Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/480

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W H I 1. TUOMA5-WOOLLA5TON Warm, Esq. of Walliog-Wolls, who was created a harrnet, 20 Dee. 1802, with rceoainilor to the The Bishop of Itaphee if. in 1807. Itis 3rd son, male tssoo of hts doceatod fathor. Sir Thomas a. 31 Jan. 1801, ‘i’izaboth,lao. of Thomas ldlagg, Esq. of Tnxfard, by whom he a hlaronel, 16 May, 1034. lIe vs. 11 Dcc. 1791, Sephla-Henrietla t.ft tssno, -. TnoMAs-W00LLAST0N, prosont baronet. t. Taylor, tn itoty orders, vicar of Norton-Cockney, Notts, Ihe 1st Earl of Forliand, ann d. in 1010, leaving by hisislady Ii. in 1801 c. 1st, ttorathy-Lotttta, tiat’. of Cat. ICtrke, of (who it. 20 Jass. 1852), surviving issue, Markham. Nods, anti tail tssno, I Thomas —Woellasi’ a, is. 9 Maceli. 1818, Cltnrtott& 1.etitta. cutest slau. of Cite late lucy. Francis .trtlntr Jackson, vicar of Ilteeatt, Yorkshire. I Elizabeth. lIe ,,s. 2ndty, 1 Nov. 1550, Charlotte - hates, only etttld of hononm was eonfe,’red lo’son situ in 1843, by Isis Info nsajosty Ilobori Ct’afls, Esq. of Dotopton t’ark. Isle of Thaoot; he King Enwesa, with remainder to his Isoirs. ‘1.1833. i. Anne, a. in 1827, to William leirhe, Esq. of East Eel ford, who 0. lo43. s,. Sarah, t. 3 April. toSS, lathe IIrv.tlnehan—Warren Wrigith, yore, three eleosi—lio,ss u theoo in elsief, use dexter gn., tise sinis— MA.. vicar of Nerten-Coelusey. Netfs. 1st. Lydia. t5. in 1827. Sir Thomas it. in tet7. Cccahiee—2f Dee. 1002. Aro:s—Gis., a chevron, vair, between in Ilte dexter paw a trefoil, slipped, tori, fez W’nivstsoo ; 2,sd three tiont, rasnlont. or. l’,s’s’t—Oof of o sloeat coronet, arg.. a gorged with a ribbon, of Ihe l:ist, finsbriatrd, az., tlses’oiruat ,leasi-eagte stills wings rxtnndod, sa. Motto—Loyal unto death. penitent a soprosenlafion of Ilse gold sssedal 1 resented to the St al—Walling Wells, near Worksep. W H ITS RED. ‘8,vki HAwKsNa-WUITOHED, SIR ST. VINCENT-KEENE, of Killincarriek, no. Wiekiow, attn of Jobetown, CO. Dublin ; 1), 28 July, 1801 ; we. 1 May, 1832, the Hon. Elizahetls Erekiste, 6th elau. of Davinl-Thlolltagn, Lord Erekine, and has heel ionue, James, hoof. EN.; Ii. 3 March, 1834; sl. at Siasonosaki, Japan, 21 Jnso, 1881. t,. Sv.V,venx’r-Boxxnscx, late eapt.Celd.-gds., ii. 12 Felt. 1837, Viscount t,ricklow, of Wicklow, and Baron Clonmore, to. 8 Dee. 1838, Anne-Alicia, 3rd dsu. of the Han. and of Ireland; and one of the representative lords; b. 14ev. 1-0, ttandcoek, and has a dau., Elizabeth. ,. Elizabelh-Snplsia, ri. 10 Feb. 1857, to Col. A-C, Benthsrk, 13 Feb. 1788; 55. 16 Feb. 1816, Lady Cecil-FIancee 7th dnsgeoa-gnards, and ii. 4 Jan. 1830. ti. ldenira, m. 18 Nov. 1882, to Corn. Edo’in J. Pollard, TIN. He .i. his father, an 21111 baronet, in 1849. Ittnrav. Wittisw HAwxtxn, Ulster king-of-arms, (son of Aldrr,naao William Olawktns, of Dssblin, who d. 28 Oct. 1086, by Grace Isis 3rd wife, dan. of Sir Wiulians Thwaiteo), to. Elizabeth, dan. of Joases Mutlow, Esq. of W’oodtnten, eo. Waterford, and lizet a son, Joax Ilaws,xs, tister king-of-arms; who itt. Catherine, dan. of Dr. William Outhit, of Ilnldin; and d. in 1718, leaving istae, ,. Jonas, his Iseir. it. Johs,, it. ii vu:. to 1747. ,t,. William (Sir), Ulstcr—leiag—of—arsns ; t. iso 1738; is. in 1761, Anne, ‘tan,and en-heir of James Stevenson, Esq. of Hie lordship, who s lord-heist, of the eo. of Wicklow, lfillileagb, in linweshire anti it. in I 7o7. s. Elizabeth,, u. to the ltev. Themas t’astl. The eldest