Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/482

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WIL Richard Watnoolcy, of Coldcoateo flail, Co. Lancaster, and The 2nd son, of liaohatl, en. York, Esg., son and heir of Richard Waimsloy, Log. os Cotdeoatos hIatt, by Dorothy, sister dan. and hoiross of lladoc of Fonryhn, and had and co-heir of William Loners, Log. of ltaohall, grandson and representative of Edward Ferrets, Log. (derived from William, 1,ord Ferrors of Grohy. 2nd oon of William Forrors, 7th Earl of Derby), and of Jano his wifo, heiress of tioohatl, don. and hoir of Willians White, Log. of OiL- field. en. Derby, cot, in the service of tho Long Parliament, by Margory his wife, co-tsoiross of iiastsalt, dan. and Coheir of Thomas Tatt,ot, of Bmlsoll, loot mate ropresontalico of lire knightly and historic family of Tathot do Ilaohalt. Jiy tim heiress of liaslsall, Mr. Lloyd, s,’tso 0. 31 March, 1 785, had, soith other issao, a son sml saccessor, Richard-i taglses Lloyd, Esg. of i’lyroog, fiworclas, and Eashalt, 9. 1 Nor. 17631 ‘.9lId. 1793, to Caroline, dan. of Ii. Thompson, Log. and dying 24 Jan. 1822, had, I lhichard—W’aimstcy Lloyd, Log., 9. 3 Assg. 1301; So. 14 The elder son, Assg. I o28, Ensara, dais, of William Thompson, Log. of Linacro, c’s. Loncastor, and ‘1.17 March, 1853, having by her (o’lio 1. 21 Mac, I 948) toad issue, Rdoard—Watmoicy, 9.7 Joly, 1329;,?. non. 29 Feb.1949. Tarddwr all Cynddohev, lord of Llcchn’edd Uchaf, in Carnarvonshire, Riansa-Margarotta, 3.17 Oct. 1832; 0.51101.22 May, ha4d. ltoaomr. Ito so. 2ndty. Lowry, dan. of Grono ap loran, of 2 John - hughes Lloyd, present rcprosontativo of tho Efionydd, by whom ho Isad a son, Tisonias, beheaded at Conway, Ilonscs of l’lysnog, Gsoorctas, Coldcoatos, and flashall, in 1466, for attending Edmund, Earl of ttirhnosond into Franco. limit. tEN., 9.7 July, 1803; saIl P’oh. 1843, ltary, only Tho rider son, child of Lneas Ward, Log., and toad issue, 31 agh—Locas SVatiosley, 9. 27 Sopi. 1844, s1. 17 Jan. 1347; Richard Edo’ard-bloghrs, 9. 16 Aug. 1846, 0. 23 June, 1845; dan. of Griffith Dorwas, brehtser of lIonel Solo, Lord of Nannoy. isorothoa-Margic Yale, 9. 12 and ii. 29 Nov. 1852. 3 Rdward - Salesbory Lloyd, hoot-cot. RICo’s sorvico, Their son, 9. 28 Fcb. 1806; o’. 16 April, 1844, Calhcrino-Annr, dan. rehinno, to Roso’orth Field, 2J Ang. 1490, to assist Henry, Earl of the Itcv. Roberi-Wynelt-Mayow, and 1. at Noisodats, of Itichsnond, against Eh:og Escnarn Ill.; after which he was in Issshia, 24 ,lan. 1831, leaving issno by hsor (soiso eras 2ndly, 1 Jan. loGo, in time Itov. Edward Girdlrstone, too appointed, by patent, sheriff of Carnarvonshsico for life. This sono, Edward-Wyneti-7tayow, 9. at flounces, 19 2tarch, gentleman ia.Angharad, lass, of David, conslablo of Harlcch 1519, and Rd,oard, 9. at Shnla, 24 Sept. 1848. 4 hiagls-Itugtscs-Lloyd, cot. R.1.C.’s service, 5. 9 Nov. Castle its hicrioneth, eldest son (by Anghssrad, dan. and heiress 1807; o.t3_tpohl. tsao, his maternal cousin, Caroline, 2nd of David 1.hoyd, Log., Bursts of llessdo-r in Edohrnhon, en. dan. and co-lsoir of floe tale tlonry-Rahana 1-tarris, Rig. Mcrhonellsjof levan(jri-c s’xecix), of tlcndsor, and grandson of 5 Wihiiaas-Itoaton, 9.14 Juno, 18111 s 26 Sept. 1827. a Cacohino-Olargarot, cl. 0’iOi. 8 May, 1827. 