Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/494

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W I N by that title was one of the peers who sat, 10 Jan. 1571-2, ssss 1150 blat of ‘ThomasHoward, Duke of Norfolk-. Ills lord— aisd lord—hleutessant of the issavrr llaastets. Ills Grace as. 1st, ship so. 1st, Elizabeth, eldest dasi. awl co—isciress of Itobert A sine, dr.u. and sole isetress of Jolsn Vaughass, Eas’i of Carberry, Wiltc-aghby, Lord Itreke, by whees be Isasi fossr sosn, and tsrs by- srtsasss lie l,asl iso issue, lie rs. 2ndly, Sirs. Laviuiss Rest— Oasis. and, 2nstly, Wisifresl, dan. of Str Joint Burgess, lOut., sviek, a-eli known as ass ariress in the elsaraetcr ef Pelty lord—mayor of London, and svidesv of Sir itobert Saelsvtlle, Eat., Peaches as, lsy’ wisosss ho bad sso lagittasatc issue, Inc Isash tisree has had no other isoste. lie st. 4 Nov. 1576, and was e. by his sosss* o’ier to the decease of tlse hrst dacisess. He ci. 26 Aug. eldosf son. W’sLLi Ast. 3rd niarquoss ; wIse had beets sssssssisossed to psrlta— moist in the lifetiase of his fattier, as Lord SI. JoIsts of Easissg. Parry, Esq. of Oakdald, co. Des-ks, by ahom lie Isad tseo sons This not,tenaass sras a sisass of testers, ansi ss’as essrolled aasong assd two daus., the poets of isis clay. It is tardshsiti s,s. osse of the stasss. of SVilliaes, Lord I toseard of Ethissgtsans ; assd dyissg 24 Nov. 1596, was e. by isis ssoly eels, W5ooixss, 4’li snaistssess. Tlsis nobleissass esttorlahsied Queen ErtroseTsi osost nsagssitteesstly at hosing, dnrissg one of tier nssieety’s progresses, icy svtsiets, ansi other expesssee, lie involved lbs grace srai a. by Isis elder sess, hissssetf iss peetsatary sliftteutlics. Ills lordslsip so. I.uey, dan. of Sir Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter, by sehons he had six sons; lisa Isonosurs deceived ssposs his brother, the sceasid sssrvivissg of srtsoas, hexer, c-ha was sealed at Ampert, ye. itanta, as. Lsscy, in 1792, henrietta, dan, of —Nann, Esgr of Ehiham, co Kent, dass. isf Sir Ceorge Philpat, of Ttirssxton, ltanipatsira, and by irtsetn isa isad one dan., wale. in 1672 by his son yaoxesa, of A,epert. ‘Thisgentle- mass as. ElIzabeth, don. and tseiress of Sir ttielsard Norton, nf Rotisorfirid, Itants, and was 1f96, by ins only son, NORTON, a-ho iss. Jane, dass of Sir Charles Worstey, of Tisc duke sss. 2ndly, in 1761, Catheriac, dan. of Robert Loather, Dr,sxferd, and isad eight soils; the youngest, bitt longest Esq., and sister of Jasisea, Earl of Leasdahc, by whom hse had survivor of wheas, beacon FAUCET, Eaq., succeeded as 12th two dana., ytarquess of W’inelserlar. The asarquesa st. in Feb. 1628, and was z. by his eldest surviving sea, Jesse, 5th marquess; c-lie, at thee eonslneneeasent of the civil cars, isolated ttse royal banner oss use battlensonra of Easing, Ills grace st. 24 Dec. 179-1, a-hen the dakedoes expired, but else and tisera ts’issisiphanlly asaintatnesi it so leug as a stogie stone nharquoasate of Winchester and the minor honoura devolved of the noisle masssion reiossissed ; lssst the house, after a protsncted nison Isis kinsmon, siege, falling by slorsa lisle the hands of tise Usurper, seas bssrnt Lord henry Paulet, 2nd surviving sen of WHham, 4th marqsscss). to 11w ground, and lisa masqucas’s property, in