Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/545

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AND OTHER RECENTLY EXTINCT PEERAGES. His lordship in. Sndly, 5 Aug. 1637, Oeorgiana, dan. of Lewis Goldsmith, Esq., and had by her a dau., I. Georgiana-Sosan, Os. 25 lane, 1063, to Charles Do Cane, Esq. of liraxted Park, Essex, late 31,5’. for North Essex, now governor of Tasmania, arid has a son, 5. 25 Slay, 1864; and a son, 8. 3 May, 1505 ; and a dao. lIe d. 12 Oct. 1663, when the Barony of Lyndhnrst became Melee’s and co-hub’s of Henry. Sssd Js,uu’sss Jsloesilsssa,lfor,!, who EXTINCT. JOuN-SINOLETON Cortay, who settled in England, and obtaining eminence as a painter, was clottc,l nseasber of the 1. To fInn, Slaav Gnsy-Saanrsos, 5. 3 October, 1791, who ci. Royal Academy. ltc iv. Susan, dan. of Richard Clarke, Esq., of Boston, U.S., an sosineot increlsant, and by her (seho is. 1836) loft, at his decease, 1813, a son, J0HN-SINO:ETON COPLEY, Lord Lyndhorst, and three daos., of whom, Sirs. Elizabeth Greene, si. in Boston, Slassaehusetts, 1 Feb. 1866, aged 95; II. Euza-Cnsmsn;aa, m. 26 Jan. 1622, the lIon, and Very and tho last surviving dan., Miss Coptey, ,f. 23 April, 1868, also aged 95. MACA IJLAY. (Extinct 28 Dec. 1859.) MACACLAY, Basoa (Tksmas-l3abington Slacsnlay, P.C.), of Rothley, eo. Leleester, Is. 25 Oct. 1830. TIns dislingatslscd statesman, orator, historian, essayist. aad poet, son of the late Zachary Stataolay, Log., and grondson of the Rev. Toe lioN, Toesasa VaNsi’rTaxr, widow sf hoary Vsnsittart, John Slacaalay, HA. minister of Inocrary (by his wife, a Campbell), was elevatesi, on tIm 10th Sept. 1857, to the NEwcossaN, wife of Char en Newco;msen, Esq. of Clonalsard, en, Peerage of the United Kingdom; ho sh. usam. 28 Dec. 1829, Longford. when his title become ExTINcT. MAYNARD, VISCOUNT. (Extinct 19 Slay, 1863.) llatwaan, ViscouNT (Sir Ilenry Maynard), of Easton Lodgo, of limo representative lards; 8. 20 Dcc. 17a0; a. his brother, Baron Maynard, of3toch Easton, both co. Essex, and a Baronet; 23 Slarch, 1841. his lsrdslstp, a gcn. in the acnsy, d. 12 Fob. lord-lieutenant and vice-admiral of Essox; 8. 3 Starch, flOG; 1835, when the peerage bocasnc EXTINCT, and the estates no.28 Dcc. 1810, ltary, dao. of Reginald Rabett, Req. of BrainBold devolved on the heir general, the REv. WILLIASS O’NEILL, of Hall, Suffolk, and by her (who ii. 22 Oct. 1857) had issue, 1. Charles-Henry, an officer in the guards, and colonel West Essex militia; 5. in 1814; no. let, 16 Jan. 1848, Lady Prances -Julia Murray, sister of George, 6th Duke of Athole, by whom, who sO. 4 Nov. 1858, be had no issue. He sit. Sadly, lI Oct. 1800, Blanche-Adoltza, eldest dan. of Edseard, 5th Earl of Oxford and Slortimer, and 2nd dais, of Henry Pita-Roy, Req. of Salccy Lawn, eistor and co-heiress cf Alfred, lost Earl of Oxford. Her ladyship Northamptorsvhiro, and by her (who so. tndly, 8 Nov. 1866. Robert-Prances, present Earl of Rosslyn) had stoth, master of the rolls, created, in 1836, BARON LaNaoaLE, two dasss., Praness-Evelyn, and Blanoho. He d. 2 Jan. by whose (who d. 18 April, 1031, svhen his title became extinct) 1865. a. Charlatto-Mary, en. 22 Dcc. 1834, to the Hon. AdolphnsProdertck-Chacles-Molynesax she lead an only child, Capol, brother of the present Earl of Essex, and has tssno. Is. Emma, us. in 1836, to J.-Robert Ivos, Fog, of Rent- Lady Laagdalc assumed, in 1851, the snrname and arma of worth Hall, Rants (who d. 1565), and has GordonMaynard, late Coldo.-gds., and Cecil-Robert-St. John, 1794, Janc-Rlizabcttm, dan. of tlse Rev Jamas Scott, by whom licut, royal horea-gds, wise. ot. 7 April, 1804, Susan- (who 4. 20 Nov. 1024) hc had issue, Anus, eldest dan. of Lord Talbot de Malahido, and has a dau. Isiary-Susan-Cocil. III. Catherine-Harriet, 4. susie. Fob, 1865. sv. Augusta-Julia, 4. sissies. 