2 Sarah-Margarctta, 1. young, 28 Nov. 1514. 2 Domhlsoa, ,,r. 6 Jnly, 1832, her relative, John-Itssgtios, faasihy n-ho asousnod the name of Wis.LIaaIs) ii. Lowry, dan. of Esg. of tiso Innor Tomtdo, barrister at-law, younger son llenry Sahnsbary, Fog, of I.tanrhahadr, yonnger onto of Thomas of the late Witlians ITnglsos, of Pon-y-clasrdd, co. Dosstogls, Salnslinry,ofLiesoeny, co. Druldgis, Fog., living l2thErwAootV. Esg., reprosonlafive, in the mosle hoc, of llso (ore SALuomuzy of Lbewnlp), and load, with other hsano, Iinghos of Oworcias, and 1. 27 Jan. 1848, leaving an only child, Licnt. T. dc flashall hughes, tale Cope nsoonlrd rifles, 1. 19 Doe. 1826. 4 Francos-Tahe, 5. nero. 29 Sotit. 1929. 9 Jane. 6 Sarati-Margarotla, 5. sara. t7 Joily, 1842. Rdnyfcd Vychan r;. 2ndty, Gsvonlliao, dan. of Rhys ap Griffith, l.ord of Sonth Wales, reprosontativo of tiso Sovoroign Ps-incrs ot Sooth Wislcs, and load Soy her, ohio oilier issue, a son, Oaowo Ar Roovorn Vvear.sw, Lord of Trof-Gastol, aneoster of of Sir William Grihhth, of Ponrlsyn, tint., Chamberlain of North the Royal Ilonse of Tudor. TI-so oldest son of Ednyfrd Vychan by lois lit marriage, nc., SIR Thooa Ar EoNvrsn Vvcnan, of Nant and Llangynisafal, toss one of hiso comsnissionors for the conclusion of peace bctsroon Rnwonn 1, King of England, and Liowetyn ap lorsrrrth, King of Nor’tls Wales. lIe ri. Alice, dan. of Richard, son of Cadsvahladcr, 2nd son of Griffith ap Cynan, Icing of North Wales (-es Wrar of Gsoyr/yc, s;ador W’sLLsAMs-Wnr, hArT.) and was father of Itsntsos Ar Sir Tumor, lInt., who so. Agnes, dan. of flioddyn, Lord of Dinmaet, in Dcnhighiand, livhsg 28 May, 2nd itoary lit, 3rd son of tb-am ibrogyntyn, hood of Rdoimion, Dinnaaol, and Ahertanat, son of 9tsdoc, last l’rinco of Poo-yo. fly this lady, Ilcitin 1usd issue, Gasrrrrn Ar tIriLta. Grono op Itrihin, whose grandson, Rolorrt ap Griffith, was fathor of a dao. aad heir, Catherine, who rn. fInd Vyctoan ap lladoc, derivod from Madoc of (itoddaoth. Anghsarad, or. lot, firono Llwyd-y—t’ensryim, of the hinrage of istarclsndd; and 2ndly, David (loch, I’ rd of l’enmachno, in Cornarvon, son of David, trod of Dcnbigh, colon a. his brother, Llewolyn, Prtneo of Wales. Thr cIder son, Gonorrrn Ar llroma. of Corhsrillaa, on. Carnarvon. m. Eva, flats. and Iscircos of Csrihhtlo nil ‘h’ndai-,of Cochwillan, eldest son of Tsodor ap M,sdoe, lord of t’carhoyn, in (.‘arnarvoo, grandson of T;srddo’r op Cynddrlo’, lord of Lcrnwcd,l Uchsaf, in Caraarvonslaro, Great Forcotcr of Snow don, by sobsosn he acgadrod Cochss’illan hs Penrhyn, and olisor large possessions. Of this nsarriago there was issue, Go-ILcyam Ac (imcrsrn, odor nI. Itoyfa, dan. of loran op Grif6th, The iLls son, dcrired frons Edsoiss, Lord of Tcgahngt, in Flint, y is lions Wynn, of Egisrysfach, by whooom he had issne, ho hrs,1 ir500, Bloth’ss ap Gwitlym. anersior of the ltoaoaas of Cot’S, a Gr-oe, cm. Flint, rcprcsenlcd by tlso present Eacoarn Stoa’;Ao, Esg. of Golden Orovo. (S,c lhol irtose, 11 onxx’o Landed Genlry.) Gasrrrrn Ar G55-ILLY2, of whoac prcscntly. 