Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/595

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MOTTOES TRANSLATED, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Dens, potrto, rex. lily Cad, my country, try kiag. Phillips, Pt. Pare, fssc. Sprak, sb, (i.e. eta arhat you aay). Pairfaa,P.. Mt. Pens prosperset justos. Cost praop”rs the Jo ct HeattscOte, B Fart q’sm sentiat. Ta say as’hat hr essay thtssb. Cmntserd, F. Dens pravistcbit. God aelttprocistc. Prideasax, Pt. Barton, Bt. Dens protector meets. Cast my pratsetor. Humphery, lit. Dens protector nosier. Cost ourprots steer. Emoreon-Tennsnt, Bt. Pius mu disuthaioh—eqnivolent to “ProDeo ot patrta” For Gad ens! cotsotry. Maciseozie, itt. Mien aree none. Cost with u.s. Berkeley, F. Dieu aysle! Cost hetp! Moontmorroo, V. l”rankfort do Montsnoroney, Fax ezesetis heseestm gloria. Glory ss ths ,sie’sbratesl of a stable V. Dieu ayde ate premier Ctsrsitten, Cost help the Past mantis isecanstiesm gbarinst laseitesesetst to glee’y is flee fleebraesst thief Chriotiots, was the war ery of ltontmoreney, Cite chief Christian baron. Diets difend Ic strait! Cost strfons! the right! Spencer E. Fssytise bathe no feats. Myanalt, Pt. Churchill, B. Dien eel ma recite. Gust is ety rock., lit MIEn ET stun IOROIT. Gun AND t,tY Inane. Motto of lice Sovereigns b’eiis densuieta mitts Tho stroked en! to creek. ltsane, Be. of Greet Britain. Diets me eoedaise. Cost yscisie etc. lIayoe, Bt. Dilige pacem. Lore peace. Barlow, Il Piece pati. Leases to cs’_jtbe’. Caenperslewn, B. Diseiplinft, Ode, perseverentlis. By elleriplissc, Oddity, astst perseceraetce. Pnrkworth, Bt. Miscue jeastioinns neoniti. Vhg. .En. vi. 0°f. Learn Jcstscc, being astssaeesislscd. Russell, itt. Learn rigleteeneness, and dread tb’ avenging deities.” 0 cysts se Dispanendo me, iten snutando me. By s!lepesitegof me, aset by Pide at amenc. With faith e’ssd lose. lierifard, IL Carden, B!. ehateging tsse. Manchester, P. Pivinigioriarariel Oh! yieryefthediciseeceoetry. Feetcr,Bt. Pido ot tsrtitudino. Byftdnti!y aesd foe’ttteesie. Essex, F. Cex, Bt. Pa it witis thy neigitt. Baxten, Bt. Penn yita, qototh D’Oyiii. D’Oyiy, Bt. Da or die. Meagiaa, Bt. Pee well and doubt net. Biaiaieton, sit. Brute, Pt. Dominate dedit. The Lsarst tao pirco. Poetries, B. Paminue praridebit. Genesis, chap. xxii. var. S. The Lets! ott!! Psda sed cut side, lies cc easflstease, bee! ace wall its aslsaao these preeide. Glasgow, F. Domain asetiqetaus resiietegrara. Te ceetare ats assctcstl haeec. Pistol eettcnla eraa. The cease is the tee! affaith. Maker, Mt. Hepburn, Pt. Dread Gas!. Hence, itt. Seuthesk, E. Gordon, Pt. Pread sisame. Leigisian, Bt. Pratt et avant. Ret!ht aesiforscrerd. Sydney, V. Droll et loyal Poet an’i loyal. tianttngfleid, P. Ducit amer patri. The lore of cataeotcy teasts. PieBips, Be. Palce quad utile. JJ7soi ie earful ie agreeable. Strange, Bt. Dulcis aener patrim. The tact efcesssstry it escret. b’itswygram, Pidelia et andax. Fesithfri reuse! s!csniesg. Paloiugton, Mt. Bt. Paletas ex aaperie. Fleaseststecfcoas the sttfflcset!y. Pergtessan, Be. Pidam pant intagritaa. Isetege’ity pnasleeesth gsas!faith. ICa), Ml. Mum spire spera. While 1 breathe, I hepe. Diiian, V. Cotter, Pidea et Jastitia. Faith atedfuaise. Webetee, Mt. Ft. Spearatan, Mt. itoare, Mt. Thempeon, lit. Corbel, Be. Pides