Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/605

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SEATS AND MANSIONS OF PEERS AND BARONETS Baron’s Court, Newton Stenart, Ireland Abas’cern, B. Baron Hi’l, near Beanmacis Barra, Aberdecuslzire Barron Convt, cc. W’aterford Barrington Park, Glouresterelsira Barroek I louse, Cailhnese Barrogill Castle, Caitlinese Barskinnning, CO. Jyr Barton, Bury St. E,1mnnds,Suflolk Barton Seagrave, Narthaniptuoshire Bath House, Pieraditly Batsford Perk, Gloueestrrel,iru Battle Abbey, Sussex Battlesden Purl,, lie,lfsrdshirr Bayham Park, Lasnbrrhurst, Sa’sux Baylis, hacks Boeuchamp, tray, ru. Dublin Beaudesert, Lirlslield, .Stafforslsluro Buassfort Castle, Inverness Beauliru, lI:snts Beaumont Lry’s, Leiresler Boaulsorl, hal II,, Sassex Beeslssyo,sd Heuse, Ys’alnsplen, Devoss... Session, II. Beuelswoosl, rsanstaulo, hlerls Boeclssronsl, 3lisl-Letlnen Bseclswoed P,uk, co. Tipperary Beckett, b’arringdon, Brrks Beeslnu St. 14555 i’Onee, Norfolk Betas hall, It il,lare Belhns, Avrlry, Essex Bell Ca up, ea. Dublin Bellarena, Co. Loss’lsnderrv Ileilfield, Dorsef lions Isle, cc. Tipperary Belle Viesr, Nathan Belinadothy House, near Hsuuleclsy. Bossliire Belmunt CaslIe, Pertlsuhiru Belmont, user Faverslsaus, Kent Belissent Ledge, Wercosterslsire Belsay Castle, Nerthisushorlansi Belswardyno, near Slsrowsbury Belton house, Granthain, Lioeehnshire Browotuw, K. Bels’oir Castle, Letceslershiro Bolvoir Park, Downshire Benaero lIaB, Suffolk ... , Berkeley Castle, Glssscestershire Berksvcell Hell, Wanetckslstre Berrissgten. Leensinster, hterefordshire Bednoy. B. Bessboroisgh House, oe. Kilkenny Besford Court, Worcestersisire Bettcshanger, near Sandwiels, Kent Bettisdojd Park, cc. ytint Beverley Hense,Terento, Upper Canada Robinson, Bert. Busosoy tiall, Lsnca’htro Bibary Itouse, Glencestershire Billioghear, Wekiughasu, Bcrks Pious Iloose, Ltnlttlsgowslstre Birdiugbssro Hall, Rugby, Warsviekslsire Biddulph, Barl. Birdeehl Ilall, Yerkshieo Birds Ball, h.asseaslsire Biok blat], Ballater, Scotland Birting Manor, 3taislslene, Kent Birr Castle, Parsonstossm, King’s Cs. Bishops A,soklaed, cc. Durham Bishop’s Court, Neas Htshops Court, Isle of 3lan Eishepsthorpe Palace, near York Bishopstess-e, Torqnay Blaclsford, Ivy-Brtdge, Devon Blackaddor House, Chimside, Becsvicksh. Houston, Ban. Blackheatls, Kent Blegden itense, Northnmberlassd Blair Cartle, Blair Atlsele, Perthshire... Athole, B. Blairqnhan Castle, Ayrshsre Blanufleld, Ayrslsire B]eynsy Castle, Ireland Blcndworth Lodge, Horndoan, Hants. Blenheim, Oxfordslstre Bletclsingten Path, Oxfsrdahire Buckling Hall, Norfolk Bhiththeld House, Staffordshire Blofield, ee. Norfolk Blanlsam Bon’e, St. Neot’s, Beds. Ihoath, near Asoldeem, cc. Maim Bedolssyddan, Flinlshhre Bodfuch, Islontgerneryshiro Bulam Hsusc,Morpetls, Northumberland Decies, B. Botsover Castle, no. Booby Bolten Abbey, Yorkshire lIchen flaB, Leybssrn, Yos’kslsire Belten Ledge, nr. Tadoastee, Torkslsiro Milner, Bert. Bennington