, ro. Ae,r,,rgta, 0 l’eb., 11tH. (Fire the stiffertoga whom he had (with other children), r,f this rrrrlilrniain nrmrelen’ tIre g’rvermrarent of the Il rn nt n. Jaamrn, Lsr,! ..4raseshy. Strraffi’rn,l, sea btr’nac’s Monad o intl Do enrol I’eerarge.) I ha in, Aitham, who was treated Boron AIIham, sf AblOom, lrrretship dr - tat, l’)arothy, starr of Sir Jalrn Phillips, Bait, at with r’curatador to the iosnre nuale of his yonnuger brathere, Pietrrn Castle, ea. Peinalrroke, by sahoni he hash three Sons, I. AirvuiUir, Ins hole - mi. Roher t, 7. at Ronre, irr. .1 rrhrr, if ll,dlvsomaan Castle, to Krldare, it. eli arity, mm. Tue HON. ann Rev. Rntuanu ArenEna.Ev, PD., Bean dorm. if I bury Warren, Req. of lirrargehi g, arr,l ‘1. rn Hit, leaving with three Anus,) five aorta, ExAncre, 31. r,rnioo, .J rnhn (wlnn’,.r nann,l left issire), It cargc, nail Robert, ‘f where the chIt at, l”usnarra _tNNi,os.ev, F., I Of B.nllysonari, “a. lick’ ‘rah, siorer of delferi’ Prnrml, Fe i, 31. P., ann html torn- rIms. his e’ ‘-lairs, vie., I (‘limits—, wIn’’ ‘l. u,rr,r)2 1kb rnsah, wlr,,,a R’’t,ert hioyno, Ear1, of Wells 3 Elizabeth, wh,r it Thrrmnmis lInglros, l’l”q. r’f Archer,,town, Ths sarl ,t. 6 April, 2686, and was o. by his eldeel son co. Trppsr-ar’y, arrecot, rr Iry lice ‘f the late Samir, I Jsanrs, 2nd earl; who ra, Elizabeth, dan. of John, Earl of Tlurghcs, Esq f t’rirrarrl,r,sde, co. t’arrrsarilr, ii, 1’. 13., cii. 011.1’ 5., tnt tire Iiriiaatr.iy army. Imaisly ci ‘mmanriling it e nn’rtliern ,livioi, ,rm, svrtlr tire r rrrk ,nf brigadier general Rutland, and had issue, JAMEs; Jonn ; Anvaun; successively arrnt .1 bIamnnrila, nit tn Tlnr,rnas Sprrrrge, Eq. TIe or. Orally, Jane, ‘1mm. ‘‘1 Sir .trrhu Stank’ pc, intl wt,lerw Eoq. of Stoke Pogea, Bncks, Ibis hordobip S. in 1630, and of Sir Peter f’,,urteerr, lIar-I. if Aihitirat, or, s-a. W, ‘reeatsr, hy woes, by hia ehmlcst sin, svhenr he bran several ctrilrtn’ena ; the el,lest nt selrrrna, i Fn m’ocio, rn, tl,’lrr,rnrh, chart, of Henry Joince, Ilislrrp of Catberine, si. to Willtmam Pbtpps, Eeq. son of Shr Constauthrrs Menath, narn,1 wmao father of Fnsvei,s, of Thrnrgru1by, ira Yorkshire, M.P., who left witir irther issue, 1 Fir set re LL. I)., in holy r’rilero, rector’ of Winwiek, Hie lordship 5. lb Jan, tit-2, and was a. by his brother, ca. Lmnnre’roter, who er-tune d,rir. anti ce-heir of Sir Joan, 4tb earl; wbs Ia. in 1786, Lady tlsnrietta Slanlcy, 1l2 V A L Rr,berl Crayer, by F.liz.rbcth his wife, darr. and s’vcirtrial heir of James Anmrealey, 2nd Earl of Angleesy, and karl a san arid heir, .Ananun ANNeOLEY, of Blelclnington, os. Oxfard, ss’l o’er. Elirabsth, dnnr. arf William Baldrvin, Faq. cnf tinnal.rlo, ai,r,l rf. ira 1773, lorretrag tsvo sons, Anrnmun, his heir; and Francis, in holy orders, ss’hrr, it. nn’’m. ; anrrl twa d. ms., itnrae, irs tn Charles Warde, Es,1. ; anti Elizabeth. The elder son, stnTirun Avrer,sr.rv, Fsq if Bletelaington, S. in 1780; iii 1 1-ok. lTiO, Crithci’ine, drier, and heir of nt’lnnrab Sb’ Clnaelo’a’ly, arid 1. hr Jann. 1043, lnavimrg mad (with five ‘intro., Cathen’imre—Ehizabeth, an. to tire lion, amid Fee. .tohn-Evc’lyn Brracawcn, and ii. his wmd,,av :10 Jimly, mSaO ; ltai’bara-Cmaraltrre, os to Tlr,’irras-Tyrwhitt Ben,krr, Eaq. of Shardehoes, wino 1, inn 1812; Mary, an. to the late Rev. John-Tyrwtaitt Dr’alce, rcet,,r of Amerabram, and 8. 