Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/486

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MT I L JTE155501STO, 7th baronet. Witliam-llanttlton, b. 3 Aag. 1800; so. 22 April, 1554, Story, eldest dan. of the talc I letsert—W’illiain ltnLtsdting, Esq. of 3.0w Gosfssrth. tioberl-Iludlestea, is. 5 April. ItlO, late E.t CS.; so. July, 813, Margaret-Grace, 2nd dan. of the late William Gordon, East. of SIltIng, ce. Ayr, and has, Ceetl-lledworth, P. at Itlalta, It flee. 1815. Mariz-Dorotltea, oh 20 Oct. 1818, David ltai’elay, Esq. of Eastwiek Park, ro. Sot-roy, 2nd son of tise late Robert Barclay, Esq. of ttary Iltit, aad d. in 1846, leaving issue; her hnstsaatd, Sir. David itarotay, st. I Joty, 156’!. Elizabeth-Anne, 4 siam. in 1622. So1diia-Janc, to. 6 Sept. 1623, to Thotnas, 2nd Earl of ZoO- land, and if. 21 Slay, 156’S. Sir ited,vorth ,t. its 1510, ssttd tvao o. by his eldest soil, ‘t1.Sin Ifrnss-aaiyst, who trao Is, 1 Nov. 47E’; astd so. 18 April, 3596, Autte-Etinaboth, 3rd doss, of Thomao-ltcnry, Lord Ravenoworth, by wtsattt he had bonn, ilnnwonrn, prosont bat’ooct. Wilhians-tlenry, ls.ot Florence, 14 Gel. 1820. Charles, capt. OOi ii rides. h. at Wltithorn iloll, I Sept. 1533. Vtetor-Alcxandot Is. at Ctietlenham, 8 Jane, 1838. Sir tlodn’ortls tL 54 April, 3861, Cs-c,stian—3 Jose 1042. Ana s—Or, a chevron, go., hetsoern three trefoil,, slipped. sa. Crest—Oat of a tutu-at crown, gn., a svyvern’s head, a,, Seot—Wttitlsnrtt halt, soar Sonderland, eo. Darttans. Tao-a JJ,slsae—22, I’satlanst Gale. VILLOTJO-HBY DE BROKE. WsLLouohsnv Dg Bttoxn, BARON (Henry Vornoy), Ihie seat of Richard Verney, Fsq., a mae lover of anhtqssltics, ansi dep;tty-lie.ut. for co., is. 14 May, 1844; a. as a a’orbhy Otsiconas.” his lorslslnls lived to the advanced age of 10th laarota, at the decease of his father, 5 Jo110, ninety, and dytssg 15 July, 1711, a-as a. by Ists yoongest and 1862; attd aa hoir-getsoral to the Barotty of Latimer, created lay writ of summons, 20 Dec. 1299 (Isis lordship is by right Lord Latimer, although he has W’issdsor. in tlso slcancr,- ofwlstnls tshace tsis lordslsiis was installest tiot established his claim). He to. 17 Oct. 18137, in 1713, and appointest register of tho sssost noble order of the Geraldino, eldest dart, of the late James-H-Smith Nut, of tlrastede, in Kent, lteircss, tlsroughi Iser nsolhes-, of Sin Iiart’y, Ess1. of Mai’bury Hall, Cheshire, and Fota John Stonnes, ItnI., at,d tlsrossgh Iser grandmoltscr, of the bland, Co. Cork. iLincgc. Sin l’ooaios Wirhoronsy, lOst. (3rd salt sf Sir lts’bert Wit— tonglstsy, 4tlt t.orsl W’itlsssgldsy do Eresby, t’y Ists 1st svife Alice, sub, of Sir Wiltiatn Stutasitlsi, 5,5. Eti,al,eth. slats, ansI Isotress of John Nevill, Lord Latiseer, and was a-by his only son, Sin Joan W,Ls,oronay, whose only son ansi Itoh’, by Joass Woilsy, an heirrss, Sin dents Wisaauanny, Ent., as. Asusr, dat,. and ce-heiress of Sir Edmnssl Chcney, l{nt. of troko, in