Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/554

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SURNAMES OF PEERS AND PEERESSES. Surname. Cecil, Gaseeigne-. Cecil Charteris (see Douglas, Earl of Wemyss) Chester (sec Bagot, B.) Chetsvyatd - Chiehester . Chiehester . Child (see Villiers, Ii. of Jersey) Cholmondeley - Cholmondeley ...Baron Delamere - Churchill, Spencer- Duke of Marlborough Clements I of Leitritu Clifford . - Clinton Pelhaiu-FirnnsoClire Clivo, WindsorCochrane Cooke Coke Cslborne, Dudley, Baron Colborne (oxtinet) - Colborue . . Cob ‘Colley (see Femeroy, Lord Hasderton) Colville - Csnaptsn . Ceningsby (see Capel, Earl Marquess of Northampton - None of Essex) Consily (see Pakenham, E, of Londford) Constable-Maxwell see Mar- well) Conway, SeymourCooyngham Cooper - . . - Earl of Shafteebury . - Lord Aehley Copley . . . Corry, Lowry- Cotton Staplet iioventry . 1ourteuay . C wper . - 4 ‘svpcr. Crausteun , . - (raven - - . - Ceewe . Criebton - Crivhton (0cc Maitlanri, E. Earl of Erue isesunt Criehten of Lauderdale) Criehton-St,eurt (see Stsrt Ill, of flute) Crofton ----Baron Crofton Cufi’e cr1 of Besart . - Curzon, Eoper- - - . Boron Teynham . Cureon crou Scarsdale Cureon ---Baroness do Ia Esuehe Curson (see howe, Earl Howe) I Cuat ri Brewniew - Dabrymple cr1 of Stair - Daly ‘‘..Lordh)tusaudlo- Daizell --‘H Earl of Carnwath Dauvera (eec Botler-Danvrrs) Dassuay ...HVioeount Downe - Daween - . . . Earl of Portarlingten - Daweon (see Messy) Dawson art of Partrey - Deane (see Morgan, Deane ) Baron Muskerry Dc Blaquiere -..Lord Dc Blaloirre It. Burgh .. Marquess of Clanriearde Btsrgh ‘.-.‘Bai-’,oBowoes (extinct) 1 Conrey on Kingsale - - I) Grey (see Eebbaesou, Earl do Grey) P. Grey . . £ Baron Walsinghaoa I Hon. Themas Do Grey Heir ..4zeterenf. Viscount Crnnbourne • Lord hlurghbey - Hen. U. W. Chetwynd - None - . - • Hon. A. ii. Chieheeter • Viscount Dairynoplo - None - - None. None. - Lord W. H. H. Cheliondeley, B. Hon. T. H. Cisolmendeley, B. lion. Chas. Skeffingten Clemonte, B. Hen. Col. herbert, C. B., B. lIon. and Her. P J. Cocks, H. U. lion. H. F. Cowper, B. Hon. C. F. Craneteun, B. lien. 0. W. Craven, B. None Title. Marquess of Salisbury. Marquess of Exerer Viscount Chetwynd - Marqoeee of Denegall Lord Templemore - Marquess Cholmondeley Heir Fs’esu’r’j t tee. Lord Edward Chiebeeter, B. Viscount Coke None None - Marquees of Blandferd - None Baron Clifford of Chtdleigh Hen.Lewis iien.-tiaglt Clifford Duke of Newcastle Earl of Ltneoln Earl of Posvie -None Baroness Wiudeer Hon. B. C. Clive, C. Earl of Doodenald - Lord Coebrone Earl Somers one Earl of Leleester Baron Soaton . . lien. I. H. U. Colborno Earl of Euniekillen • • Viscount Cole Baron Celville of Cnlroea - lion. Charles H. Celville Master ef Celvtlle Marquees of Hertford, None - Marquess Conyngham Earl of Meutateharlee Baron Lyodhuret (extinct) Earl of Belutore Vioeeesut Combernere - i Tin. Bobert W. Stapleton- Cotton Ear] of Coventry ..Viseoont Deerhuret Eat-I of Devon Lord Coortenay Earl Cowper one Buroness Lucas sri Cowper Baron Cranetoun -.i None. Earl Craven Baron Crewe no . Lord Williem Cernpton, II. Admiral Sir G. F. Seyute sir Hen. ArmarLswrs-Costp,B. Hon. E. H. C. Crofton LIon. HenryG. BoperCurzen Hess. C. N. Coreoss Boo. Eobert Cnrzen None, lIen. H, J. A. Cuffe, B. Hon. C. H. Cost, Id. Hon. S.-J. Daly, B. Hon. A. A, Dalee]], U. lion. Lewis P. Idawray, B. Lionel-Seymour-W. DsweenDarner, C. Hon. H. S. F. Deane, U. Hen. W. B.De Blaqniere, B, J. A. de Ceorey, C. - Lord Creussrno • None - Vieeonnt Burke None ‘1256