09 July, 1888. His lordship a. his nude as lcd vietounI, 10 Msrch, 1824, and if. 19 Slay, 1065, when his hanoars hocamo ExTINCT. Arsas—Arg., a chevron, as., between three sinister hands, cooped at the wrist, gn. Crest —A stag, statant, or. ,Ssppsrtera—Dextsr, a stag, ppr., attired, or; sinister, a talbot, org., pied, sa. ,gorged with a plain collar, go. Molts— Manna justa nardus. MILFORD, BARONY OF. (Extinct 3 Jan. 18b7.) Mis,roan, Baxore (Eichard-Bnlheley-Philipps Philipps), of Fieton Castlo, co. Pemhrotso, and a baronet; h. 7 Jane, 1801; his lordslsip d. in Jan. 1049, and was a. by his son, ste. 1st, Eliza, only dan. of the late John Gordon, Esq. of Hanwell, cs. Shdsllssev, which lady d. 24 March, 1835. His Sues Eliaa Nngent, hut ii. without issue, 19 Jan, 1053, when lsrdship asstsaied, by sign-asaoual, in 1824, in rcspcct of the the hononrs bocanto EXTINCT. memory of his nsatcrnal cousin, Sir Riehaisi Plsilipps, Baron tttilfsrd, the surname acd arises of FomLIrrs, (See ante, PoiLmers, BAaT.) Ho sit. 2ndly, 8 June, 1034, l.ady AnneJsos Howard. 4th dan. of the Earl of Wicklow ; hot sO. s. p. 3 Jan. 1857. when the title becasno EXTINCT, Ills widow ste. Sndly, 4 June, 1061, Thomss-J. Eyre, Rag. of Uppertsurt, Co. Kilkenisy. 1247 MONTAGU, B., Sf0 ante, BCCCLEUOH, D. OF. MOUNTSANDF0RD, BARONY OF. (Extinct at the doteaso, awn., of George, list 3rd Barso, 25 Sept. 1848.) was accidontally killed at Windsor, 54 June, 1828; and 4. nw;,s. 1816, Villiasss-Rsijert Wills (afterwards .Sandhecd), Esq., of Wells Grove, cc. Itoscomason, and ii. 16 8th, 1851, leaving Tuosias-Groatsa WILL5-Sarsnrosp, Beg., ol Castle- tea and IVillegrove; and oIlier issue. 10ev. Itenry Pakonham, dears of St. Patrick’s, and d. his widow Aeg. 1867, leaving had, llENav-SaNuroeo l’aaovnan-Slanos, and other iosoo. (Me ante, Losoroan, EAaL or.) NEWCOMEN, VISCOUNTCY OF. (Extinct 13 Jan. 1823.) Jacs’fadssr Sisters ass,? tb—lscirs qf VOcoeeaf .lVeweemss.— Bsg. of Eirklcatlssm, Yorkshire; and the Jlov. CaTCIE5INE O’NEILL. (Extinct 15 Feb. 1815.) O’NEILL, VISCOUNT AND BAEON (Jolmn-Bruee.Rithacd O’Neill), of Shanc’s Castle, on. Antrim, in the pceragc of Iroland; one Shone’s Castle, svho l;xe been created Baxox O’NEILL. (Bee ante fhcel Idle.) OXFORD1 EARLDOM OF. (Extinct 19 Jan. 1853,) Benisr Co-lseireos.——JaNE llAaLEY, BAEONESS LANGDALE, wash. 2 Starch, 1796, and sss. 17 Aug. 1833. Henry Bicker. JANE-FEANCES, Countess Teleki de Seek. HARLEY. Enwaxnm, 5th Earl of Oxford, b. 20 Feb. 1773; its. 3 Starch, Ensvaxo, Lees? Henry, 8. 20 Jan. 1800; d. 1 Jan. 1828. Es was drowned at sea. ALPxED, 0th and la’t sari. JANE, its. 17 Lag. 1855, to henry lticksrststh, Lord Langdale, nsastcr of limo rolls. (Sec LANOOaLE, I5aEONT, BrOad.) Chaulottc -Mary. as. to Gescral Anttenoy Bacon, K.T.S., iesa)sr I ith lancacs, relic d. 2 Jssly, 1804. having bad issue; Anthony-Shortinmer, dec.; tlarlcy-t;ccvil;s, dcc. ; Edward, sss. 30 Oct. 1065, Ahcc, 5th dan. of W.-J, l-awronee, Eaq. of Adelaido; Anthony-Harley; Charlotte, ci. oasis.; Georgiana, sit. te 8’. Cates, beg., and is dcc.; Cathcrins-Slary, us, to the late Capt. Nynastoue, RN., CU.; Nsrah-Erlina, ia to C.-Buroey Young, Log.; Florente, so. to Capt. Este, R.A,; ttlanche-Lua, iii. 4 Asg. 1064, to llext tloycr, Raq. of IVolsmIen, Csrnwajl. Anne, a. in 1035, to the late Cavaliers San Giorgis, and baa issue, two sons and a daa,. Caroline, as. to —Selby, Esq. Frances, oe. in 1835, to the late Ilenry-Vornon hlarcanrt, Esq. Louisa, d. young. ALeELD, 0th earl, 8. 10 Jan. i809; who so. 17 Feb. 1831, PALMERSTON, VISCOUNT. (Extinct 18 Oct. 5805.) P.oLnaaexss VISCOUNT ISir henry-John Temple, NO., G.C.B., 18t.F, P.C.), of Palmerston, es. Dublin, and Baron