llouse, Lenarkshire Beokisam Grove, Surrey Bordwsed, Jsle of Viglst Borchans House, Essex Boscombe Lodge, Christclserch, Hants. SheBey, Bert. Beswertls Park, htinckley, Leicessersls Botlsal Castle, Nerchnmhcrlsnd Botlsenhampton, Doeset 1307 Willisssns ltalkelcy,Bt hiossn les Isss’h, lteot Iteid, Ilart. Banns, llas’t. Dynovor, It. Sinclair, Dart. Caillsuess, hi. Miller, llsLrr. I lissshary, Dart. lleod,V. itslil,sss’lon, B. I loslos’hslc, II. Cleveland, I). Taracr, llas’i. Cesnilca, 31. Leeds. 1) Sterner, Bare. Aoglesc, H. Level, 11. Bucelcucls, D. Iticketts, llas’t. Lamls, hart. S’,lliriglst, Barl. 1 andes, hart. Osborne, Itert. lterriugtsu, V l’i’eel,,a, Bail. .t’dloressgls, E. I .oanssrd, Bert. Jcrvis, Bart. Iteygato, Bait. Bextuss, Bart. Avunsuere, Cressloy, Itarl. Mackenate, Bssrl. Wharneliffo, B. harris, B. Filosrygram, Bad. Mooch, Bert. Itarnage, Ban. Rutland, 15. Batessn, Ilarl. Gsoch, Bert. Fitoltardinge, B. Wi]uset, Bait. Bcssbormsghi, K. Sedbniglsl. Bail. James, Dart. Ihausnes’, Bart. Lilford, B. Siserborne, B. Braybs’eoke, B. I selyelI, Bert. Middloton, B. Auson, Bert. Clark, Bert. Alirrgaveunv, U. Ilosse, B. Derl’am, By. Cleomell, B. Soder end Mars, B1’. York, As’clsbp. Exeter, Bp. Rogers, Bert. Dartmouth, K. BirBey, Bert. Blair, Burr. Diane, Bert. Bleyoe. B Knit’htoo, Bert. Merlborengls, D. Velentie, V. Lothieo, 151 Begot, B. Bell, Bare. Peyuo, Bert. Isnobar of Iioeth,Burr. C.susho, Fifoolsire Williams, Bern itlostyn, B. Portland, B. Devonshire, P. Bolton, B. Bess, Ben. Downe, V. Stirling, Bert Tyrehl, Bert Dixie, Best. Portland, D. Nepeen, Bert. Ihoaltibrouk, llerefes’slshsire hisssss’ss I till, Ceylon, Parish aidpeslsire Iluenloss College, SI, rs,pslsire lhenriun lississo, co. Sllssurs’u’er hieughboa, Norbhsasuphisushiro hhosers, siren Sossiligale floss hill, Solkirkslsiro hho,,’ood ParIs, Wills hloynton, Yorkshire I loyle Farm, ‘l’lsemesDihisis, Surrey l.reesuurr Lodge, Ceitlsor se hlrssilrs, B’ensriek llramshesss, XVibherhy, Yorkshs hireosulsill P,srk, I lenIn flosses 01 eli, CuslIr, 00. Dorlseuu hhs’andun I’ssrk, Ss,ff,,lk bhnaoelses Park, Ness’ssserket his’essvh,,lsu, ltuxhusnghshsis’o Itreyten, Csssnh,or]essd htreasnore I lossue, ll,sots. bls’oehin Castle’, Forfeosisire lireedles Ihall, Nosfisik hlrell,y lIssil, Berhiyuhsire blridgsvsstos’ blouse, Cleveland Sqnes’e, SI. James’s Breadleisds, Ramsey, Mauls hInuclslcsby burl,, Liueelnslsire llnoshck Ceetle, Iholeslsire hirooss s’,h,l, Ca. Carstigao, neer ‘Csus.s’— sisrsrllsen thressno House, Ceulerlasny, Kent Breasssn Perk, Betehswssrths. Surrey flroonihsall, Fifeohire Breosss Itall, Midshlusex Bnssme lId], Seole, SssFolk tlroosnham Perk, Snssex Broe,ssswsed, Clepiseas, Seer)’ Bronsiden, Yarlsehino hlroko hill, nr. lpswieh, Suffolk Bnuesgh Ilall, neer Cssllcniels, Yorisuhsiro Lasvson, Bent, hlroughlon Castle, near Ilssnbury. Dxou kayo end Sele, B. Krsugluam, t’enritk, Weshsnurlaud llrssughlon Ilell, Steffordslsire hiross’nhuss’ etu,sse, Lssrgeu, ro. Arsssegls blrexmoislh, tled,hissgionulsire lirunslatls