Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/463

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W E L 3 George-Grenville, rcar-adm, R.N., 0.13., 6. 2Aug. 1815, erect, gn., for PoLE, and tlse Crease of WeLLE5Lan’. Sssppenlsrs m. 25 Oct. 3853, Elizabeth-Doughty, youngest dau. of —Twolseno, gu., dneally gorged and chained, or, and charged the late R. Lukyn, Eaq. and has a dau. Olivia-Georgiana. on the sshonldsr with a crescent, arg. .srelse—Psllet virtue. 1 Emily-Ann-Charlotte, sa. 26 jan. 2856, to the lion. Seats of s/se Earls eJ’ .iior,, iagsoo—Draycsst Heuae, and Soags’y and Rev. Robert Liddell. 2 Georgiana-fleurietta-Lonisa, as. in 1827, to the Rev Goorge-Darby St. Qnintin. of St. Leonardo. Sussex. 3 Mary-Sarah, sa. 75 july, 1836, to Henry-Charles, 4th Ran Cadogau. 4 Cecil-Elizabeth, as. 11 Slay, 1842, to the Hon. GeorgeAuguotno-Fredenick as it was formerly written, Be WELEOLEY, alias WeLees.EY, Liddell. Dr. Welleoley sI. 24 Oct. 1848. V. Henry, 8. 20 jan. 1773, Lord (‘osefeg. s. Anne, m. 1st, 4 Jan. 1790, to the Hon. Henry Fitzroy, post of etandansi-boarer te King 1-lENnY II, ; and having who d. in 1794; and 2udly, to Charleo-Culling Smith, Eoq., accompanied that menarcls into lrehsnd in li7s, ohtained who d, in 1853. Shed. 16 Dec. 1014. His lordship sO. 22 Slay, 1701, and was a. by his eldeot son, of Sieatls and Rildare, Ps-ens this sneceseful soldier descended. RsdnAno, 2nd earl, KG., K.P., do., 6. 20 June, 1760; treated Baron Welledey, of Iveilesley, ce Somerset, in the peerage of Great Britain, 20 Oct. 1797, and Masqs’aos WELLEOLEY, in the peerage of Ireland, 2 Dec. 1799; the of Baron qf .Nesasg/s, in 1330, and had a gs’ant by patent from latter conferred in consideration of his eminent services as Eow.aan Il. of tile custody of the castle of Kildare for life; governor-general of India, when he triumphed over thr but that monarch, cenferring subsequently the office sspsu Sultan Tsrroo, and destroyed the empire of Olyoore. His Jobn-Fitz Thomas, Earl of Kildare, together with use zonniy lordehip in. laO, in 1704, Hyaciuthe-Gabrielle, only dan. of of Kild are, to hold to his heirs male, for ever, William de Mona. Pierre Roland, but by that lady (who a. 5 Nov. 1816) Wellesley waa removed, and lost the fee of £20 a year had no legitimate issue. He cs. Sndly, 29 Feb. 1821, annexed therennto; to rempensale which, however, King Marianne, dan. of Richard Caton, Eeq. of the United States Enwaon III, granted hun a commission dated at Molyngor of America, and widow of Robert Paterson, Eaq.; whooe March, 1342, to have the znetody of the manor of T)emor, sister, Elizabeth, was the firot wife of Jerome Bonaparte, then in the crown, from 1 Aug. 1341, witls the annual fee Khsg of Weotphalia, and Slas-ohal of France. The Marohionese of 23 nsarks. Thia William was fatlser of Welleoley sO, 17 Dee. 1853. The marquess, who had been twice lord-lieutenant of Ireland, sO. 26 Sept. 1642, and was a. in the sheriff of Kildare in the year 1018. He so, Jshau, eldest Earldom of 36 ornington and minor hononro by hio brother, WTLLIAM, Lord JIssrytorsug/s, 3rd earl, 6, 20 Slay, 1763, by whom he obtainesi the lordships of Doagan, Morningtan, wlao had obtained the Barony of Maryborengh by patent of creation, dated 17 Jnly, 1023. He os- 17 May, 1784, hie eon, Ratharine- Elizabeth, eldeot dan. of Admiral the Hon. John Forbes, and by her (who sO. 23 Oct. 1651, aged 91) descended had issue, WILLIAM, Visesunt Wellesley, 4th EARL OF Sloaxsaoyon. Mary-Charlotte-Anne, in. 25 July, 1006, to the Right Hon. and waco. by his eldest son, Sir Charles Bagot, GOB. (who sO. in 1643); and d, his widow, 2 Feb. 1645. Emily-Has’riet, m. 13 llarch, 1314, to Field-Marshal the lot of the lot Earl of Westmeath), and dan. of —Ussoack, Eoq., Lord Raglan, GOB. Priscilla-Anne, m, 26 june, 1811, to john, 11th Earl oi by whom he was father of Garrett Wellesley, who, as stated Weotmoreland. The earl, who was constable of Maryborongb Castle, cuotosrotulornm of the Queen’s County, and captain of Deal Blmciatr Jrnrrhgc Of Uj c uItt OfWdUilltoll. Castle, sO. in 1645, and was a. by his oon, WILLIAM POLE-TYLaEY -I,otou- WELLE5LEY, 4th earl, 3. WELLINuTON), was the 3rd eon of Garrett, IsI Earl of Sternington, 22 June, 1786; m. lat, 14 March, 1612, Catharine, eldest 0 on. and eventual heir of Sir James Tylncy-Long, Hart. of Dungonnon, and was 6. at Mornington Monse, Upper Draycot, Wilts, by Catha.rine his wife, dan. of Other Windsor, Merrien Street, Dublin,* 1 Slay, 1760, The Earl of Hernington 4th Earl of Plymouth; on his marriage he assumed the additional surnames of TYLNEv and Loa’o. By thio lady lordship sO. in 1781, and where the young Arthnr spent (who sO. 12 Sept. 1325) hia lordehip had issue, WILLIAM-RICRAEn-AI’Tnun, 6th earl. James-FitzRoy-Henry-William, 11th lancers, 0. 