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M A S William, who sit. Mary, dan. of Ryre Evans, Esq. of Portrane, 1. Margaret, as. to the late Captain Ilssgh Wheeler, and 4. anti sic. p. 1777. Free, raised In lice peerage as Loan CLAR5NA. Mary, so. to John Staekpoole, Esq. of Edeoeale, co. dare. Amy, so. to William Johnsoo, Rsq. of Lizard, co. Limerick. Eirabeth, so. to Fraocis Wheeler, Rsq. of Ballywiro, CO. Tipperary; and if. in 1817, leaving.issne. Tipperary. Catherine, sss. to Richard Bollon, Esq. The eldest son, HUGH Messa, Rsq.. is. in I 70f, having represented the eo. dan. and co-heir (with Iser sister Sarah, Couniess of C:srrick) Limerick in several parliaments, was elevated to lice peerage of of Edward Taylas’, Faq. of Eallymers,eo. Limerick, and had, Irelassd, 4 Aug. 1776, as llAaoN Messy His lsrdslsip a. id, Mary, dau. and heir of Jances Dawsen, Esq. of Ballynacourte, cc. Tipperary, acid Isad issue, i. lEsson, his sneesesor. si. James, I. 10 Get. 1736, assumed the additional surname of BensoN, alter that of litasay; se. Mary. dsss. of John henard, Rsq., and left a eon and two dens., ssamely, I Jamcs-Ilewitt Massy-Dawsess, of liallynacaurfe, I. in 1762; as. 11 March, 1Sf 0, Elira-Jane, dots, of lice lale Francis- Dennis, Req.; and dying in 1834, left isssse, James Massy-Dawson, of Dallyesaeeurtc, is. in 1502, an officer of dragoons; si. ossess. in 1877. Francie-Denais, is. 23 Sept. 1803; as. 1st, 6 Aug. 1328, Soaass, dais, of Lord Sinclair, and by her (svlso d. 17 Sept. 1856) had isssse, Frsssscia-Stassntsss, is. 27 Nov. 1840; and three dane., vie., Mary-Agnes, d. If Oct. 1850; Jane-Isabella, Se. 1850, the Chevalier B. Pantaleono; assd Susan-St. Clair, as. at Naples, 3 Jan. 1317, Joseph-Lewis Franklin, Req., and 4. 28 Oct. 1857. 31r. Massy-Dawson so. IncUy, 50 llarch, 1801, at Leghorn, Itarriet, only dan. of the late Rev. Thomes-Sparke Griffinhoof, of Arkesden, Resex, and by her (who ,f. 26 llarcb, 1867) lsaa a dan. John, in holy orders, is. 20 Oct. 1854, sl. S Oct.ISSO. Charles-Nichsslas-Pallmer, capt. Sib lancers, is. 1813. George-Staunton-King, of Bellinacenrte, lte captain 14th light drags., t. 1816; sa. 1054, Grace-Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of Sir William Lesson (see llsnscrnww, E. or), and by ber (who d. at Geneva, 0 Nov. 1865), has James, 1,. 26 Jan. 1657; a san I. at Genera, 8 (let. 1864; Louiaa-Elicabeth; Grace; and snotleerdan. Mary-Jane, as. to George Evelyn, Esq., who si. in 1820. Anna-Maria, 555. 1st, 10 SIssy, 1803, to Rohert-Mnntagn Poore, Faq.; and 2ndly, 0 Dee. 1839, rIse late Mark- Anthony Sanrin, Esq., and ii. 10 Slay, 1861. Elizabeth-Rosetta, in. 1st, 13 April, 3828, Eyro Coate, Eaq. of West Park, Rants, who 4. in 1834; and Sndly, in Sept. 1842, Rear-Adm. Armor-Lowry Cerry, RN., and ci. his sridosr 7 Jan. 1858. lsabella-Pssllmer, so. 2 Assg. 1838, to Capt. F. P. Dunn, of the 2nd dragoon-guards. Lonisa-Snaan, as. 15 Ang. 1819. to Edward G’Hs-ien, Eaq., who s5. 10 May, 1810, 3rd son of tics late Sir Edward O’Brien, Dart. (See INensQnlN, 13.) Adelaide, sss. in Sept. 1839, to Archibald-James Lament, Esq.; and ‘1. 