Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/475

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WES WES Henrietta, dan. of Henry Vernon, Esq. ef Hilton Park, eo. RICHARD PANE, Esq. of Badeell in Todeley, in Kent, Stafford, and his wife Henrietta, dan. of ThomasWentworth, Inherited the manor of Sisergate, with other extensive Earl of Strafferd, by whom (who is. after his lordship’s possessions, from his father, and was residuary ]egatee of decease, General Porter, and d. in 1228) lie left an only snr- his elder brother, Henry. lie en Agnes, dan. an,l heiress viring child, ROSERT. His lordship if. 5 Angnst, 1802, and of Thomas Stidoiph, Esq. of L’adscll; and dying in 1140, was s. by hia son, was a by his only eon, I005ENT, 2nd sail, 6. 22 March, 1707, who was created GRoanE PANE, F.sq. of Badoell, who eerved the office of MARquEss OF WEeTMIN5TEE in Sept. 1211. He in. in April, sheriff of Kont in the 4th and 5th of Pisscsr and MARY; 1794, Eleanor, only dan. of Thomas, 1st Earl of Wilton, and marrying Joan, dan. of William Wailer, Esq. of Groom- and by her (who if. in 1240) had issue, bridge, in the same eonnty, was s. at Ins decease, in 1171, 1. llieoaao, present marquess, by his older son, 51. THoMAs, created EAEL or WIT.TON. (See Ikal liCe.) TNORAI PANe, Esq., who being involved in the rebellion ns. ROBERT, created BARON Room’. (doe ante tOot hilts.) of Sir Thomas Wyat, in the 1st year of Queen MANY, was ‘lbsmarquess, who was lord-lisut. of Flintohire, if. in 1241. committed to the Tower, and attainted for high treason, Creielion.s—Baronot, 23 Feb. 1621-2. Baron, S April, 1761. hot pardoned by her majesty and set at liberty, after ha had been ordered for execution. Mr. Fane, in the ensuing Earl, &e., 5 Jnly, 1784. Marqnsss, 8 Sept. 1811. ,Arsio—Qnarterly: 1t and 4th, as., aportenhlia with chains reign, was knighted at the castle of Dover, 26 Ang. 1573, pendent, or; on a chief of the last, in pale the arms of King by Robert, Earl of Leheestor, in the presence of the queen. EowAan the Confessor, between two nni’tsd roses of York He so. lot, Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Colepopper, sf Bsdg. and Lanoaster, being the arms of the city of Westminster, bnry, bnt had no issue. lie ia 2ndly, in 1574, Lady Mary granted to the marqnsss as a coat of angnientation; 2nd and Koville, only dan. and heiress of Henry, Lord Aborgavonny, 3rd, as., a garb, or, the family arms of GaoavENna.° the lineal descendant of Edward Neville, yonnger son of Civil—A talbet. statant, or. Seppsrlers—On each side, a talbot, rampant-regardant, sr, Ralph Nevihie, lot Earl of Weetmersiand of the family of gorged with a plain cellar, as. Neville (see BURKE’S Exhort ParcH), by whom he had icons, jtfohbs—Virtns non stsmma. fonr sons and two dana. Sir Thomas ii. 15 March, 1589; and Seals—Eaton Hall, near Chester; Halkin Castle, Ftintsbirs; in fifteen years afterwards, 25 Slay, 1004, his widow, )loteombs House, Bersetehire; Foothill, 1rilto. LAnY Maov PANE, was restored to the dignity of Baroness TeieaHoiesc—Groavenor Honos, 35, Upper Groovonorbtrert. Le Despenesr, the letters-patent of restoration beginning —thns :—“ Whereas, Hugh Le Bespencer, formerly justice of Rogland, in the reign of King HENRY III,, was one of the NV E S T M 0 It E L A, N P. barons of England, by the nanie of Baron Le Beapencor, to him and his heirs, and was annimoned to parliament among the barons, 4Otb hENRY III.; and whereas, Mary Fans, dan. and beiross of Henry, Lord Anergavenny, son and heir of George, Lord Abergavenny, eon and heir of Geotge, Lord Abergavenny, sen and heir of Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Isabel, sister and heiress of Richard Le Bsspeneer, Earl of Gloncestsr, and Lord Le Bespeneer, son of Edward, Lord Le Deopencer, by Elizabeth, dan. and heiress of Bartholomew, Lord Bin’gherob, eon of Pdward Le Despenoer, oon of Ilngh, Lord Bespeneer, Earl of Winchester, and Baron Lo Deapencer, who was son of hlngb, the aforesaid jnstice of England, who was enmmoned to parliament, 49th HENRY III., among the peers; and net only born of an hononrablo and illnotrieos stock, bnt WESTMORELANB, EARL OF (Francis-William-Henry showed himself adorned with all virtues, and worthy of his Fane), and Baron Bnrghersh, 5. 