plate, jesveis, &c., destroyed by the roiscis, so lisa aniensit of £200,080. Ills lordship bad, hoc-ever, the salislaetian of livissg to a-itnesa the Esq., by a-lions he had issue, rastos-atian of lisa asessarelsy. lie ci. in 1674, and was isuried at Esiglefield, wlsare 0 beasslifsil iisscri1stten, Isy Drydess, appears sstsen isis usensssisessr. his ierdsisits Os. hat, Jane, sian. of Tlsensas, Viscount Savage, by svhiosis lie had one son, CsiARLm, isis successor, lie ys. 2sidiy, Itenera, dan. of Richard, Earl of St. Albans and Claariearde, by ss-isosu ise Isad fear sons asad three dassa. ; assst, 3rdly, Isabel, dass. of William Howarti, ‘iseossnt Shaffoni. Tise issarqness was a. hsy his eldest son, Cuaacrs, Otis issarqncss; who was elevated to a dukedom, 9 April, 1669, as SaUce or Dourne. lila grace so. tat, Chriatian, eldest dan. and co-heiress of Joists Frccl,evtllc, of Slaveley, afierwaids created Lard l-reclsrvtlle, by wiioas isa isad no sar— viviisg issue; and 2ndly, Mary, eldest tllrgitinsair dan. of Esisossassuel Scruep, Earl of Sanderhand, sail widow of the lOon. henry Cary, and by tisal lady had two seas and thseee dana., CnAas,Ea, hia Iscir; W’flEam, wise so. ta-ice, and left issue by Tue Marqncsa of Winchester st. 22 April, 1800, and waa a. by boils nsarriagcs ; Jane, us. to Joisn, Earl of liridgewater; Mary, his elder son, it s’ss,,s. ; asset Eitzabetls, sss. to Toby Jcnktsis, Esq. Of this dsske, Easact says, “Tlsisyear (1699) died the 3Iarqucss of 31 July, 1800, Anna, 2nd dan. of .lohin Andrewa, Esq. of Shotnay Wtsscisosler, c-liens tise King had created Duke of Ilelien. Ste Hall, co. Norshunabrrland, and by her (a-hod. -21 Starch, 1841) sras a ssiass of a strange sssixtsn-e. lie Isad the spleen to an Isigis had issna, degree, anti affected an exiravagatat behaviour; for iuassy codes isa srasslsl not open isis nsosstlt till ssseis an iseur of use day sslscss isa thougist lisa air svas psire. lie rtiassgad use day late niglst, assd elton hunted by torclsltgisi, assd sock all saris ef htbcrltts to himself, ssauy of wlsiria wcre very disagreeable to iisose about lsisa. lie scas a man of Isrofase expense, and of a nsost ravcssous avarice to autspart that; and Itsongls lie c-as asacis hosted, yet he carried matters before Isisu with sue-h anthosity sad assccrss, that isa c-as in all respects tlac great riddle of the ago.” Ills grace seas ,s. by isis eldest son, CUARLE5, 2nd duke, lord-lieutenant of irelansh its 1717. Otis grace as. 1st, Ia 1679, Margaret, das. of Gesrgc, t.aad Coventry, but by her had no issue; and 2ndly, Frances, dan. of William htestasdcn, Esq. of Dyrons, co. York, isy a-hess Ise had two sons and two dana., CARIES, ], sueerssively Dukes ol Dotton. 3tsry, sa. 1st, to Chsaslca O’Ncal, Esq.; and 2ssdly, to Arthur Macerr, Esq. Frances, as. to John, Lard Moi-dasmt. The duke see. Irdly, henrietta Crafts, yotsugest aatssral dan. of Janses Scott, Dsake of Monesoutis, by Eleanor, youngest dan. ol Sir Ilobert Needhasis, Eat., by a-lsoiss lsc had one son, Nasiass, a-Iso as. Isabella, dan. cf Thomas, Earl of Thanet, aod if in 1741, leaving an only daa., isabella, as. to Jolsu-Jasisca, 3rd Earl of Egmoni. lied. 21 Jan. 1721—2, and a’aa r- by his elder aou 1196 XV I N CiiAsLrs, 3rd duke, E.G., constable of the Tower ol London, 1751, solicit lIsa hiesiossrs dcvsslvesh upon