24 Jnne, 1641. Helena-Frassees. 1 Elizabeth, so. to Robert-Compton Dalton, Esq. 2 Slaria, sse. to Robert Bomford, Req. of lialsenatown, ee. Death, wise is deceased. is’. John, se. to Elicabeth, sister of William Baker, Esq. of sv. John, en. 16 Jsseee, 1817, Maria, dan. of Robert Mann- Lismacne, co. Limerick; and ,l. s. p. ,. Elizabeth, m. lot, to John Arthur, Faq. af Seafield, en. Dssblin; and Sssdly, to Sir Michael Cox, Dart, of Dunmanwa eo.Csrk. Lard Ofassy in. 2ndly, Rebecca, dau. of Francis Dnnlap, Faq. of Antigna, and by that laly bad three other sons and fanr other dane., viz., s. Francis-Hugh, 8. 10 Jan. 1755; as. 7 July, 1777, Jane, only dan. of William Cnllnm, Esq. of Dublin, and became a widowerin 1813. Ho bad one sass. Francis. and two dane. is. Eyre, 9. 13 Fob. 1727. By his 1st v. ife, Elizabeth Leighton, be left a dan., Frances-Matilda, who as. isa, Francis Sadloir, Faq. of Sadicir’s Wells, cc. Tipperary and 2ndly, in 1836, the Rev. Dawson Messy, rector of ICille.sbin, en. Limerick. Mr. Eyre Slaasy ss. 2ndly, Phmbo, dan. of Gen. John Head; and 1. in 1828, leaving by her a dan., Phtcbe, sa. in 1836, to John Olaosy, Eaq. of Stagdale, cc. Limerick. ‘is. George, 8. 19 Assg. 1763; so. lot, in Jul”<, 3787, Elizabeth, s. Catherine, an. to John Green, Eeq. of Gresnstown, en. eldest dsess. of Abel Gage, Req. of 1aystswn, cc. as. Olary-Anns, so. in 1729, to Christopher Tuihill, Req. of Dublin; and 2ndly, Miss Crams, wbn d. in 1810; and lrdly, Riizahetb, widow of Clotworthy, Sssd Earl of lInesarerne, ass. Jane, so. in 1780, to Major William Greene. of Jane which lady 4. in 1830. By his let wife (wbo 4. in 1819) Iso had issue, 1 Robert-George, of Avendaie, en. Dublin, in. Miss cv. Sarah, so. to U-C. Gssmhleton, Erq. of Curraglass Sutton, and has iesssa, of which, Rebecca, as. in Jusso, Re sO. in 1708, and was s. by his oldest sen, 1812, Alexander Wood, Raq.; and Constance, so. 1854, William Stssddert, Roq. 2 Hngh, Os. Mary-Anne, dan. of Berraford Gahen Raq., Hones, 3rd baron, I. 21 Oct. 1761. This ssohleman sse. and baa issue a son, 8. in 1842, and a dan. 1 Constance, as 1612, Charles Pnttand, Ksq.; and 4. 1242. Req. of Grave, eo. Tipperary, by whem (who 4, 11 Sept. 2 Rebecca, in. to Robert Duller, Req.; and d in 1819. 3 Frances, sss. to Richard Stnddert, of Mount Rivers cc. 5. Mross-MAssosss, his heir. Clars. M A S 20 Aug. 1838. a,. liehecca-Fraucee, en. to George Rebbins, Rsq. of Hy’ menstown, co. Tipperary. sic. Caroline, as. to William Butler, Faq. of Dram, en. cv. Amy. his lordship sO. in 1788, and woos, by his eldest eon, HrUH, 2nd baron. His lordship sa. 1760, Catherine, eldest s. llunn, his successor. xc. Edsvarsl, t. 1766; sss. Jaa. 1795, Csstharine, dan. of JohnVillisrs Tutbill, Fsq. nf St. John’s Ielaod, en. Linserick; and 4. 1835, having bad issue by Ler (who 4. in 1830), 1 Edward-Taylor, of Ballynort, cc. Limerick, is. in 1807; so. in 1835, helen, only dan. of Jonathan Peel, Esq. of Cottesmore, co. Pembroke, and has, Edward - hugh’ Hasnon, ls. 6 Sept. 1816 ; Hasvartb- Peel ; VilliersTntisill ; Xavier - Peel ; Arthssr- Wellington; GeorgeEyro; Rllen-Cetlscrlue, s. 11 Feb. 1063, Ihe Rev. Charleshlessry Bas’lsans, of Trecnn, en. l’essetroke ; Catherine- Elizabeth; Anssctte-Jane, s. 1 April, 1567, to WilliamGriufscld holy, Req. of Reels Franslisghsm, Norfolk; Msss-y-Georgina ; Gertrude ; asssl Cossrlanrr-Gracc. 