Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/428

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Walter, no os. who U. of wounds received in Use sortie from ]Iavonoe, in I e14. Foaveso, 3rd 1 osrs’net. Frederick—I leory, foroserly an officer 12th lancers; S. IS May, ] e07; so. 4 June, tall), Rosa-Linda, 4tIs dan. of John litsooc. Essi., of I’roopcct lloose, co Calway, ond hod a son, Frasscis—I’alrick, 5. 16 Oct. 1Sf I 11 annals sleecosed. Soldsia-tilan’, Os. to the Rev. Forbes Smith do 1-feria. his slisiissgssislsesl brasery sst else Isottle of I’oictsr’ro. Mr henry to. 5 trace, dan. ansl heiress of Sir Sleislsen she Iso 1-eke, and was Sir Frederick U. in March, 1832, and was o. by his eldest ourvirissg 0011, III. Sue Faaycrs, 5. 29 Masyb, 1797; sIt. 19 April, 1823, Js’nN i’.sNE. Ess. Ties gentleason s. Isabel, daIs, of Walter Diassa-ldsvia, 3rd dan. of Clsarles-fleorce Ileauclcrk, Esq. of St. hlelhsft, Rs,1. an,I c,s’Is,’irens of islartin St. Users, Rsst. from Lcc,narst’s Lodge, liorslsosss, and Isad issssc, ltrNisv VANE, 1-1551., wlsss changed isis ssirnasne to FANr, aissl Ilovoy-RaLco, ]srescsst baronet. Inareys,sg I salsel. dsrs.o,sd ee—lsesrcss of Ileisry Porsoll, Rup, Frcdericls-Flelcher, major in tlse army, b. 12 Dec. 1832; of. left tlsree sons at Ills decease, tesrards Ilse cls,50 of hlse I lilt 15cc. 10db. Gerlrodo-Elizalsells, os.29 Apr. ]d97, to Major Vincent Wing. Sir Francio sl. 19 Fob. 1047, aosl ss’as his cIder son, SIR Jssea FANE, Essi. sf I Iil,is’n, co. lts’ssl. so. Jsorothy, dais, of llENror-ItaLrsi-FLET0nER VaNe, the 4th and present hart. Jolsss iiartisall, Req.. Isy srlsosss ho ls,ssl Sssa’ oasis assd lisree t’r,osdss,ss—lbJssoe, 1788. Arose—Or, rlsree sinister gassnttets. ,i,ssss. From Ilse rtsl.sst son, I tielsatd Fasse, Ess1. of Baslolsill, Isso asssl one ; aa.,a canton, go. Cs’cst—A dexter gaanflet, crest, 155,1,1 log a ssrs,rsl. all Isisr., pomnsel and 1,111 or. Seals— Kent, rise Earls of XV eslnsorelstsssl des,-end ; a,s,l Ilse yorsssgest, hutton hall, and Arnsallasraitc, bssth in Cnsssborianct. VAUGHAN, LORD, see LISBuRNE, EARL OF. ‘1/ A N I VA U ‘IT A wr n’ t. FI500sEEIrK-FLrTcHER, 2nd baronet. V 21. .5. t.J. is. Walter, ‘5. ,,o,,s. t. Catherine, rd.S Dee. 18d3. ii. Tlaelsssel, so. to Willians-Wsslrer Vane, Esq, of Canfield Hall VANE, SIR HENRY-RALFU’ co Essex; and 1. S Jais. 1844. Fi.ETt’OIRII-, rsf Hutton Hall, cs’. Sir t,iossel 1. I odd, and was s. isy his oldest son, It. SIR FREnEEIcK-FLETCIIER, to. 27 Feb. 1780; Os. 9 btareh, Cosmborlatad, 6. 