Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/461

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W E L 2nd (of the original creation Oth)bart., 7 April, 3555. He of. 2 July, 1862, and was e. by his son, SIR DAVID WeonnanuRse, the present baronet. Creations—Baronet of Scotland and Nova Scotia, 9 Aug. 1704; forfeited 3740. Barnnet of the United Kingdom, 10 Aug. 1503. Arene—Arg., a chevron, between three roses, gu., barbed, cort. Creel-—An eagle’s head, erased, ppse Sap. pereero—Two gnOme . Jlsttsee—Abeve the crest, ‘‘Nondegener.” Below the shield, ‘‘Aquilanon captat Isuscas.” ,llsssse—tteith House, Upper Keith, Edinburgh. WELBY, BART., see ante, GREGORY, BARE. W E L 13 0 N. WELDON, Son ANTHONYCRosneLL, Walter. lIe sat in parliament for Carlow from 1003 to 1711. Bart. of Raisonderry, He vs. Anne, dass. of Thomas Ilurdott, Rsq. of Garahill, co. co. Kildare, 6. If i Carlow, and sister of Sin Teeuesas lloanrvr, of Gae’ahill, March, 1827; c. to the who was crested a BAOS0NET OF IcELaND, by patent, dated title, as 5th hart., at the 13 July, 1723, “witlsremainder to the heirs male ot his deceaee of his father, 21 sister Ansee, wife of Walter Woldels, Rsq.” By this lady, Dec. 1858; ne. 12 June, Mr. Welsion left at his decease, 10 May, 120-ti, four sons, .1802, Lizzie - CarolisseThumasins, AnTouse, his Iseir; TIsensas; John, who os. Mary, dan. of eldest surviving Sir Stephees Glynne, Hart. ; and George. The eldest sees, clan, of the late Bridget Pons,mljy, date. of Wilhiane, Lorsi linnnsnnon, best by Lieut.-Col. Arthur Keseseedy, her lead sea isseee ; aced Indly, in IldI, Marj’, dan. of Aeethseesy 18th husears, and Bopping, PD., Bishop of Heath, by whom he lead issue, has, s. ANTH0Nr-Aernne, 1,. 1 Starch, 1803. si. Themae-Hamtlton, 8.7 Jnly, 1804. I. Anleline-Louiee. IL LII CflfiC. The family of WELDON sf Jseanecsssb, in Kent, of which that of Rahenderry is a hranch, derived descent from Bertram de Weltden, who was of the retissue of Walthsr, Rarl of Northumherland, and Bishop of Durham at the Conquest. His descendant was Lord of Weltdcn, in Northumbes’laod, lesep. RicoeAs.o I. From him sprang Hugh Weltden, Sewer to King HENRY VII., who left four sons: Hugh, ancestor of the Wee.TnENs of Slssllesbreske, in Berkshire; Rdwsrd, progenitor of the WELDONO sf ,Ss’csoecsssb, Kent; Thomas, colterer to King Rnwann VI. sod Queen ELIZABETH, whose descendants were of Cookbam, Berks; and William, whose issue settled at Thoreeby, in Northamptonshis’e. The second son, Edward Wsldon, Master of The led 000, the Household to King HeNRY VIII., was father of Anthony Weldon, Roq., Clerk of the Spicery, afterwards daes. of —Coghlan, Rsq., and of. lu I Sled, having had tesee, promoted to the board of Green Cloth, to whom Queen ELIZABETH granted the mansr of Swanseombs in fee. This Aotony Weldou, having performed some extraordinary public service, Queen Ee.IZAneTn said ts him that she wished to show her estimation ot his conduct, and would grant him anythiug in her power that he wished t,, ask for, on which, he replied, that if she would allow him to use her bust as his crest, to hand down to posterity, it would more than fully eompeoeate him for any good he might have done. This the Queen granted, with the motto, “Gene factum,” saying that he had “welldone, aasd so made good The 3rd son, his name,” which expreesiose of royal satisfaction is partly quoted eu the family tombs, at Swanseomhe, Kent. Mr. Antony Weldon, sO. 1617. His son and successor, Sir Ralph he ste. 3024, Harriet, yose.ngeot dan. of Col. Thomas Hockley, ‘eVeldon,of Swauseensho, clerk elf the kitchen to Queen of Bury St. Rdmonds, eo Snifalk, ansi had issue, ELIZABETH, and afterwards clerk-comptroller to JAMES I., ed. in l009,’being then Clerk of the Board of Green Cloth. By Elizabeth his wife, ho left four eons, Anthony (Sir), Rut. of Swanseomte; Henry; Lewen; and Ralph. The dh’eet ancestor of the Irish branch of the family, at the close of the 10th century, bad, with four daus., three eons, Tie., WALTER, of wheen presently. Roses.Y, who purchased Raheederry from the heirs of Sir Richard Graham, Knt. He