Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/513

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YET Fingask, ce. Bertlcea, dan. of John Baillie, of Casttrcarry, Co. Stirling, and had issne, I. Taouas, NP. for Orkney and Eotland, who succeeded at Fingaols, and cc. Lady Janet Maitland, dan. of Chance, 6th Earl of Lauderdale, by whom he had, 1 ‘t’hemaa,a gen. office; who ii. in 1794, leaving iesoe. 2 Charles, created Baaerc Assneauxy in 1952. lila lordship left an only dao. and heir, Janet, sa. to Capt. James Dcaas. 2 July, 1521. I Margaret, Os. to A. Gibson. Esq. 2 llerticea, ccc. to George Ilaldane, Esq. 3 Mary, as. to James bruce, Esq. of lfinnaicd. 4 Janet, se. to James Deans, M.D., of Calcutta, and was brsslc, all ppr., fracled, or, crass-cced, soith sn antique crasrn, 0 usother of James Deans, who ccc. his cousin, the Ian. of Lord Amesbmny, and was the late AnsIIaAL Sims isasceW. Deass DcNnAs, G.C.B., of Barton Court, Berkshire or, esels gorged with a rhaplet of mralc—leavcs, vort, frssctcd, gold, (ace EcssKc’s Lssccstcd &‘ccctry) is. Lewnmsrcce. The 2nd san, I. Lawssercea Dnrcnxe, Esq. of Kerse, connuissary-gen., and contractor to tise ernsy from 1748 to 1739, was created a hart., t6 New. 1762, with rensatnder, in defamslt ef male issnr, to his in Yertmshire; and lts’ese house, Falkirk, Scotland. brother, Thomas Dmsndas, Eeq. ef Fingask. Sir Lawrence s,c. Margaret, dau. ef Major Alexander Bnsce, of Rennet, by wham be had an only see, It. SIR TLsesmee, 0. in t741, who a. to the title in 1781, and was etevated to the peerage as Baron Bssccitaa, el Aake, cc. Yec.b, 13 Ang. 1794. Ills lordship a. 24 Slay, 1764, Lady Chartatte Fitawilhism, 2nd dais. nf Witliam, 3rd Earl I”itewillinm, by wham he had tsene, m. Lawssemecn, 2nd peer. mm. Wstlianc-Lawrence, lient.-col. in the army, 6. in 1770 1. ill 1791, at St. Domingo. mis. Charles-Lawrence, h. 19 Jnly, 1771; ma. in 1797, Lady Caroline Beanclerk, dan. of Asmbrey, 5th Duke of St. Albane, and by her (551w 1. 21 Nay. 1028) left at his decease. IblO, Frederick, SIP. for, and lerd-lient. of, Orkney and Stsetland, 0. 14 June, 11921 a. 2 June, 1847, Grace, eldest dan. nf the late Sir Ralph-St. George Gore, hart., which lady ml. 15 Jan. 1968. 2 Careline-llargaret. 3 Catherine-Elizabeth, ca 21 Aug. 1932, to Cal. Freeman Stssrrsy. 4 Charlette-Amelia, mis. 14 May, 9946, to Ralph-Thomas of Harrisigwnrth lint Gesmeva, 7 Sept. 1787 ; Fewcett, Esq. iv. Thomas-Lawrence, in holy orders, MA., 0. 12 Oct. 1775; 13 Feb. 1774, ii. 14 May, 1863), aon of Aeeheton, let sn. in 1916, Slary-Jane, eldest dan. of the 11ev. James Basanquet, Viaeotsnt Cnrzola, and lisa iasno, and by Icer (who st. 15 Dec. 1027) had, 1 Theases-Jamnes, b. Nov. 1111. 2 Robert-Bruce, in holy orders, rector of Harpole, North- ants, 0 1921. 3 Clsartette-llary, s’s. 0 July, 1852, to Frederick Thompson, Esq., late capt. Orb dragoons. 4 Lenisa, n,. 14 Dec. 1947, to Oeargl Glipin, Eaq. of Bed- bury, ca. York. o Slargasvt-Brnce. 0 Anne, s,s. 24 Aug. 1854, the Han. C.-W.-W. Fitnwilliaan. Mcd. 17 March, 1941. v. Oeerge-llenry-Lawrenro, rear-admiral RN., CD., a lord of the Admiralty, 0. in 1779; rl. 7 Oct. 1014. vs. Eobes’t-tccsesvnee (Sir), lieimi.-gen. in the army, 11CR., 0. in 1790; tO. in Nov. 1844. s. Margaret, am. in 1794, to Archibald Sptors, Esq. of Eldershe, ca Itenfrew, who si in 1822. She 1. 9 May, 19,52. ml. Charlotte, so. in 1801, to the Rev. Wtlbaan Wharton, who ml. in 1842. She 1. 5 Jan. 1855, mis. Frances-Laura, sic. 24Jnn. 1905, to Robert Chtmlaner, Esq., 5l.F whorl. 7 GeL 1842. She sO. 27 Nov. 1943. sv. Slary, icc. 9 Joly, 1900, to Viscount Slilton, now Earl Filewfiham. and it. I Nor. 1910. a’. Isabella, as. to the late John-Charles Ilamsden, Esq., eldest eon of Sir John Eanssden, Dart, of Byrom, co. York. Ste d. 14 June, 1820, and was e. by his son, LAwRnsce, 2nd baron, 0. 