Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/607

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THE PEERS AND BAROETS. Baling Park, Middlesex. Lawrence, Earl. Bartliston House, Worcestershire ... Smith, Bart. 1.309 Dalmahe, Mid-Lotinan I)alsnenv Park, Linlitligowslure Datwicic, Peebleslih-e Danbury Palace, Chelisssford Danby Lodge, Yorkshire lJarnaway, Elginsliire Darnhsall, Peebleshire Dartrey, Rociccorry, no. Monagloan Deal Castle, tent I)ouss’s Court, Wiosbourne, Dcsrsetstsirc Chanwitlians, B. ECals Park, Wansfursi, Noi’thnmptonshiro lianloasis, Iturt. flebden Itoh, Satlron ‘aldou, Essex Delgatv Castle, Aberdeen Delvine, Pertlistoire Denby Grange, Wakefield, Yorkshire Denham Cosut, Bucks fenton Court., Kent Denton Hail, Graisthoan!, Lincoluslsise Desart, co. Ktltteiuiy Dilhorn Hall, Ctseachle, Staffordshire Ihitchtey house, Oxfordstoire Dicham Park, llants Dodetinguon, Carnbridgeshure Dnddington Park, Nsontwichs, Cheshire Dogssersfiekl Park, Hants Donadea Castle, co. itilelaro Ponard Lodge, co. Down Doneraile House, cc. Ceo-k flonibristle Castle, Fifestnre Donniiigton Park, Leicestershiro Donore, cc. Westnsealli Doonass House, Clonlara, co. Clam Doune Castle, Pertlosinre Doveleys, Derbyshire Dover House, Whitehall Doveridge Itoh, T)erbystsire Dowlais House, cc. Glatsoorgan Dawn hall, 1-larlow, Essex Dawn lull, near Celeraine Down House, Dorsetolitre Down House, Lonsloosslerry Downing, Fhintohire Downton I tall, Ludlow, Salop Drakelowe, Burton-on-Trout, Co. Derby Bougliton, Bail. Draycot house, Clsippnham, Welts Draycott Hatt, Freusirigien, Yorkshire Drayton House, Thrapston, co. Northampton Drsyton Manor, near Tamworth Droinana, Co. Walerford. Drousieken Park. Co. Loutli Drosnolund, Co. Clare Dromore Csstlr, Limerick Drove House, Chichoster, Sussex Drumbee Castle, Stranor]ai; Co. Donegat Leconfield, B Drnmc.onara. Ennis, Co. Clare Drumlanrig Castle, 1)urnfriesslsire Druminawiltea, co Antrim Drummond Castle, Pcrthshire Dudingston Ilouse, Portotoohlo, 00. Willossgliby deEresby, Edintjisrgli Dudley house, Park Lane Dull House, BanhYshtr Dufferin Lodge, Higlogate Duffus llouse, near Elgin Duiforch House, Devonststre Dianbar House, East-Lethian Dunbrocly Park, Wexford Duncombe Parts, Yorkshire Dunerub Castle, Sunning, Perthshire Dundalle House, Lout-ti Duudarave, Bushmills, co. Antrim Dundrum, Co. Tipperary Dnndnrm Castle, Canada, West Dunecht Hoisse, Aberdeen Dun Edin, 3lkUottiian Dungannon Park, Co. Tyroae Dunglass, near Dunbar, lladdingdonsh. hall, Earl. Dunham Massey Park, Cheshire Dunira, Co. Perth Diankeld, Perlhshtre Disumore Pack, Fatteivlr, co. Stirling Dunmore House, Co. Galway Dnnnotar, ltncaro1ine Ilunragit, Wigtonshiro Duisrobin Castle, Sutherland Dunsandile, Leugissea, co.Gatssay Dnnsany Castle, co Heath Dunstabte House, Richmond, Surrey Dunstaffisoge Castle, Argyhlshire Dun’s Tew, near