Ilause Boisrnusnoullu, lbesuls Damville, tiart. Brisniafield ltessso, Esli,slsiss’ghislsire lhryeastun, near Blandferd Ihossse, Slirhiugslnre hisselsden, noun Skh1ston, Yorkshire llucl,lsssrsf Park, Bssst Gninulcod, Sssssex Liolesvarr, B. Bssolsiughem Polace Bucklasid, Farringdeu, Berks llssekIand Aldsoy, Devon hI,sel,sniuuter Park, Leieostershiine Bsslshrode Park, ‘Iererd’sCross, Bucks Burgh hell, Lineohushsire Burgh St. Petor’s, Norfolk Bisrghhey, near Stamford Burr’s Weed, Grosssbnidge, Kent Iloruhem House, Dingle, Co. Kerry Borston, Norfolk Bss”foo-Agnes, Beidlioglon, Yorkslsiro Bsn’teu Ceostable, Yorkshire Burtoss htssll, near Lincoln Bsnsvarton IIaB, near Ludlow, Setup Bssrwood House, Walton - on’ Tissanses, Fs’edos’iek, Barl. Sssnroy Bssshy Peel,, en. Dublin hlushsy Pork, Wicklesv Bsitlerteo Ball, Staffordshire Ilyged’s Hall, Essex Bymom HuB, Fennybnidgu, Yorkshire Cubna House, cc. Dublin (‘edaraig, Cesile Newu, Ahordeonshsioe Forbes, B.,nl. Cadsrelh, Devon (‘a”n Wood, Hempstead, Midillesex Calsir-Guillamone, do. Lisoenick Cahirmono, en. Cork Csshdee House, hlid-Culdem,ns’. Kdioburgh ‘l’onphioisen,B Culdenvood Castle, Laounkshire Cause Abbey, Derbyshsire t’ansftehd Piers, Merle Cusnpdoo Itunse, Gheoroeteruhsiee Cessuiuerdosvn, Foefarslsine Cenferd Manor, Wimborne, cc. Dorset Cessoes, Dep do Van, Presence, Soul1s ttneughsesn, B. of France Ceooiugstowo. on. Caven Cenonteign, Chsusdleighs, Devon Cenous-Ashhy, Daveutry, Nertlsptensls. Bryden, Fart. Cunsvofl MoB, Stnfforduhis’e Capheeton, Northumberland Cappoquin blouse, oo. tVelcnford Caress, co. [,ioseriek Curbemny T’er, ihhos’elbuoghs Carclesv, Penr)’o, Comwell Bns dgrs, P,,rI. hiershou, Port. Del:s’eemm, I.. Wosshi,ek, It. Beul oft ‘oleullu,Bait. Iluccletsels, 15. ‘I’rurv,11. B’scelourls, rs. Laosds,s,au, 31. Clsolosley, hi,srt. St. ].o,,sis,nd’e, B. Jo slnntls, n, Beet. hie’hiiigfeid, Brsrl. Ilcedis I’ It. Cope, Is srI. hlisyssi’. V. lie Itliss, B. l’igsl, hl,srt. Boeolesseh, D. Lasesun, Ples’i. II ,slse, lIon. hbaltoosie, B. Kernisoss, Chart Chesterfield, K. Ellrsmrs’e, B. l’sshssionslun, ‘V’Tail anoughs, B. IlsssssBlosu, H. Lloyd, Best. Oxrodou, B;snl. Brodie, th.irl. Elgiss & Etneardiac, B. ttlsas’nohiffe, B, Ees’rison, Bent. Asisburnisaiss, Bent. l”orhes, Bert. Ceylcy, there. Isneke, Ihiddleton, Bt. his’ossghsans, B. hlrssughton, Bail. Lnngen, 11, lloxbunghe, D Werneuder, Beet. I’onhuiesu, P. Montnose. D. Il.,mod,’n, Bent. The Qnoen ‘I’lsnogssserton,Bssnl. Drake, Bert Dyssrt, K. Sosoenset, B. Creisfus’d, Bunt. Leith, Bent. Exeben, II. Stirling, Bent, Venln>, B. Lake, heeL Boyotso, Bent Constable, Bent. 3looson, B. Boyoo, V. Shs,Lw, Bent. Hosrard, Barl. Pilkingion, Bent. Fii’geoahil, lIen. liemsden, Bani. Nerbary, B. Louis, Bent. ltleoshleld, B GssiIlssissirr, V. dhidleton, V. 2,I,sxsvehl, Bani. Cresre, Kant Bnskina, Bert. Dinisdahe, B. Geiosborough, B. Cssssspenslesmo, B. Coest, Kant. Gervsghs, H. Exmoueh, V. ‘tVooloel,,H. Ssrinbome, Bert. Itesne, lIt Roche, Bunt. Elphineteoe, B. Lauren, Bert