Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/440

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W A K CAPT. WiLlosat WAKE, of Shapwieh, in Dorneishire, st in ,f Richard Fesston, Fog. of Bank TSp, eo. Ysrk, by w’hosn 1700, oged 77, leaving a son, the celebrated WILLIAM WAKE, DI)., Archbishop of Canterbury.5. In Iso left iossse, 037, who sit. Etheidred, dan. and co-heir of Sir 7 dimes Is. thiehard-Williana, ill isoly orders, rector of Coorteenhall; hovel, Hal. of Hhltinglos, Norfoth, and hod, I William. I Arnie, os. I]. Seyrner, Esq. of llandford, Wilhnus Bunkin, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Porsetahire. 2 Etlseidred, 5,. to Thoosas Bennett, t.sq. of Norton Jiaveat, and i’rthaose, Wiltshire. 3 hester, s.. 1st, to Ii. Broslrepp, Esq. of Malslsertols, in I toractaltire and ladiy, T. Stnsslc, F.sq. of Paroharn. 4 Dorothy, si. 10 Ja ‘acs I’cnssysssast, bkq., son ansi Iseir of Sn’ James Poslayrnan, Itari. of Drossiw. 0 Mogdolcn, s. 10 Clstsrs’lsill, Erg. of lletsbssey, I tssrsot. 0 Anise. , Fists— beth, ii. agc’i 15. 0 Mary, a. Pr. J. Lynch, dean of Canterbury. 9 Catlserine. iii. Bourn. In. Artistic, to holy orders, casloll of Christ Chstreh, Oxforst, it. Charlotte, ,i. 25 Feb. 1533. 1007. lIe ii. ia 1500, leaving a eon, Sit, In.sAc Woer, h. in IStS; MC. for the snsiversity of Sir Wihliom d. in 1705, and was a. by isis oldest son, Oxford, ambassador to Sstvssy ssosl Venice. Mr. Wake was a. hr his eldest son, .Tssisrs Woser, Esq. , who to. Margaret, class .ss’.sd heir of CI1A’sLes, lOtis boronel. II ttoodsvin, Esq of Pos’thus’s-, S,ss,sersct, andwas s. by his soss, Sir Wihlissna so. Ssidly, 22 April, 1753, Jenny, duo, of the I. WAKE, Nag. of tievedon, c’s. S,,soerost, who late Viee-Admh’al James Gosuhier, l’y whom (who sO. 7 May, was created a Macasset, S Dee. I sal - Sir Iiaidwiss sss.Aistgosl, 1537) he had, ito, of Sir Gcssrge Itigisy, TOil, oC t’oiesisiti, en. Warwick, John-Wiffiam,is.IiAprll,lSSl; inholyordors; ,t.noso.iolS2S, md hurl isosic I. Jona, isis setoce000r ; is. George ; sit. Baldsrbs Jano-Solshia. ; Is. Abigail, ns. to William Put, Esq Sir itaidwiss Esnhly-Georgtana. 1500 5. i53 his etdcst son, Ii. SIR Joan. This gcntlesstats raised a troop s,f horse fec Ktssg CI5sssLEs I.,asasi mortgaged his estate to lsrocsu’e tise sinews of war. lie sss twice; 1st, Brislgst, dass, as’d coiseiresa Sir Wiihhiuns sO. 25 Jan, 1040, and wane, by her eldersoo, s’f henry Sonelys, Esq. of l’lsssssptoss, asssi had, X. Ssss Cisoates, whs, was Is, Si Nov 1751, and os. 1st, W’sLLsAas, his ssseeess,’r; ansi George, chancellor sf Metes’i’aeotsgh, Si Aug. 1511, Jiary-Ahiee, eldoat dun, of Sir Sitwehh Sitwehl, d..s. p. iJo sri. hhoslly, Asme, don. anti co-heiress of Burt., which lady si. iosueless, S Sept. ISIS ; and lndly. George Brsskestso, Esq. of Fritisley, ro. Leirester, by