Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/533

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FOREIGN TiTLES OF NOBILITY. eldest dan. of Pierce, Earl of Ormonde, and widow of MarqneseofLaaasdowne(hie Iordaliip’s2ndwife),and had Thomas Fitngera1d, by where he had, HENRY, Marquess of Lassdowne. BARNABY, his heir. The earl it. 23 Sept. 175K, and wae e. Icy his elder son, FLoaeRon, successor to his brother, JOhN FhczI’aracoic 2nd earl, win, was created a peer of Teige, who, in 1546, was sent prisoner to 1tnblin by his Great Britain on the 12 Aug. 1794, as IlAhcoN or Green father, and was there executed for his crimes. Oasoocv, of’ A spltciil, in Ike: reenlp s.f Jicitforsf. Ills lordGeolfry. Grany, is. to Edmund, 2nd Viscount hionotgarrot. ship ci. in 1769, Anne, dan. of henry Liddell, Lord Ravens- worth, by whom (who had been diroreed from the Bnko of His lordship in. 2ndly, Elizabeth, 3rd dan. of Bryan O’Conor, Grafton), he had two clans., Lady Anne and Lady Gertrude. of Offaley, by Mary his wife,daa. of Gerald, Earl sf Kildare. The earl it. in 1519, when, with his Irish honoars, the British His son acid heir, hareny of Upper Ossory became EXTINCT. Sin BARNABY FITZPATRiCK, s0d Baron of Upper Ossory was high in favsnr with Iting EnwARn VI. At an early age, be served as a vohinteer in France, under King ItceNRY R o T II S C H I L P. II., against the Emperor, and snlceeqnently behaved with great gallantry agaiccet Sir Thomas Wyat. In 1556 he received the hononr of hnighthood from the Unhe ccf Norfolk at the siege of Leith in Scotland, and in the following year was present at the parliament held in Bnblin. He ccc. in 1169, Joan, dan. of Sir Rowland Enstace, Viscount L’altioglas, by Joan his wife, dan. of James, Lard Dnnboyne, and had, MARG.earT, m. to James, Lord Dnnboyne. He it. 11 Sept. 1691, and was a. by his brother, Ftoneacn FITZPATRiCK, 3rd lord, living temp. Qocen RLSZAEETN, in. Catharine, dan. of Patrick G’More, of heix, in the Qneen’s Connty, and had issue, s. TRADY, 4th lord of Upper Ossory, who in. Joan, dan. of Sir Edmund Butler, of Tullow; and ci. in 1627, leaving, LIONEL-NAThAN BR ROTHSCHiLD, a Tiaron of the BRYAN, 5th lord of Upper Gssory, who icc. Margaret, dan, Anntriaiu Ernpiro late Jl.P. for the city of London of Walter, Earl of Ormonda, and was father of 5. 22 Nov. 18118 ; s. his fathor, 28 Juno, 18315; in. BRYAN, 6th Lord of Upper Oseory, who us. Catherine. 15 June, 183)5, Charlotte, dan. of his undo, Baron dan. of Sir Edward Ererard, Knt. of Fetlcard, and Charles Rothschild, of Frankfort, and hae, was e. by his soui, BRYAN, 7th lard of Upper Ossory, captain in the I, NATnAN-llcvra, 31 P. 1cr Aylesbury, S. S Nsv. 1641), army of JAMEs II., ontlan-ed in 1691. heir preann’ptire ts the baronetcy of his uncle, Sir II. Joan, of whom presently. Anthony Rothschild, cm. 17 April. 1807, Emma, dan. of huh. Geoth-ey. of Ballybaragh, whose dan. and belt-, ElIlee, Baron Charles de Rothschild, memlcer of the German ccc. lot, Thomas Butler, of Pollardotown; and Qndly, Wil- Parliament, and Icas a son, 8. 3 Feb. 1306. ham Burke. of Brittas, ii, Charles-Alfred. 6. 20 Jnly, 1642. JORN FITZPATRICK, Esq. of Castletown (the 2nd son) me. III. Leopold. 1’. 22 Nov. 1241. Elizabeth, 4th dan. of Thomas Viseonnt Tbnrles sister of I. Leonera, ccc. llarrls, 1517, to her conoin Baron Alphonse James, 1st Bnke of Orncondo, and widow of James Purcell, dc Rothschild, and has issue. Baron of Longhmoo, by whom he had issne, hi. Evelhca, cci. 7 Jone, 1331, to her e,cniin, Baron Ferdinand do Rothschild, 2nd son of Baron Anselm de t. Enw.enn. m. Richard. I. Arabella, in. to Sir Thomas Wiseman, Bart. of East Rothschild, and it. 4 Bee. 1966. Grinated, in Snosex. 