Diddington, Oxfordshiro Dashwood, Bait. Duntreatli, Co. Stirling Dnntrileague, Co. Limeotcle Dsspplin Castle, Perlbshire Marrow Abbe)’, Ring’s Co Dynevor Castle, Ijandilo, Sooth Wales IJynevor, B. Dvsatt house, Ftfeshtre MacMalson, Bait. Aclansl, Bart. Fnirtie, Ilart. Grey, BarS. Tyvcchen, B. Faretsain, B, l’o’incliester, Bp. Itumbold, Burl. Gladstone, Ban. Fasque, Laurence Kirk, Ii ineardunoshire Knightley, Burt. Western, Bait. Stronge, Bart. Feilden, Dart. Abeocroinby, Bart. Metcalfe, Bert. Abereromby, B. Forbes, BarS. Slselley, BarS. Leslie, Earl. Threipland,. Dart. Boells, Bait. (iOidoe, Hart. llutieo, flirt. Illonreflore, Part. East Close House, Chinistelusrcli, I louts. Ger-,io, tOast. Gort, V. Downstsire, L Los-obey, K. Asiboy, ttnrt. LecosiSelsi, lb. Soldiers, K. Ilailey, Dart. Chehiueboy, hail. 11 si,silt,oil, I.). J.liscclucti, I). Filiner, Bait. Winrhelsea, F. Jenkinsen, hart. Heath, E. lVestnsinsl,s’r, B. Fortescue, K. LiChficld, B1s. Inoses, liars. Idlnsgrave, Burt. Edermine, ni Enniseortls1-, Co Weafonsi I’o’s-er, Dart. Caithorpe, Tb. Gabriel, ilart, BshinCh]ip l-tossse, Baiquhisisler, h’ertbish. illargregor, Dart. Wauchiope, Bart. Dudley, B Eslwinsfeid, Llanshilo, Cainiartbienslsire Drunsusond, Dart. Witton, B. Portsmouth, E. Every, Earl. Eghinton, It. Bbomcfietci, Part. Anstiutiser, Dart. Ligliton, hlrl. Ellastone, near Aslobourne, Derbyshire Baggerston, Dart. Sosides, B. Guise, Earl. Clartna, Ti. Kilmore, tip. Sloaw, Burt. Rivers, B. Carysfnrt, E. Harrbngton, B. Caithorpe, B. Ely, lii. Ford, Eart. Gordon, Stan. Portnrhissgtnu, B. Pulesten, ilLrS. Elden, K. Bedford, D, Russell, B. Macclesfielsl, B. Slansforsi, E. Abergas-enny, B. Eridge Casthe, Tunhrishgo Wells, Sussex Erskine, co Renfrow Dtantyre, It. Itenuaway, Bait. Wontocic B. Sinythe, Earl. Eshington Panbi, Abnwiclo, Northsuu. Ravcnsworth, B. Glasgow, B Nortlieslo, B. Trolawny, Bait. Europa Point, Canspshen Jliil, Kensington Grafton, D. Talbot de illalahide, B. Herries, B. Astley, Bait. Honywoetl, Bait. St. Paul, Bars. Reid, Ilart. Glyn, Bart. Dssntze, Bart. Gainsbsreugh, B. Palmer, Earl. Morton, B. lloselsery, 11. Nausmytls, ilart. Rochester, Ills. Downe, V. Moray, B. Ehilsaisli, B. Doirtrey, It. Cardigan, B. Vincent,, Bait. Fifc, It. Mackenzie, Burt. Itayc, Jlart. Bowyer, ltosi’t. ilrydges, Burt. Gregory, Bait. Dcsart, K. Duller, Burt. Dillon, V. Limerick, B. Peyton, than. Brougliten, Burt, Mildinay, Bait. Aylnoer, Dart. Annesley, B. Doneraile, V. Moray, F. Hastings, H. Nugent, Dart. Massy, Boon. Moray, B. Ilaywood, liars. Chifden, V. Waterpark, Ii. Guest, Boil. Selwyn, Earl. Bruce, Itart. Smith, hen. Gerry, Ep. Dessbigti, B. Des Vsxux, Earl. hllorntngton, B. Donys, Bail. Win. Bruce, Stopford, Elveitsam, Ilauts Bsq. (see Courtowis, Ely Castle, cc. Feimanaghi