Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/431

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‘/EN Nooth,° Req., by Bridget his wife, eldest dan. and cs-heir with other issue, a dan., Anne, m. to Samuel Crumpe, of John Mervin, Rsq. of Boreetehire). Col. Nooth, upon Req., end a eon and heir, his marriage with Miss Yates, assumed, by sign-manual, Tuoea.e.a Mue.LiNe, Req. of Bnrnbam, 5. 25 Oct. 1756, who dated 26 March, 1791, the sue-name and arms of t’AVASOUR, was created a Baronet, 7 Doe. i7s7; and elevated to the and was created the 1st Baronet of the United Kingdoen, peerage of Ireland, 39 July, 1500, as BAnON Vewrnv, of 26 March, 1601. Sir Heury it. 15 March, 1015, leaving an Fentry, ia 0/cc so. of Kerrj. Il/s lordship Ia. in 1775, only surviving child, It. Sin l{nreeev-MAunusa-MEnv1N,lient.-gen. in the army; the same county, by whom (who ci. 10 Jan. 1025) be had I. 59 July, 1760; m. 14 July, 1807, Anne, elder dan. of Issue, William Vavaeourt Req., LL.B., of Dablin, and by her (who i. WILLIAM-TowNsmen, his successor. 2.7 June, 1045) had issue, Hreleey-MEnvvN, his heir. Anna-Slervynia, in. 25 May2059, to the Rev. Joseph B. Jefferson, prebeudary of York, and incumbent of Thorganhy, in. Thomas, at one I/ceo I/oct-cot, in the army, m. 15 Yorkshire. Caroline-Susan, m. let, 4 Sept. 1841, to rhe late William Vavaoonr, Esq., only son of the late Rev. U. Vavasour, July, 1010, Mrs. Archer, widow ol Hajor-Gon. Archer, rector of Stow; and Sndly, 20 Jan. l06’, to the Rev, sv. Richard, ci. 2 Oct. 1750 Jaue-Ouyon-Grey, and had, William Wiggin, rector of Oldington, Gtoncestershire. Emma-Matilda, cc. 24 Aug. 1052, to Whitehall Dod, Req. late of the 0th dragoons, only eon of J .-W. Dod, Eeq., late H.P. of Cloverisy, co. Salop. Creations—20 March, 1801. Arms—Or, a fesee, dancettfe, sa. ; charged with a flenr-delie, I Jane, in. let, 0 June, 1029, to llichard-John-Sutcliffa arg., for the Srnnercaroc branch. Crest—A cock, gu.. combed, wattled, and legged, and charged on the breast with a dour-dc-Its, or. N’ il/otto. Seolo—Spaldington and Melbourne Hall, Co. York. VEN YEN T It Y. Elizaboth, dan of Townsend Gunu, Req. of Rattoo, in ii. Towneend, 6. 19 Slarch, 1705; 10. in 1704, Chrietabella, dau. of Solomon Dayrolles, Req. of Henley Park; and ci. 1799, leaving a son, TnoaeAs.Towreemin-AREMBER0, third baron. and dan. of William Iteader. Req. and ci. op. in 1025. 1 R/ehard-Tosvnoond, m. in Sept. 1057, Charity, dan. of William Collis, Req. of Liemore, en. Korry, and by her (who ci. 0 Nov. 1047) left at his decease, in 1050, a eon, Gniecarde-Jlonry, 6. 1041, ,1.20 March, 1059. 2 Ventry, it. 1049. IcIellin, Req. of Wakef,old, who ie doeeaeod; and 2ndly, 17 March, 1040, to James Ilonloy, Req., of the 9th dragoen-guardo. 2 Ruse, e/, 13 Nov. 1009. 9 Sarah, Ca. in Nov. 1020, to Arthur-Thomas Blennerbasest, Eeq 4 Madeline, i. 10 Aped, 1067, to A.-S. Chartreo, Roq. v. Edward, a major in the army; 6. 1717; m. 11 Feb. 1009, Rl/oabeth, dan. of lb’bort Itt/hard. Req. of Lietrim. co. Kerry, and it. 11 July, 1043, having had ieeue, I Thomas, Q.C., 5.24 Jan. 1007; ‘a. IlJan. 1027, Jemima, dau. of tho late Capt. William-Robert Bronghton, U.N., CM., and has had leone, 1 Edward-Char/os, 6. 20 Jan. 1020; major, URn. Aug.1000; 2Towneond-Ammberg, capt. R. Art., k 20 Juno, 1030; cc. 9 Jeno, 1006, SelinaHarriet, only dan. of the late 11.-Siceyd French, Eeq. I Roeo.Gertrnde, to. 24 Nov. 1t64, On Capt. GeorgeRyre Massy (Sr MAcor, B.) ; 2 Reomel/no. 2 Williasn-Bieleop, in holy ordors, I. 9 91 arch, 1021; ci. 6 Oct. 1040, Sarah-Anne, oldest dan. of Thomae Clark, Req. of Bellefleld Hmeeo, Trowhridge, Wilte, and has ieene, Tlmroae-Rdward, 6. 20 Oct. 1047; Alurod-Bayfield, 6. 2 Nov. 3001; Elizabeth-Clara; Emily-Madeleine; and Alleo-Vere. 9 Rdward-Guyon, 5.1 Jan. 1829, ci. 10 Aug. 1050 MariaLoniaa, eI,ior dan. of Rdward-Day Stokoo, Eoq., of Tralee (ore Bucac’s Loot/c,? Gm/re), and by her (who it. 11 March, 10/;2) baa had, Edward, 6. 