15 Jass. 18311 1797, IIao,sals, dass. of Jolso Rosrerbaok, Eog. of Jahnby, co, a. hia fatisor, as 4th hart., 15 Caselserland, by wlso,ss (soho ,f. 1711cc. 1501, aged 93) he had, Fels. 1842. ltiiw1igr. Froiss lIsswELL Ac VANE, Esq. Of 1t15,sssssonthslsis’e, lineally do— ocended Sto I hENRY VanE, srlso reecired tise ls000lsr of knighllsssod for 5. isy Isis son, srlsicli nsareiage ,lescessslesl eensssry. TIse yessugest sf solsosss. .1 5IHN Fas r, F,sq. of Tassleisige, lsarissg sss. Joan, dan. ss,ad heis’ess of Sir Edsoard Hasrtc, Rsst., seas.s. by his elstesr son, HONEY FANE, Rsq. of Ilastise, co. Kesst, srhse’ os. Rliosd,etls, ___________ dan. ssf hlenry White, Roll. s,f Clsrislelsssreh, co. Ssssltsssasptois, and rehet of Sir ,fotsn Ges,,lsalve, ]ssst., sod wasH, by Isis ossiy soo, HENRY case, Esst. s,f lla,tloo, srlso o. - 1st, JItney, dass. assd heie,’ss isf Sir ‘t’tsosssas Fssne, by sslsr,iO Ise lsasl ‘10 issise ; ansi T — 2ndty, Margaret, dasi. of ttogor Toisden, Rss4. of East Feeldaaos; and dyiog in 1206, sras .s. hi’ isis eI,lest soil, Sin Ilesox FaNE, of F.aby Castle, en. Dssrlsain, oolferer to King CnaELE5 1.. solsss reaansed slse asis-insi slnnassse of Vase. Tisia gcntlcnsssis ,ss. Frons-es. lao. ssss,l ess—Isesi eas of Thonsas rsar,a’, Rsq. of Totteshnnt Das’ce, cc. Essex, by srhosss Iso Isasi fourteen rlsiisls’en ; fresis thse oI,lcst of n Isoas, Sir Henry Vane, so celelsrated during tlse t’rotoeturate, deseciada else Duke of Clevotand ; o’lsile the 2sssl 5550, SIR GEORGE VANE, Eni. of Long Non-ton. eo. Durhans, marrying Elizahetis. only sian. and heiress of Sir Lionel Mad— ibsen, Essr., and li_isle, in I f75, left fssrsr sons; tlse 3rd ssf srlsose, LIONEL Vase, Esq. of Loog Nesrloa, cc. itarlsam, s’s. Cathenec, stssss. of Sir Geas’ge I lelelier, Barl. (asssl grandslau., asss— tonally, of ]tugti hare, 1st X’iseonssi Coleraioe. a digssity solsiels expired n-ills the 3rd lord, in I 749j, by wk,sns he had Issue, YVUX B,tItsN (Gcorgo-Clsarles Mootyn) of HanGronoc. olsose only son, tlse 11ev. HENRy VANE, n-as crested rowilen, en. Northampton, tat Bath, 7 March, 1804 sf Shethuns iou iwms sf ii 1 °2o C es olisso oldest dan tsf the late Col son, SsE 16mEv VANE, tlse ansi harssoet, n-is,, araissoert Ilso A. I anatttnrt, of Shotteobs’tsoko, I-locke, by Cat-olson asinsassso of Teneoov s and ‘1. 1 Atig iota, selsen the bars— bsa info, class. ssf H lilisesal, Lord Assokixod and has urwy expired hse harissg tell sis ossly child. F’noseEs-ANNE, so. to Chantes-IVilliasis. late Man1ocss of Loodonderry, fotker, GEOROR-CEAELE5, 6. ]Aprsl, 1810; so. 9 Ang. 1519, Mary, by lice, of Ilse present EARL V,5’E. hsul sins,, of the Into Rsglrl 11ev. Dr. ill ossk, Bishop ssf Odors. Henry, srhass isslserilecl Use estates osf Ins motlser’s family, and cester atsd Its-sslol, ansI Is,,,, IIUBERT—fIE0000—Cs,ARi,00, I, in c500esiia’isce assumed tIne snnsamn of FLETCHER. fleet. 