Isis brother, 1 tansy, ills duke ; arisa es. Catlsas-iae, sian. of Cisarlea }, sisrcessivcly dsskei. Iloiss-ictia, ai. to Dolsert Colebrook, Esq. of Chtldhani Castic, Ersst. C,stlseststr, usi. 1st, to tVffitaus .tshsa, Esq.; and 2ndly, to Adasis Drnssssssond Esq. CuAncea, 5th duke.t ED., ata’lsoso derease, ssssees., in 1763, Haney, 6th duke, adusiral of use Wisite. liii grace es. Isa, SIary, a-ho at. 25 AIsril, 1772, John, Viavount htissvhinbs’altc, eldest son of the Earl of Sanda-tch and et. 30 Starch, 1779. Kathertnc-Mas’goret, 55. to William Haney, Earl of Darlington, (ahierseards flake of Cleveland), and st, in 1807. Anselia. Graae.r FAUCET, Esq. of Ainpori (refer to deaccndnnta of hits lordslsip es. Slaetha, dan. of Thomas Ingoldsby, i. Cuoncrs-lrcc,ai.nsnv, isis snssscessor. ii. Henry, vice-adasiral of the a-bite, and kuight-coussisandes’ of tise Balls; ai. 26 Oct. 1813, Anna-Staria, yanugcsr dais, of Esicard Raranscrafi, Esq., asid left at hit decease, 28 Jan. 1032, lao sons assd tao darn., viz., 1 Ilcnrv.Cisarles (Sir), of West Still Lodge, Hants, in tile 2nd drag.-gds. ; 5. 1 Aug. 1814; crested a Baronet in 1831. 2 Edssard, I. 28 Feb. 1825; ii. 6 Nov. 1038. 1 Antsu-Siarta, see. I Jane, 1819, the Rev. SV.-P. Pigoti, rector of tiarsisut assd Favasst, SVttts, and at. 19 Day. 1851. 2 tOrataia-Etiaahetli, ii. 1 Feb. 1044, to tise late lIon. Sly Edsvarsl Essiter, lOst., soa of Jassses, I 3tls Lord Dnastsoyno i. Urania-Anne, vs. 1st, in 1705, to Ilenry. Marquess of Clanrivarsie; 2nstly, H Colonel Fetes- Etngton, a-ha fclh at shse atorisstssg of tlnenos Ayrrss and Irdly, to Vire—Adssslral Sir Josepis-Sidnc5v Yorke, K.C.B., a-ho st. 5 3tay, 1531. 11cr lodyshsip st. 2s Dcc. 10-13. CuAnLea-hsseeLnsey, 13th nsarqncss; 1. 35) Jan. t 765; Os. s. Jnue. present sssarquess. ii. Clsai-hca, prebendary of Salisbury, and vicar of Wcilrsboarne, ye. Warsvtck; 5.13 Aug. 1802; as. lab l8Aug. 1831, Carolina-Margaret, 3rd dan. of Sir John Ramsden Dart., and by Iser (a-iso ii, 6 Oct. 1047) has had issue, I Charhcs-William, late an sthcer7lla lsussars, 5.27 Sept. 1832; ass. 3 Dcc. h063, Snsan-Aseeba-ticovgina, 4th dau. of she hate W’ilhiaiss-Ssandiah Standish, Esq. of Dnxbury, Lanraslitre (ore Buncsc’s Laded Gs’esscs;). 2 Fredc,-ick-Jelsn, 1. 7 Aug. 1035, ci. 26 Sept. 1846. 3 Cecil-Horny’, an officer 60th rifles, Is. 14 Oct. 1841, at, at Donhogne, 25 Slarch, 1864. Lard Chsarles us. 2ssdly, 10 Aug. 1850, Joass-FraderiraShatbea-asia, eldest dan, of Ilernard Granvitle, Esq. of Weneabanrna itahl, ra. Wora-irk, assd by Iser has had issue, ErnestIngoislaby, Is. 22 Aug. 1011, ai. 1 Feb. 1053; Adeha, I. 21 Feb. 1854; Eteaaer-3hary, 0. 25 April, 1858. iii. (lcoegc, adasis-al lt.N., CD., and an vEtoer of the 3egien of ito,saus, and knight of the Slcdjidie; b. 12 Aug. iOO3 see. Il July, 1835, Georgina daa. af the late MajorGeis. Sir Ii. Wood, K.C.D. of Otses-shaur Fat-k, in Surrey, and sstece of the late Sir II. Wood, Start, of bateau, isy whoni a Cnaares FAwLETT, us holy oedcs-a, rector of lIchen, hlants. Frarv 3’AwLETT, an officer in the royah navy, who left a son, Cusartea, in Isoty esrdcrs, rector of Rading, Essex, Ancatsu FAWLCTT, an officer lathe army. lila grscr a-as lieutenant of the lea-er of Leaden, lord- lieutenant of llanupshirc, and colonel of the northern battaliots of the lbampihh’r militia.