Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/46

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11 A H a. Diana, in. lot, in 1737, to Fredoriek, 2nd Viscount a fret, or; ever all, on a bench, so., tIres esealispe cf the first, Jioiinghrokc; and 2udly, in 1768, to the lIon. Topham for Srencoa; and, as an hsncnrahic angmsntatiea, in chief, Beancierk, and 4. in 1088. ii. Elizabeth, or in1730, to Henry, 10th Earlof Pembroke; gu., and thereon an escutcheon of the arms of France: viz., and if. in 1931. The duke, who was a brigadior-genoral in tho army, commanded iccsperial eagle, as a Frinee of the Holy Roman Euapirc: a brigade of foot-guards at the battle of Dettioges, above tics aruso a princely coc’onet. in 1747, with consi,terahlo debt, lie was appointed lord- lieutenant and eustos rc,tulorum of tics counties of Oxford and Bnckiaghans in 1710-9, and inotaliod a knight of the head, between two wings expanded, arg., gorged with a bar Garter, 21 April, 1741-2. his grace was nominated, in 1738, commander of tics land forces in an expedition against the Pronoh colooies ; and in the same year, was appointed commander-in-chief of all the British forces iotcndcd to sa., each collar charged with three escallops, alec arg. serve in Germany, under Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick. His grace ci. of a fever, 28 Oct. 1718, at Muneter, in Westphalia, and was a. by his eldest son, Geooon, KG., 3rd luke, 9. 28 Jan. 1739; who oc. in 1762, Caroliuo, only dan. of John, 4th duke of Bedford, by whom (who J. 20 Nov. 1811) he hod, Ccoooe, 4th duke; FrancieAlineSe, erected Baron t’turrhili; Caroline, sic, in 1792, to the late Viscount Clifden, and d. in 1813; Elizabeth, cc. to John Spencer, Esq., and d. in 1812; Charlotte, in. 18 April, 37s7, to the Rev. Edward Nares, M.D., regine profesoor of modern history and languages in the university of Oxford, and ii. in 16(12; ,80ne, oc. in i706, to Cro4ey, Earl of Shaftesbnry and 1. 7 Aug. 181(3; Amelia-Sophia, cc. in 1812, to Ilenry-Pytches Boyce, Eeq., and ci. 30 Jan. 1029. naajnr late 3rd dragrscn guards, 8. 1521 ; a. hia father The duke P.38 Jan. 1117, and was a. by his son, Geoeinc, llh duke, 9. 8 March, 1786; who rn 13 Sept. as 2nd barnnet, I Dsc. 1860; he tl. isnuc. 27 May 3701, Susan, dan. of Jolcu, 7th Earl of Galloway, and by 1868, when ths baronetcy becainc extinct. her (who d. 2 April, 1841) had issue, 1. Gneuao, his heir. it. Charles, an officer of rank in the army; 8.2 Bce. 1794; oc. 24 Aug. 1327, EtheldrcdCatheriue (who ci. 0 1)oc. 1839i, 2nd dan. of the late John Benctt, Esq. of Pyt House, H.P. for eo. Wilts; and ci. 28 April, 1840, ieavhig, eon of Sir Itichard Woiocicy, hart. of ltouut Wecloclcy, 00. I Charleo-Hcnry, lient.-eol. 00th rifles, 8.27 3Iay, 1828; 30 Oct. 1862, l4ooalie, youngest dan. nf the Rev. blolyusux, Bart. of Castle Dillon, no. Amnaagh, physiciangeneral Gorgee-Paulin Lewther, prebecidary of Salisbns-y, acid son, rectce- c,f Orehcsten St. Geege, Wilts. 2 John -Keinys -George - Thonaas, 9. 27 Dee. 1039. I Susan, o’. 27 Aug. 1o37, to the Hon. and Rev. John phi’sieian-iu-ordinac-y to lice Queen in I roland ; seas created Horatio Nelson. 2 Lucy-Caroline. 1 Etheidreda. in. George-henry, in (i’d; orders; 9. 18 May, 1790; in. For1. of Eusde, co. flare, oust relict of Willi lisa Artlncr, Esq., 13 July. 1224, his cousin, Elieabcth-3iartha, dan. of the a]ccl b5- hoe (ohs ci, 2 Nsa-. i245i) had ace Silly ccii, lice. Edward Nonn, OP., son of the late Mr. Jnstice Nares, of the court of Common I’lcas; and ii. in 1828. Sir henry o. 2udly, 22 Aug. 1232, Story, rcliet of the late Ohs widow ‘c.12 Aug. 1234, Wilhoie Wicatoley, 1hq., Thcseas Kemnsie, Fsq. of Shoen House, Quecis’s Connty, QU., who P. 137 ,o’ 1s62; she P. 14 Fob. 1802. iv. lionry-J’dcn, capt. RN.; 6. 22 Sept. 1797; d. at 3laeao, acid clan, of the late Rev. htohcs’t Jell’, ccl Portas’hsigton. 