Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/590

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KNIGHTS BACHELORS. KNIGHTS BACHELORS. [The Knights Grand Cress and Knights Commanders rf the Orders of the Bath, Star of ridia, and St. Michael and St. George. will be found under their respective Orders.) Abbott, Sir Frederick, Major-General, GB., Lieutenant- Campbell, Sir James, 1542 Governor of Addiseombe, 1854 A’lierkett, Sir William, late Chief Justice of Victoria, 1692 Alexander, Sir James Edward, Celo,,el, K.LS., R.S.J., 1838 Anderson, SirAlexsnder, Provost of Aberdeen, 1863 Anderson, Captain Sir James (Atlantic Telegraph Expedition), Carroll, Sir William, H B., late Lord Mayor of ublio, 1 Sf6 Arbuthnstt, Sir Alexander Dundas Young, Admiral, IC.C.F., Carter, Sir Jamea, Chief-Justice of the Snprcuoo Court of K.C.S, 1259 Armitage, Sir Elka,sah, 1649 Armstrong, Sir William George, GB., sometime Engineer Church, Sir Rkhsrd, Lieutenant-Colonel, C.B, G.C.H., to War Office for Rifled Ordnance, 1859 Arney, Sir George Alfred, Chief-Justice of Supreme Court, Clark, Sir Robert Bowcber, sometime Chief Justice of New Zealand, 1862 Arnott, Sir Jahu, Mayor of Cork, 1859 Arnould, Sir Joseph, Puisne Judge, Bombay, 1859 Arrow, Sir Frederick, of Pilgrim’s Hall, co. Essex, Deputy Clifford, Sir Charles, Speaker of the House of Reprecentatives, Master of the Trinity llsuso, avis Ansteu, Sir Henry Edmund, of Shalfard, Surrey, 1832 iwdry, SirJohn Wither, Judge at Bombay (by patent), 1818 Coey, Sir Edward, Mayor of Belfast, 1661 Back, Sir George, Admiral, F.E.S., 1138 Baggallay, Sir Richard, late Solicitor-General, 1888 Baker, Sir Samuel White, 1866 Bardsley, Sir James Lamax, lID., 1853 Barrington, Sir John, Lord Mayor ,if tIme City of Dnblima (1165), 1888 Barry, Sir Itedmoud, Senior Puisuc Judge of Victoria (by patent) 1888 Belleau, Sir Nareisee Psrtnuat, Speaker of the Legishitivc Assembly Canada, 1868 Benson, Sir John, 1813 Bigneld, Sir Samuel, sometime llayor of Norwich, 1814 Bittleston, Sir Adam, Judge of Supreme Court of Jsmdieature Cooper, Sir Charles, Chief Justice of South Australia, 1657 at Madras, 1858 Blackburn, Sir Ccliii, one of the Juclges of tIme Court of Queen’s Bench, 1860 Bedkin, Sb’ William Henry, Assistant Judge, Court of Sessions, Middlesex, 1867 Bogle, Sir Archibald, Major-General (by patent), 1855 Bsvill, Sir flrght Hon. William, Lord Chief Justice sf the Common Fleas, 1866 Bowring, SirJahu, LL.D.,late Governor of IToug Kong, 1654 Brady, Sir Francis, thief Justice of Nowfou,,dla,,d (1)3’ Croelcy, Sir Charles Dteimusso, 1655 patent) 1860 Bramwcll. Sir George William Wilsherc, Baron of the Exchequer, 1816 Brand, Sir Christoffel Jose1’h,,s, Speaker of TIas,sc of Assembly, Cape of Good Hope (by patent) 1866 Brett, Sir William Baliol, Sol.-lJe,,., now Judge of the Deane, Sir Thomas, Sheriff of Cork, 1810 Court of Common l’lcas, 1860. Bright, Sir Charles Tilstsn, Engineer of the Atlantic Telegraph, 1018 Brawn, Sir John (twice mayor of Sheffield), of Endcliffe Btekinsemm, Sir Drury Jones, late High Sheriff of Dublin1 ITall, Sheffield, co. York (by patent), 1867. Brownrigg, Sir Reury John, CD., Inspector-General of Diekimmen, Sir Johms Nodes, First Pnisnc Judge, New South Constabulary in Ireland, 1855 Buller, Sir Arthur William, Judge of tIme Supreme Court, Dombrain, Sir James, late Ismopcctsr General of Coast G,eard, Calcutta, 1048 Burke, Sir J. Bemsrd, GB., LL.D., Uleter Iting of Arms, Doratt, Sir John, M.D., 1638 and Keeper of the State Papers, in the Eecord Tower, Dry, Sir Richard, late Speaker of the Legislattve Ceuneil of Dublin Castle, 1814 Burton, Sir Wm. Weotbrookc, late Judge of the Supreme Dundas, Right Hon. Sir David, 1647 Court of Madras, 1844 llyam, Sir William, President oftbe C,’uncil of .tutigua, 15.ui Edo-arde, Sir Brya,st, Chief Justice of Jamaica, 1859 Bylea, Sir John Barnard, one of the Judges of the Court Ellis, Sir Tlcnry, KR,, sometinso Principal Li’orariau, of Common Fleas, 1855 1292 Canning, Sir Samuel (Atlantic Telegraph Expedition), 1666 Carden, Sir Robert Walter, sometime Lord Mayor and Alderman of London, 1051 Carey, Sir Peter Stafford, Bailiff of Guernsey, isea 1566 Nesv Brunoss’ick, 1559 Channell, Sir William Fry, Baron of the Exchequer, 1857 K.C.F.B., 1823 Barbadses, C.B., 1840 Clcaeliy, Sir Anthony, one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, 1868 New Zealand, 1858 Ccobranc, Sir James, Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1815 Colebrooke, Sir William It. George, Lient.-Gencral, C.B. ElI., 1537 Coleridge, Right Hon. Sir John Taylor, late Judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench, 1635 Collier, Sir Robert Porrett, Q.C., late Solicitor-General, 1563 Colquhoeni, Sir Patrick M’Chombaieh, LL.D.,,scmctisne Chief Justice of the Ioniau lslammdo, 1661 Colrillc, Right Hon. Sir Jamce William, sometime Puieno Judge of the Supreme Court of Calcutta, 1548 Cooke, Sir John Henry, Li-Gel., Lieut. of the Yeomau of the Guard, 1867 Cooper, Sir Henry, Mayor of Hull, 3511 ouch, Sir Richard, Chief Justice at Beusbay (by patent), 1666 Caxe, Sir James, of Kinnellan, Ce. of Edinburgh, M.D., memc of the Commissioners of the General Board of lmmnacy for Seotlaud, 1863 Creaoy, Sir Edward Shepberd, Chief Justice of Ceylm’, 1568. Crofton, Sir Walter Frederiok, C.B., Captain BA., Chairnmau of the board of Directors of Convict Prisons, 1562 ‘urrie,Sir Walter, Ccmmnanclammt of Mounted Polieo, Cape of Good Ilope (by patent), 1663 Cust, Hon. Sir Edward, General, K,C,H., 183i Davison, Sir Wm., Lieutenant-Colonel, K.H., 1524 liens, Sir George, Senator of the College of Justice is, Scotland, 1855 Bcnhamn, Sir 1lenr- Mangles, Hear-Admiral, F.M.S., 3867. 1033 W,,lee (by patent), 1560 - Ireland, RN., 1843 Tasmania, 1850 British Museum, 1853