Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/446

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W A L Aeais—Chequy, or and az.; on a canton, gn., a lion, rainpant, v. Lonisa-Itonoria, a. 4 April, 1810, to Oeerge, 3rd Earl doabte-gnoned, of slat first. Crest — Oat of a dorat roronet, a plninc of five ostrich Mr. Dlako sf. 19 Jan. 1806. His eldest son, feathers, fIst 2nd and 4th, as., the tsf, 3rd, and Of h, arg., siarinaanfing Josersi-tteanv BLAKE, Eoq., 5. SOot. 1761 ni. 10 Aug. an eagles close, gsi. 31sf I c—Honor et voritas. &of—Nesrport, cc. Tipperary. W ALL SCOUR T. r WALL500URT, BARON (F:csoll-Assguotsso Bloke), of glirahcth-Nina, ass. 20 Sept. 1099, to Cot. tht lion. JansosWilliam At’d(ry. to. Galsvay, its the peerage of Ireland late capt. b’olslotroam guards 8. 22 Aug. 1841; 0.00 4tls ISis lordship si. 20 Slay, 1149. haross, at the docoaoo of his father, 28 May, 1849. 3tiiicztgc. The founder of the fasa fly of Blake iii Ireland, was gssardant, jspr. 2ss.4ssos’feo—Dcxter, a cat-a-mountain, gssardant Itichard Blake, a eshuior of fortune, who acconspanied I’rissco arssiod and hoofed, or, collated and lined, gu. Motlo—Virtos Johss to that kingdom in 1100, and laavissg obtained considorable sole natdlilat. grants of lands is] the co. of Gatway, settled ,caal—Ardfry, co. Galway. there. Pious a sass of this gatlaast warrior lineally doeee,sded Tsr-a Jfaree—S, Montaga Square. Rooonv BLAKE, Req of Ardfry, who as. Aasne, dau. of Richard 1frssry, Esq., assd was s. by his sass, The R:onr Bow. Ssa Rsc,sano BLAKE, of Ai-dfry, MR far ro Galway 1639, and speaker of the aowonso council of Kilkonny I 045. From this eminent perooss we pass to his lineal descendant, Josarn F4LaaE, Ha,1, of Ardfry, t. 2 Oct. 1749 saks a. in 3784, 11. ,saorfa, only dan. of Ilermat Daly, Faq and by her (who ,f. in 1704) had issue, 5. Jssoen-llooey. his successor. is. tgnati,ss-Charlos, a capt. of dragoons; 6. 21 Aug. 1773; as. so 1794, helen, oldest daa. ef Williaso Cashol, Esq. of Bcrwick-rspoa—Twood; amt if. Aug. 1707, leaving issssr, I Josoris-lfosnv, ssscecssor to isis osselc. 1 t.oaisa-llolcna, a. 21 tfce. tale, to Capt. at. Beorne, RN., of Lynborry, oa. Westinoath, and if. at Paris, his widosc, 15 Feb. lSfO. isa. Itenry-James, colonel of the (lalsrag mililia; La On. 5. hlo>T-lleaat-ALLE5, h. in 1804. 1774; as. 14 l”cb. 1796, Anne, daa. of John French, Esq. of n. Anollsor toss, 6. 17 Sept. 1000. Galway; and dying 11 Nov. 1011, loft issue, 1 Josepn-llosoy, late peer. 2 John, 8. 13 Oct. idOl it. si Oct. 1045. 3 EmaIl, 8. 0 Nov. 1503, dcc. 4 llenry-Jamos, 0. 26 Jan. 1803: a,. 22 Feb. 1039, Anne, ALLaN Jooyooza, Req. of Kiltornau, ca Dublin, son of widow of Lt.-Col. Ssraino, E.t.C.S., who d. 0 Nov. 1847. I llaneria, os. in 1837, ta lard llamillois-F’ranris Cisiehos— Christopher Johnsoss, Esq. of the canoe place, so. twice; by ton, 3rd son of the Slarquoss of Danegal. i. Jaanna-lfarrief, ‘a. 1st, in Fob. 1720, Ia Ilickard Burke, Abigail, dan. of Benjamin Burton, Eaq. of Burton SlaB, and Rag. of Glinsk (so.’ Rraeo, Ilart.) and 2ndly, in 1702, to wtdowafJohuWatsh, Req. ofDailykilcaven,Queen’sCounty, Dominick Daly, Rsq., by whossi (who ‘f. hi 1811) siso Isas, I Stafachy Daly, of Fans, banker; as. 11 Nov. 1037, Anna, bad isoase. liio oldest Otis, dan. sf Doubt M’Carlhy, Esq. of Csrls, sad ,5. 1565, having ALLEN JisnNsoa, Esq., so. in 1740, Olivia, dau. of J,’hn by hor (who is slacoasod) had Ifomi nick, 6. 1813; Malaelsy, Wahab, Req. of Bahtykihcavon, and Isad issue, 0. 1845; Mary—Catherine, doeaasod; ltarniett assd fauna. JunN-As,LrN, his heir. 2 Thausas isaly, 8. 3] stag. 1756; as. isa 1841, Amelia, dau Henry, gonoral in the arany; created a baronet of sa of lbs late Sir llcojaesin llobhussso, Earl. iS Dasoinick Daly (Sir), fOnt., late gavornor of Prince F.i!