Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/489

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W I L WILLOUGHBY. WILLOUGHBY, SIR JOHN-CURLS’ TOPHRR, of Baldon House, Co. Oxford, 5. 20 Feb. 1359; .i. his father as 5th baronet, 15 Sept. 1866. Ittiinigc. Tue Hors. JOHN WILLOUGHBY, son of Robert, 4th Baron lVilloughby do Eresby, had (by Anne, dan. and co-heiress Nov. 1850; a. his father as 2nd hart,, 31 May, 1862. uf Sir Edmund Cheney) a 2nd son, SIR WILL1AH WILLOUOBBY, of Tinner’s Piddel,co. Dorset; and from him (through a) innur descendant) lineally sprung. BENSAHIN Wrrwuunnv, Rsq. of the city of Bristol, who Harris, Faq., aisd dying in 1796, had issue, d. is, 1725, leaving by Mary, dan. and heiress of Christopher Cole, Jun. of Canton, en. of Gloucester (with two younger sono, who both it. issneless) a son and heir, Cnn,svopuon WiLe.nunnnv, Eaq. of Berwiek Lodge, co tiloneester, and of tho city of anietol. This gentleman in. lot, Mary, Sod dan. of Abraham Riekene, Esq. of Bristol, but had no issue ; and dndiy, Rebecca, dan. and heir of James Fisher, Faq. of Somerton, by wham he left, T. Cna,sropuon WrcLnuonov, Faq. of Baldsn House, Co. Oxford, created a Baronet 8 Bee. 1794. He os. let, 1776, Jnliana, dan. of the Rev. J”hn Burville and had a dan., J’iliana; and Indly, 1755, Martha, dan. of Maisries Evans, The grandson of this Noah Willohire, and eldest soil of Eoq., and by her had, CBRI5TOPBEB-WsLLiAaa; his successor. Ilsiseav-PoLLAan, tho 3rd hsronet. JonN-PoLs.Aan, the 4th baronet. Maria-Selina, se. in 2827, to Thomas Davis, Esq. Franees-Rlizaheth. Maria, as. in 1629, to Thomas Gabh, Esq. sf Abergavenny. Albinea, os. in 1531, to James-C. Somerville, 14.5). Cicely, os. 14 April, 1852, to the late Rev. Chas. Bilnott hill, ISA. dir Christsphsr ci. 5 Feb. 1595, and was e. by his soil, ir. SIR Cnassrornea-WsLLiAas, who ci. oaia. 24 June, 1615, and was o. by his brother, 111. SIR Hesenv, M.D., who wash. ltNov.1756, snd who represented Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, and snhseqnently Rveaham in Parliament; he it. amen 23 March, 1865, and Sir Thomas ci. SI Nay, 3662, and was e. by Isia elder son, Sic was e. by his brother, IV. Sis Jsua-Poaaao, H.P., and a member of the Jndian - conneil, who svaa 5.1706, and sc. 1st, 1622, Rlieabeth,onlydsvs. of Col. Kennedy, E.1.C.S., and by her (who ii’. in 1652) had, JJeleo, os to J. Inverarity, Rsq., and has issue, Mary, cc. 5s A. Malet, Rsq., and ‘8.1653, having had issue. Eleanor, so. to R.-B.-Ineas Maclend, Rsq., and has tune. Cicely, Ia. to Anthony-Msrris Starer, Esq., and has issoo. Agnes-Isabel-Norris, ci. 9 March, 1866. Sir John se. Indly, 1854, Maria-Eliaaberh, 4th dan. of Thsaias empire, also ppr.; bestowed npan Sir T. Wilshire, by the Hawk-es, Esq. of Himley loose, Staffordshire, fsr many years bend sinister, point downwards, assd anppnrting with the H.P. for Dodley, and by her had, Jonv-Cnsssroauea, present baronet. Alice-Anne. Slaria-Gertrnde. Sir John ci. 15 Sept. 1866, and was .s. by his only asn, 6,5 Jonie. holding in his exterior hand a musket, all ppr. Cna,srorasas BiLL000aaY, the 5th and present baronet. C,val isa—S Dee. 1794. Arecs—Qnarterly: lot and 4th, aa., a cross, engrailed, or; dud and 3rd, gn., a ersas-moline., arg., all within a bordisre, gohony, of the bsat and third. Crest—A Saraesn’s head, aifrontds, conped at the slsosddora, ppr., dneally crowned, or. ilfsita—Vfritd sans pour. Scccf—Baldsn Rouse, Oxfordshire. WILTSHiRE, EARL OF, 966 WINCIIESTRB, MARQUBSS OF. WILLSSRRB, SIn AaTUUR-REGONALB-T1TO7IAS, 5. 