sea, JONaS Ilawstxs, DI)., was Lord Bishop of Staphee. lIe so. Catherine, dan. i,f fiill,rrt tCecoe, hag., by his wife, Alice, stan. ci Thonoas W’hitslied, Esil., and sister of Lord Cliii Jnsliee Ilowa,’ds of Etsgland, Isaving 501st Isis property itt iltat kitsgdom, Whifohed, and had issue, John, in holy orders; a. Anne, dan. of Alexander BenIgnnsory, Sisellon ethnics, eo. Wicklow, whets Isave shsre hem the clsief Esnl. of the hall, en. Donngsd, ass,l Isad issue. Wilhiant. ii. Stiss Ci’nstantia Dreoght; and ii 71 Jnly, 1836. aged 77, learitsg issue. JAMES, the late Adm. Sir James hlawhins-Whitshrd, Ilari. ‘h’ho,uas,slean of Clonferl, io. Miss F’nx. Francis. ci. I 1dm, dats. of Gcn. Tlssrringlon, lt.E. I.C.S., by en. W’irhksw. Il_to lordship so, iso 1724, t’ahieni’e, daa. sad sole ttelea, isis wife, sister and heiress of I irerge Dcml ‘ster,Es4., lseirrss of Godfrey lloleysse, Esq., of Fc,swer, tiy Stas’y hit wife, 31. P. of Dnenicbcn, asost was grandiatlser of George Ilaw— titter of use bllght then. Itenry Singleton, herd-chief-justice of ktns-Drwf stir, l’sei. of Dnnniehe,s, en. Ferlar. 1 ls2 ‘vVI C Elizabeth, so. to Benjamin Ball, Esq. of Dnblin. CaLicO ne, in. to John l’ssget, Eag. of London. AnNuAL Sin JAMES IhAwx,xs-WnlTsnEn, O,C.B., was eroated dan. of Captain Jolsn-Albert Besslinek, RN., grandson of Sv. V,seox’r-KEENE. presene baronet. Tlenhas-Antoinetle, we. 10 3lareh, 1020, tn (Sen. Sir Henry-John- William hienlinch, 10CR., eel. Seth font (ce PoxmAtuo, B.). Sir James was a Baron of the kingdons of Hanover, whiols C,valSosr—iSld. A rioe—Qnarlerly: 1st and 411,, per pale indented, arg., a,sd Ce ‘,or, asssl that in lsase per i ale indented, gu. atsd or, for W’utToneu: 2,sd assd 3rd, per elserrois, cog. and von, litton loads, pp, for ilawnixo. Comb—A demi—Iheis, lies’ pate, inderibed, arg. atsel gn., hsr’lthistg for tlAwsssxs. ,Ssppos’lei.s—Dexlor, a lion, tier tale, indesslest, gss. and 5mg., admiral for hio slistingtsishod sorriest oIl’ Cape ‘it.Vitseent, the denIer fore-paw rotting en an anchor, p’c.; sinislem, a hind, ppc., gorged as Cite dexter, in the tsoosttls a trris’hl, slipped, vest, Jfobboso—mor WnsTo,sEu u ‘‘hibertas et tsatalo seltszt.’’ For llott’xsxs; “Providencewith ndrrsstnre.” 8,nia—Killitscarriek, co. Wieklew ; attsl Jelsshsc.rss, Co. D’ablin. Wicnuow, EABL OF (Sir William Howard, K.P.), of Clonmore Castle, no. Carlow, its the peerage Hamilton, dan. of John -James, 1st Mat’queso of Abereomn, by whom (who ci. 7 July, 1860), be has load, t. Eleanor-Cecil, ia 23 Nov. 1840, to Charles-Edward Law, Beg., rifle-brigade, eon of the lion. C.-E. Law’, M.P., and sf 15 Jane, 1052. it. Itarriel5 tt, If Dee. 1846. it,. Frances, tss. 30 July, 1913, to fke Iton. Cohn Lindsay, younger ‘etaof ehe Earl of l.’rawford and ttalearree. sv. Anne-Jane, es. S dime, 1854, to bird llilford, orho d. 3 Jan. 1837; she as. 2ndiy, 4 Jane, 1861, Thos.-J. Eyre, Esq. of Upprrceosrl, en. Kilkemsy. v. Isabella, 0. 16 S a. 1845. vs. Katherine, ii,. 4 daly, 1855. to the Tton. Arthtar Petre. vii. Storia, ci. ons,,. 21 ((eL 1831. o. his fathor, an 3rd earl, 27 Sept. 1818. 3tmncagr. Ia 01st 17th rrnlury, Barn ItowAsa, Esq., a solon of tise pssrclsased frem the Sinko of Ornoonde Iho North Arlulow and residence of lots it rscrntonlo, of whom, ThE Biena 14ev. blonoav HOwARD, t,os’d Bishop of Elpitie, 5. in 1693, inlserited in 1725 the eslotes of his fansily, at the ,toeoasr of isis elder hirofisom, Itugls htnu’ard, Esq. of Shelton, tise Consoson Pleas, and hind isoee, NV I C K C 0