11 Aug. woe eent to Eton; and, at the close of the American war, he 1315; sO. 30 Oct. 1851. Vietoria-Catharine-Sloxy. He m. Sndly, in 1820, Helena,* 3rd dan. of Colonel Thomas ensign in the 73rd regiment, 7 Starch, 1767. His service in Pateroon (by Anne his wife, dan. and es-heir of Boyd Porterfield, that regiment was extremely brief, for before the close of Eaq. of Porterfield, co. Renfrew), and widow ofThomao 1707 he was gazetted to a lientenantcy in the 76th. The Thigh, Eeq., capt. Coldatream-gnarda, eldest eon of Thomas- following year he exchanged into the 41st, and from that C. Hugh, Req of Brittaa, co. Heath. The earl sO. 1 July, 1657, passed into other regiments of cavalry and foot. lie wae and was a. by hio elder and only surviving son, WILLIAM-RSCEA0O-AeTnUn, 5th eas’l, who woo 0. 7 Oct. appointed to the majority of the 33rd. On the 30 Sept. 1613, and who sO. ss’ssm- at Paris, 25 July, 3063, when the following, he became, by purchase, lieut,-eolonel in the Barony of Slaryhorongh because exlinet, and the Random some regiment. By this time the new lieut,-cetenel hod and Barony of Olornington, and Vioeonntcy of Welleoley, commenced his public, though not his active military, lrioh honors, devolved on his lordship’s cousin, AunnunMien-son, career. He sot in the Iriah parliament as member for 2nd and preoent DUKE OF WeLLsaozoa. Creations—Baron, 9 July, 1746; Ear,, Sc , 20 Oct. 1760; tory Reform. The outbreak of the wor with revelsstienary Baron Moryberongh, 27 July, 1021. Arose of I/se Earls ef Jlanssissglnss—Qnarterly: 1st and 4th, az , eemde of fleure-deho; France calied him from the senate. 1-Is joined the campaign, or, and a lion, rampant, arg.; 2nd, gu., a cleaa, arg., between five plates, aaltierwiee, in each quarter; 3rd, or, a he proceeded to Oetend with his regiment, the 33rd, which lien, rampant, gn., dncally gorged, or. Crests—A lion’sgamb, was placed with tho gollont Lord Memo’s division. Lient,. * Her ladyship baa a direct royal descent from the PLANTA0ENETO. Colonel Welleeley woe present at oil the ekinnieheo in Anne Porterfield, wife of Colonel P,slereen, was repnleissg the French at Antwerp and Ms-needs; and in the great-granddoss. of Alexander Porterfield, of that ilk, by snbsequent retreat, he, with his s’egiment, more thon once Lady Catherine Boyd, whose mother, Lady Jane Cunning- successfully checked the advance of the enemy. On the home, dan. of William, 0th Earl of Glencairn, was 5th in descent from Lady Johaana Ramilten, wife of Alexander, Earl of Glencairn, and gronddou of the Princess Slary Stuart, Doneas Castle, near l’rim, co. Slsoth, also cloinss the heneum’, dan. of King JAMES II. of Scotland, and 7th in descent from See Wbiiiegt000ssssa, by Isbn Tintha, Roq., F.S.A., wlsere the ROwARD I., King of Rngland. 1165 W E L Mouse, noarChsppcnham, Wilts; Wanetead, Resox. 31our of l11i!TrIrv, or &IrflcdItp. Thovery eminent fainit- of Wsarev, or WELLEaLEv, or, was fssnuded in lrelassd Isy a warrior of tlsat name, of an ancient Anglo-Saxon family, who held the honsisrable for hia military eervicee large grants of laud in the eonntiee WILLIAM 055 WELI,rsLEv, who appears to have been sumnisued to parlhsment as a baron of the realm, by the title Sin Rsrnaan on WELLESLEL-, who served the office of dan. and eventually heir of Sir Nicholas de Castlemartin, Clonebreny, and several other manors, and wae s. by Gao-sm na WaLLasLav, of Daogan, from whom lineally WILLIAM WEsLEY, Eeq. of Dangan Castle, who m. Elizabeth, don. of James Csseack, Eoq. of Portraine, Co. Dublin, VALeRIAN WEsLEY, Raq, of Dangan Coetle. Thie gentleman Os. Anne. relict of Chs’istopher Nisgeut, Esq. (brother above, so. Miss Colley. THE Hots. ARmOR WELLE5LEY (The GREAT DUKE OF by Anne, his wife, dan. of Arthns Hill, let Visconnt had also a residence at Keneimsgten, where hie part of his boyhood. At ass easly age Artbnr Weliesley went to the military college of Augers, in Anjon, France. He received his Si-at eommtesioms in the British army as an mode a captain of the 50th in 1751 ; and in 1733, ho woe Trim in 1790, and occosionally took an energetic part in the proceedings of the House, Ho supported the concessions to the Roman Catholics, and opposed Parliamen. then conducted by the Duke of York, in 1794, and There is some doubt as to time birthplace of the duke: enhiject is fsdl3 discnssed.