37 Sept. 1029; Rdith; aced Maria. I Rlizabeth-Jemima, en. 0 Aug. 1892, to John Fennefather, Req. 2 Clara-Maria, to. in Oct. 1037, to Robcrt.Jamcs Barkeloy,Eeq., Q.C. Major Edward Mulline it. 91 July, 1841. older elan, of Andrew Wanehopo, Eeq. of Niddrio Marleohal, Mjdlothian. and has leans, ye. Frederick, in holy orders; 6. in 1778; oi. 6 Dec. 1800, Elizabeth, only dan. and heiress of William Crokor, Eoq. of Johnstown, and it. 10 Bee. 1012, having had issue, 1 Frederick-William, of iloanfort Castle, en. lOony; iii. Ilorsoy-Aliro. and Eahy Hcmoe, Leam/ngton, late SIP, for co. Kerry. 6. 29 June 1804 ; m. in 1820, Lucia, oldest dan, and en3Luiriwr. heir of the late Admiral William-Robert Bronghton, U.N., C.M , and graudda’l. of Sir Thonaao Delves- The royal licence, dated /0 Feb. 1041, authorizing the re- Broughton, Rart. He ci. 17 March, /834. sumption of the name of Be Stooevoe by the late Lord 2 William 6. 19 July, 1006, in holy orders; cc in 1848, Ventry, and the other doecondaute of his grandtathrr, recites Kate-Maa’ia-Rochfort, youngest den. of the late Capt. that he ‘‘is deoeeudeel from a fcarnlly tong ematod at Bnrnham, J. Itea, and 1. a March, 1403, hone3 had William- Co. Norfolk, of which his immediato ancreter, Frederick- Tnwnoend, 1. 10 July, /050; Alured-Areniherg, t. 3 Match, 1020 ; Roee-Rlenche ; Kate-Clara; and Edith- 2k/I/lain lint/ins, or Slot/ne, caine Is Ireland in lhc reign of £gnee. Ring CHARLes II.;” and further that ‘‘provionely to the 10th 3 Altered, 6. 1 July, 1807, it. 3 Aug. 1819, century the lamely name v-as unitorm/y spelled //lolins, and , Theedora m. 3772, to Edward Bides, Eeq. of K/llroot. more auc/eaOy Do ltoleyne or Do ltol’ms.” ii. Elizabeth, oc. 1780, R. Blonnerhaeoett, Eeq. and it, 1844, Fnetncmca-WiLLiAas StnLoiece, Req., a colonel in the army, iii. AraboDa, cc. in 1700, to Richard Mac Glllycuddy, of who settled in Iroland, purchaeed estatoa in the en. of the Reeks, and it. 1821. Merry, and named his eeat there “Murnham,” front the iv. Charlotte, cc. 2 May, 1791, to Richard-Pioreo Mahony, Req.; and it. 29Apr11, 1016. Idace of his uati’t’y in Norfolk, Col, SIn/line eat in two Catherine, ci. in 1791, to James Hozier, Req. e,eccessivo parliaments in tho reign of King Wiomaae vs. Molena-Jauo,oc. 1709. to Arthur Blennerhasoet, Req. of Me ci. Jane, dan. and co-hoirees of the Very Reverend Blonnervllle, and it. 1846. John Eveleigh, dean of Cork, and wae o. by his grandson, The baron it. 11 Jan. 1i14, aged eighty-eight, and wae a. by WILLIAM MuLLINe, Req. of Murnhatu, en. Kon’y (eon of h/s eldest sole, Frederick Mnllius, Req., by Marllsa, eldest dan. of Thomas Wsr.LsAas-TowrcezND, 0. 25 Sept. 1701, 2nd baron; who ci. Bleesnerhaseet, Req., and groat-granddast., ncatornaRy, of /sl, 12 July, 1784, Sarah-Anne, dan. of Sir Riggs Falk/nee’, Dermot, 5th Baron of Inchiquin), who ci. in 1710, Mary, Dart., end by her (who it. in 1700) had issue, dale, of George Rowan, Req., by Mary hie wife, only dan, of Anna, os. in 1811, to thr tale h/chard Orpen Townsend, Thomas Olonnerhaseot, Esq. : and dying 3 May, 2701, left, Req. of Ardtnlly, cc. Korry, eon of Richard Os’pen, Req., and great-grandoou of Richard Orpen, Req. of Killowen. R/deet eon of the Rev. Mr. Nooth, prebendary of Wehle. Elizabeth, set. 17 Dee. 1.510, to Nicholas do la CheroisCroni. Dr. Vavasour descended from Peter Vavaeour (a yosmger mel/n, Eaq. of Carrowdore Castle, on. Down, and it. /020. brother of the house of Spaldington), who was an officer of dragoons, and who, then quartered in Ireland, ac Ilary His lordelaip ci. 2ndly, 32 May, 1700, Francee-Rhizabetls, hlayoe, an hch’ees in ward to Lord Boosborough. only dan. of leaac Sage, Req., which marriage was d/aeolved 1.133 VENTRT, BARON (Sir Dayrollos . Blakonoy Do Moloyne), of Vontry, co. Merry, in tho poorago of Ireland ,-cond a baronet ; liout.-c,1. Merry militia, 6. 22 Jan. 1828 ; .s. hio father, as 4th baron, 20 Jan. 1868 ; cc. 12 Sept. 1860, Harriot-El(zaboth.Franceo, 1. Fer.oreeca-Roeseeoec-WAucnos’e, I. 11 Doe. 1801. Is. Arthur_William, 6. 6 April, 1601. — I, Francee-Rlizabeth Sarah. II. Mildrcsd-Roee.