Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/593

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MOTTOES TRANSLATED, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Abbreciotiess.—D. Duke. H. Marquess, E. Earl. V. Viosount. B. Barou. Bt. Baronet. ?fhte.—The Scripture mottoes are uuiformly derived from the Latiu voroiou by St. Jerome, called the Vnlgato, and therefore the order of that work hao boou followed in the reference to the Psalma. .AnequE lobore nthil. Without labour nothing. Steele-Graves, Auiuos, nan astotid. By eanrrcgc, scat by croft. Gordon, St. Lb urea ad omneo. Frooz 000 to all. Perth, K. Accendit canta. lie mosses by crowiog. Cockbnrn, Hart. A clean boorl and a oheerfal spirit. Portman, B. A crace oolos. Pulsation frooo the Cross. Mayo, B, Do Furgho, Animus tamcn tdom. The noised ssccrrthetcss the same. Cuffo, St. Bt. A euspido corona. Pig crown ip the spear. Midicton, V. “Mysword, my spear, my shaggy shield, These make me lord of all below; And he who tears the lance to wtold Beneath my shaggy shield must bow, His lands, his vtneyards, must resign, Far all that cowards have is mine.” Ad amnsstin. Aecardiag to rule. Dtck-Cnsyngham, Bt. A Dee at rage. Frsae Cost assd the Kiag. Chesterfield, Stanhope, Ard choiibc. Macgregor, SI. Haretngtos, Earls. Scudamare-Stanhopa, BI. Adtht frana ferts. He pats bridles sa the brutal. Ptllner, Ft. Ad finem fidelis. Faith/al to the last. Peto, St. Adbmreo vsrtntt. 1 clisog to rirtae. Kennedy, lit. Advance with courage. 2lajoribanks, St. Advarsa virtuta ropolla. 1 repel aoteersity by rertae. Landosborough, Astra eastrs, namon lumen. The stars tsoy casospg; God osy B. Aeon upsarsvsst’. To ever excel. Sullar, St. A fin. To the nod. Atrlie, B. A Hamel a Home! a Home t llama, K. A jamais. For coos’. James, St. A to volantd de Diau. At the settl s/God. Choinsley, St. ATha do Tormes. (A town five leagues SE. of Salamanea). At spos non frocto. Best hope is cost brat-co. tlopatoun, K. Hamilton, St. A ma puissance. By soy might. Stamford, B. quabilttar at diligeuter. With jostice aced diligence. Rodeo- dale, B. Tram, B. Bquam sonora mentem. Harat. Oat. lib. H. of. 3. Ta preaerce Anctsr protissa focit. The feusoder root-es these thistgs ps-eeisus. sea egnet ssoissd. Rivers, S. Moon, St. “Inadverse hours an equal mind maintain, Nor let yoar sptrits rtse tao high, Though fortune kindly ehanga the scenc.”—Fraacia. Equanimitor. With eqssaaisssitg. Ssitteld, H. 3Equa adaste autnia. Be presesst with saiast usschsssysable. Andentec fortune juvot. Fsrtsetse aids the darisg. Tin-lug, Ft. Cope, St. cF.qua pada prapera. Hostess fsrsrarst iso asteady pace. East, Ft. Audio sad toecs. f tesr Out asso sileot. Kestevou, S. Agincourt. Kmmbarley, B. Alma Ia moilleur. Laro the best. Ssnelasr, Ft. Aimee layaalld. Lore loyaley. Poulet, Bt. Ainsi H cot. Pa it ia. Belltngham, Bs. Ales volat praprits. The birdflies to its awn. Taftan, Ft. Algiars. Exmauth, V. tHe Ia Hara. loltldmay, Bt. Allalulals. Tutta, lit. Alto feet squila. The eagle carries higls. Monteagle, B. Alto vale. Ifly high. tieywaacl, St. Altort ate ttbt. Do Is coast her as to thyself. Harvey, St. Altioro in vstts. Greater thissga are the objects of soy wishes. Des Vwun, St. Altins [hunt, qai ad sumocsa nitantur. They scsI1 attain a htghcr Avise Ia flu. Csosidec’ the end. Aitsa, hi. paisot cohn striro eat things the coast exalteot. Forhas, lit. Altius touda. 