2 June, 1640. i. Caroline-Susan, ccc. H June, 1822, to lice late David Sir llevcr3-, who vccs a physician icc o’er; eminent practice in Pennant, jun., Eoq. of Downing; and d. 10 Jon. 1124. His graces. as 4th duke, but 5th in succession, of Marlborough, and 7th Earl of Sun’lerl ,nd, upon lbs demise of his father, 32 Jan. 1817. lIe had previously, iii 3227, sltamed Tavoon; erm., a mitre, ao.,on a chief, daneettf, gu., three a hesnee to assume and bear the additional eecaliopo, org. aersaine and ames of his ‘listhagnishodpredecessor, Jc’hn (Chnrrhili), 1st Dnlee of Olarlbarongh. lie d. 2 Starch, 1140, coronet, or; in his beak, a rose, org., seeded, or, slipped, and was a. by his can, Geoscue,ith luke, lord-bent, of Oxfordahirc, high steward of Oxford and Wosdstsck, he., 9. 27 Dee. 1793, who in. mt 13 Jan. 1819, Isis caicoha Jane, eidcat dan. of George. 8th Earl of Galloway, aini by her (who d. 12 Oct. 1044(, had a. Jonn-Wtus’osto, present duke. cc. Alfred, late 31.1’., 9. 24 April, 1824; in. 9 Feb. 1897, Harrirt, thh’d dan. of Lord Ccdthorps, and laos iesue, Jane. tlhvia, Adeliuc, and Violet. cli. Alan, 6. 21 July, 1223; lately an officer Stla lanssora; ni. 28 July, 1916, Eusamoud, dan. of Thsmae Boaoker, Esq. of Hicntingdon hall, es. York. t, Louisa, Is. 4 July, 1845, to the lion. Robert-li. Spencer. ‘of Lockyngo, cc. herb, K.G.B., an The duke c;c. lndly, 10 June, 3040, Chonlottu-Augneta, dan. of Viscount Ashhrcock, and by her (who d. 22 April, 1830), had, 5. Aimsric-Athslatau, 9. 1847; ci. 12 Dec. 1256, c. Glemuuthca-Angnsta, ccc. hIJuly, 1566, to John-Charles, present Marquess Caredrn. He ccc. Srdly, Ii Oct.185l, Jane-Francas-Clhcton, dan. of the Hon. Edward-Richard Stewart, and Icy her had a son, s. Edward, 9. 22 Slareh, 1822. His grace ci. 1 July, 1297. C,’celiscc,r—Barsn Spencer, 21 July, 1002. Earl of Sunder- Ho cc. 2udiy, in 1838, Sophia-Ehizaboth, dan. of land, 8 June, 1643. iiancu Churelull, 14 Slay. 1605. Earl of 11. Ilurt, Eeq., and has further issue, Marlherongh, 0 April, 1689. Picks, t4 Dec. 1702. Arias—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, sa., a lion, rampant, amp.; on a canton, of the last, a cross, gu., for CcsuccmncrL; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, arg. and gu., in the 2nd and 3rd qnartere, 718 N A H cu escutcheon, org., charged with tim eroso of St. George, az., three flonro-de-lis, or; the whels anaso borne upon an Creel of CciuueniLc,—Aliou, conehant-guardaut, org., supporting with the dexter paw a banner, gu., charged with a dexter hand, apaumd, of the first, staff, cc. Creei of SPENCER—Out of a dneah coronet, or, a griffin’s gensslle, and armed, gn. SoyJeriera—Dexter, a griffin, per fesse, ac’g. and or ; sinister, wyvsmn, arg.,wiugscxpanded, beth c,diarsd and chained, Ssjcjcsnisra bscce by its 3srcesaf duke—Two wyvemns, gu. .Sfsils—Fiel pero desdielsado. Ssol—Bisuhcicn, Oxfordshime. icons JIsc’.se—lO, St. Janice’s Squamc. MARRIOTT, DART—SOC SMITH, DART. N A It S H (EXTINCT). MARSH, SIR HENRY, Dart. of tics city of Dublin, *00 The Hey. RoacaT Mxnsn, rector of Kilhinauc, cc. Gaiway, the sciocs of an old Gloncestcmhire family; and the grandson of the Most Rev. Francis Slamslc, D. D., Archbishop of Dublin, nc. Sophio, dau. of ths 11ev. William Wclseley, Carbow, by Alice his wife, daci. of the famous Sir Thomas to the army in Ireland; and had an only snrviving I. Htnav3txosn,33.D.,TcinityColiege, Dublin, 3l.R.I.A., a Baronet icc 1239; lie c. lot, _icus, clan. cf Thomas Crows, Ilscao.v, 2nd ansi last baronet. Duhhin, ci. I lice. 1820. Cc’rslbaic—1839. Arco.c—Gu., a horse’s head, e.ouped, or, between two trofolIo, iu chief, acid a fienc-dc-hs in boss, org., quarterly with C,est—A griffin’s heed, eouped, cc., gorged with a dncal backed, and leaved, vert. alfclts—Nolo servile capistmm. Seeci—Ksrrohili, co. Kilkenny. MARSHAM, Viscou;r, 200 RGMNEY, EARL OF. rN ART I N - ______________ TIL.tRTIN, Sue WILLI.esa.FANoliswE, adneiral RN.; 8. 1801 ; o. his cousin ns 4th baronet, 4 Dcc. 1863; icc. lot, in 1826, thu Hen. .&unc, ciac.c. of William Broiler, let Lord Wynforrl. and by her (who ci. in 1836) hod, c. Thsmas-llyam, 9. 1022; ci. in 1247. ci. WiLLiAM-BE-IT, 9.1210. I. Catherine, d. in 1245. II. Anne. t. Riehard-Dyam. ii. Scphia. xi. Caroline. iii. Gracc. cv. Harriet. ‘ccGooi’giona.