prabala canonat. Tried faith craa’nso. Campbell, Ml. Palwartla, Mum eteta vigiio. White Istassd, I ecaich. Gorden, Be. Mum viva spore. While I tire, Itepc. Itenteeb, Be. Dnw an bendittsta. Cast critic en. Pcyse, Mt. E’en do bale spair uaeht. Base eta, steed space teat. Macgregor, Bt. Fight. Rusdyn, F. Sinclair, B. Fifisarasen. Iflasscish. Cairns, P. El honor as mi guia. B’onottt’ is step gsside. Loasada, P. do. Eu Mien net man aspirance. Ia Cad is my hope. Gerard, Ut. En Mien eel men espotc. Ia Cad ia ray hope. Smith, Pt. En Mien eeL tent. Alt is in Oar!. St. Agaea, Isiarekesa. Ensa at anisne Wiih eteerd anef resetetiate. Grant, Mt. Endnre fart. .kssdeoe’e bcrecely. Crawford and Bateasrse, E. En grOan aBle. Oa peace dcpcnsl. Cardigan, F. En Ia case Ja fauna. I floureoh iso the case. Richmond, P. Pirmior quo parattor. The ueone pnepsee’ed the sseas’e pcwesfu!. Mast, Mt. En saivant Ia vdnitt. IsefeMawieg traeth. Pertsmaetth, F. Errantialumina fallout. Waeedecissg rtsses starrier. Kiunaird, F. Firmum in vGa nihil. Eaihieey is otab!e tee life. Bunbesny, ML Ereetus non alatua. Exalted, teat elates!. Meaesenant, Pt. Eepdranea. liepe. Wallace, Mt. Espdcanee en Dice. lOupe ice Gas!. Narttanteebenland, P. Pailow me. Breadalbano, F. Caeepboli, Mt. Iir!apac.—”New, Esperanoat Percy, and eat an!” Shakespeare, Parts at fidbls. Bold aaetfaithfset. Talbet ds hlulahida, M. Bosayan Tug. Zattant, F. Pandas, Mt. Ease qemm vif art. Resther to be thats to appear. Letrgan, B Wtnterton, F. Benham, Crate, St. Paul, Beevey, Des. EeL euneardia fcatrum. It iran o ilicsseee afbra!hcss. Jtrawui, Mt. Partsm pasra aninaum. Juvonal, Sat. x. v. 10. Wish foe’ a Fsta qund essa vidaria. Be ache! than ssasssect ta be. Sondas, B. Watson, Mt. Eats sal testis. La! the sate be a acitaseas. Tycwhtt, Mt. El deesos cc pretinen Facet. Bath the arsaaeseent seeset rearrest! of dtstagcity. Gcafton, P. Southampton, B Ft mea mastic edt. lily harvest atsa arilt artdre. Danny, Bt. Ft nan quoqian tnla sparsimus. Asset we taa haa’e ssa!tesod attn Javelina. hastings, It. Ft vitam impandera vera. Jnvenal, Sat. vt. eec. SI. Ta rest Fortes fartuna juvat, see Tersnee, Pltonmin. Act I. so. 4. Far!eene even life tepees truth. Holland, B. Exeitani nan hehescera. Ta be aaeisaatee!, tsat to becatsse issac!ice. Walsinglsasn, B. Fxegl. I hare neratapGohrr!. Lees, Mt. Fa fda fartis. Strong !hnaugh faith. Peanehamp, F. Expertas fidaiem. Tried, andfnesesstfaithfat. Lewis, Mt. Expugnavi. lhazefaaght. Pallok, Mt. Patio tenus. Up Ia the snack. Title translation, for want of a Pdrei non iguava. Ta the eaee’gehtn, eeo! !s tOe istle. Lycll, Mt. batter, has boon adapted by tIes family. Wiesbar, Itt. Taira mon davoir. Ta do eny duty. Fasten, F. Faire sans dine. Ta eta aeithaut tattoop. llc]sester, F. Famam extandera faatis. Ta extesset faeeue by deeste. Gatway, Portis, sijurafentia. Slnntsg, ifsh’oeeg tee tight. Stnckanstrhm, Mt. V. Virgil (Sin. vi. ver. 806) has, Vtrtutem extseedera faetis. Pamilias firmat pietas. .Datneshe ztr!sse atceteytheess fasesilies. Fereis sub facto fatiscet. The o!raeugecean cr111 yield lathe ste’atsg. Wardlaw, Mt. 1297 horace, Bp. lib. I., ep. 4. Tacit. (that. ii5s. i.. cap. I), says, UPs santira qusa velis, et qetsa sontias dieare here. Witis sense and clear oxpreasian blt’st.”