19 Nov. 1825; colonel descent,” &c. &c. Her ladyship d. 28 Jnne, and was s. in in the army, C.B., formerly aide-de-cansp to Lord the ancient bareny thns restercd by her eldest son, Raglan in the Crimea; e. his father, as 12th earl, FRANCIS, KB., who had hinisehf been previously advanced 16 Oct. 1859; SIC. 16 Jnly, 1857, Lady Adelaide to the peerage, 29 Bee, 1024, by the ancient titles of his Curznn, dan. of Earl Hown, and has had, maternal family, Balsa Bsssrgfiersh and EARL OR WsevaioNaEARn. His lordship a. Mary, only dan. and heiress of Sir i. Geerge.Nevihle-John, Lent Buirp/iersh, 6. 1 Sept. 1918; Anthony Mhidmay, hInt, of Apolihorpe, eo. Nsrthamoten, ii. 31 Jnly, 1860. by whom he aeqnired a very considerable augmantatien in II. ANTHONY-M1LONAYJULIAN, Lord Bvrgher.ih, 6. 10 forttine, and had coven sons and aix dans., of whom Atsg. 1159. I. Grace. I. MILnNAY, sneeeeded to the honenrs. ii. Thomas, d. sons. If. mragc. iii. Francis (Sir), K.B.,of Fnhbeek, so. Lincoln, and Aston, It appears from an ancient pedigree that the ancestors of Xerknbnw, so. Elizabeth, eldest dan. of William West, Esq. of Tirbsek, es-heir to her brother, John West, and widow the Earls of Weatmoreland and of the Duke of Cleveland of John, Lord Marcy, and woe.’, by his eldest eon, Francis originally wrote their snrname VANE, and that they were (Sir), K.B., who so. Tlannab, dan. of Ji,hn Rnshworth, descended from Howell ap Vane, of Monmonthshirs, who eo. Essex, and was S. by his eldest sorsiving son, Henry’, lived long antecedently ro the Conquest. The immediate sii. Anne, dan. of Tbeinaa Serope, Req. of Bristol, and progenitor, however, of these noble houses, sister and ce-heiress of John Serops, Req. of Wermslsy, JonN VANE, of Hilden, so. Kent, lived temp. HENnY VI., no. Oxford, secretary to the Treasnry; by whem be had, and bad a grant dnring that reign of the manor of Hadlee, 1 FnANCis, Mr., bar-at-law; if. 1757 s. by his bretber, 2 TH0NA5, who s. as 8th Earl of Wesimoreland. in the same eonnty. This gentleman so. Isabel, dan. of 8 Henry, of Wormsley, Oxfoi’ihahirs, H.P. who ,a. 1st, John Barell, Esq., and had (with three dans.) fonr sons, Charlotte, only dau. of Nicholas Rowe, Esq., the esleHenry, who if. withont issne, in the 25th of hsENav VIII. brated post, by whom he had an only dan., Charlette, RscnANn, progenitor efthe family now before ne. who oi. Sir W. St. Qnintin. Mr. Pans se.. lndly Anne, Thomas. dan. of Br. Jobn Wynn, Bishop of Bath and Wells, John, ancestor of the Earls of Barhingten (recently ad- and had one dan., Mary, is. to Sir Thomas Satpheten, vaneed to tbo Dukedom of Cleveland.) Bart. of Greys Cenrt. ‘Tiesa, Srdly, in 1748, Charlotte, sister andeo-heir (withs Rebecca, wife of J. Taylor, Esq.l The 2nd son, of John Luther, Eaq. of Myhes’s, Risen, and bad, John of Wormnley LIOB., who is. Lady Elizabeth * One of the marqnese’saneastore, Sir Robertle Grosvenor, Parker, dan. of the Earl of Maeelosfield, and left issue, bad a protracted litigation with Sir Richard he Serope about 1 John of Wormslsy, higb sheriff af Oxfordahhre, a coat of arson, in which that gentleman was plaintiff; and in issô &. 9 Jnhy, 1771; at. in 1801, Elizabeth, Sir Robert defendant. The suit was tried before the high- dan. of frilbam-Lowndea Steno, Req of Brigbtwell, constable and high-marshal of England, and others eem- Park; and if, 4 Oct. 1010, having had thirteen chit- missioned for that pm-pose, and lasted three years, not being dren. of whom tin-se anna and three dana. snrvire, decided nntih 1389. Sir Richard he Sereps eomphahnsd of Sir Robert Is C reeve- John-William, now of Wermotey, hiP. far so. nor’s using a partienlar coat, viz.: As., a bend, or, wbirh Oxford, his’it.-eoh. Oxford nnlitia, P. C. L., belonged to him ‘and the decision oh the court conffrse ed Sir Ii. 1 Sept. 1804; is. 1st, 30 Nov. 1820, Catherine, Eiehard’sright, but permitted Sir Robert he Grosvenor to use 9th dan. of Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. by inotead: As., a garb, or; which has over sines csnthnned the whom, who if. 0 Nov. 1828, he baa an only d’an,, arms of the family. Snpbia, so. in 181h, to Artbnr-H.-C. Brown, Esq. 1177