Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/525

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PRELATES NOT LORDS OF PARLIAMENT. Canada, East; consecrated Bishop of Quebec, 1863. Charles-Heiny Bromby, PD., son of the Rev. J.-II. His lordehipee. 1854, Anna-Maria, dan. of James Waldron, Bronihy, Vicar of St. Mary’s, and Master of the Faq. of Wiveliecoeube, co. Somerset, and has Charterhouse, hull (who ci. 1868, aged 97) ; 1’. had issue, Lewis-Clerniont-Charlee, 8. 1855, rf. 1868 181 1; formerly of St. John’e CollegeS., Cambridge, and Lennox-Waldron, b. 1860. Arms of See—On., a lien of England, holding in the dexter where lie graduated in 1837, and uvas 9th junior fore-paw a key erect, arg.; on a chief, wavy, ac. an open optime in mathematice and. 3rd class iii classics book, with clasps, aloe ppr., e,ermoeuisd ef a erosier, geld; a canton, of the eeeond, charged with the cross of St. appointed in 1843, Incumbent of St. I’aul’s Church, George, between four crosses patde-fiehde, sa. RUPERT’S LAND (IN NORTH AMERICA, educational publicati’ue; consecrated Ilishop of Hudeon’e Bay Co. Settlement), BISHOP OF, the Right. Rev. Robert Macbray, DI). ; formerly a Tasmania, 20 June, 1864; en. 1b37, Mary-Anne, dan. Fellow of Sydney Sussex College, Cambri,lge; A ,,as—A,.,a ere,sicr in fiend dexter, sonIsnnlisg a key in consecrated 1865. ST. HELENA, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Thomas-Earle Welhy, PD,, brother of Sir G.-E. the Right Rev, A, N. Bethuue, D.D., D.C.L. Welby-Gregory, Bart. (eec that title, ante), 8. 11 July, 1811 ; formerly Archdeacon of George Town, A rise—Ac., a nosier in heed rlexter, ,nrnsss,nle,l by a key in Cape of Good Hope; coneocrated Bishop of St. bead sinisler, or, helerern an imperial eresrn, in elnef, tsro open Helena in 18f2. SIERRA LEONE, AND THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. EdsvardHindmau Beecles, 1)1)., eon of the late lIon. JohnAlleyno BISHOP OF, the Right hey. C-Il. Alford, liD., Becclee, Preeldeut of Barbadoes, ti. 1816; eon of the hey. Charlce Alford, rector of Weet formerly Rector of St. Peter’s, in the Diocese of Quantoxhead, Souiereetshirc ; 8. 1816 ; culueated at Antigna; consecrated 1860 ; m. 1837, Mice Walcott, Trinity College, Camhi’idgs, forniorly incumbent of youngest dau. of Edn’ard-Bnsce Walcott, Esq. of St. Mathewe, B’sgby; Christchurch, Doncaeter; and Barbadoes. SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA), BISHOP OF, the Die lordehip sib, in 1841, Sai-ah-Jacosho, dan. of John Right Rev. Frederic Barker, D.D., METROPOLITAN Fleet, Eeq., and has issue. BI5EOP OF AU5mALIA; son of the Rev, John Barker; 8. 1808 ; formerly of Jesus College, Cambridge; and Incumbent of St Mary’e, Edge Hill, Liverpool OF, the Bight Rev. Charles-John Abraham, D.D., consecrated in 1854; sic. 1840, Jane-Sophia, dan. of eon of Captain Abraham, fi. 1814 ; formerly Fellow John Harden, Esq. of Crca, King’s no., and Field of King’s College, Cambridge; consecrated in 1858; House, Lancaehire, and sieter of John - William cc. 17 Jams. 1850, Caroline-If arriet, yossngret dan. of Harden, Eeq., Judge of the Co. Com’t of Cheshire. Anus of See—Ac., four stare of eight points, in cross, arg., islended so represent the Crux Austrslis, or principal ccnstella tien of the sonthens hemisplsere. TASMANIA (VAN DIEMEN’S LAND AND NORFOLK ISLAND), BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Neleon, Eeq., and has ieane. Cheltenham, and in 1847, l’rineipal of the Cholteuham Nc,rmal Training College, author of several of Dr. Bodley, of Hull, autl has ieeae. henri sinister, or, hetsreeo fear stars of eight p,’j nb, arg., the stars bss representing tl,e principal constellation of the seothcrn hemisphere called the Crux Australis. TORONTO (WEST CANADA), BISHOP OF, books, in fesse, b’pr., an,1 a dare rising in base, erg., holding in the beak an olive branch, icnt. VICTOI1IA IN HONG KONG (ChINA), eubeequoutly principal of the Motropolitan Training Institotion, He was riouseerated 2 lob. 1867. WELLINGTON IN NEW ZEALAND, BISHOP Sir Charles-Thomas Palmer, 2nd hart, of Winlir Hall. WHAIAPU IN NEW ZEALAND, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. William Williams, DCL.; formerly Archdeacon of Wbaiapu consecrated at Wellington, in 1859; au. in 1825, Jano, dan. of James RETIRED COLONIAL BlsnoFs. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP CHAPMAN (James), PD., Bishop of Colombo (Ceylon) from 1845 to 1862, when he resigned. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP NIXON (Francis Russell), D.D., Bishop of Tasmania from 1842 to 19 Aug. 1363, when he reeigrsed, now Rector of Bolton Percy, Yorkshire. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP ANDERSON (David), D.D., Bishop of Rnpert’s Land, from 1849 to 1864 when be resigned; he is now Chancellor of St. Paul’s, and Rector of Clifton. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP SMITH (George), PD., Bishop of Victoria in Hong Kong, from 1849 to 1864, when he resigned. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP HOBHOUSE (Edmund A.), D.D., Bishop of Nelson in New Zealand from 1858 to 1865, since Vicar of Donlting, Somereetehire, and now Incumbent of St. hlIary’tbe-Virgiu, Beech Hill, Strathfieldeaye. (See ante, BaotronvoN, B.) THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP RYAN (Vincent-William), D.D., Bishop of Manritins from 1354 to 1868, now Archdeacon of Suffolk. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP McDOUGALL (Francis-Thomas), D.D., Bishop of Labnan, from 1855 to 1868. THE RIGHT REV. BISHOP HARDING (John), D,D., Bishop of Bombay, from 1851 to 1868, when hr resigned. 1227