4 .lnssc, 1565; ilannt1sh-Rslo’ard-Mentagsso, 6. 16 June o’ssos, in 1761. 1861 harold - h’lantagenct, 5. 28 Dcc. l562 hheniy— Rogor-Norosan, 5. 21’, 15cc. 16ff; Reatrico-Violet-iltary Mary, s,e.f s Jolsn Speas-noan, Rsq. of Sedgfield, 00. Durham. and Ooea’totsaa.lhyasssntlsa-Rosssn. Tlse 3 4 -on ii. adontagoe-llcnry, tsstolieist. 1st dragoons, 1.21 Apr11, 1828. WALTER xrawE, Req., otsoa the dcssnise of his elder brotlnes, Mary-Caroline so. 25 Nov. 1866, to hloger Rykyn, Esq., lIP. socccoded to tlse llnhtsso estates, ond assnsned in cooseqnessco for H ssad son, the sdd’itional aarnaose of FLETcHER This gcssrlesssssn si. 1st, n. Georgisia-Lotnsa. it]crcy, stan, of Saasuscl iVs’iglsl, Ess1. of Waosteasl, co, Essex, by The abeyance of the Barony of Vaox of Harrowden whose he had aa only s,sn, his oaeceosorl and 2ndly, Mas’y- was determined in his lordehip’s favour by a writ of Anne, only dan, nod heiress of Godfrey Woodo’ard, Esq. of srstnmons, clatod 12 March, 1838. Fustnoy. by wlssm be Isn’t isssie, Inihr age, ,. Gsashfrer-Woodsrorsl, of Tseyford, o 1 louIs; n-ho 50. IC Three broilsors, HUBERT, hiaNrLre, and ROBERT, fIts sons of dou. of James Rss’cls, Lsq. of Coventry, HaRoLD BE Varx, 1.orsl of Voex in Nos’mnssdy, aceosepanied 1 William-Wolfer. 2 George. 3Gsdfroy. I Sarah. W’tms,saas tise (‘oos1ncrsr to England. From hlc’BEET descended it. Walter. of Ixeshon, . 0005. tlse Itaroiss I onx of l,slleslnssd, n’Issth line Iermsnatecl in an i (‘-alherine os in Sepr 1764 to Arthur Msstesworth Esq o° Iscircas, srhso corrsrd tile l.arssey of Gilleslaed to the fonssiy of Rails. ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ — Hsstrssn, frosts srlsicls it passed to that of Dacro. RANrLPH, lisa n. Fraoees, m. in April, 1762, to Charles Palmer, Esq.; and 2nd son, s-as ancestor to tise Vacx’a of Ts’ycrotoyoss, and ,i. 21 Aisg 1777. usssternsdly of Lsss’sl Erotmghssse asid Vonx. ROBERT, thse 3rd Iii slhary-AnnO, ‘1. ssoos. son, o’as tIne nnceslssr of else Lords of Iharroodon. lila great— lIe sI in 177-1 and was o, tsy Isis eldest son, gs’audson, OLIVER Varx, distioguislied himself in she reign of 1. LieseL-WRIoiiT FLorence-VaNE, Rsq. of hutton hail, cc. Kisig Jolla by Ike sd-vices wisich he rendes’ed to the homes Ciunlscrland, is. 20 Jnne 1723, wlss, soas created a Rorenet wiso olslailscd lilogna Ckarlo. The esale line of the family seas 10 June, 1786. He a. Ilacharl, dou, of David Griffith, Eaq. of continoocd by his 4th son, Llaeshkennsn, co. Carmarthee, lay whom he had isans, RaCER Vaux, whose great-grandson1 1130