10 April, 1766, who was created deeeaee of Sir Cecil Bisslsopp, Lord do Ia Znucha, EARL DC Ewrcaxn in 1939. ttis lordslsip, lord-hoot. and vice- 11 Nov. 1828, thn Crown was pleaeed On terminate admiral of Orkney and Zetland. and an alderman of the city of the caine in favotsr of his lordship’s elder dan. (the York, ns.21 April, 1794, Harriet, 3rd dan. af Gen. .lohn halo preeent baroness) immediately after. Lady Be la (of the family of lIne of lies’s Wal,lea, tiortfordslmhv), by Zouche lo also heiress to the Baronies of Lowell of Slary, dan. of William Chalaner, Esq. of Gnisborongh, eo. York, Nary, St. Manr, and Grey of Codnor. and by her (who 1. 18 April, 1934) had, s. Tssoa,as, present earl. ss. Lawrence, 0. 1799; ri 1919, iii. W’illiasmm, 0. 1800; ,1. 1015. sv. John-Charles, of Woodhall, Wetherby, Yorkshire, SOP. lOran II from Gascnny. Frismmc this individemal, ihrmmgh a long for Rirlsiscond. lord-hient. of Orkmmey and Zethac;d, 0. 21 Aug. line of distinguished pem’mons, lineally tescended 1008; sic. 27 Slareb, 1943, Slargarot-Matilda, dan. of lances Talbot, Esq. of llary Vile, eo. Wexfard, and if. at Nice, 14 Gattrn, in Surrey, in 1542; nun rmc. Eliaabetlm, relict of William Feb. 1860, baring bad, 1 LAWRENOE, an officer royal horse guards, 0. 16 Ang. 1944. Seat, Req., and only dact. of Sir Edn’armt Ilrlknap, Knt., privy 2 John-Charles, 0. 2! Sept. 1145. 3 George-James-t*wrence, 0. July, 1949; 1.29 Jour, 1959. marriage he nhrtained a s,onsiderable estate in Sussex, where be 4 Frederick-Thomas-Lawrence, ml. an infanl, t6 Jass. 1951. 5 William-Fitawihlians-James. 0. 0 Slay, OslO. 6 Compatric-Thomae, 0. 5 Nov. 1902. I Harriet-Emily. 2 Slary. 3 Slargaret-Stalilda. 4 Charlotte-Jane. 3 Laura-Octavia 6 Alice. 1215 Z 0 U m. Margaret-Brace, a. 5 Fob. 1810, to her cousin, tIm ry— Walker Yeomnass, Esq. of Woodlands, and ml. 13 Sept. 1908, having hail issue. is. liarriost-Franrom, cc. 011cc. 1111, to Col. henry Lane. iii. Clsarlatte—Jmsno, 1. 2a Nec. 1960. The carl ml. 19 Fob. 1919, Ccvotiaae—Sart., 10 Nov. 1762 Baron, 13 Aug. 1794. Earl, 4ccea—Arg., a lien, ranipant, gn. Ccret—A lien’s brad, ailrentle, stnsgghing tlsrnssgh an oak— the last. Sajcjcr’s’lcm’.s—Twa liens, ppr., crescncd with sntiqne crowns a shield pcndcmml to each, time let, arg., a scdncr ammd cinef, gu. on a caRmen, of tIme held, a lien, rammcpamct, sa., for Racer; the 2nd, lsraengy, org. acid gn., for FmTao-scLsass. Jlrcfha—Essayes. Ss-rmla-—Askr, llichsn,snd. snsi SJarek Shall, finisboreogh, both Facris Jlcccs_ss—l9, Arliscgtua Srreet. Z OUCH E. ZOUCHE, BE LA, BARONESS (Harriet-Anne Cm.mrznn), 14 Oct. 1808, the Hon. Robert Com-zosa, H.P. (S. m. Rneaa’r, b. 10 llareh, 1910; cc. 27 Aug. 1950, Ensily-Jnhia, dan. cmf tice late Rigist lien. Sir Robert Wilmot-Ilerton, Dart., amid by her (srlse ml, 15 SIac’cb, 1066) icac, RoneaT-NATnamssEc-Cecsc-Geeeec, 0. 12 Jnly, 1931. Dares. mm. Edward-Cecil, barrister-at-lair, and Isle registrar of designs, t. 9 Nov. 1512; cc. 5 Slay, 1531, Amelia-SophieCharlotte, 6th dan. of James Daniell, Log., and bee issue, 1 Oearge-Angnslns, late ass officer of the rifle-brigade, now a rapl. 2nd bfe-gcmnls. distinguished dnring ilme Indian wa; especially at Cnwnpnre and Lmmetness-, b. 12 July, 1916; se.7 Slay, 1167, Shary-Flerence, yenngect dan. of SI. Trrlcrrsme, Bag., SIP., which lady 1. 21 July, tOSS. 2 Wtlliam-Sontbwehl, capt. tt. H. Art., 0. 26 Jane, t938. I Anna-Cecilia. 2 Itarriet-Anne, s,r.19 Stay, 1064, to StajarHasmrrhier, hate 32nd regt., son cf time late Gen. Beorehier. 3 Enmily-Anne, ccl. 19 Sept. 1501, to Angnstmn-Wentwarth Onre, keg. of Linwoad, Hanis, only eon of the late Clmarles-Artlsnr Gore, let ilfe-gnards. 4 Katherine-Blanche. Thie barosmy having fallen itmto abeyance upon the t LI1cac. The fansily of Bistsopp deduces its pedigree from WALTER Rssnnrp, who returned to England srhth King ‘l’noamasTlsesaorr, Esq., repreaeimtative in parliament fur comscihlor to Kings liesev VII. and Maser VIII., by srhirh afterwards resided, lie Imad issue, his successor, 1. TnoamAe llssa,sorr, Eeq., SI.F. far Gattan in thee 27th of EcszseeTsm, and hsigh-elceriff of the eo. of Sam’rey in 1095 and 1002, who was afterwards knighted, and created a Baronet by