ttso 00. Wilts, and teas a. by tsis elder son, Sin l9oatr.v Wius.oronsy, Ent. of Broke, who, aiding the eastse of henry, Earl of tliotsnsond, and participating in the lOts lordshnp st. 2t Doe. 1728, and a-as a. by Isis elder surviving victory ot boss,’tsrlh, was advanced to the 15001-age by ttse new monarets (11 rosy VII.), tsy writ of sssinnsssns, dated in the 7tls year of his reign, IS As,g. 1132, at t,osn WicLos’onzy no Bsoae. banossy revortod tss his nephow, Ills lordship si. Ittanche, stlsss. and heiress of Sir Joist, Ctsampes’— nonas, hy whom Ite had one son. ResoRT, and a dan., Etieatsetts, to. to Johts, Lord t?ynhatss. Lssrst W’itlongtslsy svas eatstatn_genrrot of Otto fssrces sent in aisi of tile I ?tshe ssf ttrit;any against the and sister of tlsc calebrahcd nstni,ler, lord Norths, by whons French, iti the 4lts II roan VII., ansI snarshal of the En glisls (a’tso st. in 1799) Ito heft isstsc, artssy snist into h’ranoo in fossr y-eas-s aftersrard,, III, lorslshi1s 1. in 1502, ansi was a. tsy isis ssnly son, Rosra-r, 2nd Isaron, sanssnssnesl to lsat’liastsens, 28 Nssv. I 511 - whose son WiLLisas is nscnliosed as living in thr beginning of Ills lordship sss, 1st, Elizatstths, eldest 1 an. ansi ca-heires, of the 12th ccntnry, and thr said W’itliain’s randson, Hones ne lliettarsl, Lord Ieassctsanlp, of t’owyctt, by soltons 110 lassO an only ens, at Iirutnshnhfe, cc. of Stafford. 051, - Enss’sais, who pt-odeeeased him; leaving tsy isia s-ifs’, Elizabeth, shstre, and represented Ihat costnly in parliament, lie S. op. 31 doss. of Itieltard Nevilte, Lord Latimnr, tltteo dasss., Oct. t707. Thansas, the younger ,oo, Is, in t676, seas a brett 1188 XV J j viz., I gLizasarn ; 2 Anne, 4. slssns.; 5 blanche, as. to Sir Francis Dantry, Knt., and ci. a. 3s. The eldest dan., ELiZASrTn Wir.tssuosiay, as. Sir Fotke Grevitle, 2nd son of Sir Falke Grenille, of Stiloote, in Warwtck-sl,tre, and had (with tsso yos.s.nger sons, Rosasv, ancestor of the present Earl of broke and Warwick, nnd Sir Edsvard), Sin Gsrvsrnc, also sss. Anne, dan. of Ralph Nevile, Earl of Westmorelanst; and dying in 1606, left a son and dan., viz., I FuLss, created Lorsf Bs’olc,, of Benss’clso,ssjs’o L’oort, in 1628; sf. ossas. in iess, when the dignity ceased; and 2 Margaret, wIso tseramo sole bets-es, at the decease of Iser tsrothcr, lord Broke. l’htis lady’ sss. Sir Richard Verney, Knt. of Coinptan Slordac, in Wars-tekshire, and isad ciglst ctsildron; the oldest of o-ttons, Sir Grevtllc Verney, Ent., sI. Catherine, dan. of Sir ttolsert Sontlss-ell, lOut. of Woodttstng, co. Norfolk, and granddan. (,naternahly) of Charles Jloward, Earl of Nottinglsaits, and had issne, I Grevithe, wtsose line ceased witit Isis grassdson, Wililam, in 1683; 2 Rirnoan, of Belton, of sshoso, as Ilse restated baron Wit— langlshsy, a-c shalt treat presently; 3 George, a-ho 1, sos,. in 1619; 4 Etiztsbrth, s. to Wtiiasn Feyto, Esq. etChestcrlon, on. W’arsvick. Lord Wiltostgtstsy