23 IL Encage. NoAn WILL5B50E, 5. in 1752 ; m. Ellen, dan. sf George 5. Thomas, Cs. Ilary, don. sf k’dsvard Harris, Esq. IL Jshn, a Capt. iii the army, 3. 1765; who is. Mary, ‘Ian.of William Linden, Esq. of Unbtin. and it. at Walehersn 25 Sept. 1600, having had issue, 1 Tooas.oe (Sir), created a Marosset. 2 Willians, capt. in 15th fast, e’. Frances, dan. of Robert Shearman, and ci. 1826, having had issue, Hnbart, t. 1512; ci. 1616; and Olivia, as. 27Jnly,1S4tI, John Nolan, Esq. S John, a capt. in the 38th foot, 5. 1704; ci. 10 Sept. 1813, of wounds received in action at St. Sebastian. s. Mary, ci. acnac. 1612. ii. Flizabsth, ro. Robert Vale, Esq.; ci. in 1625. Capt. John Willahiro, 1. Sin THOMAS WILL5n1HE, G.C.B., Grand Cross of the Booranee Empire, a general in the arnsy, eol. of the Slat regt., was created a baronet in 1S40, for Isis services in the campaigsi in AFghanistan, at the siege of Chnanee, and at the capture of Khelat. Sir Thomas dtstingnished himself during the Peninenlar war, was in the Waleheren expedition, and served at the Cape of Good Slope. He was 5. 1716, and ,e. 11 April, 1646, Annettc-Iantitia, eldest dan. cf Capt. Borkeley-SlaxweIl, lt.N. of Tusipendenee, es. Rent, and had iosnc, 5, AnTuun-RcniNALn-Tnoai as, present baronet. ic. Enoeax-MxxwELL, 3. 10 May, 1656. ,. Alice-Mary. is. Edsth-Anaette. in. Mary-Caroline, ii. 10 Oct. 18C6. AaTHun.R5ZOINALD-TuouiAa Wsncaoina, the present baronet. Cceotien—l641. Ac-sos—Per chevron, az. and arg. ; in chief six crossespatée four and two, or; and in base, on a mount, vert, a bay horse, capartsoned, thereon mounted a Beoloehee a,,1,lisr, habited and armed, brandishing his sword, all pp,. ; a chief of the ascend, thereon a repreaeutattnn sf the fortress of Kheldt, ppr., a canton, gil., charged with a representation of the badge of the first class of the order of the Booranée King of Affghanistass. Crest—A CaChe, holding in the dexter hand an assagal isi sinister three asaagais, pahlts u7wards, all ppr, Sappec-tero—On the dexter aide a soldier of 14cr Majesty’s 56th regt. of foot; and on the sinister aide a soldier of Her Slajeoty’e 2nd regt. of foot, both habited and armed, each illottees—Under the arms, “Kheldt.”Over the crest, “Caffmria.”Seal—The Cedars, Sunning Hill, Berks. WILMOT, Sm HENRY- SACHE. VEP.ELL, of Chaddosden, Derby comm. RN.; 6. 11 Feb. 1801 ; a. his father, as 4th baronet, 13 Jnly, 1842 ; as. 13 Dee. 1326, Maria, eldest dan. of Edward. Miller Mussdy, Eaq. of Shipley Hall, co. Derby, and by her (who ul. -24 Dee. 1865) has had issue, a Robort-Edwc:rd-Eardley, Ic. 20 Jan. 1850; ci. URIC. 22 Get. 1865. I L WILLS H JR E. WI L MO T. 11,91