10 Nov. 1t27; Lney-Srrs:nn; arrd Charletto, it. inn lttf) five sono; 1 Ananun. late Viecounv VALENTi.5 ; 2 Chrarles-Anrreotey Fr’anioia, mr holy orders, of Eyilon blall, c. Northatoptan, S. 28 Dee. 1787, aud ‘1. 26 Sept. 1861,-I Fraircia, who ni, at Bangalime, in 181 It 4 James, who 7. in 1028; 0 Georgeitlartin, who ,t in India, in 1824. 2 Martin, inn harly orrlerrn, B. D.,ro in 1732, itiary, doer. arril eridneir ,f Wibliana Ilrrubrnry, Eeq. of Littla Mrarele, e,, blcrcfi’rd, hry F’m’aneco his wife, sister’ ananh heir ‘f Sic Jt’lirm Cnrtton, Bract., and had, with tither isonme, a ar,mn narr,l heir, tl,e Rev .Artb’ir-Herrry Amammeelry, fiether nil the late hey. Arthur Aunesley, of u liffirrd Chambers, cn,. Gh,rroeator, who i’s EBzabctb Voro. drain, of George B,rotlr Tyndalo, Esq., and S. in 1840, heaving issue by her (who S. in tofu), Franaeio, tin holy nrrihriss, MA., reotor of Chfford Chanabors ; cc in 1836, Charlotte, data, of tire Rev. 11.-ui iaiogg, and bras, by her (who ti, ma 1817), a darn., Mani’r-Charlateo, no, lt62, the Rev. F.-t6. Annesley. Arthurr, if ti.aoeley Hall, or. in 1808, Ehienahcth-Vcrc, churn, of the Rev. TAt. Tymndale, M,A,,annthaaiasrme, Willtonr, in holy ,rrdcra, MA., vicar of Abbot’s Leigh. near Bristoh, iii. 1030, Laura-Anita, dorm. of tho late Jtraj’ir-Gen. Jones, and baoissrro, 1 Charles’ Herrry, in holy orders, MA., 5. 22 July, 18401 2 Ohiecr-S’rauroia-Thne’idore, licnt, R.A., t. 2 Jan, 10421 2 Wrllianra,300rtio, lierrt, RN,, 5. 16 Fob. 1816; 1 Cotbenino-Wilhaelmina, 5. Nov. 18371 2 Laura-Rumor Vcre, 7’. 36 (let. t84t. Gsoege, as. inn 1833, Emily, dan. of A. Farstor, Faq,, and has iasnrc, I Franeis-Ilanhury, ira holy ordere, S. itJ. nra. ial2, Ihania-u.’laarlatto. only darn, of the Rev. F, Anmmcsley, anil has iasnn; 2 Reginald- Carey; I Ernaily-Vore; and 2 Gcom’gina-CeenBa. Caralinne, ‘1. 23 Oct. lttO, Frances. Ehzabotb-Verc, m. to Rev. Arthur Mogg, avho 8. 1840. 2 Wihhianr, created ViscouNT Gn.naawa,n’r, ancestor of tbe EAnL oc ANN000EY. rim. Fiterbeth, darn. antI co-heir of SirJamcs Aitham, of (after tale own), 11 Feb. 1680 ; and dying in 1800, was c. by bin only non, Jaanas-Gconor, 2nd Lord Althasi, S. an infant 1 when of Exeter, e. as 3rd Lord Altbam ; who S. t7Oi, and was a. by hia san, ANTHUN, 4th Lord AiCram; wha m. Mary, natural dan. of John Sheffield, Pnrke afBnrekinrgham and Normanby; bmnt dying o. p. mn 1717, aeae s. by his brother, Rncu.sen, bIb Lnmrd Ahtbam, as 6th Ean-l of Angleecy. Earls of Arrglesey; aud Elizabeth, ma. to Robert Gayer, flares, 3rd earl; is-Ira an. Lady Catherine Danalcy natural dau, of J.saies Ii,, asd left an rnnrly dana, and hair, h’hipps, lord elmamicellor of ireland, an,l had a son, Coaso.snvrnc Pnmrps, ttxnors MuLONAvE. V.tI.r.7eTmA, VttCall’NT (Sir eVrtlisnr Arrnreoiey), eo. lier-ry, lirmron I[risnmttitn>r’ria, of Mo irrnturnem’ma Craatlo, Ca, Ar-mogir, in tiao p’°g° ‘f Ireland, airs) l’remntier Bnmr,rnet of Irolramnal ; lieut. lIltin )unosora ; 5. 23 Aug. 1813; 3. hint grandfather CI) Dc’o. 1s63.