— Anne, as. to Sir Gt”rgo Pigot, Dart, of Patsholl. wards Island, afiors,’arda assvcrisor of South Auslrstia, 6. 11 Ann. hod; .,,. 50 Slay, losS, Carsdine-Maria Sud dau. of ttalj ‘ii ffaro, Lag. sf hlarrasasssouul, ca. Rilkonny, and if. I. JOHN-ALLEN JoaNsow, Hog., treated a lSAnoNnv op 19 Fob. 156N Isas issg had issue, Ilousfaick-Gano; ShdaclsyRawos IRELAND, 24 Fob. 1775; who assumed in 1809, upon tho; Johss-Goorgc; Jssanna-D’yune; and CaralinoLouisa. domiso of his saatoruah uncle, Doais Ralph Walsh, tho surname I T.aniaa Daly, as. 1sf, to Thonsas Lsrkr, Esq. ssf Spring (braless, ra. lbalwav by whosss also has Isasl a soss, Dosssissiek, and ss sb,,. Jeasssa ansi Sisslly, Ia Tlsomsss Itarko, Esq., 4tls ss,sa of the late Sliclsaol tlunlso, Rag. of fiellydsagan, in tiso a:uno cossnly. 2 idanatla llaly, as. ho Thomas-B. Ryan, Esq. 3 Anne Daly. 4 Joanna Daly. n. Flicalscth-Jrsssinss, ii’. 1st, to George, Earl of Nrrall ansi 2,s,hlv, offer his lor’lship’s decease, Ia the Ittglst Ihio.,Talsn Ili.,sl,lossn Fs’err; sl. 17 Jan. 1a31. iii. Agnos-Olaria,es. ia lsfi7, Ia Chsarles Aldrich, Log.; and v. Itoory, cectssr of Drnmgsnth; SL Oct. 1839, MargaretSarah, ‘5. 4 Aug. 1808. iv. Margaret, sf. of Paris. aged 90, .Jais. 1862. 1148 W A L Caslogau; and sf in Sept. 1049. 1704, I.ady Louiaa-Cathoaisse-Mary Bermingham, dan. asid co-heiress of Thonaas, Earl of Louth, by whom (who ‘s. Snihly, 21 April, 1804, James Daly, Rag., and if. 28 May, Isa;) ho had an only dais,, Anastasia, whe isa. in 1903, Luke, 2nd Lard Cloubrock, and s1. in 1516. Mr. Blake haviug ropresessiod the to. Gaiway in the Irish parliament for saaoral years, was elevated to the peerage, 38 Jnly, 1600, by (lie title of B.owou WALLscaunT, of Ardis’ja, with romainder to Iho heirs male ni his father; and dying 28 Starch, 1803, waa 0. aceordissgly, by ((ho eass of Ca1staiis Ignatioa Blake) his ssophew, Josapu, 2nd baron, 1. 23 July, 1795; who d. 11 Oct. 1620, wisosi the barossy devolved upon his first-consha, the late peer, Jusorsa-lToNnv, 3rd baron, 0. 2 Juno, 1797; is. 23 Sept. 1022, Elizabeth, only dau. of William Lock, Req. of Nor- bury, cc. Surrey, and had issue, Ilenry-Josoph, 8. in 1e23; and d. in 1020. William-Richard, 0.6 Slay, 1929; sI.6 April, 1029. LsnsLL-Arnosvrs, present peer. Slltzahcth-Fredcrica, ssi. 17 July, 1866, to Liont.-Gon. the Iton. Arlhssc Upton, 3rd son of John-henry, let Vistonnt ‘t’cinphetea n. Macdonald, C.B. f’rcsiton—lO July, 1000. Creaf—A cat-a-menntain, passant, ptw. d ssrally gorged and clsainod, or; sinister, an antelope, arg., WALPOLE, LORD, sec OPPORD, EARL or. WALSH, ET., see OR3tATH WAITE, B. MT A L S H. JOHNSON - WALSH, SIR JoiiALLEN, of Ballykilcavon, in the Quoeu’a County; 8. 1829; s. ltio father as 4th hart., 9 Sept. 1865; no. 1859, Harriot.Anna, dan. of the late Rev. ‘WilliasssBrsssvniow Forde, of Seaford, co. Down, and has issue, i. lis,lcno assces. ii. Franres-Elizahesh. 31 iutrs’igc. his first wife, Anne, he Isad a son, ALLEN; and by his second. Iso hal two cone, llessjausio and Bobert, who both as. aush United Kingdom, I Doe. 1018. (See Jouwsose af Dial/s.) Mr. Johnson was s. by hie eon, and aims of WaLass. Ut so. Saekvillla, dais, and coheir of Rdsvand Breretan, Hog, of Spriugmosmt, Queess’e Csouty, and had lassie, a. JORN-ALLr.N. if. v.35. siam. is. EsswAnn, 1usd isarosset. 555. tIuNT-IfeNnv, 3rd lsanouet. sr. ltah1sh-Ilenry, hiout.-coh. in the arsoy, us. 1st, 1033, Elieabetls, dao. of Capt. Pitzmaunice, by whosn he isad osso son. John-Allen, 5. 1034; and 2ndiy, 3033, Anne, dais, of the Rigist Hon. William Gregory; and d. 1281. oldost doss, of (ho Itev. Jooelyn Otway, and d. Aug. 12kb. havisaghad iasue,John-Aiien, 0. July, 1036; Jocclyu21