Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/583

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BRITISH ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Soyniour,Capt.Frodcsiek IJeanchamp Paget, RN. Shadwell, Capt. Charles Frederick Alexander, R.N. Shepheerd, Maj.-Gen. Alfred Shipley, Col. Reginal! Yongs Shirley, illaj. -Cen. ID ratio Simmons, Licut. -Cal. Joseph Simmons, Maj.-Gen. John L. Arabin, RE. Simpson, Cal. John Skinner, Maj . -Gen. Philip leaney McGregor Smart, Map. Inap.-Gen. of Hoop. and Fleets, William Richard Edwin, M.D. Smith, Cal. Robert Smith, Adm. Henry Smith, Maj.-Gen. Jam as Wabber Smith, Ccl. John WilYiam Sidney Smith, Maj. -Gem Michael William Smyth. Maj.-Gen. Henry Smyth, Cob John Hale Smyth, Cal. the lion. Loicester Somerset, Col. Ponlet, G. II. Somerset, Col. Edward Arthnr Setheby,Rear-Admn.Edwd. Senthwall Setheby, Lieut.-Col. Frederick F’. Sparks, Major-Gen. James Fattonn Spenee, Cal. Frederick Spratt, Capt. Thomas Abel D., RN. Stanton, Cel. Edward Steele, Maj.-Gen. Thomas Mentagu Stephenson, Col, Frederick Charles A, Steuart, Maj -Con. Chsrles Stewart, Capt. Wm. houston, RN. Stewart, Vice-Adm. Hon. Keith Stewart, Cal. Donald Martin Stisted, Maj.-Cen. Henry William Story, Lieut.-Cra, Philip Francis Strange, Cal. Henry Fmncia Street, Cal. John Alfred Strickland, Dep. Com.-Csn. Edward Stnart, Cal. John Eamsay Stuart, Csl, William Kier Snlivan, Rear - Adm. Bartholomew James Snllivan, Maj.-Gen. William Sullivan, Capt. Francis William, RN. Suther, Cal. Wns. Crigor, Rid. Sutherland, Cal, Iiaht. Maclead Tapp, Cal. Thomas Tarleton, Rear-Adm. John Walter Taylor, lnep.-Csn. of liaep., John Itobert Taylor, Ccl. Richard Chambrc Hayes Taylor, Cal. Alexander Templctewn, Lient. -Can. Viscount ThoIwall, Major John Dnlkclcy Thcsiger, Cal. lion. Fred. Angnetae Thomas, Cal. John Welloaloy Thamsan, Lisnt .Cal. George Timbrell, Lieut.-Cal. Thomas Tarrcne, Cal. Henry D’Oyley Tewor, Cal. Canyoro Travers, Maj.-Gon. Joseph Oatee Trenmcnhcere, Msj . Gen. Charles Wen. Travelyan, Major-Con. Ilcury Villanghby Trevor, Lieut.-Cal. William Casma Trallape, Raj.-Gen. Charles Traup, Maj.-Gen. Calm Tryan, Capt. George, RN. Tucker, 3lajar.-Gcn. Anchniuty Tucker, lllaj. 4isn. henry T. Tullaeh, Ccn. Alexander Tulleh, Licut.-Cal, John Stewart Turner, Cal. John Turner, Sir William West Turner, Maj.-Gen. Frank Turner, Cam. -Cen. Philip Tytler,Maj..Cen.JameeidaclaodD. F. ilrquhart, Maj.-Ccn. Francis Grogar Van Cartlandt, Ccl. henry Charles Vanoittart, Capt. Edward Wcotby, R.N. VanFhan, Capt. James William, RN. Vaughan, Cal. John Luther Waddy, Maj.-Gen. Richard Wade, Cal. hamlet Caate Walker, Licut.-Ccn. Edward W. F. Walker, Cal.Chas. Pyndarheanchamp Wallace, Cal. hill Waleh, alaj.-Gen. Arthur Sandys Stawell, RB. Thdtcr, Cal. Jshn IllcNeill Wards, Maj.-Ccn. Edward Charles Warden, Rear-Adeu. Frederick Warden, Cal. Rabert Wardlsw, Cal, Robert Warra, Coel. Henry J. Warren, Vics-Adm. William Watson, Major John Weare, Cal. henry Edwin Welehman, Maj.-Gen. John Wellealey, Rear-Adne. Geargc G. Wells, Cal. Samuel Weal, Llsj.-Gcn. Lard Weetmarland, Cal. Earl of Wetherall, Cal. Sir Edward Robert Wheler, Maj.-Ccn. Francis Whistler, Maj.-Ccn. James White, Cal. Henry Dalrymplc White, Staff-Snrgean Thomas Re- mends, M.D. Whittingham. Maj.