whom he 1 June, 1522, Charlotte, 2nd dan. of Cronfued Tait, Esq. of had a third nest, wi,, ,i. unsa. Sir John woos. by his cisicst ssss, 1-farviestowsa, and sister of the Bishop of Lenden, and III. Sits WILLIAM, whss m. Diassa, dssvs, siltsl evesstssai heir of bssd issue, Sir Pt-ste Drury, Port., by whom he hod lassie, Jottv, lus successor. William, ,i. “oso. IIALOwIN, ‘vise a. Itis isreliser. Robert, ie usoly orders, dean cf ltoeisissg ; Os. Eheai,csls dasi. of lsnsry, bns’rister-at-lue’, ls, 1027. William Gree.nfseid. Esq., ansi had at’ only survis-issg son W’sLLs.sM, who s. as 7th baronet. Sansoel, wits ns,soned the snrnaose of JoNes. Isaac. Sir William ,l. ha Jan. 1057.0, and woo s. by hio eldest son, I”. SIR Jossa; at his nlresaoe without issue, in 1714, the Phlip-Anguslus, 8. 1031; sO. at NIce, S Bee. 1003. title devulved sspssn his isrssther, 7’. Pa BALDwIN, who m. Slas’y, dust, of Mr. llsrt, of Eelw’nrd-tiuldwin. rapt. list light dragoons, fs. 1032; Is. llorferd, in Oxfordohire, by whs,ns he had lassie, t. Bssidssin, who ,o. Mary, doss. aod co-lisle of E. Lane, Eeq. of Arcusttsaid—Esssihi,ta, 8. 1043. htanslope, cc. Bnekinghsns: and sir. 4’. leaving no only son, Emily, d. 1041. CHARLEs, whs s. Isis grausifatlser. it. Charles, sehe, personal iss the seini of his ooele, SamuelWake-Jones, Sir Charles d. 23 Feb. 1004, and was e. l’y his eldest sea, Esq., sssoo,ed the noose of Jnaes, and became Xl. Ste WILLIAM, svhs was F. in 1025, sad n,.21 Sept. 1044, entitled to the manors of Waltham, testy Cross, andNnzeing, cs. Essex, ansi Cestrisest I loll, in Norllsasnpssnshire. lie s’s. Margaret-Anne, rIdes dnu. of henry Frirker, Esq. of Senthaoapiso, Elizalseth, don. of Sir Samuel Ssnsiss’oske, Bart. ‘ansi dying its 1735, ssillssstt issae, left liii estates Is his ssephew. Sir issue, Charles, the C th bareuel. t. Diana, ss. lo the lIce. Sir. Tiosicy. tt. Mary, s,. Is Henry Jones, Essi. Sir Baldwin was a. hy his ga-andseo, i’I. SIR Cu.vaLrn, who in essnsphassee with the will of his Thomas-Sterhert-Drury. F. 1502. sst,cle, Charles Wake-Js’sieo, Leg , assumed tho suruame cf Amy-Margaret. Frunces-Josophsino. Lucy-Helena. J,srsen, a,ssl inhenilesi the n0000rs of Wsslthom, Holy Cress, Sir Willians, n’Isn Ens use author of a popular tele, Ply EsroJse Nonetng, and Coutteen liaR, lIe d. ;7to, and leaving sso nod Iesjseitousssessl, and wns well known for his contributions issue, the title reverted tss hio icit,sn,ssss, VII. Ssa WILI.sAaI, gratsstsssn of Sir William, the 3rd llEErn’ALD WAEr, Ihe 12th and present baronet. l’ars,set. Tisis gentiesatass to. Ihos Woiker, of Wostan, its Csaattoss—0 Bee. 1021, Ysrksl,tre, ot,d had lassie, I. WILLIAM, his successor. It. Charles. in. Pnsry, who as. ansi IrfI italIc, I Baldwin. 