Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/438

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V .1 V grasid’lau. of Jacob, 1st Viecossnt 1”olkstone, b5 u-hem (who in 5747, Mary, dan. of John Hosscy, Rsq. of Oakhanoptou, d. in 1805) ho had issue, Fsswr,a, the present baronet. Everard, who 1. in bIG. Sir Francis 1. iii 1100. G-rsti”,,—26 July, I60. A one—Az., three quatrefils, arg. flsf—Out of a sl,sml crone!, ppr., a 1,001’s lwa’l, swg. dfolf,—’sineenti dalillir. 50 ‘—Debden It all, Satfroo ThIlden, Essrs. VIVIAN, BaRoN (Sir Cbnriea.Creapigny Vivian), of (flynn and Truro, co. Cornwall, and a baronet, lord-lientetaant and custos-rotniorum of that co., 8. 21 Dee. 1808 ; major in tile army is. Inc fatiser as 2ntl haron, 20 Aug. 1842 as. 1st, 2 July, 1533, 511, Thomas, if, ooooi, in 1821. Ar,sbelia, dan. of the Rev. John Scott, of Bullygannon, The eldest eels, co. IVicklow, by Lady Arahella llrabazon Sin Rsessaun Hussov VIvIAN, of Trnro, co. Cornwall, bis wife, deter of Jobu-Cbamhre, 10th Earl of O.C.R. O.C.R., 1t.M.T., K.S.W., and DCL.; 8. 29 July, Heath, and by her (who 1. 26 Jan. 1837) has, I. Mroorv.ts.esrsnwv, 8. 19 June, 1024. 11. Jshu-Tlrobanes, eels,’,’- Ii .N. , I. 29 Oct. 1856; i - 0 SIc, (whe if. 15 July, 08:11) he had issue, 1909, SIlos Alioe-Slary.Diosssy Iteeburk. His lordebip se. 2ndly, 21 Sept. 1841, Mary-Elbabetis, John-Crauch-SVaiker, 8. 19 April, 1813; late captain 11th eldest dan. and i,ei,-ese of the late Jones }‘;,nto,s, Eeq. of Plaegwyn, on. Angle.cey, and by her bias, I. Charles-Hussey-Panten, lics,t. in Caniwahl militia; 8. 20 Jn,se, 1047. I,. Chusde-Ilamilten, 1. 19 March, 1049. II!. Robert-Champion, 8. 7 April, 1851. lv. Walter-Warwick, 8. 18 Slay, 1856. 5. Mary-Charlotte-Martha, a. 13 Nov. 1050, to Job,, Tremayne, Eoq. of Ileligan, Cornwall, and Sydcs,ham, Georgina-Agnes-Angusta, si. los 1835. Des-es, lose Ensue’s La,,do? Ceol-y), and has tad basso, their only so,,, Ferya—Edmsmd, ss. 1 Sept. 1507. Sir Hussey so. 2ndby, 10 Oct. 1917, Letitia, led dasi. of the ,. Slassde- Fiascoes. ,s,. Edith. iiiirztgc. The family of V,v, sa is of go-eat antiquity in the cc. of the late Rt. lion. George Bankes, of Kingston Ifroll, cc. Dorset, Couwalt. Mr. Whitaker, iso his Tr altee ea the Asocknt master-general of the Ordnance, lient.-geu. in the army, and LsIteirobo of C’sce,eali, claiis,s for them a Ron,a,, sleseent, cot, of the 12th dragoons. He was created a Baronet 19 Jan. and iso support of his o1’iuioss cites a passage from Taeit,ss, 1520, assd elevated to the peerage in 1841. He ii. 20 Aug. us which n,e,,tio,, is mode of Victa,,us-Annios, a commander 1842. in tie R,ma,, legion, soul son-is,-law of Cos-hsslo, who bait beeis s leader iii the impe,-i,,l armies hi Ca,,l a,,sl Ansos—Qnarterly, lot and 4th ; Or, on a chevron, az., Germany. tic. 51 e-lase ao,! otlsers co,,sider the ssas,se Celtic bet,veeu three lions heads, erased, ppr., as many ansonlets, of ansi that tl,e faooily is f Celtic orighs. lie this as it may, the field: on a ehie( eu,battled, gu., a svreath of oak, of the whether descended from the Iloinans or the Celto, the first, between tn-n onedals, the dexter reisr050nting the gold ‘iviane of Cornwall are indisputably to he eosaojderod medal and clasp for the actions of Sahagun, Benevente, and amongst the eldest issloabita,,f a of the eoslnty. The family Ortbes; the sinister, the silver Waterloo medal. 