1 Rlieabe-th, en. 1922, l_icnl.-Gen. T.-Gersld Ball; and 4. 1052. 2 Catherine, ss. 7 May, 1838, to John Green, Req. of Cove, cc. Cork. 3 Anna, so. in 1828, to Robert Chambre Vaughan, Faq. nf Dnrltose hail, Sbrspabirc. 4 Jane, ss. in 1827, to Thoneas Dicken, Faq. nf Lopping- ton House, Salap. iss. George-Eyrc, is. in 1772; as. in 1791, Elizabeth dan. of Michael Scanlan, Req. of Ballynalsana; and 4. in 1842, baring had by her ;who a. in 1844), 1 hugh, of Rireredalo, cc. himark’k, so. in 1i21, Mary- Anne, only dan. of Robert harding, Rsq. of Cherry Grove, cc. Limerick, and baa; 1 Gesrgs-Ryre, capt. 5th foot, is. 21 Nov. 3822, as. 24 Nov. 1864, lioseGertnsde, eldest dan. of Thomse Da Sleleysee, Kasi., Q.C. (sc’ VsNvsr, B.) ; 2 Robert - llarsling, is. 12 24ev. 1820; 3 TIngle, is. 20 Juno, 1818 ; 1 Fliza-lllary, as. 10 April, 1569, Is Lieset.-CrL Jssbn-H. Lowndes, late 47th regt. ; 2 .tnesc-Catherine; 2 Isabeilss-lhsee’garet; 4 Story- Anne ; I Emily. 2 George, in holy orders, Rector of Rnssckany, Rasral Dean ; so. 6 June, 1837, Elizabeth, dan. of Matthew O’Brien, Esq. of Neweaetle, en. Limerick, and sO. 20 Nsv. 1803. 3 Edward, RiCo’s service, 4. in 3835. 4 John, enajs,r 5th fuaifiers, as. 17 Oct. 1244, Henrietta- Jane, dan. of Major-Geu. J. Bell, CD., late 48th regt., and 1. 22 Jan. 1862,having had, I Gessrgo-Thoseose-ClearlcsRyro, is. 85 Oct. 1820; 2 Jsshn-Francis-llugh-Bell, is. 12 Nov. 1845 ; I Mary-Selina-Cssnataeece-Rvelyes. I Elieabeth, so. in 1812, ta her eouohs, the late N-F. Rofsbins, Faq. of Hymenslown; andel. in 1526. 2 Catheriue,ae. 1825, te the lsste Rev. W. hlartford,inenmbent of Psslrssaeeo, en. Watorford, 3 Mary-Anne, so. in 1829, to Lieut.-Cnl. Charles Kearney, of the 2nd dragoon-guards. soil, Faq. of Limerick, and baa had issue, 1 hugh, fate major 85th light infantry; s. 18 Sept. 1860, Assgnsta, oeely cbild of Ilojor Richardson Bs’asly (Into 1st life guards) of Oaklande, en. Tyroese ; and s1. at Boevleanx, Jan. 1862; his widow os. 2esdy. 1 Nov. 1860, Viscount Slnarf, only sen ssf Charles-Knox, 4th and prcsant Karl of sDasfle-Stseart. 2 Rs,bert-Maeensell, drowned in 3836. 3 John-Slaueessll, AM., in holy orders, incumbent of Kilissnghtrr, Redhills, 9.20 Sept., 1823; in. 6 Slay, 1851, Re:sly-Sarah, dan. of the late 13ev. Js.shss-Isaae Beresfssrd, and has Johee-Goorge Bereaferd, is. 7 Feb. 1556; 1lnh-llasnon, is. 28 Nov. 1857; Allan-Frederick, is. 16 Marels, 1884; Anna-Snpleia; Rsseily-i.oniea - Maria; sssesl Seliesa—llarrielfe—Perslisee. 4 George-Edward, is. 21 Juno, 1825. 0 Frederiek-Maunsell, 4. in 8884. 1 Anna-Stone. Linseriek, who st 1647. Shed. 1826. Paha; both deceased. Vilie, en. Waterford, who 4. in 1829. She sl. 1863. llsuee, cc. Cork, who 4. in 1834. She ,5. 1515. 12 Msereh, i712, Ms rgaret, yoseegest dan. of TT’ilitasn Harlan, 1820) he had issue, is. Georga-Wihiam, of Belmont, Co. Limesick, is. 12 Jan. 751