-Gcn. Ferdinand Wilbraham, Maj. -Con. Richard Wilby, Cal. William Wilds, Cal. Alfred Thomas Wilkinson, Maj. Arthur Philip S. Wilkinsan, Maj. - Gcn. Christopher Dixon Wilicax, Rcar-Adm. Jamee Willes, Capt. George Gneenanney,R.N. Williams, Maj, -Gen. Thamae Williams, Cal. Edward Arlhnr Willis, Cal. Frederic Arthur Willoughby, Maj.-Gon. Michael F. Wilmat, Capt. Arthur P. E., RN. Wilson, A. D. C. to 11cr Majesty, Cal. Thomas Fonrnrss Wilson, Capt. Tliamas, RN. Wsdehauec, Cal. Edwin Wasd, Msj.-Gcn. Rabcrt Dluehee Wood, Cal. John Stewart Waallcambc, Cal. Jahn Dahrce Wray, Cal. Edward Wronghtan, Maj. Frederick Tnrner Wyatt, Maj. James Ilcnry Wyatt, Csl. Alfred F. W. Wyldc, Gsn. William Yarbaraugh, Cal. Charles Ceake Vslvorton, Rsar.-Adnm. lhaetinge H. Varke, Major-Ceo. John Venng, Lient. -Cal. Charles Wallace Young, Commissary W. Lanrisstan H. Vanng, Capt. John Wm., md. Navy Yaunghusband, Maj .-Gen. Rabert Ranier CIVIL COMPANIONS. (C.B.) Aidham, Capt. William Carnwallie, R. N. Alexander, Robert, Eeq. Alison, Charles, Eeq. Archibald, Edward Imiortimer, Esq. Armstrong, Sir William George Aehby, James William Murray, Req., R.N. Balfanr, Maj.-Gen. George Bardin, George Gregory, RN. Bayley, Charles John, Eeq. Deoher, Cal. John Reid Black, Henry, Eeq. Benham, Edward Walter, Eaq. Death, James, Rsq. Dawriug, Edgar Alfred, Esq. Brawn, William, Req. Browna, Goarge, Eoq. Brownrigg, Sir Henry John Brysan, Dir. Gen. Med. Dept. Navy, Alexander, M.D. Durks, Sir John Bernard Campbell, Thomas Edmund, Esq. Carnegie, Maj. John William Chadwick, Edwin, Req. Churrhill, Henry Adrian, Rsq. Clarke, Sir Robert B. Clccve, Frederick, Req. Cocks, Arthur Herbert, Esq. Gale, Henry, Rsq. Colebroeke, Gen. Sir Wm. H. 0. 1255 Colas, Capt. Cawper Flnpps, RN. Commncrell, Capt. John Edmnnd,R.N. Cooper, Fredsriek henry, Roq. Caeeper, Sir George Ebenezer Wilson, Dart. Crichton, Lient.-Col.William Hindloy Crefton, Capt. Sir Walter F. Crows, John Rice, Esq. Cnmberbateh, Abraham Canton, Eeq. Do Rottcnhnrg, Cal. George Me Streclecki, Paul Edm,, Esq. VirgIl, Dr. Sir Adrians Donnelly, William, Req. Doyle, Percy William, Esq. Draper, William Henry, Esq. Dunlap, Dahert Ihenry, Esq. Dunlap, Rear-Adm. hlngli Eastwick, Edward Daekbouse, Eaq. Edyo, John, Raq. Rliott, Maj. Charese Ellis, Robert Staunton, Rsq. Riphinstane, Lt.-Col. Howard Craufnrd Farnali, harry Deeerard, Req. Fitcgerald, Capt. Charlee, E.N. Ferhee, William Ashlanrner, Rsq. Forsyth, Thomas Douglas, Req. Forsyth, John, Raq. Faster, Morgan hhugb, Req. Fraser, Lient. -Cal. Alexander Calten, Capt. Monglae Gibbs, Frederick Waymeuth, Esq Coldamid, Cal. Frederick John Gordon, Henry Williaue, L’sq. Grant, Major James Augiestue Creathod, Lieni. - Cl. Wm. Wilber force hharrto Cresea, Lt.-Col. Sir Wsss. Ihenry Rodeo Croon, John, Req. (ireeeee, Cal. Godfrey Thsmae Greig, Major John James Griffith, Philip, Rsq. Cnblaine, Frederick Iiebb, Rsq. hamilton, Ker Ilaillie, Req. home, Vice- Adm. Ihsn. Edward All rad Jahn Hay, Jas. do Visme Drnmneand, Req. Ihandereon, Leent. - Cal. Edmund Vaamane Walcott Herbert, Charles St. John Seplimne, Req. Ilervey, Col. Chance Robert Weet Hill, Cal. Stepleeee John Mineke, Francis Rsq. Hereford. Sir Rabert Marsh hlowlamed, Williane P., Req. hinme, Allan Octaviaee, Eeq. Iraneide, Jahn Ilenry Box-, Req. Jeans, William David, Rsq. Jervsis, Cal. Willieeeee Franole Drummsaaeed Jerdan, Edward, Eq.