—Fs’aeoeis. Pasta wiilseot frauda. Breaka, Bt. Faisgis st boilagle. Cterse’ the tray. Geesgis, V. eseteest. k’erbes, Mt. a/the seems!. Granard, F. b’ear Gad in life. Somerville, Ii. Pear an transgrsss. C!onteseil, Ft. Perot ad astra virtues. Viscose anti hens’ tu!he skins. Feilatt, Bi. Porte romita. The aerae’d oey casseyassiatu. Mordssnni, tit. Force non gladio. By iroo, seat by the award. Guest, Pt. Pestina Inner. Hesotrss feu’sessrs! anith sreeotioee. Piugali, B. Pieseslsrt, Deeuaany, t.otetle, 11., ansi Itisewise as a Jou—daseats, by ihe Oteatew fanaily. ‘tiesenatta tenses from a Greek proverb, 2snc8e $pu&a&e, or from Sophocles, povasv 7U no Tstxssc unto autsXett. Pey a Odalgia (Spaniale(. Faith utsstfldeliiy. Sisallay, Bt. Fiat Dci valuntas. Gad’s sell! be dasse. B eredyttt, Pt. Pide ot SdaoiS. ll’ith faith sss,sl trsst!, ilarssago, lit. blasebery, B. Pede et laharr. lititts fouls steed l’stasee’. Jounsr, Bt. Fida at virtate. l’hroseyh fesi!h essesl rie’tue. Gaaete, Ill. Giadatanc, Mt. Pita porta, Ode aneta. By grad faith abtaiseed, by gaad faith isecrrsard. llackazzio, Mt. yetascst it. Aatlay, Mt. Jersey, F. Claranden, B. Pedeittas. Fidelity. Sinclair, Mt. Pidilttt sat do Pious. Fistrlity is af Cost. Pawcrseeoert, V. Pideliter. Faith/’etily. CsmIiMs, Pt. itavaleck, Mt Pedeiiter et diitganisr. Fetithfeehy ens! diligseetty. Graltam, Mb. Pidebi carts. monees. Fee’ the eaess!ass! a eerlaieo retcard. honey, F. M. Pidas eamctt. Fss!th setfflrs!h. Haikott, Mt. Halkstt, Macan. bidess at aoudax. Faithful resect bold. Siade, Mt. Lissuore, V. Pie! perb deediehado. Faithfesi t’eaesyh utsfar!aeaso!e. hanbarotegh, P. Poem resptee. Look to the ens!. Macobey, F. Ptstia onnonat npas. The enst crawns the work. Malesr, Mt. Pirm. Maid, Pt. Stair, F. Matrympie, Mt. Walsh, Mt. Pal nympla-Hay , Mt. Fipletuatasae, Mt. Pinun en fri. Firsa its faith. Citielsestar, Mt. Pirm La my trust. Glyu, Mt. Pirm, vigtiant, acttva. Mnocaetcr, B. Selkirk, F. Pirmitas in ewla. Stability iss hearses. SI. George, Mt. Macti non frangi. To be bent, seat to be brokees. Paisnsrstnn, V. Plorsat maJaataa. Let nersJestyflossnieh. Ms’oem, lit. Pans et arign. Thefaasuetain aced seesree. La Fontaine, Mt. Forget net. Campbell, Mt. Tests aceeensn talus ducam. A stracsg ban-lee is the sn,t’eguard of the trades’s. Fertescesa, F. Cirrmt,nt, it. Pen an axplanation at this matte, ass Itnoags at h’artasenn. s!e’aag sseiusl. Saye and Scm, B. Ceamptan, Mt. “AskGeat to strength sf body suay bs joined That equal blsesiug, sasity at miud.”—Ds’. Badhaesn. “Pourfartis tiay forvoars for a healthhul mind, Gbadient passions, and a will reaign’d.”—Br. Jahessous. “Letpsare na’or leave ms, nan my heart graar cold, Whilst life and sanity nra mine to hnld.”—Btosaefiejs!. aidstheonlaneas. Mtoemfle!d, It. Dickeae,Pt. PleunarIsaeatt, Bt. “Fortuneth’ audacious datleJesrane, Mest late the bimidnue mtseanny.”—Hesdib ran. Psrti at fidoti nhleut ditBciio. Ta the balsl need persra’ering enact aeathteeg is disent!. Idenskanry, It. Portia aadera, eedsro non patsat. l’he braze aunts sssay fall, but rnsensat yield. Mroglsada, It. Moana, Mt. Pontes at fidatis Stroap ausd frsi!hfssi, DAlton, Count. Pitagerald, bit. Mabeek, M. ds. Tortitar et fsdetiter. Baldly ssussfaithftel!y. Orsnmnrs, II. 40