2s,d and l,ef, re us is ‘loseensled Iron, the bra,sebi that resided at 3rd: Barry of six ermines and gn. for llsiseey, Another Trc,sswoth, in the parish of St. tols,,,,b, in the reign of quartering: Cbeqssy, gla. s,,d or, a fesse ermine for CEANeH. Ileyov VII ,and after that at Trewas, in the same parish. Cocos—A desni-bnssar of the 13th regt., holding in his right These estatoo, will, Withfel a,sl thor peoperty is the co. of C,s-,,wsll, paesod to the Ts-elowacre,s family in the reign of WiLLIaM II I.. by the Isoarciage of the heiress, Stacy Vivian, with Sir lltclsacd Vyvyan, nart. of Trelowa,-,-en l’n,osas Vsv,aa (2,s’l sos, of JoIn, Vivian, of Trewan,* and mes,uted a bs,ssarof the 7th regt- of light dragoons, babitsd, Nary tavoll his wife), t. in tl,o year 1617, was gransifather horse, gnardaut, esparisoned, thereon mounted a lancer of of To ‘alas Vs csaa, of I ‘olOllsrigllov, who a. Lssey filyn,s, ssos1 load a sin, ‘Inn Rev. 1’,masao Vss max, of Ceroweod, Devon, vho so. Jfolbs—Cor nobyhe, eor immobybe. T J barrister-st-law, scud had isssse, ,. Jells, his heir. s,. Themas, of. 111051. 1771. no. Richard, in holy orders, rector of aoshey, hens, so. Miss Ee,010ll ; rl. 1831, leaving fear sons an’s Iwo dsos. v. Vflltam-lleory, in holy orders, reeler of Cha,-les, co. Devola, so. Miss Wtagess-e, and el o. p. isa 1810. Sir. Vivian dyhogin 1791, woos- by his eldest survfvhog son, J,,uN V,vsaa, Req. of Tr,,ro, viee-warde,a of the Stan,aarfes, who os. 24 Aug. 1774, lietsey, only surviving child of the 16ev. Richard Crasich, and slying 7 nec. ssso, left, ,. R,cnaan-Ibosoev, of n-l,om presently. 51. John-Henry, of Singleton, near Sscansen, Glansorgsn, baler in floe Royal Sfasnary Artillery, SIP, for Ssransea, 5’. 9 Aug. 1795; os. 10 Oct. 1316, Sarah, eldest dan. of Arthur Jones, Rsq. of The Priory, Reigalc, Snrrey, and a. 10 Feb. 1955, having had issue, I blenry-blassey, SIP. for Olasoorgaoshire, 8.6 July, 1921; so. 1st, 15 Aleil, 1647, Jesse-Dalryisple, dan. of Ambrose Goddard, Esq. of The Lan-n, Ss-indos, Wills, who ,f. 20 Feb. I94a he es. lndly, 14 Joly, heal, Flora-Caroline— Elleabelb, dan. of Sir N. Choluseley, Ibis., srl,icts lady of. 25 Jan. 1068. 2 Wtllia,n-C’,raha,u, 8. 25 Nov. 1827. 7 Aethur-Pendarves, of Iilanafsn, cc. Glansergan, 8.4 June, 1854,-,,o. 4 llorels, 5807, Angnsla-Einfy, 2nd dan. of Edwin, Ird ant presellt Earl of Danraveo. 4 Stielsard-Glyno, 8. in Aog. 1035. I lietsey-Saralo, no.1845, Sir WiltiamGibean Craig, Bart. 2 Frances-Nary, C. II Aug. 1824. I Carohine-Gertrnde-Walker,so. 21 June1948, toWilhiamJones boyd, Esq. of Langheyhnry, hlertn. 4 Hens-ietta-Letitia-Vietonia, so. 7 15cc. 1865, to Major Clement-W. lieneage, V-C., 9th hussarn, son of O.-W. Heneage, Esq. of Conapton Basset, Stilts. I Dutete-Chas-lotte, 1775; so. 1st, 14 Sept. 1804, KIln, dan. of Philip-Champion do Crenpigny, Rsq. of Aldhorosogh, in Suffolk, by whom Cuauses-Cssnavinxv, present baron. hussars, SIP. for Snore; is. bet, 11 MonTh, 1941, Louisa, only dau. ef the late Henry Weodgate, Req. which lady C. 5 May, 1855: he is. 2udiy, 10 June, 1061, F’Iorenee-Groevenor. dan. of Slajor Rowley, a,,d granddan. of Admiral Sir Charlen Rowley, Dart., a,sd l,as Sybil-Agnes, Violet- Jane, and another dan., 8,8 Slay, I8e8. Cbarlotte-Eliza, as. 14 Asug. 1831, to Gen. Clsarles-G. Arbutbnnt, eldest sen of the Right lion. C. Arbuthuot. Jane-Frances-Anne, s. 12 Dee. 1854, to Henry-John Wentsvorth Foley, Rsq. of Preotwood, cc. Worcester, Ml’. for South Staffo,-dsbire, assd uS. 2 Fee. 1360. Rev. James-Agnew SVehstor, of Ashferd, near Lougford, I,ela,sd, and niece of Sin ltesiry Brooke, Dart. of Colebreeke, and by that lady Isad one dass., Lalagd-Letitia-Carohine, so,. 25 Macrh, 1857, to Henry Ilyde Nugcnt Bankes, Req. son of SIP. This gallant and highly-distingsmished officer waa band a sabre, and in his left a pennen flying to the sinister, gos.,and inoenibed in gold lettees, “Croix d’Orade,” bssnant from a bridge of one arch, enshattled and at each end a tower. Sospperlere—Bexter, a grey horse, eaparhsooed, thereon armed,’and aecootred, hissworddrawn, bspr.; sinister, abay the 12th regt., hahited, arnoed, and aceoutred, enpporttog his lance, also ppr. Seehs—Glyms, smear Bodmin; Phangwyn, Anglesey. Toots floe-c—IS, Queen’e Gate Ternsee, South Kensington. 1Sf blots teo,tly na! Thomas Viviass, prier of hiod,nfn anti V I V I A N. h;:slsop of .Slryaea in use reign of llraisy VlSI. I. I 11