tt. e. p. THoMAs, of Bosherry, co. Kildars, I.Anne Blood, of Dunbryn, co. Beach, relict of Robert Taylor, Req. of Glare Abbey, and 4. in 1030, leaving a sto, Walter. The eldest sun, WALTER Wne.nose, Req. of St. John’s Bower, co. Kildare, 7 March 1500, Macca, dan. of site 11ev. Benry-James Reynett, H.P. for Athy in 1017; vs. Jane, dan. of John Ryder, bishop PD.’ and 2ndly, 10 July, 1820. Esther eldeet date. and co-heir of KGlaloe, sod cf 9 Bee. 1634, leaving issue, s. THoMAs, ef St. John’s Bower, who cs. Sisry, dsu. of Jacob forneer of whom lee had an only elsa., Newman, Req. of Dublin, and lelt at his decease, in I f47, a eon aad heir, Jona, who of. 5. p. m. II. John, of Roseomeee, 6. e. p. III. wailer, tO. s. p. sv. WILLIa,e, of Rahenderry, SIP, for Aihy, 1001; who is. the late Sca AtcTueev WeLoos, 1168 W E L twice, and had issue by earls wife. Rio eldest son, Wslier, ste. Celia, daa. of Thomas Loftos, Req. of Killyan, hot 4. a. p. 1000. Of lIce daos., Catleerine, so. the Rev. Thomas Booee and Rlezahetis, Ttsesas Ptgott, Req. of Dysert. v. Aerelue, of whose descendants we Ireal. CI. Itol,ent, st 0.45. vu. Bartholomew, 6. a. p. e. Sarah, s’s. to Erseenus Borrowes, Req. of Grange Sloltcn. It. F’raseee, ste. let, to W’flhiaees Savagof, Rsq. ot Itelsan ; awl ladly, to Sir Widiase Flower. She ‘1.20 Doe. 1473. lee. Jane, OL to John Resrman, Req. Iv. Elizabeils, ess. to Oliver Wheeler, Req., sen of Jonas, bishop of tieeery. v. Catherisse. VI. FI4d5sofde, s’s. to Sir J. Stephene, Rot. The 5th ssn, ARTHUR Wennoes, Req. of Park, ce. Carlow. was father, by Slary his wife, of WALT5ea WELnON, Roq. of liahenderry, heir to his eo,ssin ARTHUR WeLos,se, Rsq. of Rahoederry, se. 1st, the hose. e. Walter, sf Rahenderry, SIP. fer ALley, 1701; a. let, Mary, dan. of Csleeeel John Slenart, of Leighlinebridge, and had by her a eon, I Stewart, of Ktlmersny, vs. Ilelen, sister of the late Sloequese of Coeynghans, but nl. a. p.2 Jan. 1019. hle’ss. Indly, Anne, dan. of Sir Samuel Cooke, Ban., H.P. for Boldiee, and hod by her, I Samsel-Coske, 1. s’. p. wtiteosst issue. 1 Stary, es. in 1700, to the Very Rev. Thomas Trench, dean of Kildaro. 2 Jane, is,. ice 1707. the lion. Lieut.-Csionel John Criehion, fatteee by her, of Jelen, present Ran of Rrne. Hr. W’aller Weidon 6. in 1773. ii. Thoenae, captaio in lice anisey, whose eon, Thomas. ef. 5. p. III. ANTHONY, ot whsen presently. s. Anne, married. is. Jane, se. to —Deepard, Req. III. Mary, se. to James Stoieny, Req. of Athy. Tue Rev. ANThONY WeeLnote, rector of Athy, se. Anne, I. Artlsnr, vhs so, Sit’ylla, dan. of John Barrington, Req., ansI rehet of Jolsn CuRe, Req., but of. op. in 1820. 11. Walter. ,f. sass. in 1010. its. A,sTnoav, the present baronet. iv. Thomas, ‘1.young. e. Lucy, sf. set)’,’. II. Jane, of. sen so. see. Emma, 1. ussee. cv. iltania, ci. ssosn. - v. Mary, etc. to George Chapman, Req. of Castle llhcban, Kil— dare. vs. Frances, 6. ‘esteR.vim. helen. sO. s’ssea. vlsI. Selina. SR. Itareiet, sf. sesss’e. IV. Ssn ANThONY WLLOON, o. to the baronetcy of his eesnelse (see oeejsro), Sir William-tiagenal Bnrdett, Ban., in 1140 s. ARTHUR, 6.. stores, ill Joly, 1033. II. ANTHONY, present baronet. sit. Walter, major iltadrae army; 5. in 1825; es. 4 July, 1001, I.euiaa-Aeboeon, 2ed dan. of Sir James-Bseaeelay Higgissoon, K.C B., of Brookhill, eo. Antnim, and hae three dane., HelenMary, Nerale-Hsreiet, and Aliee-Franeeo. sv. Rdeunsed-Cesertney. v. Thomas, colt. Badene staff carp,; eec. 6 Feb. 1005, at Oetacomand, Isedia, HelenRaehel-Lsnisa, only child of Ccl. G. XV.-Yeong Simpeon, R.A., inepeeter-gen. of oednanee, Madras, Red hae ieene, George-Anthony. SIR THoMAS BuRnETT, let baroeset. lt.P., tO. in 1726. leaving an only son, Sea W1LLIA3I-VIuoee tlonnnrr, 2nd bars,eet, father P of Ste WILL1AN-BAOENAL BCEDETT. 3ssi baronet, who etc. let, of Tleomae Smith, Req. of Caetleton Hall, eo. Laneaeter, by the Itelees, ccc. in 1031, to Capt. Henry Bell, 3rd eon of Matthew Bell, Req. of Weoleiogtso, Northumberland. Sir XVilhiam-Bageeal Bardett, sf. in 1040, when the baronetcy develved, seeder the tisnitslien in the patent, en his ksnemeo,