Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/6

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LOR good, Rut, of Nunwick, Northumberland, and by icr (who ,t. 5 June, 1797) loft issue, I. CITARLES. his heir. 11, WILLIAM, 9th baronet. III. .00110-LAMOToS’, 19th baronet. 1. Istbella,rn. 25 N’ ‘v,is]] to T. -K. Ileadlam, M.D., of His lordship is heir pfoaumpbve tn use Earldom of Naweaotle-on-Tyoo, and if. 14 May, 1030. II, Anni’-Eliza, ci. I Nor. loGs. III. llenriotta. Sir William so. Sndly, 5 Nov. 1799, FranceS, dan. and sole Tun Heo. RonnoT-Enwann Kion (2nd sen of Robert, heir of Fmucie Campart, Eoq. of Kensington, by whom be 2nd Earl of Kingston), 0. 12 Aug. 1770, was created a Peer loft i’scIe, 1. llears’-J,ames, an officer 4th rcgt., 0. in 1901 ; and d. in t,OI1TON, 10 May, 1906. His lordship rn, 9 Doe. 1799, his ls’Sl. I ]‘rauccs-’,’sre icc, lot, in 1029, to William-floury Ord, lot Earl of Rosoc, and by her (who ci. 7 Oct. 1041) hod issue, i-act unit’ 5,’n cit William Ord, Esq. 0] Whilfield ball. I’orthn,nf,ei’land aud Sadly, if Oct. 1931, ti Sir Edward lllaekc’t I, hart. It. Carotaico. III Emily, ccc. to Charies.P,aeoo Grey, Keg. of Styford, Northumberland, ssno ci. I Sept. 1593. Sir William ,t. 19 flee. 1009, and was e. l’s’ ins eldest son, V. Sir. On-soiLs, 0. 19 Xpril, 1779; svho rn. Di tune, 1990, Elieaheth, only dan. of Vincent Comport, of Turnham Green, lii iddlooex, and had issue, WILLIAM, 9th baronet. CoAnLes-VINCE1eT, Otto baronet. HENoc-CI,auno, 9th baronet. Joabeila-Elieabeth, a. 1t1 Nov. 1029, to the Rev. John Bell, vicar of Rothwell, Wit, of Yorkshire, brother ofllatthew Belt, Esq., 31 I’. for Northumberland, slid has issue. Sir Charles it. 19 tan. 1931, and woos. by his son, VI. Son WILLIAM, 9. 0 April, 1001, at whose decease, ‘0, Elsinaro, in Denmark, 19 Clay, 1040, the title devolved on his brother, VIt. SIR CnanLes-VINeEIST, t. 20 July, 1007, who 9. oosi. 19 Aug. 1010. an’] was o. by his brother, VIII. Sm Hea’ov-CLAUnE, 0. 4 April, 1012 who 0. teorn. 4 Jan. 1011. and woo e. by his uncle, 1K. SiR WILlIAM, 0. 10 Oct. lISa; who d. noel. 1 March, 1071, and was .c, by his brother, K. Soa Jous-L.ssievoso, 0. Xii Jnty, 1701 ; who so. 21 Feb. 1031, Carolioo-loaholla, oldest dan. of the Rca’. Frederick Lord Leo-ton, srlie wan a gonersl officer, and also lord-lient. Ekins, rector of ilorpeth, and left issue, 1. I,astnrno, prooentharonet. 11. Woousao’tcuaoo.os, late an officer in the Indian navy, I. 2-’. March, 1041. LII. Froderick’Ekins-Blakeney, heat, R.lL.t , 0. 3 Aug. 1042. ilexter hand, eenped at the srrist and erect, arg.; a crescent for s. Janetta-Ilannah, cc, 29 Sept. 1060, to Riehard-Iiridgman difference, Barrow, Esq. of Sydnpe halt, LI ‘rhyshire.II. isabella-Jane, is. 9 Apr11. 1061, Ia the ltov..JohnBarrett tltfrd ai,d fourtht fingers t:orned desvn, arg., charged ss’ith a hein,ard, of Fanlo, Salop. Lear LeONARD, crescent, gu., for difference. Dart III. Clara-Fredcrica,oe, 6Nov. 1092, to Sir Andrea’ Fairbairo, lug a Punch of roses, phcr., for Fassoas, Esq. of Weodsley ilotise, Leech, son of the lab Sir Peter Fairbairn. Sir Jsbn-Lambtoo Loraine 4. 