2 Charles, I Sarah. iv. Baldwin, in holy orders, reeler of Itiddlesss-onlis, Co. Norfolk, who as. Anne, dast. of Gesterni Seisnyler, of Nes’ih America; ant d. 14 June, 1015. t. Mary, so. is — Clarke, Esq. sf Brense, es. S,tffeik. Sir William dying in 1705, seas a. by his eldsst con. VIII. Ste WILLIAM, whom. Mary, csssly dstu. ssssd heh’sss ‘l’his gentleman, a essvalier captain doting the civil war, nan esosicled at Exeter of Isigli treasssn, and seossisi Isave ferfes ted hit life, but tisat in the jstslge before whom Ise was tried, Ite Isad the forlune to ftsd an olsi W’esisniusler selssolfellssse, for 5’ Isom he had, ss’lsess tiscy ss’ere Isoys, bonss lime lsrsoni of Tise family ot Wakensase has been long resident iss the Pt. B’asby’s wratil, and suffered flagellation accordingly. The story is told in tte .Speelolsr No. 312. 1)42 s. WtLLIASI. S tis baronet. is. 10 July, 1775, svhs s,s. 1st, 11 Nec, 1700, Jane, dan. of Sir Calcutta, and by her (who ii. 0 June, 1523) Iso had isssse, I itiehard-Williana, I. 3 July, 1000. I Clsarlos-Bonkin, 5. 15 Feb. 1001s si. 24 Aug. 1000. 3 Williasss-Fenioo, 5.24 3laeeh, Ills. I Ehea-Matllda. 2 Mary, d. in 1020. 3 Jane-Melens. SIn. R.-W. Wake os. lndty, 7 Asrii, 1030, horrid, youngest, dan. of nbc Rtgt,t lion. henry Grattan, which lady si his widow. 2 Jan. 1505. t. Mortsroe, os. to Cohoeel Roger-Eliot Roberts. IX. Ssn WILLIAM, DCL., F. S Aisril, 1705; who sit. lot, ln 1790, Mary. only duss. of Fnsneis Sitseell, Fog. of hisnishuw, Cs). Derby, by sehem (who d. ha 1791) he had one son, Cecilia, os. 30 July, 1035, to Henry Ncweome, Esq. of Upper Wtmpolo Street, Cisurintle-Jane. WILLIAaI, II tls baronet. Charles. capt. EN., 8. 1025 u as. 15 Fob. 1500, Emtns, eldest dau. of Sir Edward St. Auhyn. hare, and has a sou, 0. 20 July, 1002; a son, 8. 10 Sept. 1501; and Iwo dons. lleren’ald-Cruuftsrd, CE.. is. 1020. This gontlensan is well known as being the magistrate of Arn,h, and as Itneing hol,I lute elsief responsible 15051 during ihe defence of the Pueksls isense sgaiest the rebels ds,riog site Indian mutiny ef 1857. lIe st. 15 Aug. 1500, Chsrlotle-Lncy, 4th dun, of the late Sir George Sitwell, llsrt., and has a son, F. 23 July, 1002; sod a son, F. 23 Sept. 1003. 20 Jan. IdOl, Mary, lad dun, of hess-Donnelly Flangles, its0 of Wesdbnidge, Sorrcy, Slemloer of the Cenneil sf hudhn. and has issue. Matilda-Cisarlohle. and by her (who sO. 12 Flee. 1500) had surviving REREwALn, peesent baronet. AjsrUtsALD’JAMEs, F. 1535. Chs,rles-Bahiwiu. 5. 1535. is literature. d. 13 April, 1553, and was n by his eldest son, Ssa A s’ssss—’Or, i sen bssrs, ges.; in chief, three tentrsstx. Cs’,’.st—A 151551 (essssmnnly called Wake’s knot). iJs,tfs”Aigsbo et nra. Sersl—Csnrleen Hall, Norlhamplonshire. W A. K WAKEMAN W.tKEnuAH, SIR OFFLET, of Perdiswell, on. ‘Worcester ; -b 15 Nov. 1850; s. his father as 3rd barouet, 21 Sept. 1858. Liii ra c. eoussta’ of Worcester.