1184 W I L OolrrsTn Ar Gsrioa.vao, of Prnrhyn, so. Gonenhs Vyrhan, unarm Ar Gairrrrsi, of whose tine we isavo to treat. Gwhilym ap Griltilh op Gn’illyns, ancestor of Piros Gotoricu, Dog., Iho last horodihary lord of Pcnrhyn, distingnishsod as a naval officcr, hoop. Queen ELIZABETH. Piers Griffith as. llargarot, don, of Sir Thonsas Mooiyn, of Mostyn, lInt., and was boned at Wostmhnstor Abbey. Ithys ap Goiflith ap Go’iflyna, of Nant, ancestor of tho Ilcoass’s of Prcatahyo cool Feydac, and of tiso LLoyns of iCon?, co. Flint, whose tine tcrnainatod o’ith John Lloyd, of Nant, cs-Iso loft two daus. anti co-hsoirs, 1 Janet, ISO. to RonryWynno Consray, of Nant; and 2 Cathorino, ol. to Cadssalladcr op Otorris (lothin, of Vochas, highs-sheriff of Donbhghsshire in 1948. itoaraT A? GrsrmTn Ac GcrsLLYns, of Coctowihian, oa. to-leo: 1st Angharad, dan. and heiress of thhys up Griffith, derived front by whom ho ha,t a son and snccossor, GolrsaTss A? GssorrsTms A? Rosooar. of Cnchwhthhan, so. 7th Iirmirr Vi., halt, WiLLIAM Ar Gasrrivn, lcd a troop of horse, for his non Rinhon ap Gniffitis, of Cors-y-tlcdoh, Co. hlcoboneih. (See WYNN of Peaioo-bh—Loio7e,b Gcooho-y.) The eldest sosa of this marriage, Wsrm,tsr WILLIAaIO, Log. of Cochooiian (the first of thu WILLIAM WotsnAaos, conhinsoer of Iho line. Thomas Wihhiaass, Rsg. of Vaenoi, co Carmarhhon, who so. Jane, dan. of W’ihhiamn Stanhry, of Ilooton, co. Chester, Log., and soas father of Sir William Wihliassas, of Vaeuol, Dart., so created 19 Josne, 1622, ancostor of the W’ILLIAMS’o of Voeasl, Earls., extinct. The ehdcst soos, WILLIAO5 Wmns.taaos, Fog. of Cochissillan, so. Dorothy, 4th dan. Wahcs, and haeh eight sons and thrce dasss., of whom i. Whttiaam Williams, Dog. of Cochssshhiao, (time eldest), sheriff of Caonarvonshmire, in 1592, i-s. twice ; hot, Agnes, dan. of Jolon Wynn op Meredith, of Goydyr, by cohn-sn toe had issue, I Ooeos Willinoss, Dog., who toss rlisiohoorhted. Me so. Dos’otlmy, dams. and heir of Ithys op l’tsomas, ef Tstym Cs’hwyn. 2 Rhten, Os. Sir Wtilbam Williams, of Vaenel, Earl. William Willhams s,s. 2ndty, Barbara, sister and heir of John, Lord Lnnslcy, and ,ridow of the WelsIs hishorian and anti— gsoary I hosmphrey Lloyd, by sotsom iso Isad, 1 henry Williams, Dog.. s’ao o. to Cochwihian, and sold that place to the Earl of Pembroke, by whons it was afterwards sold to John Withhauss, lord-keeper of the great seal, for L10,bOO, by wlsich ho became proprietor of Penhryn and Cochwillan. Henry so. Jane, dan. and hociress of Tlsomos Sahnsbnry, of Dentsigho, 3rd son of Sir Johon Sahosbory, of Licw-ony, co Denhigis, EnI., hIP. for Deohhghstsirr, hn tho reigns of itoary VIII. and MAry, and had issue, Lssmley Williams, Esg., who ons. Dorothoy, don. and Iseir of lihmys l’homas, Log. of Tshym Coiwyn, oe. Mont— grmrry. ii. Enssr’aD, of w’hona presently (Otis son). III. Arthur Williams (the 7tlo son), 91st., of tlleitlionydd, en. Csrnaooon, ancestor of the WtLs.oAasos or’ Jfcillisssyshch oosL F—byes talc-go, whose heiress, Anne, dan. and heir of Edward Wilhiaomms, Fog. of Mritlionydd and Totymso Colsoyn, oil. Sir Robert 11 and Vanghan, of Nannan, tlart., and left at hoer decease, 4 Olarch, 1791, an eldest son, Sin liomor’r WILLIA_NISVA000AN, of Nannan, Dart. Enaoran WSLLIA005, Dog. of Conwsy, tim. Mary, dats. of Owon s. Roomy, Isis sn0000sor. so. John, in holy orders, DO.; fo. 29 hlarob, 1882; dean of Sacons, and soobsegmoently of Westminster, appointed lord keeper of thor Great Seal iss I 62h, afterwards Bislsop of Lincoln, and thence translated to the Archbhsiooprhc of York. His grare purchased the family estale of Cochss’ilhan from hIss