11 July, 1022, and w,i.s e. by crowned, or, ct]arged on the chest o’itb a e005eenI, for differenec. hio eldeot o in, Sm I, saleTtca.Lo mINE, the 11th and present 1 coronet. C,’eatio,c—2f Sept. 1904. A i’cc’e—Arg.. five lozenges conjoined in pole, at,, in the dexter chief point, an esraeheccs of] Ice last, Cisc—A palao tree, fipr., haoging to ihe dexter side thereof; by a hell, no., an eseolelieea, as. ifollo—1,anro eciitn,’1ne resurge. LORN, )[.tnqs’nss, ore AItoYLL, DUKE. 1 0 T I. RODEnT, 0. 10 Oct. 1011 01. 10 July, 1014, Angnsta, dan, of the late lord Femplemore. and has a don. I. Fmnees,rn. 10 Jnly, 1802, toJ..W.Waebnrtnn,ESq.. son of the Very Rev. William Woo-burton, dean of Elpbin. Kingston. Lt]lc1gc. See that of the EA0L OF KlNosTore, of Ireland as Boron BreD, in 1000, and svas made ‘VIOCOUOITmitsui, Lady Fnsneoo Parsons, dan. and heir of Laurence, L 0 T H IAN. Iab fl(1 ADVc LOTIOI AN, MAOQUERS OF (William - Sohom-borg. Robert Kerr), Earl of Anerum and Earl of Lothion, Ytseonot of Briene, Baron Newbottle, and Baron Jodhurgh, in f;be peerage of Scotland; Boron Kerr, of Rorrahengh, co. lioxbnrgh, in tloe peeroge of the United Kingdom ; 6. 12 Aug. 1-812 so, 12 Ang. 1857. Lady Constance ‘Talbot,don, of the 18th Earl cF Shrewsbnry; o. as 8th marqnoee, at the decease of his father, 71 Nov. 1841. JlInragc. Two families of Kerr, of Angle-Norman lineage, descended, of Boyle, co. Roocontmoit, its the peorago of Irolatul, it is said, freon to-c brothero, settled in Scotland in the 13th 6. 17 July, 1804; oc. 7 Dec. lS2fi, Anne, dao, of Sii eentnry, and neither yielding superiority to the ether, I. lhosno’r, ‘resentpeer. Ii. l.anresce-llarucas, wiso tech use additional surososo of llAocoae, in 1639, on ioheriling the great Ken-castle eslate, in the cenety of Lccsgfsrd, fr,nn his grandniotlter, the Countess of Boise. lIe was 0. in 1010: sod si, t7 May. 1017, IlnryCecilia, 71h dan. of lbs lale Jauces-llayosend Joimotone, 80g. of aUra, es. Cl,iekmannan. and hiss had, 1 Edv’ard.lietcert, late tient, Gilhi rifles, 9. 3 April, 1030; i,. 20 ,toc. 1861, Emma-Frances, i oangesl dan, of Sir W’ifliaon Wernley. lX:crt., and has had, Lassrenee-Wilhsns, t. 23 Key, 1000: Franeee- Agnes; and Violet-t’hllodelphia, d. do May, 1067. 2 Weiitsoorlh, heal, BA., ii. 27 llamli, l04Q, to. and loss issue. 3 llontovu-Jeeelyn, 0. 2 March, 1043, 4 George-Douglas, en sHeer 2nd regt., 0. in, Sept. 1041. 9 (‘harleo-_ thony, 0. 26 April, 1031, o tlersld.Lyridas, t. 21 June, 1093. I Franceo. 2 Emily, d. 29 Oct. 1940. a. Jane, rio. 19 July, 1924, to Anthony Lefo-oy, Log. of Nose’ castle, eo. Longford, lIP,, I.L,t)., eldest son of the Bight lion, T.-L. Lefroy, Isle Lord Chief Josltce of Ireland, and it, I Lice. 1808, ii, Caroline, co, 23 itareh, 1527, to Sir Esbert Gore-Booth, ltart.; and 0. 13 Jan. 1020, ot. Frances, cci. 0 April, 1834, to lbs Rev. Charles Leslie, virar-gen. of Ardagh, son of the Bishop of Kflmoro; and d. 20 Joly, 1833, iv. Loolca, ci. usa, 1531. and enotos i’stnlossam of the co. of Rescemmen, and fOlO.iaOl of the Roscommon militia. 0. 20 Nov. 1014. C,’eol,ocis—garen, 1900. Viseotmt, 30 May, 1009. A isis—Ga., tss’e liooio, ran;1csnt —combatant,suppertiog a FicaI C,eat—Ont of a duesh eorenet, or, a hand, erect, tte des ,,ci C,’eol—tbat of a due_al eorooel, sr, an arm, erect, ‘bold-Sopps’iero—Fsrs lions, 11cr feose, erg. and gia., dueat,ly ,JJstls—Saces listioslina ewlis, deot—F.sekingliam house, co hloscsnouon, L 0 R T 0 N. Lottboa, VlocooyT (Robert King). and Baron Erri ltubert.Neweotosou Gore-Booth, Dart., and has, 708