Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/492

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‘WI L I Robert-Charles-Chester, m. .1 Dec. 1545, Jeanie-LoniaaStewart, 2nd dan. of J. Dunn, Eeq. of Heabufield, Von Dieman’s Land, and has one 0011 and one dan. si. Charloe-Oetavine, m. lot, 1547, Grace, another dan. of J. Dunn. She 1. 10 Sept. 1565. He ,e. Siidty, 2 Ort. 1866, Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of Charles L’rooke, Esq., and has a son, b. 29 Oct. 1867; and a son, 8. 27 Sept. 1868. j. Eliza-Itarriott. ta. Dnleihella-Ceeilia, wile it. in 1818. Sir John it. 1 Feb. 1817. Creel ien—19 July, 1821. Arias—Quarterly: tat, aa.. a fosse. or, lietweon three eagles heada, enuped, arg., in the li.ak sf each an eaeallop, gu., for WIL5iOT’ 2nd mg., on a chevron, ae , three garbo, or; a canton, gu., charged with a fret, gold, for EARDLEY 3rd, az. a l’eaae, engrailed, or, between three masdeus heada, ppr., crined. gold, for Manow; 4th, quarterly, erg. living in 1210, and frem wham lineally descended and so., a bend, gil., charged with three isnllece, of the flirt., wha ci. in 1681, Slai’y, 2nd dais, of Thomas f’resf of WiLsiar—An eagle’s bead, eeuped, ai’g., in the Gardener, Eoq. ef London, master of the Fine Office, and beak an escallop, gi,. Creol 5/ Roamer—A buck, ceerant, gu ., attired and unguled, had issue. The 3rd and eldest surviving son, or. Srai—flerkswell Hell, Warwieksbire. Tsu’.i Hoiiae—3, Elvaat-in Place, Sooth Itensiugtan. WILSON. WILSON, MAJOR.G5CNERAL Sin ARCUDALE, BaRT, of heiress ef 11. Pecoek, Esq. of North End, Middlesex, and had, Delhi, GOB., Gel, of the Bengal artillery; 5. 1803; an. 1842, Ellen, 2nd dcii. of Brigadier-General W.-H.-L. Prith, commandant Bengal artillery. Sir Arehdale Wilson, a distinguished ouldier, who has been in the Bengal artillery from the age of eighteen, and hoe received medala for the siege of Bhni-tpore and the aflhir of Lahore, was, for hie brdliant services at the eaptnre of the mutinous city of Delhi, made a K.G.B. the 17 Nov. 1857, and was created a Baronet by patent dated 8 Jan. 1853, to him aod the heirs male of his body. Ho since received another patent of Baronetcy, dated 8 July, 1853, to hold to him and the laeirs male of his body, and in default of such iseos, to the heirs male of the body of his broth ci, Sir William was s. in 1738 by bin grandssns, Captain (the late Rear-Adnoiral) GEORCE-KNYVET WILSON, RN. 31 Incac. Tue 11cr. Geonue WILsoN, of Kirl.y Cane, Norfolk, rector thresigh his 4th san, Thomas Wilson, Esq,) This gentleman of Didliugten, youngest brother of the late, and onele ef Uokfleld, en. Sussex, by whom he had two sons and two the present, Lono llcetecns (eec that digs iii;), iii. in 17ti7, dana. tie d. in 1759, and was a. by his eldest son, Anna-Maria, don, of the Rev. Charles Millard, Chancellor of Noiwieb, and d. S Aug. 1837, having by her (svhe d. 20 Jan. the title devolved upon his enly surviving brother, loll’ had iasue, i. George-Knyvet, Rear-Ailenrol RN.; h. 2 July, 1788; ci. 16 of John Badger-Weller, Esq., and Margaret-Maria his wife, .Ti,ne, 1817, Agnei-3Iary, yeungeil dan. if use tote Rev. niece and heiress et Iho Rev. John Slaryan,5 by wboni he William lange, Chancellor of tile dti’eese of Norwich, and had issue, Tnosi ss-Sl,vr.veee, his sneeessi’r; 3!argaretta- Vicar of Swafibam, cliii 1. 5 July, 1 sOc. having had issor, I Wliliani Keyvvt, BA. 8.2 Nov. IrIs, fellow of Trinity Elizabeth, on its 1787, to Lord Arden ; Jaus, os. 1st, lisa College, Cambridge, and as,istont siasier ef Rugby school, accidentally killr’l, 17 July, laOS, 10 a descent Uorr, K.C.B., and 5. 27 Jan. ISle; and Starts, so. to Sir of the Iligellisra nisuntain, Switerrlaed. 2 lloLAan-Kwvvrv, late Felisa of King’s Cell. Cambridge: Joins Trevelyan, hart. Sir Thomas-Spencer Wilson was a li 27 Aug. 1840, heir uivsaiaplive is his iiuele’a baronetcy. lent. -general in the army, and colonel of the 20th regiment I Arthur-linyvet, heist. 11.N., 1. 4 Marsh, 1812. I Edith. 