Is?. 2ndty, Dorsslhy, dan. of Thomas Grey, Slarslstess of Doraet by tstsoiss tie left Itso datss., i. Elizabeth, si. to John PanletL Starspsess of Wtnetscstcr, is. Anne, st. to Charles tstoont, son and tsrir of Wililant, Lard Ohonnijoy, His lordslstp S. in 1022, a-lien the lsarnssy foIl into atseyance, and so resnainesl ssnlit etainsod, is 1604, and allowed to Sin Rmcnasn Vssoay, Ens, of notIon, co Rutland, whose isnnsediate descent is panlienlarized above,5 as 3rd tsaron. Sir Ricisard a’aa P. 28 Jan. tf2t, and represented the co, of Warwick in parhiaascnt tsefore and after tlse Ilovolnliass. lIe received tlso honoor of knighthood, 1 April, 1055, open presenting an address from Wars-ickstsire to King Jsaias 11. Itis lordship sss. ts’ice 1st, Many, dan. of Sir John Freltyman, Ent. and Baronet, of Lndingtan, co. Letcestcr, by whom he had three sons t and a dast, Iltary, wife of Sansnel Davenport, Esq. of Calverley, Chcsldre. His lordship Is. 2ndty, Frances, dan. of Thomas Dove, Esq, of Upton, co. Northnnspton, by a’lsotn tie had a son, who d. alsont ttso period of nssjertiy and a dss,., Diana, who tsi. Sir Charles Shsnckbttrgh, Rant, of Shsssckhnrgh, ro. Was’wick. Lord Wihlonghsby, who a-as esteemed a very learned antiqoary, is mentioned by Sir William tbngdale as a person ‘‘happilyqnaliilnd svilh most ingrntosts issrtts,alto,,, from svtsnss, l,c received nsnch, assislasace for rectifying lIre soap of Otto hsnsslrosi of Itinolon, in the co. of Warwick, as ales in tl;o dehisseation of direr, monnstscnts far asloming thc a’ork;” and SIr. Wright, In his Aalb9ssf- fit-s of the f’onnly of dtisllostsl, trcaltng of Bclton, says, “Itseas only snrvivtng son, Toe lIoN. AND Rev, Gsoaoc Venom’, as lOs Isaron, canon of Garter. Me as. OtargareL dan. and heiress of Sir Johsn Iteath, Scottish Earl of Carrick, by v-boos tie had sns-vtving issssc, i. Thtomas, whn ssi. Eleanor, youngest dao. of Thosnas, I,ord Leiths, of Stoneleigh, and 0. in 1710, leaving a dan,, Eleanor, ss. to George Bares, Esq. of Gibstdn, hnt st. 0.11. mm, lticnAaD, his successor. ni. John, bin enainont lawyer, a-ho, after filling tlse offices of attorney-general In Qssecss CAaoLsoe, and ctsief-jastice of Chester, a-as noosioated nsastcn of the ttolhs in 1738, and sworn of the privy cooncil, lIe as. Abigail, only dan. of Edsvard Ilarley, Esq. of Ryea’ood, en. Ilereford, Isy whom ho lsad an only son, dono-Fnnn, who inherited as 6th haron. a. Stargaret, sss. to Anthony Bannansiso, Rsq. of Rarford, 00. Wills, aftorss-ands Lord l”avonslsans. soil, hiscissan, 5th 1 sanoz, solso st. in 1752, srithsottt issv,e, trIton the Joins-Penn, as 51h baron; bin 1750. Ihis lordship si, in 1761, Lady Lontsa Earths, Sass. of Francis, 1st Earl of Guilferd, 0 The fatnily of Ves-ney derives frona Wima.saam nn VEaaAi, 6’esmm, or S’eaaey, as seated, tossards the chose of the same John, the eldest s’an, teas seated at Alexton, in Leicester— merchant, and ci. in t’ortngnJ sulsss.