1 nina at a higher object. Kiulsob, lit. Amat victoria curam. Victory laces care. Clark, ht. Clerk, Bt. Avito neat honoro, lieflossrishes seith aocesls’nlhacsoar. Sato Amtcus omico. Frieostly to afrieod. Sollinghans, St. Ama. flare. Sueclouch, S. Ama ut iovonio. flare ass Ijisost. Porrott, St. Anchor, fast anchor. Gray, B. Aoschara aelutis. The anchor of hope. OLoghlosc, St. Animis et fato. To courage aast Is fate. Throipland, St. Anmmo at dde. By courage aostfaith. Gntlfard, K. 1295 Hantly, M. Smith-Gordon, St. Animoos noss slofictt quns. A just asiad is soot scasotisog. Willoughby Do Eresby, B. Autiqucom obtinens. Pssscssisg aseti5aity. Sngot, B. Shakerby, St. Aperto vivore voto. To lire scithotat a seish cancealcsl. Aylae— ford, B. Ap Ithol. Wosthury, S. Appotitus rattont paroat. (Cicero, Be Officits.) Let desire obey sesisoss. Fitzwtlbiam, K. Aquila nou copit muscas, cc Aquila non captat muscae. A proverb from tha Graek, Aevoc osc Oe[pevcres rdrj.suac. Theeagleeatchesnstftics. Bullor, St. Churaton, B. Graves, B. Wodderburn. St. Stcalo, Bt. Arsue tuentur paesm. Anus ps’stect pence. Fowke, Ft. Artibas et armis. By arts and sims. Elton, St. Ascendom. I seill rise. Kennawoy, Ft. Aspiro. f aspire. Ramsey, lit. tight. Lindsay, lit. Nor sun nor moon they need, nar day nor night: God is their temple, and the Lomb their light. Heber’s Fakstioe; and see A jsescatypse, xxi. 22. At spas infrarta. Bat hspe is uabrolecss. Diek-Cnnynglsans, SI. Hope, St. An bow droit. Ta the jast right. Loeonfiold, B. Aa plaisir fart do lieu. At the mighty will of Gad. Maccut Edgocnmbo, E. Sssekinghamshirc, K. Lubbock, St. Assdaceo lortonajuvai. A proverb need by Cicero, franc Aecias. Fsrtssso aids the betel. King, St. Forntsr, lit. Audocter at oportb. Boldly aced spealg. Stroihedee, B. Andooter et stucco-b. Baldly asset sisoceroig. Powis, E. Andooter et strenuc. Boldly asset otressaously. Pollak, St. Pollock, St. Auspice Chrisro. Christ boissg gsside. Davia, St. Aospicium nselisrts vi. A pledge qf bettor tiosses, St. AThens, D. Aosxiltam oh alto. Hetpfrasss set high. Clsnbrcck, S. Dilloss, St. Martin, St. Aaxslium snenm a Domsns. Psalm cxxv. 2. Alp help frssss the Lss’d. llsstyn, Ft. Avanoez. Adrance. Mill, V. Avant. Forward. Ssrbos, Bt. Art numerontur ovorum. Virg. Georg. lib. iv. v. 209. A lassg lisee of asocestsrs as’e escscssseratest. Grantloy, F. “Thefortune of the famtby remains: And grandsiros’ grandeiras the long list contains.” Bs’ysleo. H Wisorocliffo, S. Stuart do Docios, S. A vyuo Dow dcrvid. What Gad hasce’illed, will bc eccssssplishccl. Edwardos, Bt. - Aymea bsyoalti. Lsme loyalty. Clevelano, D. Aymez Isyassisi. Lose Isgalty. Winchester, hi. Ssltoa, S. Aziucourt. Weller, St. Senses. Gough, V.