2 Kalhorine-Knyvel. is. Eihsrsrd, rerier of Tspcroft; ci. and has bone. ,,s. William, lieutenanl royal navy; it. scm. - , r. Charlee, eattai5 LOS. ; it. ccci - v. AacnnoLc, eresiril n liaronet, as attisve. vi Philip, of Lynn, Norfolk; ci., and ‘1,29Joly, 1566, Icariag lire daui. vu George, heat-colonel in use army ; ,e, and has tIme. s-ni. Roland, sn help i,rdrrs, chaplain of Sheerness dockyard. ix. tames, settled in Upper Caaada ; ci. taut baa issne. a. I redcnc, settled in Upper Canada’, ci. and has issue. xi. Arihur, Iseoslenant 10th liegioir,st : ii. osia. an. Joha-Cembe, seilled in Upper Canada, is. and has lame. ant. herbert, rector of Fritton, Norfolk; ci. and has issne. i. Cliarlelic-Rliral1els ai. to Lied. henry Amends, RN. and has issue. Crest isis—hot pates t, 8 Jan. 1850; 2nd, S July, 9858. Arses—fforenginring, ereit, sad motto, see ante Beasasa, B.) —Qsarterlyof aix : I ml and 0th, Ia., a iroif, salisul, or in elnef, a, arg., bels-cen ta’s bezants, for WiLaos 2nd, org., a bend, sestbsn absrdisre, engrailed, at,. for Ksvve’rx 3rd, arg., a crass, engrailed, bets-win four a’aler beagets, sa., a label of three pointi, az , ebarged with threc hieni, rampant, for Bocarnies; 411,, France and England, quarterly, s’ittiin a bordure, erg., fur Vs oonaroca; 5th, qnarlrrly, or, and vert, for Reassess. Tairs Hsisae—22, Pai’k Crescent, Portland Place. 1194 WILSON, SIR T&O3IAS-MARYON, of East Boisrne, lie the county of Suseox, col. of the West [cent militia; 5. 14 April, 1800; a his father, as 8th baronet, 22 July, 1321. IL lunge. This is ens of the bi’anchea ef a very ancient Yorkshire fansily, founded by Tnosia,s W,i.aew, Esq. of Elton,”in that county, who was deny Wttsow, Esq. of Sheffield House, co Susesx, I. Wicuoai Wscsew, Eeq., ef Root Banme, sdistinguibed Cavalier in the civil wars, was created a Baronet, 4 March, 1660. Sir William vi. Nary, dan. of Francis Haddon,Esq.. descended from the Hoonoers 5/ Euet Hoddao, eo. Northampton, by whom he had five sons and two daus. Sir William dying in 1682, was a. by his eldest son, II. SIB WILLIAM, who m. Beehard, 2nd dan. and cc- 1. William, who mis. Jane, enly dan. and heir of Nicholas Towneley, Esq. of the Inner Temple, and of Littleton, in Middlesex, hyJane his wife, dau.andco-heiressefNicbotoo Gildredge, Esq. ef East Sienrue; and dying v.p. to 1713 Ibis widow. t’e-snarriod Anthany Trtmble, of Hail- sham), left issue, 3 WILLIAM, successor to his grandfather. 3 Ehzabeth, m. to the lion. James Glen, ef Linlithigow ND., capt-general and governor-in-chief of South Carolina. it. Philadelphia, is. 1st. to John Nntt, Eag. ef Marshalla, in Snasex; and Indly, to Joseph Ferrers, Rag. of Fletehtng, in tho same county, hieiat.-eolonel in the lot regiment ef foot-guards, when commanded by John, Duke of Marlborough. su. Rechard, sr ta William Exeter, of Eaat Mourns. IH. Sin WiLLsAaI. Tins gentleman dyingusm. 23 Jan.1782, the hitle and chief part of the fortune revei’ted to his cousin, IV. Sin Tnoasos (gs’sndaen ef Sir William, 1st bareneb, is. Elizabeth, dan. of Mr. William Hntehinsvn, of V. Sin Enwoan, st whose decease, uum., 24 June, 1700, Vt. Sin Tnosi.ts-Spewcr.n. This gentleman me. Jane, dao. Aug. l7hiO, to the Right Hess. Spencer Perreval(aassssinaled in tsll), and 2ndly, in 1813, to Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry-W. of fast. lie d. in 1785, and was a. by his only son, VII. Sin Tniiaias Sioux-ow, svhs os. hs 1798, Elizabeth dau. of James Smith, Esq., capt. RN., met left issue, i. Tsiooae-Moa rote. pi-eseut baronet. ii. Jonie-lloievew. of Fitzjohns, Essex, Si, 1802; ma. 22 Dee. 1828, Chavlstte-J,slta, dan. ol George Wade, Esq. of Dun’ mow, and has issue, 1 Jehn-Maryon, 5. 21 May, 1828; si. Ehiaa, younger dan. of Jebn Rsyee, Esq., and C. in 1033, leaving a don. 2 Spsneer-Maryras, lient. RN., 8. 4 LIce. 1829; m. 29 July, 1580, Rose-Emily, dais. ef the Rsv. Henry Sharp Peek- lint, n, and has isstie, Spencer, 5. 1860; George, 8. lull and Annie-Emily. 1 Charles-ltaryen, in holy orders, rector of White Boding, Essex, 5. 19 June, 1231 ; ci. in 1839, Hary-Anne, dai,. of William Snsilb, Esq. of Roxeth Mouse, Harrow, aisd has issue, Blanche-Mary and Beatrice. 4 Fredes’iek-Slaryen, 5. 4 Jan. 1533; m. in 1862, Elm- beth, 2nd do’i. of Randall Hatfield, Esq. of Thorpe Arch, co. York.. S Geoi’ge-llaryass, in hsly orders, h. S Jisne, 1834. C Dneliey-Slsryon, lient. E.A., 5. 54 July, 1059. 1 .lane-Chas’h ‘tte.2 Caroline-Maria. 3 Helena-Ellen. By this marriage the manor and eatate of Clzarlton tame into the family of Wilson. “iI -L sft1 W•ILSON.