Peel, fart. [E) Stuart, B. Clermont, B. Inchiguin, B. Limerick, F. hayes, Bert. O’Loghlen, Dart. Blicclouchi, D. Boyd, Dart. [B. Abercorn, D. Dudley, F. Fife, B. Dsofferin, It. Donhar, BarS. [H. Wahionsi, ohe Vallado, Lassderdosle, B. Templemore. Ii. Fevcrshain, H. Rollo, B. Iloslen, F. Macnagtsten, Earl, Hawaiden, V. Mae Nab, Bare. Crauford, K. Senspill, 13. Ranfsu-ly, B. Stamford, E. Dundas, Dart. Athole, hO. Dunmore, B. Shoe, Bort. Murray, Earl. Hay, Burt. Sutherland, D. Dunsandbe, B. Dunsany, B. Jtssker, Bert. Campbell, Bait. Edmonstone, Earl. Islassy, hi. Kinnosilt, E. Norbury, B. Rosslyn, F. Esrisfield, Co. Stigo Earlsten House, near Kirkcuslhjrigto East Beigtsott Lodge, Ssiffoltc East Chifib lodge, llamsgate East Cowcs Castle, Isle of Ovight East lhanspstead Parto, herbs East I borsle- Park, Ripley, Surrey Eseiteigli Lodge, Wills East Lodge, Briglston, Sussex Eastnor Castle, Sosoersetshirc Easton Court, I-heroforulshis-e Easton halt, Ltneolnshirc Eastou Park, Suffolk East Paito, near Esltnbsiigh Essst Sutton l’hace, Stapleliurst, Kent Eastwelt i’urk, Kent Eastss-oaul house, Gtoneeoterslure Boston Goon, Herefordstura Eaissn hball, neusr Clsestir Ebrtngton, Gloiscesteistsile Eccleslsalt Castle, Stafihrdslibre Edengiglit blouse, Itanltslnie E,lenbsahl, Cumberland I’klgebaston, )Varsriclcsbuire Edgecombe FlaIl, Surrey Edmonstone i-louse, Mid-Lnttuian Ednasn, Ftoxbsirgbishirc Egorton ledge, Molton Hosvbray Eggesforil blouse, Devon F.gginton Halt, near Burton-on-front Eglinton Castle, co Ayr Bgreinont Lodge, Brighton File House, Fifosbutre Blbingham, Northiutnbeibanet Ebmlsans Hall, Norfolk Etsuere Cosirt, Gbouceslerstitre Floss Park, co. Limoricto Ebphsin Ilouse, co Bosconamon Ebthans Lodge, Kent Elttians, Kent Elton hIatt, Stilton, Hnntsngdonslnre Elvaston Castle, Derby Ember Court, Surrey Embo Itosiso, Sutlierlanslolsiro Emo Park, Monaste.ieven, Ireland Emrab, Flintshaire Encosube house, Warelsam, Dorsetsh Endsleigls, Devon Ensisbeigh House, Devon Enshsam Hail, Oxfordslsire Envibbe Halt, Co. Stafford Escot, Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire Escrick Park, Yorksbsine Eslue HahI, Durhans borland Etab, co. Nontlisssnberland EDGe, Angus FissIon Hall, Thetford Evercreech Hossse, Somersetshire Eveninghsam Park, Yorkshire Everleigh Manor, Wihts Evington, Ashford, Kent Ewait Psi-k, Noithuniberbssnd Ewelh Grove, Surrey Ess’ebl, Surrey Exeleiglo Mouse, Stascross, Devon Exton Parbc, Rsitbanclshire Eyarth, Denbighsbairo Facarry hlossse, co. Tyrone Fairfield, Sosisorsetslnne Fats-tie Housse, Ayrshire Falloden, near Ainwiclc Farming Woods, Thrapstone, Northiamp. tonsbsire Farnham, co. Cavan Fanitham Castle, Ssinrey Farrasud, Yorkshire Fawahey, Nortlsamptonshire Felix Hall, Essex Follows Hall, eo. Arinagh Feniseowles Hall, near Blacktoesrn Ferinoy, Ireland Fern Hill, Windsor Fern Tower, Perthshiro Fettercairn House, Kincardsneslssre Fiobd Place, Sussex Findrassie Lodge, Ross-shire Fingask Castle, Errol, Perthuslure