3L Illfllf[C, Mr. FitnPatnek, who snifered dnring the nsnrpation of Cromwell for his fidabty to the Hones of Stuart, was in- Ms:YER-Aatornnh. Rornec’nhc.n, the fccnhcder of the wealth volved in King James’s general Act of Attainder in 1629, and infinenee of this great cccncncercial family, was father, and it. in 1693. His elder son, by Gertrude Sehnappch’, his wife, of a 3rd son, Ensrxnn FITZPATRICK, Esq. had the command, at toe NAThAN-MEYER liccrnor’hhn,hc, of Franhfort, afterwards of revolution, ofa regiment given him, 31 Bee. 1666; wasmade London, 6. 19 Sept. 1777, who received letters patent of eoloccel of the royal fnsiliers, 1 Aug. 1612, and promoted denicaticcic, dated 12 Jnnc, 44 Geonor 111. ; and was to the rank of brigadSer-general in 1694. General Fits- advanced, Icy impericd letters Icatent dated at Vienna, 29 Patrick was drowned in his passage from England to Ire- Sept. 1922, tic the dignity ef a Barccn sf the Anstrian land, 10 Nov. 1656, and it. nnm. ISis brother, Empire. lie ccc. 12 Get, 1206, Hannah, 3rd dan. of LeviRhcnxnn FITzPATRiCK, Req. being bred to the sea Barent Cohen, merchant, of London, Icy wInch lady (whc eersice, had the command of a chip of war, in which station snrvives), he had, ho oignahzed himself by his valonr and conduct; and to s. Luoaec.-N.eo’oan, his heir. him and his brother, in consideration of their faithful aor- n. Asthony (Sir), Dart., S. a May, 1910) ca is March, 1940, vices, King WILLI,cne granted, in 1696, the estate of Rdmond Loaisa, clan, of the late Alonicathc Slcnrefiore, Esq. aad has. Constance sod Annie. Morris (one of the adherents of King JAMes, killed at tlce uct. Nathaniel, t. in 1912’ ccc. in 1342, Charletie, clan of James battle of Anghrtm), sit,aated in the Queen’s Cosinty Sir. Rot ltsclcitcl, of t’aris, aacl has Janccs-Edwarcl aicd Alicert. PitzPat,’iek was slerated c0 the peerage of Irehcnd on 27th v, Sleycr, of llentncore, hihcelcs, M.P. for Hyhlce. 8. 23 June, Apr91, 1715, as Bomn Gonroa, of Cowcun, and tsok his seat 1818; ccc. 26 June, 1310, Jcshiana, eldest dan. of the late Isaac in parliament the November folhccwing. His lordship m. Cohen, Faq. Anne, ysnnger dan. and es-heir ccf Sir John Rccbinaon, Bart. 5’ t’lcarlone. ccc, to her eonsin. Atcselcuc de Rothncluilcl, sc,n ol Baron Ansel,n ltothac’hhlcl, of Franhfori, and it. 17 Mar, 3859. of Farming Woods, in the co. of Northancpton, and had, Hannah-Meyer, ‘cc.iii loIS, to Ihe lloa. Ilenry Fitzroy. J0RN. and c). Slier. tt-f4. RhcnAscn, father of ANNE FiTZPATRICK, grandmother of m. hoccisa, mci. 0 April, 1842, to Iheyer-Chec’Ies tletlcaehild, of the present Baron de Rccbeek. ‘Franhfort. He it. S Jnne, 1727, and wase. by his elder son, Baron Rothschild it. 23 Jnly, 1916, attd was s. in lila title Jonas FITZPATRICK, 2nd baron, who was advanced to the by his oldest scat, tlccv050hcit.n, the preoetct tcccrcctc. eaa’ldom of Upper Oasory, in the peerage of Imland, 5 Oct. $rnt—Gnnnerstcicry Parlc, co. Middlesex. 1751. His lordship cc. in 1744, Lady Rvelycc Levesomc Goa’er, Tome JJonae—149, Piccadilly. eldeet dan. of John, Earl Gswsr, and had isane, ——i. Jonac, Lsrdt Gäcerace. is. Richard, 0 24 Jan. 1749, a general officer in the army, S T. F A U L, - a privy cocncsellor, and SIP, for the Co. of Bedford. In 1733, General FitzPatrick was ap1cointed secretary-at- COUNT OF THE HOLY ROMAN BlIStER. war, whiclc office he resigned in tics conrvc of the ymcr. See Sin IIODACT. ST. PAUL, Burt. Under the Whig administratton of 1996, Ice again filled ——the same department and fur hardly a longer period, He it. before his brother, iasneleso. S E B R I G H T. e. Mary, us. to Stephen Fox, 2nd Lord Holland, and had HENRY-RICRARD, Lord HoBand. CRARhES SEDRIBRT, Baron do Evorton, of tile II. Louisa, in. to William, 2nd Earl of Shelbre-ne, and let duchy of Lncea, 5. at Everton, in the co. of 1235 4tc2